
Caroline Wise and John Wise on the Idaho State Border

We zipped past Salt Lake City early in the morning, entering Idaho before 10:00 a.m.

Caroline Wise at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

By 1:00 p.m., we had reached the Montana Stateline, and fifteen minutes later, we drove through the gates of the world’s first national park – Yellowstone.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

With almost 1000 miles (1564km) behind us, we are ready to start our sixth visit here. This time, we had planned to take in sites unseen on previous visits, so shortly after passing through the front gate, we stopped at the Two Ribbons Trail and took an easy 1.5-mile (2.3km) walk down a boardwalk along the Madison River.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

This is the kind of nature we can get behind…

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

…this kind, not so much.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

A visit to Terrace Springs took only a few minutes.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Hello, Mrs. Elk.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

A little further north, Caroline suggested we check out the Monument Geyser Basin Trail.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Why did I agree? This short but brutal hike took us up the side of a mountain with more than 600 feet (182m) of elevation gain in less than half a mile (800m).

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

We always need a visit to West Thumb…

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

…for a view of the Fishing Cone on the lake and everything else at this southern end of the park’s geysers.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Looking a bit too stormy, so we better head to our magnificent hotel.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

After we checked in at the Old Faithful Inn, it was time for a walk here on the Upper Geyser Basin.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Of course, our walk should be under a beautiful sunset.

Blue Star Geyser at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Blue Star Spring in the Lower Geyser Basin, taken during our after-dinner walk, wasn’t blue at all in the golden-orange light of the sky.

Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Life is good.

Stuck Looking Behind

Rearview mirror looking back at the setting sun

I need to stop staring at the rearview mirror of what I did before this and look forward to what could be said and shown today, tomorrow, and the next day. If you were to ask if I am having a motivation problem posting entries on this John Wise blog thing after more than 800 near consecutive entries, I could only answer – DUH! I love the creative outlet when it is flowing and I don’t much care if I am the only visitor to my site, but sometimes I have to ask myself why I didn’t choose an easier task for a blog, such as the, “Once in a lifetime answer to the reason for our existence” – a simple single entry that serves all of humanity for all time. I’ll post that later this summer.

St. Lawrence Seaway, NY – Day 4

Lillian "Luba" Knezetic and Robert Knezetic of Ozalj, Karlovac, Croatia

If I had to guess, I’d say this is the first portrait of Louisa Priezula and Blasius Knezetic in the United States somewhere near about 1905 after they passed through Ellis Island. My great-grandmother, while known as Luba in her village of Ozalj near Karlovac, Croatia, would become Lillian in America in order to better fit in. Blasius became Robert. Seven years after taking up residence in Buffalo, New York, they started having children, starting with my Uncle Bob and stopping at the seventh child, my Aunt Ann.

It’s a shame that I never dug deep into who my family was as I was too preoccupied with my own travails to be able to take much interest in people who felt distant and foreign, combined with the fact that I’d never know them. Growing older, I now know that I’d like to know more about their story, but those who could share and might have known something are all gone. Keep in mind that while I’m writing the majority of the blog entries from this trip in 2007 based on notes Caroline kept as we drove across the Eastern United States, is now 2020 when I’m finally assembling this. Hindsight is really at work these days: back in 2007, I felt like my family would somehow always be there – wrong.

Before leaving Buffalo, we stopped at Barnes & Noble to pick up a map of the United States, a coffee, and hopefully, something that would detail hiking and bike trails across the Buffalo region. Sadly, that kind of book does not exist.

Our route is moving in reverse of the trip my mom and I took a couple of years ago and so Caroline and I drive this abomination car called Mustang north through Lockport and Newfane up to Olcott Beach on Lake Ontario.

You just knew Caroline had to step into Lake Ontario at the first opportunity. From this point east, we’ll be traveling the Seaway Trail National Scenic Byway.

To some, these may be simple dandelions, but to these two people from the desert of Arizona, they are a field of glorious color.

