Slunj, Croatia

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Just as I’d suspected last night, the family hosting us at their country homestead is out here with the wood fire going; the table is mostly set with homemade bread, jam, a couple of varieties of cheeses, smoked meats, and some strong Turkish coffee. It will be close to an hour before any of the other guests appear.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

After saying good morning to the Jelaš family and learning that somehow these elderflowers that were just picked from some nearby trees were going to be part of breakfast, I took a walk around the property. From the kitchen, Croatian music played quietly while the birds sang their own morning songs. A light wind rustled the trees, and I got a close-up view of the flowers among the shrubbery. For a brief moment, I was able to find a sense of what a more typical day alone out on this hilltop might be like if this was the place I called home.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Elderflower pancakes are a new treat to me. Never in my 56 years have I eaten a breakfast that included fresh cuttings from a nearby tree that were simply dipped into batter and fried with the branch still attached to use as a handle when eating the delicate blossoms. Gluttony being my middle name, I likely ate half a dozen of these before I could finally refuse Ivka’s pushing more of them on me. Ivka is Juraj’s wife and is pictured below in the last photo of this entry.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

The building with the outside stairs is the main house, and under a gallery on the right side of it is the dining area with a view of the trees and surrounding countryside. The building on the right is the house Caroline and I stayed in, specifically the upstairs room closest to the camera.

Shortly we’ll be leaving the homestead for the day, though we’ll return later this afternoon as we have two nights out here. Our destination is the Mrežnica River Canyon for some kayaking: our first paddling experience of the trip.

Caroline Wise and John Wise about to raft the Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

Suited up in wet suits and splash jackets, we are close to putting in on the river. Our kayaks are sit-on-top two-person affairs, and while Caroline said she’d never ride in a kayak, a.k.a. divorce boat with me ever again, that is exactly what she’s about to do.

Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

I can’t tell you that I’m not approaching panic as I look down and face the river below. If only I didn’t have an inherent fear of water, this would likely be a lot easier, but being pushed off the back of a boat into Lake Erie when I was about four years old and then being caught in a riptide only a few years later in California made some of my early encounters with the force and nature of water one fraught with anxiety.

Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

The first briefing of the morning, and we’re learning about the type of travertine waterfalls that we’ll be navigating. I’m fairly certain that Caroline is as nervous as I am, but we are surrounded by guides, have our personal flotation devices strapped on tightly, helmets on our noggins, and have been assured again and again that this is safe for beginners.

Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

Down a hill, we carried our boats to a relatively calm pool where we practiced getting our bearings and reinforcing the skills to have our kayaks do what we’d like them to do. While not convinced I’d be graceful in my actions, I was determined to stay upright as we headed downstream, encountering a chute that was to send us over our first waterfall. The hope was that we’d still be upright after doing so, but things didn’t work out that way. We rolled out pretty quickly after entering the rapid/waterfall, but pretty quickly, we were right back in our kayak with the help of a guide who was standing in the waist-deep water just in case he had to help a passenger or two back into their kayak. Good thing we were right back in because we were soon flying over the next fall, where strangely enough, we remained out of the water and on top of our kayak.

I should probably mention at this time that our Croatian guides for this trip are Petar and Ivan (pronounced E-vahn, not Eye-van). These two guys seriously helped push our river skills into new territory today. Ivan’s patience in helping again and again by bringing my attention to correctly maneuvering our kayak was always on point. Caroline and I both consider ourselves beginners because although we’ve been out in the Gulf of Mexico, on the Straights of San Juan De Fuca, and a couple of other places, we’ve never been seriously coached in how to properly kayak, and so we’ve inadvertently mostly worked against each other.

Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

The river was running high today due to recent heavy rains. Even when we were out on the water, we got hammered by a hard downpour, but as it finished, a fine mist rose over the river in the canyon and added to the already tremendous beauty we were witnessing. It’s not just the river that is gorgeous either, but the deep greens of spring are painted over the forest and only add to the fascinating spectacle on display. Hands down, though, it is the travertine falls that are going to enchant anyone who visits here as they are struck in disbelief that they are actually in this place of the extraordinary.

Mreznica River in Slunj, Croatia

On one particularly difficult waterfall, our guides set up ropes and used carabiners, attaching them momentarily to our kayaks, allowing them to drain so they’d not be too heavy as we went over the final drop.

We now understand that we can figure out the direction of the kayak and stay upright, going over one to two-meter waterfalls boosting our confidence to great new heights. Petar and Ivan work for a company called Raftrek and were helped today by their coworkers named Marko, Dario, and Eugen, who not only helped us climb down a waterfall because we were too nervous to jump down a 7-meter (21-foot) cliff over the edge of a waterfall into a deep pool below but also helped by often jumping back into the hip-deep water rushing over the travertine edges in the middle of the river to help ensure we made the line we needed to for navigating the various rapids.

With the wet suits on we were well prepared to be comfortable on the cold water and in it. Our guide Eugen had an infectious enthusiasm that allowed him to ply the waters in nothing more than shorts and a t-shirt. This guy jumped from a travertine edge over the 7-meter tall waterfall into the center of the maelstrom below; he jumped out of kayaks with a backflip to get back in the water and, at the end of the trip, jumped off a bridge more than 10 meters over the river. This guy certainly relieved stress for some of us by demonstrating absolute comfort with any part of the river. The confidence of our well-skilled guides definitely lent loads of confidence to the rest of us who needed it.

Off the river and getting changed into dry clothes was no easy feat due to the intermittent rains that had us in a hurry to wrestle out of our clingy, wet suits in a rush to get warm. Once we were packed up and back at the Raftrek base camp, it was time for our picnic lunch, coffee for me and a beer for Caroline.

There’s no way to adequately convey in these post-adrenaline moments just how amazing this all was. What started in near panic ended with new confidence that only after kayaking down waterfalls can offer. This must surely be one of the most beautiful stretches of river in all of Europe, well at least today it is.

Slunj, Croatia

We’ve already seen this type of sight dozens of times on the local roads: a damaged house has been abandoned. The owners may have perished at the hands of the invading military, or maybe they left the country after the trauma of having their homes made unlivable due to the Balkans War of 1991 to 2001. There are signs of the conflict in every village we pass through, as bullet-riddled walls can be seen over and over again. The cost to repair the damage to the walls seems to be secondary to replacing windows and roofs in order to regain protection from the elements during winter or seasonal rains.

Slunj, Croatia

We could be in Wisconsin, Idaho, or Maine with these views. We could be in love under these skies. We could let these landscapes linger in our memories forever. We could return someday and fall in love with it all again.

Slunj, Croatia

The next stop on today’s adventure is in the village of Slunj. This old mill town was built over an area of dozens of waterfalls and is obviously the influence of many a sci-fi film where one need not think long about the movies it inspired.

