Day of the Maya

The road to Tenejapa, Mexico

We are on the road to Tenejapa, Mexico, or are we on yet another road into ourselves?

The road to Tenejapa, Mexico

There’s a lot of beauty out here and much to explore, but an infinite amount of time is one thing we will not find while we drive through small towns along the way to places that are part of our life adventure.

This day will stand out as one of the most difficult to convey the magnitude of the experience we moved through. On one hand, it started like any other day: one moves into exploring their world on vacation, but as time went on, things went into depths that culminated in an emotional morass, leaving me unable to fully comprehend how I was taken so effectively into the corners of myself.

The idea of a starting point is futile as it’s the continuum of me that was entwined with something extraordinary in the environment and culture that I became a part of today. The linear narrative is relatively easy when waking is followed by eating, is followed by going, is followed by experience. But this day isn’t a string; it’s a braiding, an entanglement, a weaving. We are the parts of the loom. The land, people, and culture are the warp, and we are the weft.

Now, my work is to help my reader share in our journey without me simply saying we went here, bought that, saw those things. Yet here, in the first minutes after our return in the late day, I feel that my thoughts and emotions are so jumbled that I can’t really tease out why I believe I can or should attempt to write about any of this; it was that deeply personal. Of course, this was complicated by the fact that on the second day among the indigenous people of the Chiapas region, we have moved away from an international city and into something that requires some reflection.

I can’t show you my heart, have you feel my tears, or walk into my senses. My photos pale in comparison to the instant of reality as it was experienced, and they disappoint, although maybe in the time to come, when we glance back in remembrance of what we may have forgotten, these captured impressions will reignite a spark of what was brought into our beings today. Mind you, I cannot obviously speak for Caroline, but I do believe our synchronicity has often tied our experiences into something very similar and that through these missives, I’m able to bring her back along with me.

Today we often moved separately, walking with others from our group, which probably was due to my wandering away from everyone so I could filter out the American experience and be in the center of the Mayan universe. I don’t mean to imply I can know it as any Mayan can, but from my cultural perspective, I was jettisoned into the profound, which was as immense as the Grand Canyon and as far away from my normal as taking off to visit the Orion constellation.

Though there may have been some physical distance at times, we are always together, and if I leave this corner of Chiapas with nothing else, it might be that the Maya are still together, still here, just like Caroline and I with our personal relationship. Their culture evolves too, but love is flowing in their faces, in the smiles for their children, in glances that show uncertainty about us outsiders, and the order of need to exist together.

I’m struck that after 7,000 years of growing oranges, they still look exactly like oranges, and yet each of us humans wants to take pride in our uniqueness. While controversial, I don’t really believe we are so unique. Just as some oranges are sweeter or sourer, some humans are wiser, and others are happy in a simple existence. The problem for me are those camouflaging as something sweeter than they are when their bitterness or hostility shines through to those who are observant.

This photo of a wife, a wife named Caroline, my wife, is that of a nerd who is geeking out right now on a bag she’s now the owner of. She can relate to it because her knowledge allows her an insight into the process used to make it, which she believes is something akin to sprang. Caroline knows sprang because she learned the basics about this form of braiding in a workshop and is still trying to learn more from books or the Internet (as a matter of fact, there is a half-finished scarf sitting on her sprang frame at home). In her face, I can see the genuine happiness of a person who is sweet and full of gratitude for the creator of the bag that is now in her possession. Caroline is a sweet orange, not a sour lemon. Speaking of plants, these traditional carrying net bags are made out of ixtle (agave) fibers, which are spun into strings. The bags used to be carried over the head with a leather strap or tumpline (sometimes sold separately), but that is rare nowadays when you mainly see them slung over shoulders.

Trying to get photos of the people of Tenejapa is not easy as they’d prefer that nobody takes their photo, though I’ve seen friends and family taking snaps of each other. So, I have to be quick and try to take photos in a direction that doesn’t appear like I’m focusing on any one person, but there are a thousand faces I’d love to study. The inhabitants of this village speak Tzeltal as their native language, but I’m fairly sure that many likely speak Spanish, too; then again, I really know little.

While many people walking by are in jeans and flannel shirts, there are also many people wearing variations of Mayan traditional clothing. Here we are still in the marketplace where Caroline picked up one of these belts, and if conformity of American business dress wasn’t so rigid, I’m sure she would have picked up a dozen other pieces here.

The smoke from fires dot the landscape, often used for clearing land for farming, though some plumes are from kitchens using open wood fires for cooking, or in other cases, someone is burning waste. The haze lingers in the valleys and in front of the mountains.

A Mayordomo, the man in the red shorts, black fleece, red and white sash, and cowboy hat, is, in a sense, the local policeman. He is the man in charge, and we saw many of them wandering through the market. I asked one for a photo, he declined, just as I was told they probably would. These officials don’t carry weapons, but their comportment lets you know not to take their authority lightly.

Only calm babies and infants need apply to ride a rebozo wrapped over their mom’s shoulder. The rebozo is really nothing more than a shawl with dimensions of about 6 feet long and 2 feet wide. Mayan children seem quite content and not very fussy while they are snuggled up to mom’s chest or quietly sleeping wrapped up on her back. Looking for what I could share about this ubiquitous textile article we are seeing again and again, I learned how they can be very helpful during pregnancy and childbirth; click here to read the article I read.

