Grapefruit Juice


Here in the desert southwest of Arizona at the end of winter, a sequence of events begins unfolding that makes the approach of summer a little more palatable. First up, a nearby neighbor who has a grapefruit tree in her backyard but doesn’t like them cleans the tree of as many of these wonderfully sweet treats as she can reach and puts them out on her curb free for the taking. Well, this year we arrived early and without shame took them all. We estimated that we snagged about 70 pounds worth of freshly-picked pink grapefruit.

Immediately, I get to work juicing them with at least two gallons ending up in the freezer and another gallon in the fridge. Hopefully, we’ll get a second squeezing in before any of the fruits starts to turn, though, with hundreds of grapefruits that is a bit of a challenge (a not unwelcome challenge in this case). A large bag of fruit is packed up as a gift to our hosts this weekend and then the remainder are stuffed into every available nook and cranny of our fridge.

The second part of the spring sequence is that the nearby citrus trees are at the cusp of blooming and when they do finally start to burst forth, they scent the air with a fragrance sweeter and more intoxicating than anything we’ve ever smelled before. We often wonder why the perfume of blooming citrus isn’t the most popular scent everywhere. The way is now paved for the arrival of summer and in less than two months, as we start to approach our first 100-degree days, we’ll open our freezer to thaw a quart of pink grapefruit juice, blend it with sparkling water, and revel in the memories of our morning walks when we took in our first breath of a scent that over those days had us thinking that it is perfect to live somewhere that oranges, lemons, and grapefruit grow.

Out With The Old – In With The New

2019 Kia Niro

Back in 2008, we drove a rental Prius while on vacation up in the Pacific Northwest; a few years later we bought one. That car served us well until the end of 2018 when, without any credit card debt or car payment, things started looking peculiar regarding our credit rating and we quickly realized that we were being penalized for not carrying any debt, so we traded the Prius. We would have grabbed another Toyota hybrid but they were sold out. Looking for another car led us back to Kia. We’ve owned a few of them over the years along with a number of Hyundais, and we’ve always had good experiences with these Korean cars. Within 24 hours of encountering a dramatic change to an interest rate, we were driving a new 2019 Kia Niro that cost us $28,700 while the offending credit card was canceled.

Four years and 78,000 miles later, we were ready to trade in our Niro as we were approaching the end of making payments on it, and we didn’t want to fall afoul of the credit rating agencies. At the moment we decide to buy another car and are about to finalize the deal, we become horribly attached to the vehicle that is about to go away. You see, a car for us is not just a means to live in the city, it is a thing that has carried us to adventures, oceans, trails, museums, concerts, and into a good number of books because Caroline has been reading out loud the titles we’ve decided to share in the car. For us, the car becomes an experiential tool for uncovering adventures and so many memories are attached to it, but as we all know, change is the spice of life.

2023 Kia Niro

At first glance, it may not be obvious, but this is the same car we are leaving behind, another Kia Niro Touring model except this one is the 2023 version. While the deal was done yesterday, I didn’t pick it up until this afternoon because there were a few things that needed to be done on the car before it was ready for us. Our new Niro had just been delivered and was still covered in protective tape and because it was late in the day on Sunday afternoon before financing was complete, we’d have a slight delay in taking possession of our new car. Speaking of finance, this updated version now costs $34,900 or thereabout. The car is smoother and quieter, features updated smart cruise control and other driving conveniences in addition to some rudimentary self-drive functionality. We had to purchase a spare tire as we didn’t want to rely on the TMK or Tire Mobility Kit which is now standard equipment.

While we’ve only had the car some hours as I write this, it’s definitely an improvement and appears to get a few more miles per gallon compared to our other Niro so it feels like a win. In retiring the old car, we are also moving on from our old plate that read FIBER, which references Caroline’s love of the fiber arts. Our new plate is chosen and it’s available but I’ll wait on sharing it until we have it in our possession. Now the hard part of all this begins, where are we going for an inaugural road trip?

A Day of Oscar Shorts

Oscar Shorts Poster

Who cares what we might think about the Oscar contenders for best short films? I’m not so sure I’m invested enough to write this, but with travels being so light this year, I don’t have much of anything else to share so why not this? Not to imply I’m not writing or doing stuff but those behind-the-scenes things don’t always warrant the granular microscope.

So here we were out in Peoria, Arizona, at 11:00 in the morning ready for nearly 6 hours of short films over the next 8.5 hours. First up were the documentaries and the first one was a bomb titled How Do You Measure a Year? about a father interviewing his daughter on her birthdays from age 2 to 18 that could only have been included for consideration due to a single answer that his daughter gives when she’s two years old and dad asks her what she thinks “power” is. She ultimately tells him that it’s “her vagina.” Subtitles tell you she had figured dad asked what “powder” is and her answer was about where to put it. Off on the wrong foot. While the idea is a nice gimmick of doing something for our children, it is not Academy Award material.

