Crochet Motifs

Crochet motifs made by Caroline Wise for an art project titled "Arizona!" that will be on display over the Scottsdale River Walk in Arizona

Caroline has been crocheting these motifs which are about 36 inches wide (1 meter) as part of a larger art project being created by Choi + Shine Architects. Their “Arizona!” installation will be hanging over the Scottsdale River Walk / Canal starting in November. Caroline has been working on these since March while I’ve been delivering them as they are finished and picking up more chord. People are working on this across the U.S. to contribute the many pieces that will ultimately be needed for the project.

Arizona Road Map of Our Travels

Map detailing the travels of John Wise and Caroline Wise in the state of Arizona

Yesterday’s blog entry spoke of the difficulty in finding roads we’ve not traveled before in Arizona. Looking up the last time I posted a map of our state I see that I’ve never shared it, so here it is. I believe this is the first map of Arizona we purchased back in 1995 after moving from Frankfurt, Germany to Phoenix, the copyright date is 1994. The routes in various highlighter colors I think might be when I thought each road trip could be its own shade, or maybe it was just the pen I found at the time?

Now that we have enough distance in time from some of the roads that have already been traveled we will be trying to fill in some of the small gaps such as paying visits to Sasabe, San Miguel, and Sells in the south. Alamo Lake in the west, Shumway, Ft. Grant, Mt. Graham in the east, and finally Temple Bar, Cove, and possibly the short road to Perkinsville up north. Everything else requires a four-wheel vehicle, not our Prius.