Every man in Tenejapa must contribute at least one year of community service; as a Mayordomo, you have greater responsibilities, and the lead guy will carry a stick to show his position. It seems like we were told that the top guy is also provided with a temporary home to fulfill his duties. When his term is over, I thought I heard it was three years; he vacates the house and returns to the family home.

Slow down, we have. Leaving town proper, we are going out into the Tenejapa municipality for our next visit.

Almost there.

We’ve arrived; time for a Coke.

Just kidding, we are visiting world-class master pom-pom maker Feliciano Méndez Intzin. He’s on the right, while his wife, Concha, is on the left. We are about to get a lesson in pom-pom making, which you’ll see in a second,

First, we were introduced to the rest of the family, ending with the newest addition to the family, her name is Ximena. I think it was with at least a little bit of irony that we were told that this baby girl may never need to walk on the earth below her feet.

On to the pom-poms. These are some of the newest additions to the traditions of a people who are flexible enough to adopt flourishes and flair that may not date back thousands or even hundreds of years, but they look good, so why not go with it?

Hanging from the hat, this adornment adds another layer of regalness to an already commanding traditional attire.

We have all gathered in the family’s workshop, where they come together in an effort to make the pom-pom that apparently has become an important addition to their income. These chords you’ll see in the photo above are what the pom-poms hang from and are another handcrafted part of the decoration.

Concha’s work is seen here as she knits a soft exterior over a stronger rope core until she’s produced lengths of chord, as seen just above this.

As not all people want such vibrantly colored pom-pom and would prefer more earth-toned subtle hues, the family also dyes their materials using all-natural dyes derived from indigenous plants.

The proverbial bug sitting snug in the rug, except this, is beautiful little Ximena with her pink fleece wrapped up in grandma’s rebozo.

First the lessons and demonstration of craft and then onto shopping.

We have absolutely no need for pom-poms, but that doesn’t mean we have no desire to support the continuing efforts of people who are extending unique colors and additions to the dynamic changes that are nearly always moving through societies. As Caroline points out, while she has no idea what we’ll do with these when they get home to Arizona, they feel nice and well; that’s good enough.

While the shopping continues, I head out to explore the front yard and details streetside, aside from the little grocery and Coca-Cola stand we parked near.

The warm, partly tropical climate makes for a lush environment, and when the sun comes back out, I have seconds to capture some of these images.

We are on our way back into Tenejapa proper.

While not relating specifically to textiles, this side room of the next business we visited had an aesthetic I found appealing.

This is the Cooperativa Mujeres en Lucha or Cooperative of Mujeres and Lucha in Tenejapa. Coops play in incredibly important role for women in the region as they cannot all afford storefronts nor hope that the random traveler might pass their door and know to stop in.

Meet our tour organizer, Norma Schafer. She’s an incredibly enthusiastic and passionate woman whose sense of sharing and personal insight will continue to unfold and impress me over the course of this lesson in humility.

And now a photo of our smiling interpreter/guide without a mask, Gabriela Fuentes. We all encouraged her to buy this shawl, telling her how nice it looked on her, but maybe she’s playing it smart by collecting photos of herself wearing all of these exquisite clothes, looking glamorous and beautiful while saving her money for other important things.

On the road to Romerillo, I passed a guy checking out his social media, or whatever it was he was doing with his smartphone.

In Romerillo, the traditional clothes of men include these woven, felted, and brushed white tunics. After returning to Arizona, Caroline informed me that the people of Tenejapa have their own traditional attire and customs as compared to the people here in Romerillo, who are part of the Chamula tradition.

We have stopped here in town to have lunch among the dead in the local Mayan cemetery. Just as this entire trip is a series of firsts, so is eating in a graveyard. Should you find it peculiar, we are not the only ones who have done this in the past, as evidence is seen next to crosses where bottles of coke or oranges have been left for the departed.

The white cross is from an infant, the cross behind it, barely visible, is another infant, the three blue crosses are from young to middle-aged adults, and the black cross in the back is from an elderly person. The remains of the deceased are never removed from a grave; a room is made for the next person from the same family that is being interred.

Twenty-three crosses represent the 23 surrounding villages that are allowed to bury their dead here. The particular tree called the Chiapas pine growing here is becoming ever rarer, and while important to funerary rights in the area, it may not always be around to fulfill that tradition.

This is Alejandro who has met us at the cemetery and will guide us to his family home up in the hills.

Just beyond the family running across the street is Alejandro on his motorcycle leading the way.

To the best of my ability to identify features on satellite images, I believe this is the Iglesia San Sebastián Martír (Church of Saint Sebastian the Martyr) that was passed on the way that would take us up a dirt road into the woods.

Moving into the woods, I just promised.

Yep, in the forest.

Our path took us to the right, where we were about to meet Alejandro’s family in the unpronounceable village of Chilimjoveltic.

It is very uncommon for the Mayan people of this area to allow themselves to be photographed, outside tourism is still very new to them. They fully understand that those from the world beyond their towns have the means and wealth to come visit poor, simple people for some strange reason. This is just their life; it is not theater. The incredible honor to be allowed into their existence, even if for only an hour or two, is something that has touched me in such a way that even writing this right here the next day stings my eyes and makes my cheeks flush with how wonderful the gift is they offered us. This is Alejandro’s mother on her way to greet us with a hug; her name is Maruch.