Slunj, Croatia

I found no way to do justice photographically to what I saw here. The breadth and scale of the place with intricate details defied capturing it for me with a single image that might share some of the character seen from the overlook we walked along.

Slunj, Croatia

While writing this part of the blog, I went over to Google to search for the images I was certain I’d find, but I quickly learned that others are having the same problem in finding the perfect angle to share a fraction of what will greet your senses as you walk around the old town center.

I’d be willing to go so far as to say that a visit to Croatia would be incomplete without a stop here. It is that important for your own eyes and ears to have gazed upon the spectacle of so much water flowing through and under this small patch of land that people call home.

Slunj, Croatia

It’s only about 5:00 when we arrive back at the Jelaš homestead. Being early and having passed a bunch of sheep, Caroline and I took a walk back down the road to check them out.

Slunj, Croatia

The sheep were being moved over to another pasture as their dogs were herding them to a different hillside and started barking wildly at us as we got too close for their liking.

Slunj, Croatia

These sheep are not supplying their coats to any fiber artists but are instead meant for dinner tables.

Slunj, Croatia

Not two seconds after turning around, a white van came racing around the corner; it was our host Juraj, also called “šef” or boss by our guides Petar and Ivan. He tried telling us something that was being lost in translation, so he motioned us to join him in the vehicle, and we hopped in. We backed down the narrow road to a steep grassy incline where he was able to turn around before heading down it and around the corner to the thing he was trying to tell us about.

Slunj, Croatia

We were at an “Izvor,” or spring, where freshwater was trickling out of a seep. Gesturing, he let us know that the water was safe to drink, and after we sampled it, he offered us a large plastic bottle to fill, and off the three of us went on another adventure.

Slunj, Croatia

The road narrows, and we speed along with the familiarity of someone who’s driven this road so many times before that it’s mapped into the back of his mind and is now traveled by instinct.

Furjan fortress known as Sokolac near Slunj, Croatia

Can the road get narrower? Yes, and we are now on it listening to Radio Velkaton deep in the countryside of Croatia. Further into the woods, we drove, not able to share a word or idea of where we might be going. When we finally pulled over at a scenic overlook, Juraj pointed to the center of the landscape, drawing our attention to a tower ruin called Sokolac.

Slunj, Croatia

This is not where tourists go, this is where travelers arrive knowing that they are seeing a rare sight compared to those who cannot leave their trophy collecting. We do not see Saint Mark’s Basilica in the distance or snow-capped mountains of the Himalayas rising to the heavens; we are merely offered a glimpse across time into the heart of rural Europe with a rare opportunity to simply see and experience an ordinary moment. It’s priceless.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Our fellow rafters are either busy tending to the drying of their wet river clothes, are showering, or are off napping. I’m off to visit with Ivka to see if I might be able to learn a thing or two about Croatian cooking.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Ivka and her helper friend are busy in the outdoor kitchen getting ready to finish the final baking of the stuffed peppers we’ll be having later. The bake will happen “Under the Bell.” In Croatian, this is known as Ispod čripnje, and should you be interested and find yourself in Croatia, it turns out that a group in Zadar is organizing cooking classes and wine tastings in the area that focus on learning about this popular method of cooking in the Balkans. They are called Truly Dalmatia, and maybe one day, we’ll take them up on their offer to teach us more about cooking Under the Bell.

The weather is bringing back the overcast skies while dinner is nearing completion. Our stuffed peppers are being served with mashed potatoes and homemade bread.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Ivka Jelaš is the wife of Juraj Jelaš, who came to me and, through Ivan, let me know that should Caroline and I ever come back to Croatia, she would like us to be their guests. How much more touching someone could have been at that moment, I cannot say. If I thought their generosity reached a limit that night, I would have been wrong, as after the majority of guests went to sleep, Ivka brought out a loaf of still-hot soda bread. With a large block of butter, Juraj and I put a pretty good dent into that loaf.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Here we are at the best time of day again when almost everyone else has gone to bed, and now it’s just Juraj, Ivka (wearing the cowboy helmet – it’s Cliff’s custom-made boating helmet!), Petar, Mira (the woman behind Ivka), and Cliff sitting at the dining table drinking and smoking late into the night.

I don’t know how the conversation came up, but we fairly quickly got to Jebi Se (Croatian for “fuck you”). It was the very first thing I said to Ivan upon meeting him at dinner on the night of our orientation meeting. I explained to him that someone once told me it was a common greeting in Croatia, his eyes looking at me in disbelief were perfect. Now we’re all laughing about it and how curse words are always people’s entry into another language.

The wine is flowing as the radio serenades us with accordion music, and the fire burns strong with the new log Juraj just added. Listening to the mostly Croatian spoken around the table, there are occasional breaks used for translating the important bits. For these moments, we are outside of time, having an experience that feels like we are with family on a Balkans adventure that cannot be bought.

A step out into the yard allows for a more focused listen to the crickets, the trill of the frogs, and a few drops of rain that are falling. Back at the table, I learn to say no shit, “ne seri,” or as kids say, “ne kakaj” for the slightly more polite “no kaka.”

Ivan relates his two-hour wait for Caroline and me at the airport, holding the sign from Wantok that escaped our view. He had seen us but decided that these happy hippy people, who moved like they knew what they were doing, couldn’t be the people he was looking for, so he just kept waiting until we reached the hotel and word got back to him. I think he’s enjoying himself just a bit too much by holding our feet to the fire for “blowing him off.”

Caroline and I called it quits shortly after midnight and did our best to quietly head upstairs while the two other couples in our building hopefully remained sound asleep, enjoying their slumber.

Plitviče Lakes National Park

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The instructions were clear and succinct last night: breakfast starts at 7:00, and everyone needs to be ready and curbside by 8:30. For those accustomed to the $30-a-night roadside motel where you might be lucky to find stale cornflakes, this luxurious hotel in Zagreb put on an extravaganza for breakfast. While we skipped the caviar and champagne, we scoured the tables for those things we hoped might be uniquely Balkans-influenced before heading back upstairs to grab our bags and comply with our trip leader Petar’s request to be punctual. It was raining as he pulled up on the narrow street that he might not have been allowed to stop on. We packed up our luggage, piled in, and were soon on our way to Plitviče Lakes National Park.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The necessity of the timely departure was in small part due to the 130km (80 miles) two-hour drive we had ahead of us, but more importantly, was that we were on a timed entry schedule. To deal with the extraordinary popularity of Plitviče Lakes, the park service has started to schedule entry times in an attempt to combat overcrowding. After parking, our group took shelter near the entrance while Petar finalized our entry, and some of our fellow travelers replenished their supply of coffee.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Established in 1949 as Croatia’s first National Park, this place is knock-your-handknitted-socks-off-your-feet beautiful, and we’re here in the rain. It’s quickly apparent just how lucky we are to be here on a Monday before the summer vacation season gets fully underway, as it’s easy to imagine the trails with 100 times more people than are here now. The poor weather also likely worked to our advantage and probably dissuaded some people from showing up today, and it nearly feels like the park is ours alone, even though some might have thought otherwise (there were plenty of buses in the parking lot). Peeking through the forest is a small hint of what lay below. Fortunately for me, I never researched any specifics about the locations we’d be visiting on this journey into the Balkans.

