Yellowstone – Day 3

Sunrise in the Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Up early and downstairs before 6:15 for the “Wake up to Wildlife” tour. Our guide this morning is Tyrene, who also happened to be our driver last year for the snow coach drive from Mammoth to Old Faithful. Tyrene is a vet in Yellowstone, having worked here for more than ten years. She tells of the more than five thousand miles put on her hiking boots over that time and that her favorite past-time is fly fishing, hence her love affair with Yellowstone. During our current trip, Tyrene will twice more handle the driving and tour guide chores while Caroline and I hope to return one day for a chartered tour led by her, where we can choose to linger a little longer to enjoy the sights at our pace instead of meeting the schedule of the group. For you fly fishing aficionados: Tyrene leads chartered tours of the many rivers in Yellowstone, such as the Firehole and Madison during Summer.

The road into Lamar Valley on an early gray morning - Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Pulling away from the hotel, the road to Lamar Valley is a mix of clear to snowy with intermittent icy spots. From out of the dark blue of twilight, the sky begins to brighten, and I can see clouds stretching along the north and south with a patch of clear sky to the east that is brighter than the heavens surrounding us. Even that small window to where we should have greeted the rising sun soon disappears. Occasional flashes of pink illuminate low wisps of clouds as the sun finds holes in the heavy overcast sky.

A bison on the road in Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park in January 2010

It would be more than a few miles before we spot wildlife. Elk, first on a shadowy ridge in the distance, then a large herd covering the hillsides. While plentiful enough, they are a goodly distance from the road, great for viewing, less so for photography. Then we encountered a forlorn bison calf walking up the road, seemingly lost of its herd. As we approached with our snow coach, the little bison turned tail ambling down the road in front of us. About a mile later, the juvenile rejoined its extended family.

Big Horn Sheep grazing hill side near Soda Butte Creek in Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park January 2010

After the bison jam spread out, letting us pass, Tyrene pulled over near Slough Creek for a facilities break for those who might need it – seems as though everyone did. Piling back in the van, off in the distance, I heard the unmistakable howl of a wolf and then a second howl. Initially, the loud conversation nearly drowned out the canine call until I was able to arrest the group’s attention so they, too, could enjoy the call of the wild. Seeing a wolf, though, was not in the cards on this tour. But a surprise was on hand that didn’t disappoint. Two bighorn sheep were grazing the hillside next to the road just north of Soda Butte Creek.

Coyote in the snow at Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Soda Butte Creek, which lies east of the Lamar River, sandwiched between Mount Norris and Druid Peak, was also our turnaround point. The return to Mammoth would take us back up the road we came down on with little promise of seeing more wildlife than we had seen on our first drive-through. That turned out not to be altogether true, though. Shortly after we passed the same bison, we had spotted forty-five minutes earlier, someone in the coach noticed a coyote in the snow not far from the road.

Bull elk identified as Number 10 lying down in the snow in Lamar Valley - Yellowstone National Park January 2010

One and all, we scoured the hillsides looking for an elusive wolf. In some sad way, Yellowstone is reduced to collecting trophy sights; one is spotting wolves, the other witnessing Old Faithful erupt. So much more exists, seen and unseeable, that requires more than a casual drive-through with an itinerary that demands we stop only at the famous and predictable. Then, there on the left, lying in the brush, a bull elk. Not just any bull either, this is number ten, six’s rival. Well, if six were still alive, he died in a freak accident about a year ago; you can read about that here. And that, folks, concluded our Wake up to Wildlife tour of the Lamar Valley.

Black-billed magpie crossing the road at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Back at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, we have but a short time to grab some lunch in the dining room before the next tour gets underway. The sandwiches are ordered and delivered in less than seven minutes; we are gone ten minutes later. Now early, we cross back over to the hotel to await the snow coach. A black-billed magpie walks along with us as though it were awaiting falling snacks; somebody hasn’t been listening to National Park rules, nor probably would have I if it weren’t for the constant reminders from my wife.

Obsidian glass layered between rock at Obsidian Cliff in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Going south, we require a tracked vehicle, specifically a Mattrack snow coach. At the wheel for our afternoon trip to the Norris Geyser Basin is Tyrene one more time. The bumpy drive down is gray and getting colder; only a few bison are spotted in the distance. At Obsidian Cliff, the vehicle comes to a stop for us to learn about and see the obsidian embedded in the cliff on our left. About 180,000 years ago, a lava flow here quickly cooled, probably buried under a glacier, and formed obsidian. For centuries, Native Americans made arrowheads and spear points with this form of volcanic glass, then used them for trade with other tribes, with some pieces being found as far away as Oklahoma. Amazing what we can learn here in the park.

A hot spring on the other side of the road from Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Another stop is in order here on the Grand Loop Road, traveling south. Five hundred feet south of Nymph Lake is Frying Pan Spring and fumarole. With the windows down, we listen to the escaping gas as it hisses, passing through tiny pebbles and stone, forming little bubbles of water boiling out of the earth, sounding indeed like a sizzling frying pan. On the other side of the coach are steaming hot water pools over shallow clay and mud craters, with a hint of bacteria growth tinting areas green. How easy it could be to get lost in the intricate patterns and rippling waters, the sounds and smells of even the most insignificant roadside features that many probably pass by without a second thought.

