Go ahead, Caroline, overthink things, build up a bunch of stress, and convince yourself that this was a bad decision, but then finally accept that you committed to something and get on with it. And so it was with the first ever gingerbread house my wife decorated. What compelled her to do such a thing? A competition at work to celebrate Christmas cheer. Aside from minor engineering issues surrounding the effectiveness of using icing to glue the walls together, she ultimately had fun and was proud of her creation. And although she didn’t win, I believe she looks forward to potentially decorating another gingerbread house in the future. [I did get compliments for the roof because I added frosted shredded wheat cereal pieces – Caroline]
Big Sur Eucalyptus Soap
It’s likely somewhere around 20 years now that we’ve been using Big Sur Soap and specifically: its eucalyptus scent. We’ve tried other fragrances from them, but this one is a great reminder of all our moments driving along the Pacific Coast on Highway 1, admiring the towering eucalyptus trees, and basking in their beautiful aroma, ensuring that they are never far. Sheila Hillman, the proprietor of this brand, can’t always predict the popularity of the various scents in her repertoire, and it has often happened that while in the Big Sur area, the shops we relied on were out of eucalyptus, and we’ve come rely on ordering directly from Sheila. Even then, it’s not uncommon that she’s sold out until the next batches are done, so this time, I put in an early order for ten bars. Upon their arrival, I stored them in vacuum-sealed bags to prevent further curing and evaporation. Depending on how well this works, I might buy another ten bars to ensure we have the wonderful scent of the Central California Coast for many years to come.
Christmas Cookies, Cat Butt Style
It’s just after Thanksgiving, and considering we chose not to travel this fall, what was left to do but make Christmas cookies, cat-butt style! Obviously, we do not care if Santa leaves us a lump of coal after he sees that we signaled him to stare at a cat butthole and sip some almond milk because we’re holding out for a visit from his transgressive wife Mrs. Claus who turned bad over the last years.
Thanksgiving in a Box
Less than two weeks ago, the four-month intensity that included planning, the actual vacation, and the subsequent 60 days of writing created a situation where I was not ready to jump back into traveling. This is only the third or fourth time in the past nearly 25 years that we’ve been in Phoenix for Thanksgiving, and in celebration of that, we spared no expense and went all out. Yep, we skipped the Chinese restaurant and made dinner at home after buying a box of gravy, a box of stuffing, and a tub of cranberry sauce from Costco, rounding it out with a vegan Field Roast from Whole Foods.
As for fresh food? We passed on that because that’s just too much work when trying to capture laziness, which we did perfectly. Was the dinner ideal? On one hand, of course, it was, as it appealed to our sense of doing as little as possible, and like the year we tried Tofurkey or the Cajun Turducken, it was something out of the ordinary.
Also out of the ordinary, by foregoing our almost ritualistic Thanksgiving visits to the Oregon coast, we’ll have ended up not visiting the Pacific Ocean even once during 2023, the first time since 1995 that we didn’t gaze upon that vast body of blue-green water at least once over the course of a year. Noting this, I’m opening my 2024 travel itinerary and penciling in a reminder to visit the western coast of the U.S. next year.
Pølse – Norwegian for Hot Dog
It’s Halloween, and this is Caroline Wise, who was born in Frankfurt, which makes her a Frankfurter, wearing the costume of a Frankfurter, a.k.a. hot dog. But because we were recently in Norway, where she fell in love with Norwegian Frankfurters, her costume is that of a Pølse.
[You forgot to mention that I won first place in the office costume contest! Caroline]
Surprise Guest
I stepped out on our balcony for some reason or other and looked up to check on the mud dauber wasps’ nests that hold fast to the walls and sliding door frame and saw something out of the ordinary. While I thought I knew what it was, I wasn’t certain. After fetching my 200mm lens to zoom in but still a good distance from framing this thing on the wall, I got this shot, which is cropped in more than 50% to even get this level of detail. Sure enough, it’s a bat. This is the first time I’ve been aware of a bat taking refuge on our balcony! Hopefully, it will still be hanging out when Caroline gets home so she can see it with her own eyes. As this is already a violation of my self-imposed break in blogging I’m going to avoid writing anything else, though this discipline is hard fought for.