
RGB color values for a prohibited hex number

Digg today as many other websites were ordered to remove a HHH code number. That number is the HHH for removing encryption from HHH-HHH HHH’s. In retaliation against corporate censorship, the internet community quickly responded by converting the number to a variety of other formats, decimal, binary, octal, ASCII, etc. The number is now part of a screen saver, it is on t-shirts and now it is converted to RGB + C0. Convert the above colors to HHH and add HH to the end of the string – there you have it.


A prescription bottle in the afternoon sun

After staring at my thigh for the better part of a half-hour yesterday, probably like you just did with the picture below, I looked up to see this and notice for the first time the warning not to take it with grapefruit juice. Oh my god, how many times have I done just that? I don’t have any idea. Surely it was taken with orange juice, but there’s no warning about orange juice, it is just grapefruit juice I am keenly now aware of that could have unforeseen consequences. Why wasn’t I told of this when I received the prescription? Am I supposed to read all the small print? Man, how I hate personal responsibility.

You Will Be Grossed Out

Shadow on my thigh

Don’t read further than this, I’m warning you. While this might strike you like some nice closeup of thigh-high fishnet stockings, it is actually the shadow cast from the late afternoon sun shining through a desk panel onto my upper thigh – that’s right, you are for the first time, looking at my inner thigh. Told you you would be grossed out; warned you to stop reading, but no, you got suckered into wanting to know, just what is this. More anatomy to follow.

Patio Flowers

Flowering cactus

These are not really patio flowers. This was not meant to be some poor April Fool’s joke either. It is just that these blooms are from a cactus that lives on our balcony and Caroline nor I know what kind of cactus it is. I have featured this cactus blooming before, twice I think, but no one else has offered up the name of the species, so here are two patio flowers until we know better.

Aloe Vera Flower

Aloe Vera flower

It’s not a cactus, it is a succulent – well it looks like a cactus to me. Not the flower, of course, I know what a flower looks like, although on second thought this doesn’t much look like a flower – besides its bright colors. From the Aloe vera plant comes this springtime bloom. While not native of Arizona, the Aloe vera grows wonderfully here in our desert climate and as always, anything that adds color to our brown environment is a welcome addition.


Sourdough bread in the oven

With a wide range of help from the books Classic Sourdoughs, The Village Baker, Great Whole Grain Breads, along with King Arthur Flour and their wonderful The Baker’s Store and the various blogs and websites for bakers on the internet, I have finally tackled my first bread baking in years and the results were almost perfect. I shouldn’t have scored the tops of the bread and the recipe called for baking the loaves on a greased and cornmeal-dusted cookie sheet, I used a baking stone. This was hard enough, but now I want to tackle baguettes and multi-grain bread.