Near the top of Porcelain Basin at Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

As if on cue, the sky begins to part, the sun emerges, and blue is the new background that will remain the backdrop for the hour and a half we are afforded to tour the Norris Geyser Basin. With our Yaktrax pulled onto our boots and the temperature comfortable enough that our outer shells are left in the vehicle, Caroline and I depart company with the group and head towards Porcelain Basin while Tyrene takes the remainder to the Back Basin.

Fumaroles at Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Depending on the average age and condition of the group members, the pace and amount of features seen can be greatly encumbered, and the group is encouraged to stick together, limiting our time to get lost examining in minute detail those bright, shiny objects we find ever so interesting. Furthermore, our selfish desire to not listen to the comments or occasionally inane attempts at sulfurous humor urges us to break away on our own. For all of you who feel compelled to equate nearly all you see and do to something you once saw on television, please stop the narration. Those of us who do not participate in that form of entertainment cannot relate nor do you best exemplify your experience when blurting out that you once saw this or that on some random program. Pardon my grump; I’ll try to keep my lament contained to this one time.

Hot Spring and boardwalk at Porcelain Basin part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

While Caroline insists I have seen the Norris area looking so beautiful before, to me, this was the most spectacular sight on these boardwalks ever. With a mere ninety minutes to cover an area that can easily consume a day, we waste no time and walk two or three more feet to view the same relative area from a slightly different angle. After uttering another series of “oohs” and “aahs,” we do the unthinkable and move from our perfect perspective, taking up a perch yet another two or three feet from where we just were and would you believe it? Even stronger, more emphasized “OOOHS” and “AAAHS” follow. I wouldn’t bet against that an occasional “WOW” fell from our lips.

Fumarole at Porcelain Basin part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

There are moments when light, shadow, steam, and sparkle are so overwhelming that we stand in awe, admiring how perfect the nature of this scene is as it stands before us. The path has been tamped down; the narrow center of the boardwalk is surrounded by fluffy, deep, fresh snow. We trudge up the trail towards steam plumes that pull us forward.

The Porcelain Basin, part of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Jets of steam are pulsing and rushing from vent holes. Hot Springs and geysers are obscured by billowing clouds rising into the blue skies, with lodgepole pine trees in the background delineating the border between the geyser basin and the world at large. An orchestra develops from the various earthly wind instruments hissing and bellowing, joined by bubbles of water and gas boiling out of the gravel.

Bacteria mat on the Porcelain Basin, part of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Birds chirp above, flittering between branches while flowing hot water glides over orange, red, brown, green, black, and yellow bacteria mats. At millions of times per second, dissolved minerals are building new geyserite deposits, promising us a future we won’t recognize even if our memories could recall the minutiae of detail. Clouds glide by as the steam dissipates, and the entire scene is built anew, again and again.

Close up detail of bacteria mat on Porcelain Basin, part of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Terrence McKenna once said, “The further you go, the bigger it gets.” Here at Yellowstone, that idea could be explored by close examination of the thermophile bacteria mats. From above, a splotch of gooey, bumpy, slimy-looking stuff, but down close, down on your hands and knees as you hang precariously over the edge of the boardwalk, as you risk planting your face in acidic hot water for a closer look at just what is this bacterial mat stuff anyway, you see an entire universe of possibility. How many layers of this fibrous tendril-like thread structure are there below what I can see? Will the broken geyserite pebbles that alter the flow of water, even changing the color of the bacteria that lies in its shadow, be the building blocks of something yet to be seen with its own astounding characteristics? The filaments flutter and dance, waving from side to side like so many fish swimming upstream as we lose ourselves in a trance before the spectacle. You see, ninety minutes for one who is curious is barely enough time to examine even a small patch of magic that exists on these geyser basins.

Sunlight shining through trees illumination steam creating rays of light slicing through the air at the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

And that is just what we see in thirty seconds in one spot. Move ten feet up the boardwalk, and the shifting shadows, sounds, and smells create a nearly entirely new experience. We long to linger; we dream of a day when we can return to Yellowstone and spend unmeasured time with each location that demands our attention. During the main tourist season, when we are allowed our own car to whisk us from location to location, it will then once again be our choice how long we will tolerate the ever-present throngs of crowding, often loud fellow visitors, but during the winter we are delivered by and scooped up by the immutable schedule of the snow coach. But we are alone. The human rock concert of screams singing to the beat of feet running over boardwalks erases the subtle sounds we proffer greedily standing here in the crystal-cold blue of our perfect day at Norris. I say perfect day because we cannot allow our short hour and a half to be a limitation – we are in an infinite moment, our eyes transfixed on the immensity of the universe of Yellowstone growing larger in our ever-expanding imagination.

Trail leading from Porcelain Basin to Back Basin, part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Recognition that the weather and availability of sunshine are not as predictable as this geyser basin that will continue hissing, sputtering, and boiling away, we break the fall into a hypnotic state and move again. We exit beauty and find majesty. A collection of perfection is growing while we mush over the trail to amazement found in dazzlement at how snow collects and covers fence, bush, and tree.

Steam rising from Emerald Spring on the Back Basin part of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

The wind shifts the steam; clouds fill a new corner of the forest and sky. I fight the impulse to photograph so much that if I were to snap more photos, I would probably be better served to simply shoot video. I have heard more than one nostalgic grumble from an old-timer who stops short of sneering at the wasteful amateurishness of those who have picked up digital photography and our ever-growing capacity to shoot a thousand photos a day. While I often think of Ansel Adams waiting for that special moment before exposing his expensive large format film to light that was to become a classic in landscape photography, I am of a different generation, here for my own memories, and cannot help myself in trying to recognize a thousand special moments a day.