Thirty Mile Point Lighthouse in Barker, New York, is only about 14 miles up the road from the previous lighthouse, but we are far from suffering from lighthouse fatigue, so we had to visit.

Why we find shoe trees so interesting is kind of strange, considering that this is likely not good for the tree. Either they are nailed to the poor tree, or they hang from the branches, and when the shoes get wet they probably put a lot of stress on it.

Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse was our next major stop along the byway. By the end of this trip, we’ll likely realize this journey to the Eastern United States should have been called the 2007 Lighthouse Tour. I should point out how nice it is to be out here with Caroline to enjoy the luxury of taking in the really important things and not being on a race to the next diner, restaurant, farmers market, ice cream stand, bakery, or winery as I was with my mom back in 2005.

Well, speaking of food. Mom and I stopped here, and I fell in love with the location right on Lake Ontario, so it seemed like a great place to bring Caroline for lunch. We had a Red Plate and a Guppy Plate, which are both haddock but in different portion sizes. Still hungry, I also ordered a Texas Hot. No wonder I’m fat. For those who may not know, a Texas Hot is a charbroiled hot dog with a red chili sauce. It’s a Western New York thing, so now you know. To top it all off, we each had a Birch Beer that might best be described as a kind of root beer.

Visiting Rudy’s Lakeside Drive-In in Oswego, New York. I wonder what kind of idiot is driving that ugly, poorly designed-Mustang out front? Oh yeah, I’m the idiot. I seriously wish we’d exchanged this thing for something else, anything else, even a moped.

Driving along, looking at the fruit trees in bloom, recently plowed fields, and the occasional glimpse of the St. Lawrence Seaway on our left, Caroline and I are attuned with senses on high alert, looking for spots that make us say ‘wow.’ This small streambed with barely an inch of water running over clean bedrock was just one of the moments. On this afternoon, we were traveling northeast on New York Route 12 to its terminus in Morristown, NY, before getting on NY 37. As usual, we passed over the stream and, recognizing the beauty of the location, had to turn around, park the car, and walk out over the bridge to take the shot. If I had a wish, it would be that we were biking this road. It is quiet out here; the occasional scent of flowers and sweet grasses is just dreamy; it’s hard to imagine the harshness of winter that just passed through before us.

There are many waterways, creeks, and streams along the road. Each is photogenic in its own right but we are recognizing that we are now starting to run behind. While our schedule is flexible, we booked rooms for each and every night, so we do have destinations we need to get to, and in some cases, we need to check in well before midnight.

At times, the road couldn’t be any closer to the water, and the flies couldn’t be thicker. I don’t believe we’ve ever encountered thicker clouds of flying insects before being out here. While some of the photos could portray just how bad they were, Photoshop came to the rescue to remove the blurs that added nothing to these photos or our memories.

Tibbetts Point Lighthouse in Cape Vincent, New York at the mouth of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. We are only 100 miles away from Massena, New York, up the seaway, but at our speed, it will be midnight before we arrive. Time to hit the gas.

Amazing photos along the seaway are not here but the memories hopefully travel with us. Dinner was at Bauernstube Restaurant for German food. This is the same place my mom and I had breakfast a couple of years ago. Hmm, wasn’t I just saying this trip isn’t all about food?

The Lakeview Motel in Massena, New York, for the bargain-basement price of only $55 a night was ours. What do you think? Was the view worth it?

Lake Erie, Pennsylvania – Day 1

Leaving Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Airport

Sonal was kind enough to pick us up this morning at 6:30 to bring us to Sky Harbor. Our non-stop flight left Phoenix just after 9:00 a.m. and arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at nearly 4:00 p.m. I had booked the flight after looking at the number of stops, car rental rates, and airfares at a dozen airports back east. The cheapest flight was into Newark, New Jersey, but that came with the highest rental car rate; Chicago was almost as bad. Columbus, Ohio, and Pittsburgh had the best combination of prices, but Pittsburgh was closer to Niagara Falls – where we were headed. Airfare was a reasonable $235 each round trip, and the rental car for two weeks was a mere $316 with Budget. Once landed, we picked up the car, which was unfortunately upgraded to a fire-engine red Mustang, and were soon on our way into the city.