There’s another important thing to note for me here: as I don’t watch television, I’ve not been exposed to every amazing location on Earth. My bucket list is still being discovered with surprises that continue to capture my imagination here in my mid-50s. I learned not too long ago to not always hope for great weather and disallow disappointment should I encounter what some might call less than ideal conditions. I’m lucky to visit places at least once in my life that I could have never dreamt of seeing in person as a younger adult.

One can visit the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon under clear blue skies in the middle of summer and never see a drop of rain, but they will have been cheated from seeing clouds collecting below the canyon rims. They will not see spontaneous waterfalls come into existence with a good monsoon soaking. Had they been in the park in the winter, they might have had the pleasure of looking up to see snow-capped rims. Measure your expectations and allow yourselves to be enchanted by the opportunity instead of finding disappointment that your ideals were not realized.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Petar stops at the park map to show us the route we’ll be taking today, promising us a solid four- to six-hour walk through this extraordinary landscape of lakes, travertine pools, and waterfalls that promise to astonish us.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

It should be obvious from this photo that the first impression that strikes hard is that the water is extraordinarily and profoundly crystal clear. The second impression, if you are in a group situation, is that different people have different ideas on how long one should dwell in being mesmerized staring into the pools. Lingering what might be an adequate amount of time for Caroline and me would require a multi-day visit to the park and probably across the seasons, too.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The third likely impression is going to be your astonishment at the boardwalks that are guiding you through this environment. There are no guide rails on the trails; they are bidirectional, and when they are wet, they look deceptively slippery, though they are surprisingly not, and at times, they are barely a hair above the water except for the occasional spots that are actually in the water.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

With these elegantly placed boardwalks taking visitors directly over the water, they are able to bring people to the best imaginable views that would otherwise be impossible to see without the help of a small boat.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Caroline and I struggled to race ahead of our group to remain out front in order to capture these photos without getting in the way of others. Along the way, I was told by one of our guides how, at the height of the season, it often happens that people effectively move along on a kind of conveyor belt where the flow of traffic forces the stream of visitors to rarely, if ever, stop.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Water is seemingly flowing everywhere as it cascades over the majority of surfaces, wrapping us in its web of channels, waterfalls, and pools. Returning to the thought of how fortunate I am to have not seen anything about Plitviče prior to our arrival, how many times have you watched a movie trailer only to be left feeling that you’ve seen the best parts of the movie? Today, I can stand here and honestly say that every corner is a constant non-disappointing surprise of standing in awe with mouth agape that such a place is so easily accessible to people without the ability to walk on water.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

What’s missing from this photo? The audio of what it sounds like to stand right here, well, that and a hammock.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The elevation is constantly changing as the water falls from one pool to another. We walk along shores, next to ledges, through the trees, and over streams until we emerge at wholly new views that could not have been anticipated just seconds before arriving at them.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

You’d think that while taking in a million new impressions, a few more would easily fit, but you have to make a serious effort to stop and look at the other trillion things if you are going to process the fraction you are struggling to hold on to and make space for just one more detail. There are tiny orchids along the path, along with other delicate flowers, all competing with the constant movement swirling around your feet that beg you to see them, too. Immersion is inevitable here as you are surrounded by a reality that envelops you as deeply as the flower here is part of its ecosystem.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The path to the right will remain a mystery to me as we came from behind and took the boardwalk to the left. Then again, there were moments I felt I was in a maze, and only our guides’ familiarity with the park helped me find where to go.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

I’m still wondering how these and many other trees take root in the flowing waters of Plitviče Lakes. I get that the water freezes during winters, but that’s not the time when trees sprout, either. Maybe the travertine pools that contain the waters that flow through here occasionally break and allow the water to change course, but then how do all of these trails through the park seem so perfectly aligned to guide us past the most spectacular sights?

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The obligatory selfie (in front of Veliki Slap – or the Big Waterfall) is required to prove that we were, in fact, here where we claim but not for anyone else except Caroline and me as we are ourselves hardly believe we have been where our travels have taken us. Look to Caroline’s right, and you will see a hint of our umbrella. It was nearly constantly open to protect the camera from the rain while I snapped away. I can appreciate that even under gray skies, we were treated to a landscape that required no embellishment, and will look forward to a day we might return when winter brings a new level of solitude and quiet to the park or when we arrive to witness the glorious sun smiling down upon the Plitviče Lakes.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Looking at these incredible formations of travertine implies some amazing limestone deposits and, consequently, a rich hydrological world below us. I’d guess that there’s a labyrinth of caves that are still quite active in their development. Matter of fact, during our walk-in to the park, we passed many a sinkhole where the ground had subsided, and in some cases, former trails had become inaccessible.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

We are not necessarily in a rush to exit the park, but we also have a lot of ground to cover in trying to explore a wide variety of sights along the trails. I see untaken photographs that will have to wait for a return in the future while others beg to be illuminated under the gaze of the sun in order to show their full spectrum of color. Even with their vibrant hues muted in the gray light of an overcast sky, there are hints that tease the passerby that an order of magnitude more beauty verging on the psychedelic is waiting for the rays of our star to truly shine. All the while, I sense that everything within our purview is evolving right under our noses more rapidly than we can comprehend.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

What is it that we find intrinsically magical by observing flowing water? Why do the depths of the sea draw us into their mystery while being inherently dangerous to our very survival? Something runs deep within us that remains inexplicable to my conscious mind, where water seems to speak to me on some basic level. I cannot be certain if it is my awareness that is excited by proximity to water or if maybe my cells are communicating to this larger force excited by the energy at play.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

Self-contained and able to live up to 25 years in captivity, I’d imagine that due to their languorous speed while moving through nature they experience life to be thousands of years before they move on to snail heaven. For whatever reason, I perceived this snail to be quite old. From its broad foot to a massive scar on its shell, I could easily believe that this specimen of snailhood has been cruising across Plitviče Lakes for a long time and has taken in kilometers of the park. This would be quite the feat, considering it moves at a maximum of 25 meters per day or about 82 feet.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

What kind of tragedy befell this boat? Were its passengers able to be rescued from the turbid waters that must have been raging back on that fateful day? Is it possible that Gilligan has been able to survive all these years since this small craft took its tragic turn? The mysteries Plitviče Lakes National Park will continue to hold back from sharing its knowledge, keeping me curious for years to come; obviously, we will have to return one day.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

There are waterfalls within waterfalls just beyond what the camera can observe. Our ears are useless in teasing out all of the directions where the sound of flowing water is traveling. While down there on the trails that take you right into the heart of this multi-level cascade I found it impossible to capture with photos what it looks like to be surrounded in such an environment. If it is true that under direct sunlight, we see a near infinity more beauty than we are allowed to observe on the day we are visiting, I can honestly say that should we have been exposed to such a sight, my tears would have certainly sprung forth adding yet another layer to the waterfalls too numerous to comprehend.