Emerald Spring on the Back Basin, part of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

By the time we are halfway through the Porcelain Basin, I feel like I’ve shot a thousand photos already. Time started to chase us as I began the climb up the hill; Caroline would have to be prodded from her hunched-over position on the boardwalk, still mesmerized by the mottled surfaces of bacteria mats that, according to her, can only be truly appreciated when one is but inches above the water on the precipice of the edge. I wait on the trail as she indulges herself. Anyway, I’m content to catch my breath and gaze out over this spectacular scenery.

Steam and water surging from Steamboat Geyser on the Back Basin of Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

With a half-hour left before we must rejoin our group, the trail leads us to Steamboat Geyser. The wheels of our mind try to convince us we can speed-march the Back Basin, but the magnetic world of possibility tricks us into watching Steamboat with the idea that it’s not impossible this geyser can actually erupt during the very moments we are standing here.

Close up detail of water shooting from Steamboat Geyser on the Back Basin, part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

No matter that it hasn’t erupted since 2005. Luck might be on our side! I’m still almost certain that it could have erupted and I am sure it will yet happen, but not while we were to be the witnesses who would have the good fortune to experience the world’s highest geyser do what it does so infrequently. Our guide Tyrene had mentioned on our drive to the Basin that she missed Steamboat’s last eruption by a quarter of an hour. With a mere ten minutes left, we debate, running downhill to see just one more geyser. Echinus Geyser is almost right there; it’s just down…

Caroline Wise and John Wise on the Back Basin, part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

We stopped to take a selfie. This hasn’t occurred very often on this visit. Our eyes and minds are so transfixed by our environment we scarcely find time to recognize one another. From previous visits to Yellowstone, we are well aware of how fleeting our time in the park feels when, just days before, we couldn’t see the end of our trip, and before we know it, we are driving away for what could very well be our last ever visit this corner of Wyoming in America’s wildlands.

A snow covered mountain peak in the distance as seen from the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Beginning our short trek away from the Back Basin feels like leaving the park, for we are leaving the Norris Geyser Basin with the knowledge these are the final minutes here. Any and all impressions we are going to carry with us of this particular winter sojourn are being captured and stored. Those areas not seen will remain unseen as time will not allow even a glimpse into those corners we could not visit.

The boardwalk and trees covered in snow on the Back Basin, part of the Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Our path leads us out of this wintery wonderland of steam and delight. Just around the corner, we will return to civilization, albeit not one that in any way is similar to the one writ large in the metropolis we are going to find ourselves once again in five days. The civilization we are about to find ourselves reintegrating with momentarily is the society of schedules, complaints, and motorized vehicles. For a brief time, we escaped the trappings of mass-shared reality and were afforded the luxury of communion with a bigger world around us, free of the noise we encumber our lives with.

Snow in the golden light of the late day in Yellowstone National Park

Just one minute more to glimpse the light gleaming over the untouched, sparkling, soft snow. This effect of witnessing a sight so beautiful that maybe only the passing of decades of experience and being inundated with artifice can the eyes begin to appreciate the subtle beauty no object of man’s creation can hope to imitate. While said before, it bears saying again: we stand in awe and humble ourselves before thine greatness. Here in Yellowstone, one finds god in nature and the nature of god.

A curve in the Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Rumble and bump, groan and hiss, the snow coach awakes from its slumber to carry us back. We sit in stunned silence, still gawking at the munificence nature has on parade as our windows offer us a view of what we are now only allowed to see in passing. All too fast, snow-covered trees come into view and are gone just as quickly. On our left, here comes a lake; there it goes, too. The sun is sinking ever lower in the sky while we race to find our way out of the trees to a clearing for a panoramic view of the landscape bathed in all the glorious colors of the sunset.

Sunset on Swan Lake Flat with Antler Peak in the background at Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Swan Lake Flat is only hundreds of feet in front of our slow-moving snow taxi, with the light and colors of sunset moving faster than we are. In a minute or two we passengers rave in unison with a chorus of expressed manna, each afforded a thousand beautiful sunsets in one. By the time our vehicle rolls to a stop, a band of luminous hot orange glow is all that remains of what seconds before was a symphony of light reaching a crescendo pitch that danced upon the clouds and behind the mountains. Our mind’s eye will never be the same; we have seen a sunset that all other sunsets will now have to compare.

Electric Peak covered in snow at Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Had you rested with a brief nap, it would have stolen you of this experience. It would be forever lost, for it lasted but seconds. The sky was just as quickly divided between various shades of blue with an onslaught of approaching gray. And with the last flicker of sunlight, twilight laid in to grip the land, animal and human alike, in its encroaching cold. Welcoming the warmth of body and engine that would hug us for the remaining few miles, we return to the final leg of our drive in the metallic cocoon birthed by Mother Chevy.

Electric Peak in the distance under a blue dusk sky in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

One last look, one last glance at the poorly illuminated land of Swan Lake Flat. Even in the poor light just before night overtakes the day, the emotions wrought by Yellowstone tug at the desire for more. Sad but grateful, a day over but one of extraordinary charm, it will be but a few more minutes before we touch down at the hotel and collect the parachute of experience that delivered us safely and rewarded to where our day began.

Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel area at night in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Thinking that somehow the day was over, that the wow factor was being diminished as routine and darkness shrouded our exploration, that line of thinking proved wrong. Following dinner and a hot tub under a starry clear sky, Caroline and I made ourselves cozy in the Map Room here at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel just as Park Ranger and Interpretive Historian Carissa Black was beginning a talk about the Wilderness. Her program was far more interesting than I had first anticipated, leaving us with serious food for thought about how our role as visitors affects wilderness and just what wilderness is anyway. After the talk, we snagged her attention to discuss some of her points, and she recommended I read “Confessions of a Barbarian” by Edward Abbey, “Searching for Yellowstone” by Paul Schullery, and “Wilderness and the American Mind” by Professor Roderick Nash. The first two I now own, and the third I am awaiting confirmation from the Ranger if that is, in fact, the correct title. And the very best bit of information given to us was actually directed to Caroline, “There is no age restriction for qualifying to become a Junior Ranger”!

Yellowstone – Day 2

Road Closed sign at the beginning of the Snow Pass trail and the top of Mammoth Terrace in Yellowstone National Park

Serendipity often plays its part during our travels. A series of events or circumstances line up with results that initially are not always appreciated. Hours later, when recognizing how perfectly the day unfolded, we’ll see that had those things not occurred as they did, we wouldn’t have been in the right place at the right time. Today, for example, we had to return to our room after breakfast to grab a couple of items prior to hitting the trail. It was still twilight, and as I looked out the window, the scene demanded I take a photo. Upon viewing it, I see that the camera sensor is as dirty as it can be – frustration ensues. I’ve brought nothing to clean a dirty sensor, and auto clean is failing. The squeeze bulb used to shoot a puff of air to dislodge light fuzz is not budging these glued-on specks, what to do?

Caroline Wise about to go snow shoeing over the Upper Terrace Ski Loop at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park

We had originally planned to tour the boardwalk on the terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs for sunrise. Sunrise has come and gone. Finally, a silk sock liner comes to the rescue with a drop or two of contact lens fluid and does a more or less adequate job of cleaning the sensor. Now late, much later than expected we finally leave the room and make our way to the ski shop to check our options. We inquire about the Beaver Ponds trail and the Bunsen Peak trail, Chris recommends the Snow Pass trail. With rented snowshoes in hand, Doug drives us to the Upper Terraces Loop parking lot, where we strap ’em on and get going up the path to the left. A light overnight snow has dusted the trail, letting us know we are the only ones out here, besides whatever wildlife might be lurking in the shadows or perched in the trees.

Bunsen Peak in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

The first leg of the trail is deceptively easy, setting a tone that will soon dramatically change. Through the woods, we trek until we approach an intersection where the road forks. A sign points to the left for those looking to go to Golden Gate, and to the right is the trail to Snow Pass. We turn right and begin the part of today’s hike that can honestly be called strenuous. Coming from Phoenix at about 1000 feet of elevation to snowshoeing in freezing weather up over 7000 feet, most everything we do these first days can be considered strenuous.

Clouds rising off the forest in front of Golden Gate and Bunsen Peak in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

After the first steep hill climb, we see a break developing in the overcast skies with the snow drifting from and clouds steaming off Bunsen Peak. The first sunlight of the day begins to shine on our surroundings. We take a break soaking in the view of the mountains stretching from side to side and off into the distance from our vantage point at the edge of the mountain we are snowshoeing on. From the backpack, we grab a snack and have a drink of water while watching wisps of steam lift off the forest, forming momentary clouds that stretch, lift, and swirl before dissipating.

John Wise snowshoeing up Snow Pass in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Through the forest, we continue our climb going higher and higher. The sun is making more frequent appearances, casting shadows through the tall trees, alternating shadows of gray-blue that transition to areas of bright white sunlit snow. Pausing to catch our breath, rests during our hike are taken more often, and breathing in the cold high-altitude air becomes more labored. The trail is getting steeper.

A buck in the snow at Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Off to the right, I’m the first to spot motion. My first thought is bear. I have been anticipating seeing a bear as the weather has been so warm. I’ve heard of bears coming out of hibernation when the weather is warm enough and food still plentiful, my imagination has convinced me that conditions are perfect and that I may look like a tempting four-course meal. But we won’t be that (un)lucky today; it is either elk or deer. It moves again; a deer is looking at us, and we are looking at it. Off to the left, downhill from the deer, we spot another deer moving through the forest, sporting a large set of antlers. The other deer starts to move in the direction of the first one, and in a moment, they are gone. We return to huffing and puffing.

Looking out over the horizon on to distant mountains from the Snow Pass area in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Round the corner, climb, turn, sink in the snow, and keep climbing. The forest is beautiful, with a deep blue sky framing the tall evergreens surrounding us. The wind occasionally blows snow from the branches above, giving the appearance that it’s snowing. Clouds are thinning overhead while off towards the edge of the horizon; heavier, darker clouds are bunched together, looking like they could break loose at any moment, erasing our blue skies.

Detail of a standing dead tree on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Three hours after we took to the trail, we were at Snow Pass, taking the last respite before our return down the mountain. No grand view from here, no sign recognizing our feat. Caroline climbs higher, trying to find a better photo but the wind is picking up and cutting through our thinned layers as we had tried to keep cool on the way up. We begin our descent, and in less than an hour, we are back at the Mammoth Terrace.