Give love, receive love.

This is Maruch’s sister, Mikaela.

Another member of the group today asked me here at this family’s home what was likely a rhetorical question but it did make me think about why such a thing would be said. The question was, “Why do you think people are buying stuff so rapaciously?”

When I woke up the next day, I found this question at the front of my mind, and what I came up with was that when people feel that an experience or sharing is giving them everything and more, the sympathetic human response is to share your own good fortune with the other person. So, in the context of this adventure into the fibercraft world of southern Mexico, there are many of us who feel that immersion into novel experiences is more valuable to us than the cost of entry, and so we need to give back. When a person who obviously has little to nothing invites you to share their food, it’s difficult to accept their generosity, and that triggers our desire to somehow give back to them. In the photo are Loxa and her daughter Edna.

If a sociopath is involved, they might think they deserve your last crumbs and that, due to their apparent status over those around them, they are simply collecting what is due. If a narcissist is present and is not allowed to be the center of attention, they may act like a petulant, spoiled child and want to take their toys away until the other child begs them to stay.

This then brought me back to Teotihuacán and the history of human sacrifice there and here among the pre-Columbian Maya. If your culture understands that God gives you life and afterward takes it back into its kingdom, then offering some of those lives early could be a way of showing appreciation for the good fortune the society has been experiencing. In a culture that has nothing of power or substance to offer gods, what then is more precious to give than life?

We in this age who have deep empathy and recognition of what is afforded us when others who are less fortunate share must find a way to honor our hosts/gods. Here in modernity, the non-violent way of making this sacrifice is to give money, gratitude, and smiles. Showing humility, graciousness, and offering yourself, family, home, drink, and song when that is all you own deserves respect and maybe some kind of offering from the visitor. From those of us who have the obvious means to take ourselves around the world who walk into a culture where paying for education, finding healthcare, or even traveling 50 miles is something afforded to a tiny minority, we who arrive to witness this must give something in exchange for hosting us.

Again, this is what I see in those pre-Columbian cultures who desire to give to the gods what the gods gave to humans: their lives offered prior to growing old as a form of exchange to say thanks. So, the reason we buy “so rapaciously” is that we recognize the honor we have received of peeking into the daily lives of people just trying to survive while we entertain ourselves at their expense. What possibly could we offer them of any value for enriching our lives than to try within our means to enrich theirs in some small way?

The young man above is Edgar, son of Loxa, and the maker of this bag that says, “Peace” and “I Love You.” This is the very first piece of fibercraft that I bought specifically for me on this journey. I was honored to offer this young man a little something for sharing something from him with me, a man he doesn’t know and can never know.

Mikaela is seen here spinning wool into yarn…

…while Loxa is combing fleece so it can be spun.

Raw fleece that is destined to be carded, spun, and finally woven on a backstrap loom that will become an article of clothing.

Maruch working the widest backstrap loom Caroline has ever seen.

Notice the string behind Maruch’s back; this is how tension is added to the loom to keep everything taught enough to create patterns.

Edna is learning early what the adults around her are doing.

From the sunflower family of plants comes Ch’ate’, as we’ve seen it named the following day at the Na Bolom museum, but after some serious digging, we’ve come to believe this is known in the west as Ageratina ligustrina, also known as privet-leaved snakeroot. This plant is boiled in an iron pot to produce natural black dye.

Caroline might be so lucky to have the opportunity 2 or 3 times a winter to wear something this heavy. That’s Loxa again, and she’s the weaver who made this heavy-duty huipil.

After the demonstrations and shopping, we were invited into a larger room where we were gathered around a table for the group’s first taste of pox, pronounced posh, a strong liquor made from sugar cane and corn. After the ladies set everyone up with a chair and a small glass, Alejandro and Edgar took up a place across from us.

The final heartstring snaps as the beat of the guitar, drum, and voice sends me outside, with emotions no longer able to be contained within me.

Gazing out on the Mayan landscape from my seat on a log here in Chilimjoveltic, I see in the haze a place of great intimacy for those who have known these lands for thousands of years. I cannot see what they know, nor can I hear what they’ve heard. The song I can still hear from nearby only hints at incomprehensible knowledge and customs as I sit here alone and weep.

Pox is a distilled corn spirit for ceremonial use and special occasions; this is one of those moments…

…and then minutes later the world returns to silence until the cycle starts all over again.

San Cristóbal de las Casas

Hotel Parador Margarita in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

So, we arrived in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico, last night but I’ve not explained why we are here. Almost exactly a year ago, I reached out to Norma Schafer via her Oaxaca Cultural Navigator website, asking about tours she has on offer that take travelers into the world of indigenous Mexican textiles. Sadly, her Chiapas tour for February 2022 was already sold out, but she did inform me that due to strong interest, she was considering adding a second trip. We were on the waiting list. A month later, I received an email notifying a number of people that she was opening that second trip that would begin on March 8, 2022. We sent in our deposit.