Caroline Wise at Primanti Brothers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Our first stop was at the world-famous Primanti Bros. in downtown Pittsburgh for one of their incredible sandwiches. The Primanti sandwich features your choice of meat, egg, or cheese, which is then stacked high with coleslaw and french fries on thick Italian bread – they are yummy. Caroline opted for the Colossal Fish & Cheese and I the Corned Beef & Cheese, though we did have to ask the waitress why the menu lists a #2 best seller but not the #1. She says, “It’s because beer is the number 1 best seller here!”

Sunset over Lake Erie in Pennsylvania

The road out of Pittsburgh is littered with roadkill. It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the stink that goes along with so many dead and rotting animals. At some point, we start keeping track of the zoo outside our stupid red car, which includes some of the following: badger or raccoon (difficult to identify in its current state), a small furry grey thing, two deer with big stink, another furry thing, skunk, something unseen but its aroma reached us easily, bird, bird, furry things, raccoon, possum, something too flat to identify, more deer.

Leaving the turnpike (at the time, we had no idea why a turnpike is a turnpike), we were leaving the death zone and heading for the beautiful lake at sunset zone. Regarding this road nomenclature, I later learned that back in the day, a “pike” was a stick blocking a path. Upon paying a toll, the pike was “turned” up, thus allowing the person to pass the barrier.

Caroline Wise and John Wise entering New York State

We stayed along Lake Erie on Highway 5 through the rest of Pennsylvania to the New York Stateline. Taking photos is becoming a chore as getting in and out of this horrible Ford Mustang that we are close to hating takes an inordinate amount of work. The seatbelt requires a reach-around that demands contortionist skills. The window frame was not designed to rest your arm on it. The passenger seat sits so low and cannot be raised enough for my 5-foot 4-inch wife to see over the hood, which is difficult for me, too. The emergency brake handle was placed strategically in a spot to ensure you’d never want to rest your leg against the center console.

Sunset in Western New York

Passing through Ripley, New York, Caroline recognizes Plummer’s Tavern and points it out, reminding me that we’d eaten there back on our year 2000 cross-country road trip. Our destination tonight is Buffalo.

Valvo’s Candies in Silver Creek, New York

At the time, we were shocked to see this again as, in our memories, Dolly Dimples the Killer Doll was somewhere back in Pennsylvania, not right here at Valvo’s Candies in Silver Creek, New York.

Bocce Club Pizza from Buffalo, New York

While it was almost 10:00 p.m. when we pulled up to 109 Delta Road here in Buffalo to spend the night with my aunt Lillian, it wasn’t too late for her to help us get a pizza from Bocce Club Pizza from around the corner on Baily Avenue. Getting our fill of the world’s best pizza and catching up a bit on the intervening seven years since the last visit, we were off to sleep. It’s been a busy travel day after nearly 18 hours of being in motion.

New Mexico Bound

Northern Arizona on the way to New Mexico

With my cough in tow, Caroline and I are on our way to New Mexico for the weekend. It is almost too late by the time we take off from Phoenix; we expect to arrive in Socorro near 1:00 a.m. Our reservation cannot be canceled at this point so we keep on going. Today’s photo looks back west as we drive east on Interstate 40; the mountains on the right are the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona.

Pink, Red Hot & Blue

Sunset over Phoenix, Arizona

These gorgeous skies get under my skin. I can’t see enough sunsets, someday when we move from Arizona it will be the skies and these magnificent sunsets I will miss the most. Sadly, I only get about 1 photo out of 100 great sunsets as in the few passing moments when the sky may be at its most brilliant, my location is not. Just the other day, the sky was the brightest shade of orange I may have ever seen for a setting sun. I should live on a mountain top.