Orange Spring Mound on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Not only have we returned from the mountain, but the weather is taking a turn for the worse, or is it? Clouds have moved in, snow is falling, and we are getting cold. No matter, we are heading back to the hotel, or are we? To the east, the sun hasn’t stopped shining on the mountaintops. Soon that sunshine starts to spread over the terrace as the clouds pull back. Our visit in January 2009 delivered gray days here in the Mammoth area, but today, it looks like we will have at least a few moments of gorgeous sun-drenched hot springs on a snowy winter day for us to admire.

Hot spring creating a travertine terrace on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

On the terrace, our inclination is to run as fast as our legs will carry us on snow and ice. To see each and every corner under the glistening illumination of a fantastic sun that allows us to see into the dark corners and be blinded by the reflective waters shimmering in the late afternoon. The terrace breathes a new life, one of bold, dynamic color where, between cloud and steam, sun and gray, the surface of things can convince one that they are not looking at the same thing twice.

Overlooking Canary Spring at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

More difficult than figuring out what to photograph will be attempting to match this text to the photos once we’re back home. For now, I photograph everything – twice, maybe more. As much as I might enjoy simply staring at one particular sight, I am pressed on to find the light angling a perspective not yet seen by me, where the perfect captured image will remain unseen by my rush over the boardwalk until I return home where I can linger in front of the print to absorb every drop of beauty that was laden upon this terrace.

Detail of travertine terrace on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Canary Spring is the recipient of the majority of our time up here. Over the years, we have been afforded the opportunity to see a dramatic change as nature altered the course of water and mineral deposits, forcing the relocation of a part of the boardwalk. Less visible to us was the disappearance of the New Blue Pool. Apparently, it had been flowing on our first visit back in the year 2000 but is now a dry, dormant feature, leaving us no memory of what it may have looked like ten years ago.

Looking north towards the Gallatin Range from Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

And while change can be dramatic, it is usually far more subtle. Even as I stand here next to a hot spring, watching hot mineral-charged water spill over the side of the travertine that may be younger than I am, the terrace is changing. It is growing; an edge may be weakening, getting ready to break away with the waters it holds back, splashing forward, putting new pressures, or maybe adding new dimensions to a pool that is ripe for change or has not yet begun to form.

Overview of the waters of Canary Spring on the Upper Terrace of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Standing here, watching this instant evolution of the Mammoth Hot Spring area, I feel compelled to leave the boardwalk to get up close with the terrace, to see its every nook and cranny, to see what secrets are yet kept from me behind the steam and overhangs where mystery is at play. The intrigue with each successive visit grows, as does my curiosity to know more about the immensity that is Yellowstone.

Steam rising off travertine terraces on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Moments stretch into minutes, and the clouds and snow are at bay. This is where circumstances pave the way for us to recognize what could have been seen as a setback earlier in the day, turning out to be a serendipitous event because had I not struggled with the camera earlier, we would not have been where we were each step of this wonderful day. We could have possibly missed these sights, not had the chance to snap the images that will supplement our memories into old age, and could have been anywhere else besides right here, right now, being dazzled by these experiences of perfection.

Pools of water surrounded by snow on the front of Canary Spring on the Upper Terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

While the Buddhist may know this way of thinking and the recognition to accept the hurdles and stumbling blocks that alter our paths and those things that intrude into our expectations, it is a difficult piece of knowledge that often eludes me and is probably one source of my petty frustrations.

Approaching sunset with a wide overview of the Mammoth Hot Springs area with the Gallatin Range in the background in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

We revel in the beauty of the golden afternoon light as it paints the landscape anew. The cliché is alive and well that Yellowstone is never the same twice but always remains twice as spectacular as your memory will tell you it was the last time you witnessed it.

Inside the Map Room at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

The dark of night returns early during the winter, driving us indoors. The Map Room is quiet and warm. Around the corner, a girl sells hot chocolate and espresso to further warm our cold bones. Later, after dinner, the Map Room fills with guests who watch, listen, and learn from a Park Ranger and the evening’s program. I will sit here and write until the reservation made for our nightly relaxation ritual moves us from this cozy room to the blissfully hot and steamy bubbling waters of the hot tub.

Yellowstone – Day 1

H.A. Moore and Caroline Wise in front of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming

A change of approach was in order; the idea was to start packing three days before departing for our winter vacation instead of the more typical for me – last minute. When there is nothing to do on the day before heading to the airport, I find it easier to go to sleep early without the usual anxiety rush that makes for fitful sleep during the few short hours before the alarm snaps our attention back to consciousness at four in the morning. Instead, we head to bed casually, early, and without wondering what we are forgetting.

[The photo above is of H.A. Moore of Yellowstone Rough Riders and Caroline]

Orange-stained travertine terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Cloud cover obscured much of the flight north right up until we were maybe seventy miles from Salt Lake City. As the skies cleared, the snow cover and breadth of winter became apparent. The valley we are about to land in is locked between the Wasatch mountain range to the east and the Great Basin range to the west. On a winter morning, this sight is particularly beautiful, with snow-capped peaks catching the golden light of the still low sun while the string of cities north and south of Salt Lake lie in shadow.