From Norma’s website, she described the trip as, “My aim is to give you an unparalleled and in-depth travel experience to participate and delve deeply into indigenous culture, folk art, and celebrations.” All of this centers around the textiles and artists who are keeping these ancient crafts alive into the 21st century. That’s why we are down here 2,300 miles south of San Diego, California, and just 90 miles from the Guatemalan border. We are entering the world of the Maya.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Breakfast starts the day just off the courtyard of our lodging here in San Cris, as it’s affectionately referred to. During this first meal of the day, we met the other ten people who were part of our group: the translator and presenter Gabriela Yasmin Fuentes, and trip organizer, Norma Schafer. Gabriela was on presentation duties, introducing historical background information about the structure of Mayan society and the clothes of pre-Hispanic cultures in the region.

This was also the first moment the subject of authenticity versus inauthenticity through the lens of colonialism is brought up, and what our expectations might be regarding potential biases about how we may want to have the people we are going to meet fit in an ideal box of our own mythologies that is not congruent with reality. It’s emphasized that change is at work down here, just as it is in the various corners of America we just arrived from.

After a short pause to finish getting ready for the day, we ventured up the road on our way to the Centro de Textiles del Mundo Maya.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Along the way, we get our first glimpse of the layout of San Cristóbal and have to appreciate the weather as we are promised rain at any time.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Streets are narrow, buildings old, sidewalks almost non-existent in their narrowness, and curbs that can break ankles from their towering heights if you are not careful. When I took this photo, it was because of the architecture; only later did I realize that this is a Burger King, and no, we never ate there.

Church of Santo Domingo at the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

We’ve arrived at the beautiful old Santo Domingo Church (Iglesia de Santo Domingo de Guzmán) with its baroque facade from the 17th century. The attached ex-convent building is where today the textile museum and Centro de Textiles del Mundo Maya are housed. Unfortunately, the church is temporarily closed; we saw workers repairing the roof damaged in the 2017 earthquake. The Santo Domingo Market, with its busy stalls, surrounds the church and museum.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

The beautifully restored courtyard of the convent.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Today is our lucky day as the ladies were able to book us a behind-the-scenes tour of the restoration area and classrooms that the administration of the museum is actively trying their best to fund in an environment where raising money is no easy task.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Maybe the only way to bring about the attitudinal change required to take greater pride in the cultural heritage of a people is to foster that concern among children. Get them involved with art and teach them where this history comes from and the importance of maintaining the skills of their mothers and grandmothers lest they are quickly extinguished. Someday, if those who could have been teachers have all passed, there will be no heritage rising out of the past, and those things that lend character beyond a bland global media-driven domination will sink into obscurity.

But aren’t these your own bourgeois pollyannaish and likely unrealistic wishes, John? Cynicism says yes, and maybe my older age too, but just as Greta Thunberg inspired a vast swath of young people to consider their future in which survival can no longer be certain, I can hope for someone else to find the force of a voice that will be able to move a generation away from cultural oblivion brought on by conformist banality and face these extinction events with the vigor previous generations lacked the strength for.

Our guide Gabrielle at the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

This is Gabriela, and while I can apologize to her for posting this masked, almost anonymous photo, Caroline loves her shirt, so I’m including this as a reminder to my wife of what it looked like.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

This is a rolled-up backstrap loom and is the tool for how most everything in this area stretching down to Guatemala gets woven. Every article of indigenous clothing you see here today was created on one of these, and I’ll include a better image of one further below.

Alejandra Mora Velasco from the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Meet Alejandra Mora Velasco, the director of the textile side of the museum and a very impassioned woman trying her best to represent the inclusion of cultures regarding all the people of this southern region of Mexico and build a world-class museum that can play a key role in cultural preservation while safeguarding these tiny pieces of history at risk of disappearance.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Culture, artifacts, and knowledge of our society tie us to our past and allow us to create futures that hold a semblance of familiarity. Here in Mexico at this time, art and the customs that are represented in museums are not viewed so much as treasures but as places that attract the bourgeoisie while the needs of the proletariat remain neglected. So, funding for the museum from the state or federal government is mostly neglected as they have more pressing issues to deal with, such as migration from the south or the tensions created by people leaving Mexico for the United States, inflaming a large part of the U.S. population.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

In the background are chickadee grass and moss, which are just two of the plant materials used as natural dyes for coloring fiber, an important part of making handcrafted textiles.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Some of the pieces in the collection are no longer in perfect condition as they had been used for their utility and were not part of some wealthy aristocrat able to maintain things to a high order. Between 1972 and 1979, the anthropologist Francesco Pellizzi collected 793 textiles, and with the help of American cultural preservationist Walter F. “Chip” Morris Jr., a trust was set up to protect these important works of the Chiapas region.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

After our behind-the-scenes tour, we entered the main gallery of the collection, where we were introduced to master weaver Eustaquia (not 100% sure of that name), who was on hand to answer questions. Not being a fiber/textile artist myself, I was more interested in photographing all the beautiful things than asking questions.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