Plitviče Lakes National Park in Croatia

The visitor to Plitviče will never know what this place truly looks like. They may have some small idea of a corner, a snail inching over the lichen, the song of a bird in a nearby tree, or the raindrop that fell out of the sky to touch their cheek, but what they believe they saw will be profoundly altered by the light, changed angle, the height of observation, or the frame of reference operating in their mind after getting lost in the visual symphony of complexity that is too grand to remember every note. Try to comprehend the many layers, the flow of water, the work of nature sculpting an environment that is always being reshaped, and you will be lost. The macro overview is easy to have; it may be simple to say one has been to Plitviče, but seeing is not knowing, and knowing the intrinsic universe that is found in this corner of Croatia will continue to mystify you in your dreams and memories of such a wonderful place.

Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Through the hills and over dale, we drove until we reached a designated meeting area in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere at which our host was patiently waiting in his van for our arrival. The shortcut he would lead us on took over an hour off our drive time had we taken the roads Google had recommended. Good thing he acted as a guide because the single-width lane we took is a maze that zigzags over the lush rolling hills.

Caroline Wise at Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

We arrived at Imanje Jelaš, where our host Juraj welcomed us to his homestead with several different flavors of homemade Rakija, Croatian fruit brandy. There was the famous Šljivovica (plum brandy), but also concoctions based on grapes, lavender, apples, and herbs. I believe Caroline tried them all, but with five or six to choose from, I lost count at her third shot.

Dinner felt like a true Croatian experience. We sat outdoors on long tables next to the cooking fire (complete with the aforementioned iron bell). The homemade dishes were a gourmet delight and accompanied by large helpings of heartfelt welcoming from our hosts. While our fellow travel companions were relatively benign, I felt a bit embarrassed for their lack of enthusiasm. I don’t mean to imply that anyone was rude, but from the reaction to our dinner and tempered response to heartily digging in, I’d say that the crowd couldn’t truly appreciate the wild boar and deer goulash served with polenta and dumplings that were all cooked “under the bell.”

Dessert of walnut bread and poppy seed bread followed with offers of more wine, beer, or Rakija.

Caroline Wise at Imanje Jelaš in Slunj, Croatia

Shown to our rooms, Caroline and I were the lucky ones who had first dibs and consequently felt like we scored the best room of all – under the roof.

Plitviče Lakes National Park is already becoming a memory as I scratch out the notes I’m able to collect. It’s now after 11:00 p.m., and after a long day and the pleasure of spending more than a couple of hours with our hosts at the same table they fed us at, I need to give in to the need for sleep. As has been the situation with nearly every other river trip Caroline and I have taken, most everyone goes to sleep before 9:00 p.m., leaving us to be the ambassadors with our hosts who genuinely seem to appreciate that we are interested in hanging out with them into the middle of the night even though they’ll be up well before everyone else in order to make our breakfast.

If today were the totality of our Balkans adventure I’d say that we already received the full value of our investment to visit this corner of the world. That we still have almost 11 days of experiences ahead of us only lends wealth to our incredible good fortune to be able to participate in such opportunities.

Into The Balkans

John Wise and Caroline Wise flying to Zagreb, Croatia

We are at the Frankfurt Airport when we realize we forgot the toiletry bag; well, that’s the only thing we know of yet. Our flight to Zagreb, Croatia, is full, the waiting area is sterile and my bladder is filled by that last cup of coffee that is reminding me of its existence. Unfortunately, there is no toilet access in this area, and unless I want to go back through security, I’ll have to wait until I’m on board. I’m a guy; I can do this.

Marlene, the Surface Book I’ve been traveling with for years now, is staying in Frankfurt, where she won’t interrupt us. (Yes, I know just how repulsive it is that I’ve anthropomorphized a computer.) I’m telling myself that we are on vacation while out on the Balkan rivers and that there’s little to no place for connectivity. Instead, I’m playing with ink on paper in the world of words that is organized the old-fashioned way by carrying a fountain pen and a couple of notebooks. For the next thirteen days, I will try to remain as disconnected as possible with limited access to our electronically tethered world while we travel between Croatia, Bosnia, and Montenegro.

Flying to Zagreb, Croatia

We boarded our Croatian Airlines flight in a race to be first, as I’m often impatient to do, and am now waiting for the rest of the passengers to board. The stresses of dealing with the horde bring out the worst in me; fortunately for my own self-respect, only Caroline must bear witness to my tempestuous personality disorder that veers into my particular type of Tourette’s Syndrome, where cursing my intolerance takes me close to blowing the gasket of civility.

We hung out on the tarmac instead of flying away because the baggage handlers were looking for the luggage of someone who checked his bags onto our flight but failed to board the plane. We are now about 45 minutes late for take-off, and my bladder is nagging me about its capacity. You might wonder why I simply don’t get up and take care of relieving the pressure. For one, I’m way over by the window. Okay, that doesn’t really matter, but the lady who was delivered to the seat on Caroline’s left has cerebral palsy, and crawling over her would just not feel right, so I grin and bear it.

Flying to Zagreb, Croatia

Over an hour late now before we take to the air for our 75-minute flight to the Southeast of Europe. This reality shift from the American desert to the seat of the German government and then to the center of Europe’s economic powerhouse before finally heading into the nature of the Dalmatian Coast feels extraordinarily surreal. While I wonder just who lives this kind of life, the obvious answer is that Caroline and I do. By the way, she’s here next to me, knitting my next pair of socks with yarn from a shop in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Lemon olive oil cookies wouldn’t have been my first guess for what type of snack is served on a flight to Croatia, but they are a pleasant surprise. The drink cart is approaching, and I can see it taunting me to add to the building pressure that is trying to crush my resolve to control the potential leakage right here in my seat. Wetting myself in flight would be a first for me as a grown man, and I would certainly embarrass myself, but what is the price of comfort to my internal organs compared to the cold, wet pants I’d have to endure for the next 45 minutes? Goethe likely never had to pose this question to himself.

