What is Love?


What is love?

Love is the internal hope and desire to inspire others, to mentor, to teach, and to learn from. Romantic love comes when that desire arrives with intimacy.

These characteristics of inspiring, mentoring, and teaching are also the cornerstones and essence of parenting. We, humans, learn from others, investing decades to share their knowledge with us. When the basis of that sharing is poor or ineffective, the results can greatly limit the potential of the person who was to be the recipient of those investments. Over the course of time, the benefits of this community involvement and individual sharing have the potential to aloft those students into various specializations. I suggest that this is an act of love.

To defend in law, treat with medicine, or enhance through invention then becomes the extension of offering love through skills that the one benefiting from these services would not be able to provide themselves. So these skills then reflect our inherent need to offer love and, in turn, require love to be reciprocated.

Art, music, and storytelling are gifts of creativity that allow us to demonstrate abilities that others can strive to emulate so that they, too, might share in the pleasure of witnessing others’ passions. In an age where mere survival is no longer the primary concern of a people, the arts and crafts have the potential to flourish and evolve as new levels of expertise are allowed to find expression.

Finding ourselves able to enjoy passion, inspiration, and finally, intimacy, we may encounter those we can romantically love. Cultivating and then nurturing these relationships requires finesse and nuance to establish mutual trust, finding a sense of certainty that the other will not hurt us.

Because love and pain are so often experienced as being delivered by the same person, we have built defensive mechanisms that can fan the fires of mistrust, making the seed of love difficult to germinate or keep alive. But it is not just love that is harmed by the effect of blurring the line between love and pain; it has an equally damaging role in our ability to learn. Trust between those who are bound together with this delicate emotion must nurture the relationship and not abuse the ability to inflict pain, or else the tender root of love can wither with dramatic negative implications for the individuals and society.

As we move out of adolescence into adulthood, we explore the fragility of deep trust as we try to nurture an exclusive relationship with another person we have not previously given our love to. The effort to satisfy and bring shared experiences passionately into someone’s life requires a tremendous effort where a symbiosis of novelty is evolving between the two people. The herculean task of opening space in oneself while exploring new space within another is precarious as both egos are exposed, and both are made vulnerable. It is then, out of these shared moments of tenderness and acting delicately within the senses of perception that we are able to realize the connectivity of moments that further act to build love.

But what happens should we forget to make these explorations or we never learned how to trust someone else while our most exposed inner selves are laid bare? Can we know love? What of those who are constantly denied love? Most of us start our very lives in the embrace of the people who unequivocally love every single atom of our existence and are willing to take their precious time to start teaching us how to communicate with one another. When will we recognize our own innate ability to share the love and return to inspiring, mentoring, and teaching one another?

Piston Honda MKIII

Piston Honda MKIII from Industrial Music Electronics

Well, it has been three weeks since I first got this Eurorack module that will be known as the Piston Honda MKIII. Scott Jaeger the founder of Industrial Music Electronics is its inventor and mad scientist that is currently programming this beast. Tonight I’m testing note tracking by voltage, a built-in tuner, and then I thought to self-patch this thing in every way I could think of. So far today I’ve installed four firmware updates bringing the total to 40 different versions. My “job” is to test for bugs but Scott also gets an inordinate amount of feedback on the interface and how the user might be confused by particular modes or methods that were initially experimented with. Throughout this process, I’m watching the evolution of a brilliant yet extremely rough module come into a smooth maturity that is creeping ever closer to perfection. Trivia; today was the day that Scott introduced oscillator tone variations called Orthodox, Degenerate, Problematic, and Pathological.



I read a lot of negative stuff and listen to far more about how bad Facebook is. It may have its flaws and experience growing pains that verge into areas of behavior that could be questionable, but I hope these blemishes are repairable. Social media is evolving and is the first platform of its kind to connect so many people in the largest gathering ever. To me, it’s a kind of Woodstock, and the information fills in for the bands. Earlier today, I wrote the following on someone else’s post:

“What makes Facebook valuable to me is the diversity of people who have congregated in a single location; it is up to the individual to choose who to hang out with and what qualities of people meet their needs. Is this really so different than the real world?

For example, I go to a nightclub where 300 potential friends are also at. Statistically, some of those people are going to jail; others will go home to abuse a spouse; there are radicals to the left and right; some have crap diets, limited intelligence, or are poor dancers. I DON’T friend them all. I have to filter them, and if it’s the only club in town, then I can either bitch about what I have, move to the village that doesn’t have a club, or open my own.

Facebook is what we make of it. I’ve not friended 1.5 billion members; it’s only 180 people. Then I rub shoulders with maybe 500 others in places like Synth and Eurorack forums on Facebook. Occasionally, I bump into someone, and I think, “Yeah, this person might be interesting,” and so I join a conversation.”

Why does this have to be so difficult and rife with drama? Could it be because we are missing something in our own lives and need to blame anything else instead of taking responsibility for our own decisions to eat all the junk food, be it social or edible, that is within our grasp?