The Elephant Whisperers was better by a wide margin, allowing hope for the rest of the films yet to be seen. This short film shows an Indian couple raising an orphaned elephant in an elephant camp/reserve. Caroline enjoyed this film, but it was a bit too anthropomorphized for me. Also, this is yet another reflection that tragically, animals are being squeezed out of their natural existence and humans must become their caretakers if animals are to have a place in our world.

Stranger At The Gate, the next film, was beyond the pale of insulting. Ex-Marine bent on killing a bunch of innocent people dips into the local mosque to case the joint and finds god and community so he abandons his terroristic thoughts. WTF. The Martha Mitchell Effect was a good documentary about a kick-ass woman lost in the passage of time whose reputation is being rehabilitated after she was marginalized in the typical 1970s fashion that implied that strong women could only be crazy and hysterical.

Haulout, set in Siberia, looks at a colony of 100,000 walruses who must turn to land because there is no sea ice to haul themselves onto, which 10 years earlier was the norm. This is a small reflection of a remote situation where climate change is ruining environments and demonstrating that we humans are contributing to mass murder on an unfathomable scale.

Of the animation shorts up for Academy Award consideration none stood out other than one about a boy, a horse, a fox, and a mole that was so annoying, cloyingly sappy, and full of clichés that we should have walked out of the theater screaming in horror that such a POS was ever made. How in the world was Woody Harrelson involved with this tripe?

As with the other categories, there were 5 titles in the Live-Action Short films but I’ll only focus on the two real contenders in my eyes. They were Ivalu and The Red Suitcase and neither of them was an easy feel-good piece. Both films are gut-wrenching looks at the brutality girls are facing and both should be seen for the stark reminder of what we’d prefer to remain hidden from view. Ivalu tells the story of a young girl in Greenland, looking for her older sister who, we eventually find out, committed suicide after her dad had raped her, and The Red Suitcase follows a 16-year-old teenage girl arriving in Europe on a flight from Iran, clutching a red bag with her treasured art supplies and drawings. She had been sold as a wife to a 40-something-year-old, but by dropping her hijab she was able to slip by her would-be groom waiting for her at the gate. The tension of her nearly being caught before her final escape was riveting, but the film makes clear that this penniless girl who doesn’t speak any foreign languages is heading into an uncertain future, forced to leave everything behind, even her suitcase.

Winter Pleasures

Caroline Wise wearing her ruana in Phoenix, Arizona

Here we are in January, the height of winter in Phoenix, Arizona. Clothes appropriate for the season have been unpacked and brought back into the rotation of daily attire. Early morning walks demand the full complement of heavy clothing for the near-freezing temperatures (gloves, beanies, fleece sweaters, scarves, wool base layer), and on the coldest days, even our shells are donned before we leave the house. This being the desert, we know that the day will warm to something quite comfortable, so a modified winter attire is required for the rest of the day. For Caroline, this winter has afforded her the opportunity to wear a ruana she just bought this past summer. A ruana is a poncho-style wrap and translates to “Land of Blankets.” This ruana is a special article for Caroline as it was expensive compared to what she’s accustomed to spending on textiles, but as it was made by Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco or CTTC, the same group of Peruvian women who made the purse she’s been carrying for years. Woven in very similar colors, she had an affinity for the ruana at first sight. The Centro de Textiles Tradicionales del Cusco was formed by Nilda Callañaupa, who was also on hand at the Santa Fe Folk Art Market when (with some encouragement from me) Caroline admitted that she’d love to own a ruana.

Like so many things, we wonder, am I buying this because I’ll actually use it, or am I suffering from buy-stuff fever? The ruana was actually brought out in December, but it wasn’t until Caroline had worn it about a dozen times before she voiced how happy she was that she let the impulse to buy it play through. The scarf she’s wearing is a hand-painted affair from Russia, and the pendant was a gift from her mom.

As for me and my winter attire? A Smart Wool medium-weight base layer shirt in black that I wear under the same shirts I wear during the rest of the year and long black jeans that replace the shorts I wear for the other 8 or 9 months.

Voting Gave Me Covid

Caroline Wise voting in Phoenix, Arizona

I didn’t even get out of the car, didn’t touch a thing; all I know is that after we voted, we both came down with Covid. The obvious conclusion here is that voting causes COVID-19. It was early Friday, after our eye examinations, that we drove down to an Official Ballot Drop Box to deposit our mail-in ballots, enjoyed lunch at Otro, probably infecting everyone, and then went about our day innocent to the plague we were now carrying.

For Caroline, it started with a hint of something going wrong on Thursday (November 3rd), while for me, I thought I was having psychosomatic moments on Friday when I imagined I experienced a moment of quickly passing discomfort in my throat. By Saturday, I knew I had this cold as well. Caroline had been working from home Friday, although her Covid tests on Thursday and Friday were negative. Well, with me fully into the feelings of yuck on Sunday and Caroline having a seriously difficult time sleeping, we picked up some fresh test kits, and on Monday, November 7th, she tested positive. That could only mean that I was in the same boat.