Zagreb, Croatia

We Landed, found the facilities, and then took our places in the longest passport control queue that also qualified as the slowest. Leaving the customs area, we didn’t spot our ride (sorry again, Ivan!) and headed over to take the bus to town instead. Out near the curb, we got our first view of the Franjo Tudjman Airport building and its beautiful architecture. While I didn’t know this as we landed in Zagreb, I quickly learned that Franjo was the first president of Croatia after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Lucky for him and the country, he escaped controversy and criminal conviction and has been able to be immortalized on seemingly everything. The bus released us at the Autobus terminal on Avenija Marina Držića, and after consulting maps, we were on our way to our hotel in the center of town.

Zagreb, Croatia

Meeting us later today are Bruce Keller and Echo, his partner. Bruce is the boatman we first met on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon and has subsequently been on each of our river trips in the intervening years. About a week ago, around the time Caroline was arriving in Germany, Bruce posted a comment about leaving Prague on the way to Vienna. Seconds before arriving at the hotel, Bruce called wondering if we’d missed our flight as the person sent to pick us up didn’t see us or we didn’t see him. In just a few minutes, Bruce, Echo, Caroline, and I were on our way to lunch.

Caroline Wise, Echo, and Bruce in Zagreb, Croatia

After catching up on their European adventure so far and what we’ve been up to, Caroline and I decided to use a couple of hours before our Balkans orientation meeting to walk around town. While strolling around Zagreb, we ran into two separate passengers who were on our flight from Frankfurt. The second of the two turned out to be from Phoenix, too! Fernanda was her name and she doesn’t live far from us, actually only about 3 miles away. This encounter was at a cafe we’d stopped for coffee at, so we had some time to chat. Turns out that she, too, is visiting Plitvice Lakes National Park tomorrow, known as – Plitvička Jezera in Croatia. Upon telling her that our trip was one that would have us rafting a bunch of whitewater, she didn’t miss a beat and asked if we were traveling with OARS; now we are shocked. Our first trip with Bruce was with OARS and her dealing with them was a whitewater trip to Fiji some years before. This trip, though, is with Wantok Adventures.

Zagreb, Croatia

The results for the German elections for the European Parliament are coming in with the Greens doubling their seats, CDU losing seats, as did SPD, while AfD gained some. Today was election day across Europe, and Caroline had to sneak a peek. Dissatisfaction with the status quo is clearly being voted on today. For those who don’t know, CDU (the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel) has been the leading political party in Germany for over ten years, with SPD a close second. The Greens were a fringe party when I first got to Germany in the mid-’80s, and AfD was nonexistent. Alternative For Deutschland, or Alternative for Germany to us English speakers, is a far-right political party that is now the third-largest party in the Bundestag and took just under 11% of the vote for the European Parliament today.

Time to make our way back to the luxury hotel for orientation. Turns out that this was simply our meeting point before making our way to a local restaurant for a taste of Balkan cooking.

Caroline Wise in Zagreb, Croatia

Seriously, a Museum of Broken Relationships? I will never visit that place, and fortunately, the sister location in Los Angeles is permanently closed. On second thought, maybe we could learn something or other about what led to the demise of those hopefully once successful relationships and thus avoid the pitfalls they made.

Zagreb, Croatia

We are inside the Zagreb Cathedral, which is the tallest building in all of Croatia. Short of visiting museums, the churches of Europe are great locations to get a quick view of art and culture, at least as far as Christianity is concerned. Everything is essentially in one room where we need not dwell, taking in hundreds of details and reading about their history. In this sense, it’s kind of like our loft apartment in Phoenix, albeit with an amount of Gothic ornamentation we’ll never come close to replicating in our tiny place.

Zagreb, Croatia

This is an example of the Glagolitic alphabet in the Zagreb Cathedral, which almost became the official alphabet of Croatia after 1991 when the country gained its independence. Interestingly enough this language that was first created in the 9th century to translate the Bible for the Slavic nations is also the basis for the Cyrillic alphabet used in Russia and Serbia.

Zagreb, Croatia

Years of neglect during the Soviet occupation wreaked havoc on many of the historical buildings behind the former Iron Curtain, especially regarding religious buildings. The renovations are still underway over 30 years later. It’s amazing to see a cathedral in the condition of how it might have looked in the first years after it was built some thousand years ago.

Zagreb, Croatia

Oops, forgot to note which church this was. While not as ornate as the cathedral, it still has an ambiance of tranquility that will hopefully remain this way for centuries to come. The reason I say that is it was just a little more than 20 years ago that this region of the Balkans was at war, and far too many buildings were damaged by the stray and intentional bullets that were being directed in every direction in order to create chaos and fear. More about that later.

Zagreb, Croatia

Renovating private dwellings in an economically compromised region is not always easy or profitable for the property owners. Raising rents is not always an option either. While it adds to the rustic appearance and history of an old town, I’m fairly sure that the occupants would prefer that their walls weren’t falling off.

Zagreb, Croatia

Sometimes, things are lost in translation as you move from one culture to another. I liked this T-shirt enough that I just had to stop the guy and ask for his photo. I’ll wonder for some time just what this meant to him as I’m not 100% sure what it means to me, but a unicorn flipping you off while telling you to unfuck yourself was too great to pass up.

Caroline Wise in Zagreb, Croatia

Crone meets old Crone as the respect for the woman who knows hard work is immortalized in bronze, with Caroline stopping to give homage. Knowing my wife is aware of the handcrafted bread that would be in the handmade basket atop this woman’s head and the clothes that would have been woven and sewn by her own hand hints to me that, in some sense, Caroline is standing with a kindred spirit. This is just one of the myriad of qualities that endears me to the woman I love as much today as I did 30 years ago when we met.

Zagreb, Croatia

Is it my pre-trip jitters or social anxiety, but here I am in the first minutes of meeting the group, and my general feeling is one of disdain for almost everyone here? I hadn’t considered prior to the trip that after three weeks of immersion with Germans, I’d be ill-prepared for coming back into contact with people from America.

I feel that when these river groups come together, the first encounter has everyone putting up their peacock feathers and preening in the pride of where they’re from, what their careers are, or what their previous adventure travels have been. I’m looking forward to day two or three when I hope group cohesion starts forming. On the other hand, I’d like to believe that if I were able to isolate myself in my writing, I could be as happy as a clam no matter what.

So I focus instead on our dinner at the Restaurant Stari Fijaker, which translates to “Old Coach.” Caroline nudges me to point out that the horse-drawn carriages in old town Vienna are also known as Fiaker, so “Fijaker” is somewhat of a linguistic “souvenir” from the Austrian Empire. At the Stari Fijaker, we have our first encounter with the local food groups which are basically bread, meat, potatoes, and, if you are so inclined, alcohol. Our guide, Petar, points out that the bread is baked “under the bell,” which at this time didn’t mean much to us, but we’d soon learn more about this traditional baking and cooking implement.