Dead trees mirrored in a hot spring on a wintery day at the Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

After the bustle of Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, Salt Lake City feels quaint, but this airport, too, will have all the trappings of a big city airport when, a week from now, we return, flying in from the truly small Gallatin Field airport in Bozeman, Montana. The plane we board in Salt Lake seats fifty and doesn’t feel much bigger than the larger private jets I have seen so often landing and departing the Scottsdale Airpark. Our flight to Bozeman carries no children, not even a teen. Only one person who might be considered a minority, a woman of Asian descent, has joined us. The average age is certainly somewhere in the upper forties or early fifties. This midweek flight appears to attract a professional crowd. Many of the passengers are reading, a few talk and only a couple are listening to the sounds of something else from their headphones. Not one notebook computer is open, not a single movie is playing on a small screen, nor is anyone playing video games. If I had a wish, it might be that I should be sitting next to a social anthropologist who could explain why this group appears more comfortable, less frantic, and better at ease in their demeanor. This is flying for the zen crowd.

Travertine sculpted edge of a hot spring pool at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Our Bombardier CRJ200 touches down early, and for a while, just before landing, it looks like Bozeman and the surrounding area are plenty snowy. On the ground, it became obvious, though that not much snow had fallen recently – while places like Seoul, South Korea, a week ago saw eleven inches of snowfall in a single day. Not only that, but a heatwave is whipping through the area, with temperatures in the low 50s. We travel light and have no baggage to claim; dragging our carry-on bags, we walk right over to Karst Stage – the folks who will drive us to our final destination, Yellowstone National Park.

Mammoth Hot Springs terraces in the foreground with dark heavy mountains in the background at Yellowstone National Park January 2010

As I approach the counter I recognize Mr. H.A. Moore. Although his back is towards me, he cuts a distinctive silhouette – H.A. was the same driver we had last year. Due to the overwhelming nature of our first winter trip to Yellowstone, we had forgotten by the end of our adventure that the sixty-seven-year-old horseman owns and leads backcountry tours for Yellowstone Rough Riders. H.A. arrived in the Yellowstone / Teton region in 1972 and has been a backcountry tour guide ever since. Talk with park personnel, and you’ll learn that there may not be anyone alive today who has the experience and breadth of knowledge H.A. has regarding the remote areas of Yellowstone. Listen to his cowboy poetry, and if you are so fortunate to be as rooted to the land as H.A., you too may gain a great understanding of who this man is, and you won’t hesitate to grab the opportunity to ride with him on a tour off the beaten path of the Yellowstone.

Water cascading over miniature terraces hill side at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

By the time we arrived at Roosevelt Arch on the North Entrance near Mammoth Hot Springs, we had confirmed a reservation with H.A. for a pack trip on horseback in early September 2011. Of course, we’d like to go this year, but with a nineteen-day rafting trip through the Grand Canyon scheduled, we can only accomplish so much in any given year. The week to ten-day ride, as described by H.A., will take us through the northwest corner of the park if someone would like to sponsor us for a ten-day trip, we would love to go see The Thorofare in the southeast of Yellowstone through the Absaroka Range. The Thorofare Trail is considered the most remote corner of America, being at least thirty miles in any direction from a road. A highlight of this particular trail is the Two Ocean Plateau on the Continental Divide, where North Two Ocean Creek splits, with one fork becoming the Pacific Creek and the other becoming the Atlantic Creek, with each flowing into the respective oceans.

Mammoth Hot Springs Yellowstone National Park in Winter

After a quick check-in at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, we drop our bags in room 221, race to the ski shop for some water, and then jump on a van that will take us up the road to the Upper Terrace hot springs. Living in Phoenix, there is a transitory, temporary nature to people’s time at service industry jobs, so we were quite surprised to recognize Lisa at the front desk of the hotel, Point and Chris at the ski shop, Doug, who led our Wake up to Wildlife tour last year, and then later in the dining room, we recognized others from our previous visit. Chris, who is also a ski instructor, after learning of our upcoming big trip, told us that this April, he would be taking a trip down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon with a friend. Turns out this friend applied for a private permit almost twenty years to the day prior to his gaining approval. People of adventure flock together.

Mammoth Hot Springs Yellowstone National Park in Winter

While we enjoyed some sun and blue skies on our way into Yellowstone, it wasn’t to last. Sure, the sun poked its way through the clouds from time to time, but mostly, the sky was now overcast. This eighth visit to America’s first National Park will put us solidly over thirty days spent in the park, thirty-five to be precise, and yet I still do not have a feeling that I am much more familiar with its expanse than the first-time visitor who passes through in a day. We take our time here on the terrace, walking slower and lingering longer than on any previous visit, and still, it feels rushed, as if trying to make a compromise with time, willing it to slow down but it ignores our pleas.

Water gushing from rock forming new terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

With no other visitors up here, Caroline and I stand perfectly still so the snow below our feet doesn’t crunch and our clothes don’t swish, listening to the faint sound of birds in the distance. As the sounds of the hot springs become amplified in the silence, we can hear the change in the surge of water flowing over the cascading terraces. Our ears focus on a point where the steamy mineralized water exits the earth, hearing how the flow of water keeps changing; it rushes forward and slows again. The sun briefly illuminates an edge of white travertine, opening a hole in the clouds to shine on an adjacent mountain and just as quickly is gone again.