The cosmic flow moves through Mayan garments as they play an important role in tribal and personal identity. The tunic on the left is of Lacandon origin, representing the sun, moon, and stars. Lacandon is located in the deep jungle near the Guatemalan border and these traditional tunics were made out of pounded bark or papel amate. The ceremonial huipil on the right looks like it is from Magdalena Aldama. Merriam-Webster defines a huipil as – a straight slipover one-piece garment that is made by folding a rectangle of material end to end, sewing up the straight sides but leaving openings near the folded top for the arms, and cutting a slit or a square in the center of the fold to furnish an opening for the head, is often decorated with embroidery and is worn as a blouse or dress.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Little did I know on this first day that we’d soon meet the woman who created this impressive huipil. This is a wedding huipil from Zinacantan, the only place to incorporate feathers and rabbit fur, thanks to a historic link to the Aztec empire. It looks as if this particular huipil utilizes threads dyed with natural dyes.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Sure, a part of me wants to share details about these textiles that I might have scooped up from placards that may have accompanied the pieces, but I didn’t photograph those, and that’s if they even existed, a detail I overlooked. You see, if I had been wandering the landscape of this region 50 years ago with the sole intention of experiencing what was to be seen and I wasn’t an anthropologist or a cultural preservationist, which I’m obviously not, I would have been content to just take it all in.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

So I’m simply moving through the exhibit and accepting at face value that these textiles are representative of the people in this corner of Mexico. Maybe as the days play out we’ll learn more of the motifs when we are visiting the villages noted in our itinerary.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Not an expert yet but I do know that this, too, is a huipil and that the colorful work that adorns the backstrap woven fabric is embroidered.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

The panels that come off backstrap looms can be used for various things, such as shawls, bags, blouses, skirts, wedding dresses, men’s clothes, ponchos, and likely other things I’m not coming up with as I write this.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Because backstrap looms are only so wide, the fabric is woven in panels and then stitched together. Look closely, and you’ll see the stitches right down the middle. In this case, the weaver was able to “hide” the seam; in many cases, the seams are embraced and adorned with colorful randa embroidery patterns.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

The seam is obviously much easier to see in this piece.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

I’m thinking I should just remove this image as I have nothing to say about it but removing a single photo just doesn’t seem that it’ll make all that big an impact on this idea that I write to each photo I post.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Yep, I’d wear this one.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Might be nice if I can challenge Caroline to find us a chart to decipher Mayan imagery in textiles so we could share some of the meaning found in these clothes. This huipil is woven in the Pantelho style. The motifs are added during the weaving process with supplementary wefts.

Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Our tour of the museum is coming to an end; time for some shopping.

Sna Jolobil the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

We are in an old chapel, which is now the museum shop called Sna Jolobil. The name means “The House of the Weaver,” and they are operating as a cooperative of more than 800 members from 30 different indigenous communities. In terms of quality, everything in this store is top-notch.

Sna Jolobil the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

While this was the first piece I saw that I liked, Caroline had different ideas.

Caroline Wise at Sna Jolobil the Centro de Textiles Del Mundo Maya in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

She spotted this “Blusa” (blouse) and felt the color better suited her, so this will stand in Caroline’s history as the first article of regional handmade clothing she purchased here in the Chiapas town of San Cristóbal. It is made with linen fabric, something she loves to wear, and was quickly followed by a similar blusa of white cotton with more colorful embroidery.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

For the next 30 minutes, we’ll be wandering around the open-air Santo Domingo Market in front of the museum.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

We’ve not even been in San Cris for 24 hours yet, and I’m skeptical of buying clothes in the open market after seeing the quality in Sna Jolobil. How can one tell what’s handmade and what’s factory-made? I’m sure good weavers can tell the difference, but I’m a bit naive; I’d guess that the cheaper stuff is, the poorer the quality and the likelihood that it wasn’t handwoven or hand-embroidered.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Caridad (Church of Our Lady of Charity) is nearly hidden by the market.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Something interesting, nearly profound, is occurring to me as we have now spent some days in Mexico City and are walking around San Cris: children as young as two and three here and maybe about six in Mexico City are allowed a free range of play but the really amazing aspect is the lack of whining from children wanting attention, not wanting to do something, or just being loud and obnoxious as they learn from their parents that’s not the way the world works. When we do see mothers with their children, they are not anxious or threatening towards those kids; they are quite calm and are not using high-pitched cooing baby voices. I wish I could find some insight into why so many mothers in the United States use the approach of hysterics, snapping, threats, infantile speech, and intimidation. The funny thing about the situation here in the state of Chiapas is that the average person only has about 6.5 years of education compared to the average American with 12.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

There’s no way we’ll see each vendor selling things in this market as it’s dense, super dense. Our 30 minutes of racing around the place are almost over.

Santo Domingo Market in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Growing older and cynical is a bit of a curse. Thirty years ago, I might have been compelled to buy one of everything for sale here to add to our collection of knick-knacks that remind us of where we’ve been, but now all I see is cheap junk that doesn’t really reflect much of anything in the culture. Instead, it’s programmatic stuff designed to appeal to certain aesthetic sensibilities of tourists who find a kind of authenticity in the place they’re visiting due to certain motifs that hint at particular icons and symbols people want to believe embody the character of the environment and local population. Silly old man.

Artesanias in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Oh, that one looks nice.

Caroline Wise at Artesanias in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Nice enough to buy, sold to the German woman. The fabric with the woven-in motifs is from Venustiano Carranza, but the “rococo” embroidery on the yoke and sleeves was added in Amatenango. As we will see over and over, each municipality or region has specialized motifs and techniques that are quite recognizable.