Finally, listening to the details of the trip, I’m happy that drive time shouldn’t be more than about two hours a day, followed by two or three hours on a river mixed with some quality time in various historic cities such as Split, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Mostar, and Sarajevo. The rivers will see us traveling on rafts, canoes, and kayaks. Let the adventure begin.


Bayreuth, Germany

The emptiness of Sunday is alive and well in Germany. There’s magic walking out in a city on an early Sunday morning to find its streets without people. Then, around 9:30, the bells start ringing, and parishioners start to move towards the church of their choice. Others walk with a quick purpose, having snuck out to fetch some bread because they likely forgot to visit the bakery yesterday. There are not a lot of bakeries open on Sunday, while cake and sweet shops will be open, but that won’t happen until around 10:00.

Bayreuth, Germany

Pigeons, John, trees, and a maypole are the only things present. That’s not correct, is it? This was a kind of Waldo statement as the maypole is not like the others. Plus, there are people who pop in and out of some of the businesses as they get ready for the reduced hours of a Sunday, and I should mention that those are only establishments that deal with food, as everyone else will remain closed.

Bayreuth, Germany

Getting these photos even on a Sunday morning without people sometimes takes a moment of waiting for someone to finish walking through. Other images I’d like to capture are spoiled with the presence of construction signs, such as a couple here that I felt were unobtrusive enough while yet other photos are skipped due to a looming crane overhead or scaffolding wrapping a building.

Bayreuth, Germany

The Hofgarten here was the busiest spot I’ve found so far today, with people running through, riding bikes, or walking dogs. Just look at them all; if you look closely at the bridge in the distance, you might see someone standing there.

Bayreuth, Germany

This is the final resting place of Richard and Cosima Wagner at Wahnfried House in Bayreuth. Now, I don’t know if they are in the same casket, but this would be awfully romantic in my book if they were. Even if they’re not cozied up to one another, I’m just gonna go with the assumption that they are.

Bayreuth, Germany

As you might guess from the name behind the statue, this is Wahnfried House, or more accurately, the villa shared by the Wagners. I didn’t take the time to visit for much the same reason I didn’t go to any museums while here in Germany without Caroline: she’s not here with me. Behind the villa is where I took the previous photo of the Wagner grave.

Bayreuth, Germany

Why should I be so enamored of this old-style architecture when, in many ways, it’s just plain old German stuff built in the previous centuries, as is common in many cities across the landscape of Germany? I think it has something to do with how temporary architecture feels in America. Nothing in the States feels permanent, not our iconic buildings, not our nature, not our coastlines, not people’s civility. Regarding this idea of civility, Germany had about 28 murders committed during my stay of the past two weeks (five of them by crossbow), while in America, that number was approximately 663. Go ahead and point out that America’s population is three times larger than Germany’s, but my math says if America and Germany had similar murder rates, America would have had only 84 murders, which is still too many, or Germany should have had 180 homicides instead of its paltry 28: amateurs.

Bayreuth, Germany

The Margravial Opera House is on my list of places to visit and to bring Caroline. This classic example of Baroque architecture features performances quite regularly, and while I would have loved to take a concert in, I just can’t do it without my bestie.

Bayreuth, Germany

The Schlosskirche was filling up, and nothing is more frowned upon on Sunday than tourists dropping in on services to treat the congregation as a bunch of animals in the zoo there for our entertainment. This from the guy who drops in on random weddings, huh?

Bayreuth, Germany

The cleaners here at Disneyland are a stealthy bunch coming out at night to wash away the day’s festivities. Nary a sign of the merriment that was happening on the streets into the wee hours of the night. By the way, found free breakfast today at a Bed and Breakfast Hotel. I walked in, went upstairs, looked around where I should pay, but couldn’t find anyone, so I joined the queue for the buffet-style gathering of guests; and upon finishing my breakfast, I scouted where I should pay and still found nothing. Not able to find someone to clear my bill, it felt perfectly acceptable to enjoy my gratis meal.

Bayreuth, Germany

I did something rare this morning: I went back to the room where I’d left my bags, not with the intent of grabbing them and heading to the train station but to prepare the photos I’d already shot and get them uploaded to the blog. With Caroline coming in at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon, I don’t anticipate having much time to do the bloggy thing later today. Matter of fact, I may just remain in a perpetual hug with her until we pass out, which for her will probably be much sooner than me, seeing my jet lag is a relic of the past.

Nuremberg, Germany

The train left Bayreuth at 12:30, arriving nearly an hour later in Nuremberg. With a 38-minute stopover, I needed to figure out where the train I was taking to the Frankfurt Airport had moved platforms to and try to find out which car I was in as that determined where I needed to be on the long platform. It’s now 70 minutes until I arrive at the airport and about two hours before Caroline does. Good thing I have all this writing and editing I need to try to finish before falling further behind.

I’m now at the airport, sitting in front of exit C1, and Caroline’s flight is delayed by 25 minutes. I guess I’m practicing my smile for when I see her because since stopping at the Hauptbahnhof before heading out here to the airport, I’ve been smiling a lot. Though I know she doesn’t arrive for another 35 minutes, I can’t help but glance up at everyone who emerges from those automatic doors. Once she landed the process of passing through customs and retrieving checked bags went incredibly fast as when I landed, I felt like I was off the plane and approaching the train within about 15 minutes.

This is strange as she approaches from afar and is still in the air on the final approach; I think she’s bringing her jet lag to me, and somehow, I’m sensing it’s on its way. After two weeks of being on the constant go, I’m sitting here at the airport, and I’m overwhelmed with feelings of sleepiness. I’d better do the right thing and go over to this cafe next to me, fetch a coffee, and continue to wait with a smile on my face because who can possibly fall asleep while grinning, right?

Caroline and John Wise in Frankfurt, Germany

My German has arrived in Germany. Nothing else needs to be said besides, better together.

Caroline and John Wise with Stephanie and Klaus in Frankfurt, Germany

After not being in a car for two weeks and then getting in with a taxi driver who was intent on moving fast, I wasn’t quite ready for how quickly we pressed into 100mph. In about 15 minutes, we were already approaching Heddernheim where we’ll be staying with Stephanie and Klaus for the next week. After a quick hug and stepping into their house while a thunderstorm approached, Klaus was soon busy making Frankfurter Grüne Soße. This is the food of happiness during springtime here in Frankfurt, where it has become a serious contender for the official food of the city, well, at least in my version of reality. Green sauce for you English speakers is a combination of the fresh herbs parsley, chives, chervil, borage, sorrel, garden cress, and salad burnet. These finely chopped herbs are then mixed with yogurt or sour cream and served cold with boiled new potatoes and hard-boiled eggs.

