Old Dog, Meet New Tricks


Yeah, it’s about time I post again, but like the title says, “Old Dog, Meet New Tricks.” I’m slowly learning how to model using Blender. It has been 19 years since I did anything with 3D Studio so the skills are so rusted over that they really don’t exist anymore. At freaking 50 years old I’m diving back into the deep end: the tools ain’t what they used to be. Things have gotten far more sophisticated, meaning difficult. What you are looking at started as a simple cube that I have applied an “inset” to, a subdivide surfaces action, dissolved vertices, converted selected vertices to a curve, turned ngons into quads using the knife tool, created a loop cut, extruded an edge loop, and scaled selected geometry. Getting familiar with the tools and the myriad shortcuts so I can move about and do what I want is no easy feat, but I will persist because I have big ideas that require big work and lots of skills; mad skills. Cue laughter of the evil scientist.

Transforming The Image

John Wise as seen by the Microsoft Kinect

How large can the resolution of a person’s mind grow before reaching the limits of what the hardware can sustain? Fractally broken to its essential bits, the composite of the whole endures so long as the pulse of electrons flows through the object that has contained them. Sitting here pixelating back to the form from which I came, watching the electrons escape, age does not spare me flights of idealism, nor should it contain it. An image is about to fade, but only from the perspective of the individual viewing it.