Chicken Mole from Belil Sabores de Chiapas Restaurante in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Lunch was had at a hybrid coop of fiber store and restaurant called Belil Sabores de Chiapas Restaurante. Our meal was included as part of our program and included local flavors to make things easy we had been given entree choices ahead of time. We started with a glass of guanabana juice, which in the U.S. is known as soursop of the custard apple family. Next up was a bowl of green soup that I couldn’t get the specifics on, followed by our entrees. Mine was the chicken mole, and Caroline had vegetarian chalupas with beets, along with plantain, bean, and cheese croquettes.

Caroline Wise at Casa Textile in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Our host, Norma, roused a nearby business owner, Benjamin, at his shop called Casa Textile, who opened up for our group. After introducing himself and explaining his work of bringing women a venue to sell their wares both from his shop but also increasingly on the internet, he told of some of the cultural difficulties and the changing landscape of meeting fashion demands not only in Mexico but for people outside the country too. The pieces shown in the photo above are still backstrap woven but use rayon threads, which introduce a lovely shine and drape, allowing marketing to customers who may not be interested in “folksy” attire.

Telling us that nearly everything was for sale in his shop, Caroline surprised Benjamin with her request to purchase a backstrap weaving sword. Seemingly perplexed but maybe impressed too that a weaving tool from Guatemala would be that meaningful for her, he told Caroline to just take it; for free!

— Note: the sword made it intact back into America through customs without issue.

Backstrap loom from Casa Textile in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Before leaving Casa Textile, we tipped Benjamin for his gift, and Caroline bought a red, white, and black Pantelho cowl. This dressed backstrap weaving loom hangs at the entrance of the shop.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

The day is not quite over as we make our way back across town to another shop featuring woven textiles from the area.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

If you noticed some of the details on yesterday’s first photo in the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, the inference was me giving a nod to International Women’s Day there on March 8th. Well, this graffiti Viva La Vulva, meaning Long Live The Vulva, could be considered a reference to that statue in the photo; maybe you should have a second look.

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

I want this little shopping mall called Esquina San Agustín in Phoenix and have to ask, why can’t we have such nice things?

Coffee Mohito in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

An alcohol-free mojito topped with coffee from Amor Negro Café. I should point out that we were not here to admire the architecture, design, or coffee concoctions (although Caroline and I shared a cup of simple Americano because, at this point of the day, a little energy boost was needed) but were visiting El Camino de Los Altos a coop store that features more high-end textiles. I might have featured a photo of their shop, but the lady working there was adamant that no photos were allowed. There is also a Carmen Rion store here, which features a high fashion and modern take with the occasional indigenous or traditional influence.

Hotel Casa Lum Restaurant in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Caroline and I had dinner at Casa Lum restaurant, a recommendation by Norma. The food was excellent. I had lechon (suckling pig), and Caroline had a shrimp dish, but in retrospect, it didn’t really matter because food is currently playing second fiddle to the cultural immersion that is saturating our senses. Tomorrow, we will head out on our first road trip into the countryside, and I have no idea what to expect; what a great place to be.

Mexico City is Estupendo!

This day stands as the definition of a perfect day. Our first full day in Mexico City and we were blown away. It’s now after 9:00 pm after walking more than 13 miles from our hotel in Polanco over to Centro Historico, and I’m afraid I’m already about to fall behind in my blogging chores as I have my doubts about contending with nearly 500 photos and countless impressions. I don’t believe we wasted a moment, nor did we rest very often, and even when we tried to take our time while eating, impressions were constantly coming on, all of them wonderful.

Waking this morning, we were surprised at how quiet a city of almost 9 million people is, but then, as we were getting ready to head out, we thought we heard drums. Opening our window, and I do want to emphasize fully opening our window here on the 5th floor, no suicide prevention needed here, we looked out at dozens, I mean hundreds, I mean thousands of people running a race. We shut the window and took off for the street to check out the festivities.

We had nothing to worry about as I miscalculated how many people were on the street; it was easily in the 10’s of thousands, and it was 99% women. We’ve never seen so many women in one place. We still don’t know what they were running for, but later in the day, we’d asked about some blue-steel barricades around most of the monuments in the area and learned that there is a feminism demonstration coming up on Tuesday.

We are walking along the Avenue Paseo de la Reforma on our way towards Centro. This statue is the Angel of Independence, and it was standing guard above the finish line for the race.

While there are certain areas of Mexico City visitors should avoid, there’s hardly a city in the United States that doesn’t have the exact same kind of issues if you do your research, talk to your hotel staff, and pay attention to the change of character of the place you are walking through; it seems that things are perfectly okay…and often very beautiful.

It turns out that this Sunday morning shutdown of Avenue Paseo de la Reforma is an every Sunday affair to allow the people of Mexico City to bike, run, rollerblade, or just walk along this main artery through the city without worries about cars, buses, or motorcycles threatening people. We’d already been warned prior to coming to Mexico that pedestrians are invisible.

From Wikipedia: Cuitláhuac (Spanish pronunciation: [kwiˈtlawak])  was the 10th Huey Tlatoani (emperor) of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan for 80 days during the year Two Flint (1520). He is credited with leading the resistance to the Spanish and Tlaxcalteca conquest of the Mexica Empire following the death of his kinsman Moctezuma II.

Are the women of Mexico City so inclined to topple and deface monuments to get their point across? Well, from the amount of graffiti on the barricades extolling women’s rights, I’d have to recognize their ambition to get their point across.

