Spitting Image? I Don’t Think So!

Jessica Aldridge having issues.

Allegedly this is my daughter Jessica Aldridge, sorry but I don’t see the resemblance. I’d like to tell you this is her morning face, or her not feeling good face, or OMG I’m so pissed off at you dad face, but the truth is that this is the “I’m so happy to see you again” – face. On occasion she just shows up at our door out of the blue looking to connect with the “Normal” half of her family, please don’t ask what the other side is like (I don’t want to speak poorly of Sparky and Piggy – I think these are euphemisms for “the other half,” but am not certain). She threatens us with promises to hang out for a while. Is it too late to ask for a paternity test?

First Step In Making My Soundtrack


The world is not silent, even in silence, and so a soundtrack is in order. I’ve chosen three tools to help me accomplish the making of a soundtrack; AudioGL (pictured) – this is a 3D synthesizer that will soon be emerging from its Beta state. Also being employed is Ableton, a digital audio workstation, and finally, Adobe’s Audition where I’ll be able to mix, denoise, and perform other post-production work as I assemble the audio component that will accompany my grand scheme. The link below is my first attempt at creating an audible atmosphere.


Fading Noise

The 24/7 box fan that blows the entirety of our 4 month summer

Four months of life with the box fan. One-hundred twenty days of whirring white noise. Summer ended 72 hours ago, just like that. One day it is 103 degrees, the next it is only 90 and you know the long bake has come to an end. Three days later, it’s in the 70s and confidence begins to grow that summer will not surprise us with a curtain call. In a moment the whir of the fan reaches a crescendo of unbearable screeching. Out of the laziness of LCD bathed hypnosis, I leave my chair to quiet the fan. But I am reluctant to stow it in its winter quarters. I live in the desert, the sun is deceitful.

And it is quiet now. The windows are open, a 75-degree breeze feels chilly. I listen intently for the noise of the quiet to make itself heard. Static has not yet been replaced with the sound of the wind, or the clouds streaming by my city. My ears buzz with echoes of fans and air-conditioners long after the summer is gone. Can wool be far away?