Icicles hanging from a dormant terrace at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

Small fluctuations in the wind combined with the pulsing water release billowy steam, creating patterns and shapes of ephemeral clouds, shifting, rolling, and dissipating. For a moment, edges and ripples of pooled water in a hot spring come into clarity but quickly are returned to be hidden behind the mysterious steamy shadows hiding from us what is now just out of view. With a new breeze comes an old familiar Yellowstone friend – the smell of sulfur.

Closeup detail of a steaming side of hot spring that has formed as a hill at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

The boardwalk trail here is relatively short and quite an easy walk. Still, we require four hours to stroll the terrace, and only the approach of evening compels us to depart for dinner. If this time were all we were allowed on this visit to Yellowstone, we could be content, but we have six more full days to go.

Steaming hill side terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park January 2010

This midweek day in the park gives the impression that no one else is here; we could be alone. A few tables in the dining room are occupied at dinner. A hot tub awaits us in the cold air for an enjoyable hour-long soak under the stars. All of a sudden, a day that began at 4:00 a.m. sure seems like a long one by 9:00 p.m.; the alarm will wake us before 6:00, twilight begins at 7:30 with sunrise at 8:00 – we’ll be ready.

16 Years

Caroline Wise and John Wise in front of the Grand Canyon National Park entry sign

Thirty days ago or so, on Caroline’s birthday, we found ourselves at the Grand Canyon National Park where back in 1994 right around this time of the year we were spending a brief honeymoon after getting married at the Little White Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Today, January 12 we are noting our 16th wedding anniversary. What is tieing all of this together is that today’s photo shows us in the winter clothes we purchased during the last month of 2008 for a trip we were taking to Yellowstone in January 2009 to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary, and our 20th anniversary marking the first time we met back on 17 January 1989. You see, these clothes that were worn to the Grand Canyon last month are being put to use again this year, tomorrow as a matter of fact. On Wednesday, January 13th we are celebrating a one-year anniversary of celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary that was spent in Yellowstone National Park by repeating our trip to Yellowstone. A kind of anniversary of the anniversary, an exponential celebration of embedded anniversariness. Next year we promise to spin out of orbit and do something different, but for now, we once again don our Jack London memories and embark on a journey north looking for wolves, bison, moose, eagles, and the beginning of our 17th year of happily wedded bliss.

Going Rafting

A snowman standing sentry on the Rim Trail at the Grand Canyon National Park on December 12, 2009

And then the malevolent snowman whispered unto me, “Yellow ice custard, dripping from a cold mule’s eye. Snow igloo canyon wife, digitalis priestess, Boy, you been a naughty man you let your thermals down, I am the iceman, they are the icemen, I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob”. Then he winked and said, “Seriously, I am not dead, I’m merely frozen.” I don’t know if I got the shivers because I was cold, enlightened, or maybe a little crazy. But here we are out at the Grand Canyon National Park.

On the snowy Rim Trail at the Grand Canyon National Park on December 12, 2009

After the snowman gave us instructions to follow the long and winding snow path that leads to your door, we were soon walking rim-side bundled up and warm with my tripod gently weeping. Along the trail, we can’t help but notice all the cold people begging the question, where do they all come from? Ok, enough of the Beatle’s homages. We are here in the Grand Canyon for serious business. Today is Caroline’s birthday.

Snow covered rocks at Mather Point in the Grand Canyon National Park on December 12, 2009

Up before dawn, we left Phoenix around 6:30 for the 217-mile (351km) drive north to the canyon. Snow and cold greeted us not far from Flagstaff and stayed with us for the rest of the day. Along the canyon rim, the roads were snowy but drivable without chains – slowly. Our first stop was at the visitors center, followed by a short walk that took us out to Mather Point (this photo is just above). While we had on long undies, down vests, gloves, and hats, it was immediately obvious we would need to don our shell pants and jackets, fleece jackets, and the all-important balaclavas. With cold ears burning at your skull, all the core warmth in the world will be for nothing. All wrapped up, we were ready for a serious hike.

Snowy Grand Canyon shrouded in fog on December 12, 2009

First, though, we slowly drove to the Bright Angel Lodge, checked in, and lunched at the El Tovar before embarking into the cold outdoors. With a canyon full of fog, temperatures of 29 degrees (-1c), and a wind chill of 23 degrees (-5c), we were not about to slog down the Bright Angel Trail to Indian Gardens on this fine frozen day. Our options were sipping hot chocolate at the lounge in the El Tovar Hotel or a casual stroll 2.8 miles back to Mather Point along the Rim Trail and a bus ride back. We knuckled down and took the cold, hard adventure.

Caroline Wise signing our deposit check to raft the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon on a Dory in 2010

Speaking of adventure. Yes, we are in part here since today is Caroline’s birthday, but we also have taken ourselves cliffside to commemorate the signing of a check that is a deposit on an upcoming Grand Canyon adventure, which, for the two of us, will likely be one of the greatest experiences of our lives. It was just our luck that two people canceled their reservations for an 18-day dory trip on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. After many a conversation with nearly all the girls who work for the wonderful company OARS who answered all my questions, sent me literature, and dealt with even more phone calls, we finally received our invoice with instructions to send in our deposit. Not satisfied with just signing another check, I needed a momentous location to bear witness to our probably-once-in-a-lifetime grand adventure; what better backdrop than the Grand Canyon itself?