While, on the one hand, our view of the monuments is being restricted, it’s great to know that the opinion of the public is tolerated. I suppose this goes hand in hand with many of the ideas Mexico was founded on, that being that revolution is always respected.

Hovering above the barrier above is this statue of former president Benito Juárez.

This is the Palacio de Bellas Artes (Palace of Fine Arts) as seen from behind the barrier. Later in the day, we’d visit the grounds, but we wouldn’t have enough time to explore the museum. Walking on, we noticed a campsite of displaced people, apparently from Oaxaca, who were there to protest their situation. We didn’t know it yet, but that was our first run-in with victims of land disputes. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any more information available for us to better understand what was going on.

Narrow pedestrian streets in the early morning hold a special appeal that will be missing once the throngs of people hit the shopping passage that is just getting going.

Whatever might have been old on Avenue Paseo de la Reforma is now gone, replaced by modernity for use by the wealthy and powerful while here on Avenue Francisco I. Madero, there are no cars, no new buildings, but there is a McDonald’s without the Golden Arches.

Templo de San Francisco de Asis now has the distinction of being the first church Caroline and I visited in Mexico City; we’ll be sending them a plaque after returning to Phoenix, Arizona, to allow them to share with all future visitors that we were here.

This is the side chapel of Templo de San Francisco de Asis and not the last church we visit today.

And here is the main altar with the neon gas-encased Virgin Mary. Leaving the church, we walked up to Gante Cafe, which looked popular, so we grabbed a table for a late breakfast of chilaquiles. I wouldn’t have minded stopping at one of the 37 Starbucks along the main avenue, but kept looking for the local options. As it turns out, it doesn’t seem like Mexico City has a lot of independent coffee shops so we ended up dipping into this American institution sooner than we would have thought.

No way these were the doors of a private residence, but sure enough, back in 1822, General Agustin de Iturbide lived here. Who, after Mexico’s secession from Spain in 1821, became part of the regency and was even proclaimed emperor of Mexico for a short time.

Church of San Felipe Neri “La Profesa” is the location of a conspiracy to bring Agustin Iturbide to power during the Mexican War of Independence as Mexico sought independence from Spain.

Bloody Jesus in a box shackled by the neck might seem like the prize in a box of Mexican breakfast cereal, but this particular sculpture is to be found right here in the Church of San Felipe Neri “La Profesa”

The Church of San Felipe Neri was in no way an easy building to photograph.

Looking at these treasures of Mexico City, one thing becomes immediately apparent: Mexico needs to invest in protecting these old buildings. That should be high on everyone’s priority list, but then again, I don’t know how much of an economic role tourism plays in this city.

We’ve reached the Plaza de la Constitución, a.k.a. Zócalo, where the first thing that we set our eyes on after taking in the size of the open space was the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.

Nothing special here on this side of the Zócalo’. I just like the view and the arcade at street level.

Tabernacle of the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven in Mexico City, Mexico, is a mouthful, so how about we are visiting another church.

Inside the tabernacle, if this had been the end of our day, we wouldn’t have been disappointed, and yet there were still 4 or 5 days of experience ahead of us on this Sunday.

Around the corner of the churches, we’ve reached our main destination, the Templo Mayor, which was called Huēyi Teōcalli in the Nahuatl language back when this was the capital city of Tenochtitlan, now known as Ciudad de Mexico or Mexico City.

I can’t be certain if this is the first serpent sculpture we’ve ever seen, as there was an exhibit of artifacts from Teotihuacán in Phoenix a few years ago, and they might have included one, but I can’t find a blog entry about those days. In any case, this is certainly the first time I have seen such a sculpture in situ.

The Conejo or rabbit will be a frequent theme.

It’s so incredibly fortunate that these still exist, as the Spaniards didn’t leave much standing in their efforts to erase the history of the ancient peoples of these lands. Serpents, pyramids, and multicolored deities where human sacrifice might have been part of the plan weren’t in the Catholic plan of what “normal” life was all about. Maybe some people can take these kinds of moments for granted, but we can’t; it is a privilege to see these things with our own eyes.

I started out this entry by including an over-abundance of images, and I’m sure many of these had a lot of meaning when I took them, but now, looking at them while I sit in the airport on the way to San Cristobal de las Casas, I know that the stairs and platform felt important due to the contrasting and crooked lines. However, at this moment, it feels like most viewers will just see a mess of stone. You should simply come and see these things for yourself.

No depth creates a bit of a flat image, and seeing this as a photograph, I’m inclined to remove it and the one above, but it isn’t costing anything to leave it where it is, so maybe a dud photo once in a while will better demonstrate the skill I bring to the others.

Once in the Templo Mayor Museum itself, it’s as though we dropped through a wormhole and landed in the greatest collection of art that could possibly be assembled regarding this area of Mexico City. Everything I see I want to photograph, but the thought of effectively needing to write a textbook of the inventory in this place is not very appealing. Already, I’ve included far more images than I should have, and over the course of writing and editing this post, I could see paring some of the memories, but then again, I’m a glutton for what these blog posts bring back to us.