Monday, November 7th: On Friday, I fetched ginger and lemon to make us ginger, lemon, and honey tea, which, while it might only be a placebo effect, seemed to make both of us feel better. By today, we’re on our 4th lemon, and while we have a bit of an annoying cough, sometimes seriously rough for Caroline, we still manage to eat well, go for walks, and get things done. Obviously, I’m hoping we are on the 5-day infection plan that tomorrow Caroline will be well on the way back to normal, and that by Wednesday, I see light at the end of the tunnel. My temperature is reading about 100, and my blood oxygen is 94; this moves around from normal temperature, while blood oxygen is often 97.

While Caroline tested negative, we went out as usual to the grocery store, a small breakfast joint, and me to Costco and Starbucks. Now, with the confirmation of COVID-19, we masked up on our outing to Walgreens for some Mucinex DM that we understand might help with Caroline’s cough. I’ll be taking it tonight as a pre-emptive measure just in case I start showing some of her bad symptoms. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we are both experiencing some low-grade headache tension, but other than those things, all seems to be going along no worse than a cold. Here’s hoping our vaccinations and boosters deliver a relatively mild case of this virus.

Positive Covid tests

Tuesday update: I felt like meh all day, though somehow I found the energy and mind space to write all day updating old blog posts, nearly maniacally. I had a 40-minute nap, went shopping for a couple of things, and even got to my 10,000-step daily minimum for the first time in a couple of days.

Wednesday: Woke up at a more normal time, blood oxygen 99, temperature also 99. And then, around 7:30 this morning, my sense of smell took a hit. I tried smelling dried shrimp, which normally almost immediately triggers a gag reflex, and found that I can breathe it in all I want, the same goes for fish sauce. It’s 8:30 pm now; I could go to sleep, as a matter of fact, I likely will, minutes from now. I’m about to start my third box of Kleenex, and we’ve used more ginger and lemons in the past five days than we can believe. On the good news side of things, I’ve updated no less than 25 old blog posts that needed a refresh of photos and some more details regarding trips we took between 2004 and 2006. On the bad news side of things, I’ve only made it to 9,300 steps today, and the remaining 700 is just too much to ask.

Thursday: is that a hint of scents? Sporadic and randomly, I catch glimpses of smells with my tongue responding to spicy and sour. My nose is a faucet, while Caroline’s cough is mostly sidelined.

Friday: Meh. To our surprise, Caroline’s boss delivered a care package in the afternoon, complete with a big batch of homemade menudo (courtesy of a coworker and her mom), fruit, more soup and crackers, and cough drops.

Saturday (November 12): The dried shrimp smells of ammonia to both of us now. We both can smell cider vinegar, though not at full strength. I asked Caroline to put on some of her Joop perfume; I can pick that up, and the first bite of banana has hints of its flavor. We’ve stopped the constant run of the nose; temperatures are absolutely back to normal. Updating old posts and photos has continued at a blinding speed. Yesterday, I reworked all 170 photos that accompanied our 8-day January 2010 Yellowstone vacation as I apparently took some shortcuts prepping those out of the 4,202 that I shot over those days. Caroline is on a Skype call with her father, Hanns, and I’m about to get working on old blog posts marked as partials where I need to update photos, text, or both as part of making our index of trips complete.

Whoa, a burger from Five Guys punched right through my reawakening sense of taste while the potatoes cooking in oil was the first thing that made it through our masks after we walked thru the door. Is it possible that life is returning to normal?

Sunday: Seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday: Caroline tested negative twice between yesterday and this morning, and with that, we are going to try to throw ourselves back into normal life.

My final conclusion, I believe we started getting sick before October 28th, just prior to our trip to Duncan, Arizona. This is based upon data from our Fitbits and what I believe is one of the main reasons why Google bought the company. On that day, our resting heart rates both started going up from their norm in the mid-60s up to reaching 80 resting beats per minute when we were in the worst part of COVID-19. Once that peaked and our symptoms started to subside, our resting heart rates began their return to normal. I suspect that in the next 48 hours, I’ll be back around 64 beats per minute. The thing is, we didn’t know we were getting sick until November 3rd and 4th, while it appears our fitness tracker was showing us that our bodies were responding to infection, though we couldn’t have known precisely what until our Covid tests alit with a positive reading. I don’t like the idea that Google knows we’re getting sick way before we do.

First Election of Consequence

Caroline Wise with her official voting ballot in Phoenix, Arizona

This was a big day for Caroline! Three months ago she voted for the first time in the United States but that was for the primary election. Today’s vote is the first one of consequence: the mid-term election.

Also of note, the shawl my wife is wearing was purchased this past March in the town of Zinacantán in Chiapas, Mexico. It seems there were some ambiguous feelings about having bought it but she’s come around and decided she really enjoys that it’s one of the pieces of clothing she can turn to. She posted a photo I took of her wearing it (not this one) to Gabriela down in San Cristobal with whom we’ve stayed in contact and might even be visiting next year as other than me, it would appear nobody else notices the unique character of the shawl.