
I'm looking at you

Slicing the blade of time along the disappearing edge, we begin to approach the sharpest point where the event horizon distorts: we are about to collapse into an alternative universe. This current space we inhabit is another launchpad for extra-dimensional exploration. Our minds have been packed with the tools of interpretation that will allow us perspective shifts upon cultures not yet experienced.

The influence of previous proximity is largely negated by the time delta. Nearness can be enhanced momentarily for those best prepared for newness. How does one become equipped for such encounters? We tune in to being wakeful. Brevity demands we act now and embrace what we may have otherwise not known.

Are we headed somewhere without? Is that even possible? Regardless of where we are on the physical plain, we are still within. No matter where we embark or where we land, we will still be inside the entity only known to us. Should we decide to expand the universe, the plasticity of our conditioned mental environments will dictate and limit the breadth of our ability and discovery. Malleability is not a desired trait aside from those who have managed to cultivate themselves as creators and leaders; even there, we enforce hard limits.

With conditions ripe, we manifest a reality alteration. Automated systems of support are aligned for the occasion, and all that is left is to act and be present. What patterns emerge and sequences coded will be largely dependent upon all that preceded these days. A record of this journey will be forthcoming.

138 Countries


I was just looking at my stats of who visits my blog and found that over the course of the last year people from 138 countries of Earth’s 195 recognized countries have stopped for one reason or other right here. I guess it’s appropriate seeing how America-centric my blog is that the largest group of visitors is from the United States. Filling out the top 10 are China, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Germany, France, Netherlands, South Korea, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Taking me up to 100 is Myanmar, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Montenegro, Haiti, and Mozambique. Down bottom closing it out are Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Jordan, Belize, and Guam. In between those are nearly 120 other countries where a search engine suggested that they should visit www.johnwise.com. For whatever reason, I’m happy that so many people on Earth find my site and catch a glimpse of how I see things.

Bach Didn’t Have Patch Cables

Kermit and Sloths

Industrial Music Electronics (IME) Piston Honda MK3 (untreated sound at end of the piece) with no modulation, being fed into Mutable Instruments Clouds with the following modulation: Position by IME Kermit, Size and Blend by Non-Linear Circuits Sloths, 1V/Oct by IME Stillson Hammer MK2. No other effects or modulation.