Late afternoon view into a foggy and snowy Grand Canyon on December 12, 2009

Now, with the ritual accomplished, there was little to do besides take in the foggy, mysterious beauty of the canyon on a day like no other we had seen while visiting this National Park. Other visitors shivered and walked briskly; we lingered and inspected the wintery details around us, staring into what should have been an abyss, where occasionally the fog would lift, and hints of the breadth and grandeur of this place that lay shrouded in winter hiding below would be exposed only to fall back into obscurity as air currents changed and fog once again blocked our view but opened new horizons of imagination of just what the many faces of the Grand Canyon can show those who desire to witness their beauty.

Everglades National Park

Caroline Wise about to eat a half frozen still raw fish at Robbie's Marina on Islamorada, Florida

Attention: I’ve been updating blog posts where I either only posted 1 photo or maybe a couple; well, on this entry, I posted seven images, but reviewing it at the end of 2022, I felt I could easily double that number so that’s just what I did. All photos are from November 17, 2009, when the others were shot.

After breakfast of half-frozen raw fish out of the way, it was time to take on the day. Our first stop was at Robbie’s Marina on Islamorada to feed the tarpons and fend off some greedy pelicans. We had heard of these giant fish that hang out next to the boat docks waiting for tourists to happen along who are in need of spending their last few dollars on a bucket of fish to throw at other fish so they, in turn, can lose their hunting skills.

The best part of visiting this place was the “Wall of Lost Stuff You Wished You Hadn’t Dropped in the Water.” In all their corroded glory hang nearly a hundred pairs of prescription glasses, sunglasses, cell phones, digital cameras, car keys, hats, and trinkets.

Lizard in the Everglades National Park Southern Florida

Today is our last day in Florida, and instead of another trip into the water for more snorkeling, we decided we would capture that thing that we missed at the beginning of our trip and make our way north to the Everglades National Park.

Detail of tree at the Everglades National Park in southern Florida

We visited the Everglades with my mother-in-law back in 2003, but now, as then, we have too little time to adequately explore this million-and-a-half-acre national park. After a quick stop at the visitors center to best plan our four-hour adventure, we quickly ran off to Royal Palm, beginning our walk on the Gumbo Limbo Trail, where the above photo was snapped.

Alligator on the Anhinga Trail at Royal Palm in the Everglades National Park, Florida

The other trail at Royal Palm is the Anhinga Trail, where paths and boardwalks take us through wetlands, passing various birds, including the anhinga for whom the trail is named, fish, buzzards, and, of course – the mighty alligator. Oh, sure, I would like to tell you how I tracked this fierce beast while on a safari through the wilds of the Everglades, but the truth is far more mundane. Right next to the trail, this gator sat in the grasses with most visitors just passing by, unaware, within ankle-biting distance. After I crouched to snap this photo, more than a couple of startled folks gave Mr. Alley Gator a wide berth.

Bird on the Anhinga Trail at Royal Palm in the Everglades National Park, Florida

This is the anhinga bird drying out.

The Little Blue Heron, one of 20 common North American birds with the greatest population declines since 1967 seen at the Everglades National Park in Florida

A Little Blue Heron, not to be confused with the Great Blue Heron. This particular heron species is among twenty bird species, seeing the greatest population declines in North America since 1967. Luck seems to follow us around when it comes to animal sightings. At the end of one of the boardwalks, we were first amazed to see a group of about eight alligators lounging in the sun when I spotted this fluorescent dark blue bird I’d never seen before, so instead of more gator photos here is the beautiful Little Blue Heron.

Alligator at the Anhinga Trail in the Everglades National Park, Florida

Either I’m that stupid to get too close, or my lens is doing part of the work.

Anhinga Trail in the Everglades National Park, Florida

The trail on this raised boardwalk is a short one, but it’s a treasure trove of life.

The Anhinga bird in the water at Anhinga Trail in the Everglades National Park, Florida

This, again, is the anhinga for whom this trail is named. Its name originates from the Brazilian Tupi language, meaning Devil Bird or Snake Bird; it is also known as the Darter or Water Turkey. If you weren’t paying attention, you’d think this swimming bird was a common cormorant. We hung out waterside, watching the anhinga surface, dive again, move through the water like…like, well like a snake. I would have gladly put my waterproof housing on my camera to grab an underwater shot of the anhinga-catching fish but a large alligator population proved a strong deterrent.

Near the Anhinga Trail in the Everglades National Park, Florida

I believe these are Longleaf pine trees.

Heron at Sisal Pond in the Everglades National Park, Florida

While I know it’s a heron, I can’t figure out its exact line.

Sisal Pond in the Everglades National Park, Florida

With time running short but not so short, we can’t afford one more moment of sightseeing we head further into the Everglades but recognize we won’t be able to go far, considering our drive back to Fort Lauderdale. A quick decision to stop at Sisal Pond and see what it has to offer was a perfect choice. We walked the length of the pond, spotting one alligator, more than a few birds, and a snakeskin that was shed in some underbrush. With clouds starting to fill the sky, it was our cue that now was the time to finish our brief visit to the Everglades and head north for our flight home.

The illuminated cities of Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas as seen at night from forty-thousand feet in the air

The trek west flew us into the setting sun and the night sky. From forty-thousand feet in the air, the view past the Mississippi is most often of seemingly empty lands with an occasional small town gleaming in the darkness, but as we approached El Paso, Texas, I grabbed the camera for this shot. The bright ribbon that bisects this place is actually the border between Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. The densely lit area at the top of the photo is Juarez. The rest of the flight was dark – outside.