Frankfurt, Germany

Reintegration with people I needed to communicate with after a two-week break in the Berlin area on my own wasn’t as smooth in my head as I tried to make it appear on the outside. Within, I could feel a heavy sense of passive-aggressiveness brought on by the need to be polite and to remain in one location. My only salvation was to excuse myself and take a fast walk around the neighborhood. This opens up the potential for another experiment in intentional behavior and perspective shift, and that’s to go on a one-month walk where I don’t make contact with anyone I know. Note to self: read “Of Walking in Ice: Munich-Paris” by Werner Herzog which chronicled his walk from Munich to Paris during the winter of 1974.

Looking back at my earliest days in Germany decades ago, I knew no one, but I started to establish contacts out of fear and anxiety that I would otherwise be alone. In those days, I couldn’t understand the luxury of me time in quite the same way. Sure, when I traveled, I mostly did so alone, which opened the window for me to read more than I ever had, and it gave me the exquisite opportunity to indulge in people-watching on a regular basis. That type of time was lost again until Caroline and I hit the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon back in 2010.

I have to wonder if part of the magic found in Caroline’s and my travels is related to the idea that we are leaving behind certain familiarities and routines that limit our perspectives. Is this heading into the removal of one’s self from accountability to others the key to realigning the poles of our personality and curiosity and where we go doesn’t necessarily even matter?

Entering Another Dimension

John and Caroline Wise

I’m at Sky Harbor Airport Terminal 4 as I write this. The flight I’m catching is taking me to Frankfurt, Germany. The selfie above was taken before my Uber driver pulled up to whisk me away. Caroline will follow my path in two weeks. You’ll learn more soon enough.

In and out of line, through security in seconds, and over to my gate when I come upon Cowboy Ciao, and I know what I’m having for dinner: the Stetson Chopped Salad. This salad is famous here in Arizona, but I thought it was gone as the location in Old Town Scottsdale is out of business. Now I’m at the gate and have minutes to go before we start boarding.

Tonight’s flight is about 11 hours non-stop to Frankfurt. I’m missing Caroline already; the separation anxiety is huge.

Condor Airlines to Germany

Thirty minutes out of Phoenix with only ten and a half hours to go. The flight crew said something about the evening meal and then another meal two hours before we land in Frankfurt. Seems like a late dinner and the next meal feels like an intrusion on dinner in Frankfurt. As is usual, I’m kind of pissy about being squeezed in here, though I should try to bring my focus to the incredible luck of being 33,000 feet above sea level where the air temperature eight inches to my left is -58 F. We are flying northeast at over 550 miles per hour, and I have a computer in front of me, a phone with a hundred hours of music on it in my pocket, and we successfully took off.

Words are being hard fought for, but I’m compelled to write as a large part of this journey into Europe earlier than Caroline is for me to exercise my word-smithing skills. Part of the struggle tonight is in part due to the fact that I’m writing at night and I never write at night. When we approach Frankfurt, it will be shortly after 8:00 a.m. Phoenix time, which is normally the hour I sit down to start writing, should I be so inspired. I foresee a problem with this arrangement as, by that time, I’ll likely be out of sorts from the shifted sleeping/night/day cycle that is about to happen.

I find that as I age, I’m dealing with jet lag differently than I did when I was younger. Though I might also suggest that when I was in my 20’s I didn’t much care about mental agility when I was flying over the Atlantic as I was consumed by the reality that I was either falling into Europe or returning to the United States. I worked on the adrenaline of being excited to travel; now, I look forward to the nuances of being in a place and finding appreciation in different ways than my young mind cared to consider.

We are crossing over the southeast corner of Utah and entering Colorado airspace. It’s 10:00 p.m. now so it’s as dark as a cave out there without a moon to illuminate the sky and outline of mountains. I’m guessing that we’ll start to encounter hints of daylight in about 3 to 4 hours. Luckily, we weren’t requested to shut the window coverings before we departed, so maybe we’ll get to experience the flight into the sunrise.

I’m taking a break in anticipation of my second dinner being delivered soon. I’ll offer a rundown of Condor’s premium meal upgrade after I’m done with it.

A mere two hours into the flight, I’m sleepy; of course, last night’s restless sleep, and now, with my stomach full, I have some food-induced coma waiting to happen. To fight the drowsiness, I’m listening to Rammstein, hoping some heavy driving beats and grinding guitars will help push me to stay awake.

My meal was okay, with the appetizer ending up as the best part of the presentation and quality. Just as last year, I had a shrimp and smoked salmon salad, while this time, the entree was a chicken teriyaki that was what it was. Some bread, cheese, and a dessert rounded things out while a KitKat was sent back. Coffee is now in front of me, trying to fight my inclination to drift into a nap.

In between trying to write, eat, and stay awake, I’ve been reading The Soundscape by R. Murray Schaffer. It’s too early in the book for me to offer much of an opinion yet. On the map, we are aiming for Winnipeg, while to our east is Fargo, North Dakota. I’d say more than half the passengers are asleep. The debate if I should try to get an hour’s nap is going on inside of me as I look at the global map in my seat back and see that dawn should start in about two hours. Meanwhile, Mein Herz Brennt, and so do my eyes.

Flying over the Atlantic

Four and a half hours in this jet, and we are still over North America. The dawn arrived an hour ago, and the first rays of the sun are now bouncing off the ice crystals on my window. I don’t know who closed the shades as I was certain I was never really asleep, but whoever reached right by me to close them did so so stealthily that I never stirred. The cramp of trying to sleep has gotten the best of me, and I’m hoping Petite Meller is energetic enough to supply me with a jolt of caffeinated sounds.

Only a bit more than six hours left before we land. That sounds like forever right now. If I could leave the window shade open, I could be hopeful that the daylight would help get my brain thinking daytime thoughts, but the majority of my air companions are sound asleep.

From the book The Soundscape, “Hearing is a way of touching at a distance, and the intimacy of the first sense is fused with sociability whenever people gather to hear something special.” (page 11) This was an aha moment for me as I’d never considered just how effective music is at touching the inside and outside of the body and how at concerts, the movements of the crowd create a swarm of syncopated sensuality and community. How might I one day create music if I knew that my ultimate goal was to reach out and stroke the listener with my sounds?

The eye points outward; the ear draws inward. Is everyone looking and failing to listen? I often am drawn to looking after hearing the absurd where I’d like to recoil. It was pointed out in The Soundscape that the eye has the ability to turn off the visual by closing a flap of skin; the ear has no such mechanism. I recently bought the best earplugs I could find to turn off the outside world as the noise level of banality is becoming overwhelming. What is the negative impact of those who I’m forced to draw inward due to their proximity?

Flying into Germany

As I head into Europe, I go to listen. I go to listen to myself, though, not to listen to others. I’m going for music and instruments that make the sounds I desire to hear. I want to listen to history and listen to the whispers of the prayers that echo out of the past in the cathedrals. I do not wish to listen to the sound of war or death that has plagued the continent but to find myself at peace. The language barrier helps erect a sound fence as my primitive German skills make it easy to blur the sound of voices.

Funny that this is the first time in all of my flying years that I’ve been listening to music nearly non-stop since we departed some six hours ago. The isolation has allowed me to withdraw from the other passengers without the hope of finding some random conversation. I’m not tuning in the coughing, snoring, crying, or rustling of papers, blankets, or the seats when people use them as leverage to push their obesity out of the chair. Everyone moves by in silence; the drink and food carts glide by with bottles releasing their pressure upon opening for others, but not me.

It’s 4:45 in the morning, and the majority of passengers continue to sleep. We are under three and a half hours until we land, where all of these well-rested people will land at 5:00 in the afternoon and will likely not be very tired come 11:00 p.m. I, on the other hand, am exhausted and hope to pass out around 10:00 p.m. central European time.

Our place on the earth is approaching a point over the Atlantic south of Reykjavik, Iceland. It’s much colder out here at -80 F, and we’ve slowed down to 490 miles per hour. While we could have maintained our speed eastward, I’m guessing that arriving early is not an option when gate space is such a limited commodity at this incredibly busy airport. I peek out the window, and I’m momentarily blinded by the broad daylight being reflected off the clouds below us. Inside the plane, it is still the middle of the night. Too bad there’s not a cabin on board for those of us who’d like to transition to the day earlier.

Frankfurt, Germany

From touchdown to customs, fetching my bag, withdrawing some Euros from an ATM to boarding a train to take me to the Frankfurt Bahnhof, where I walked out the front of that massive building and a few blocks east to check into my former house of prostitution now remodeled as a Ramada Hotel; this was all done in less than 90 minutes.

John Wise in Frankfurt Germany

It’s 19:19 as I sit down on a wall at Hauptwache to do what I should have been doing 35 years ago: I’m writing. The punks are long gone, though a few homeless people are nearby as though they never left. It’s a bit cold, and I’m hungry, but I had to stop right here across from Hauptwache Cafe to sit on this particular wall because back when I first came to Frankfurt with the U.S. Army, I wouldn’t dare sit here. The soldiers are gone while, in some way, they were replaced by Chinese tourists.

Black is still the primary fashion choice, and it doesn’t much feel like anyone has stopped smoking, though I’m spotting more vapes than on previous visits. Strange to think that nearly 35 years ago, there was no internet, cell phones, unified Germany, the EU, a common currency, digital cameras, Starbucks, or bike-sharing services. While much has changed, I’m struck that, in many ways, nothing is really different from back then. Let me correct that; diversity is greater today.

Frankfurt, Germany

Crazy is alive and well here, with my stroll over to Konstablerwache not failing to disappoint me. The only difference now is in regards to the number of people talking on phones with Bluetooth devices plugged discretely in their ears, allowing them to seamlessly blend in with those who are simply talking to themselves.

Eating at Ebbelwoi Restaurant in Frankfurt, Germany

From the end of this shopping pedestrian zone, I turned south towards the Main River, where I walked into Sachsenhausen, intent on having some traditional German dinner. Apfelwein-Wirtschaft Fichtekränzi is amazing, but tonight, it is amazingly busy, and impossible to get a table. Next door is Gaststätte Atschel, who won’t be able to seat me this evening, even though I’m just one person. Lucky me, as Ebbelwoi Unser said, they’d squeeze me in. Fifteen minutes later, I’m at a table with eight other diners.

Handkäs mit Musik is a Frankfurt tradition of a cheese that is marinated in vinegar and oil and served topped with onions and caraway seeds. The “joke” of “mit Musik” is that by eating this concoction, you’ll be making music later. While I was eating, an old friend answered yesterday’s question I texted him about restaurants to eat near the main train station; he’s too late on his reply for me to benefit from his answer. He’s surprised when I tell him where I am in Sachsenhausen and we agree to meet after I finish.

My main course was two schnitzel cutlets served with Bratkartoffeln (fried potatoes) and, of course, green sauce. Better known as Frankfurter Grüne Soße, this regional treat has grown in cult status, with festivals now celebrating it; I cannot come to this city without indulging. I hope that I will never grow bored of eating here.

Frankfurt, Germany

The friend who contacted me was Olaf Finkbeiner. He’d asked if I would arrive at our meeting point in Elbestrasse by train or taxi; I told him I would be walking. He thought me crazy, but to me, Frankfurt is a tiny place easily walkable. A sunset walk along the Main was far more interesting on my first evening here than getting on a subway. Along the way, Olaf let me know that Plank Bar was closed; he’d forgotten it was Sunday night.

Olaf and John Wise in Frankfurt, Germany

We walked back towards the Hauptbahnhof and went to O’Reilly’s Irish Pub, which might not have been the best place to meet, but it was open. Crowded and loud were the negatives; meeting with Olaf after not seeing him for the past five years made up for any inconvenience. Talking about technology and politics for the next couple of hours went by incredibly quickly before I cajoled this guy into stopping for a selfie to prove to Caroline that Olaf and I had indeed met. We agreed to get together once again after Caroline arrives, and with that, I dragged my jetlagged and fatiguing self back to my former whore house, where once again, I was paying for the opportunity to spend some time in one of these tiny rooms.

Munich, West Germany 1989

John Wise and Caroline Wise née Engelhardt 21 October 1989 in Munich, Germany

Back on October 21, 1989, in Munich, West Germany, Caroline and I took the very first selfie of ourselves in the reflection of some random building. We had driven down with friends to attend Fantasy Filmfest just four months after we started dating. This is the first photo of the two of us together.

The standout film at the fest for both of us was Ken Russell’s The Lair of the White Worm though we were primarily here for the Dario Argento film Terror at the Opera that featured a soundtrack by Brian Eno. We also took in Hellbound: Hellraiser II and a second Ken Russell film titled Gothic. From here memories get foggy or maybe we were too stoned as my memory says we also saw Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste and an obscure film titled The Navigator about some guys who dig into the earth in the middle ages to emerge in modern times as they tried escaping the plague. We are both certain we watched Jörg Buttgereit’s Nekromantik down in Munich, but the film is not listed on the Fantasy Filmfest archive site so maybe it was showing in an offsite theater. Regarding Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste, it was a gateway drug to his greatest film and an all-time favorite, Meet The Feebles.

I’m 26 years old in this photo; Caroline is only 21. Little did we know that 30 years later we’d still be together and 25 of these years we’d be married.