The idea that this pales in comparison to the anthropology museum everyone has raved about to us seems unbelievable right now, especially in light of the fact that absolutely no one has ever spoken of this particular museum. Well, if we should be so lucky, we’ll have a brief window of opportunity to see for ourselves the famous anthropology museum on Tuesday before our flight farther south.

Maybe what is most astonishing about the history represented here is that Rome was just bringing its form of culture to northern Europe, where the inhabitants of Germany were still considered barbarians and had just mastered fire. I’m joking; this was a stab at my wife and her Neanderthal roots. Two thousand years ago, the people of this part of North America were wildly interpreting their place in the universe using complexity, architecture, infrastructure, color, and character that can only arise from deep within the imagination and intellect. This is Cuāuhtli or Eagle Warrior.

Our pro-European Western bias, when compared to a people’s connection to the cosmos and cycles of life that evolved on this corner of the earth, is an embarrassment to our own ignorance. Why we couldn’t have been taught about the sophisticated cultures that emerged across Mexico and Guatemala I could claim is a mystery, but the reason is obvious: we are part of the ruling white hegemony that feels it would risk its own sense of superiority if we were to validate other cultures and periods in history.

Sure, there’s a historical tragedy that befell the people of central Mexico due to societal collapse possibly brought on by drought, famine, or war, but what nature didn’t squash, the Spaniards did their best to finish off, all in the name of God and Gold.

But how often do we find ourselves immersed in the center of such a history to be able to contemplate such questions? I don’t, and if I find myself at the Grand Canyon, in Washington D.C., Yellowstone, or at any other number of destinations in the United States, rarely do I have the opportunity to consider the full scope of an indigenous people where such a prolific society left us so much to think about. Being in Mexico right now, my senses are bombarded from all sides by the sights, sounds, language, tastes, and my own lack of knowledge I found myself in a similar situation when I first landed in Europe back in 1985, and so much was unfamiliar. The sculpture is known as Águila Cuauhxicalli, which translates to Eagle Vessel.

Now that I’m older, I better understand the value afforded me and the rarity of such experiences to be had by people who are curious and humbled by running into the unknown. These pieces of art are not just artifacts; they are the craft and attention of someone giving their lives meaning and celebrating ideas we can no longer relate to. Not that I think it’s impossible to peel the skin of the onion back to peer into the black box of the unknown, but at this juncture, in our collective conscience, we are too afraid to examine the universe through the filter of plants that appeared to facilitate seeing in a different way.

Don’t go thinking that I believe the only way to see truths is through a psychedelic concoction, but just as we experimented on humans trying to repair broken bodies or diseases, I have to wonder why we are so afraid of psychic journeys that could repair things we’ve not yet considered or do the controllers already know what lies beyond the veil and fear for the unraveling of economic enslavement if more people were creating art and exploring rituals that would loosen the bonds of political and religious orthodoxy? This clay vessel is fronted with a sculpture of the Aztec god of rain and thunder, Tlāloc. He is easily recognizable due to his eye goggles and fangs.

Anyway, I’m currently in the clouds approaching Tuxtla, Mexico, and strange enough, this isn’t the first time this high in the sky that religious thoughts have been with me while aloft. I need to stop writing for now; not that you’ll know any of this without my sharing, but now you know. Hopefully, I’ll return to writing tonight after our taxi ride to San Cristobal, dinner, and check-in to our hotel.

It’s now 20 days later as I turn to these images again. I finished writing about our journey in Chiapas as that was seriously fresh in my imagination, but that leaves me out in the middle of an imaginative desert where I’m having trouble finding something to plant here.

Well, that 20 minutes spent looking up this guy was nearly for nothing, although I did find some info on other sculptures we had the opportunity to see here in Mexico City.

This mosaic is made of more than 15,000 pieces of turquoise.

A close-up of the piece just above it. Nothing else to share other than someone else took a close-up of one of the figures when this piece was on display in New York City.

Turtle shell sculpture made in honor of Huehuetéotl, the deity of fire.

The wrinkled old toothless face is the giveaway that we are looking at, another representation of Huehuetéotl, just as the goggle eyes and fangs are indicative of Tlāloc, the god of rain shown further above.

Burial tombs could be intricate affairs, and when possible, the museum lays them out on display nearly exactly as they were found.

My inner spirit mask.

A relief dedicated to Tlaltecuhtli; more about her below.

Why has nobody ever made a film featuring Tzinacan, the Aztec bat god? The Maya knew him as Camazotz, and little did we know that we would visit the “place of the bats” (Zinacantán) a week later in Chiapas.

Another variation of Tlāloc, but this one adorns a brazier, though I have no idea what exactly was burned in it. Copal and other resins were popularly used in rituals in the past and are still in use to this day.

We know that masks have been being used for more than 9,000 years and possibly longer as ones made of wood or other fragile materials wouldn’t have likely survived, but for my dollar, I love these Aztec jade masks on view at the museum.

Mitlantecuhtli – The God of Death.

This is Goddess Tlaltecuhtli, who created heaven and the underworld. At some point, there was an image of a person carved into her womb, but I guess it made for an interesting souvenir to someone somewhere in the past.

Back out on the streets, everything is as culturally immersive as anything we’re seeing at ruins or in museums.

There are many buildings that appear to be returning to dust and look uninhabited until we spot a satellite dish adjacent to a tree growing out of the roof and, below that, an open window that shows signs of occupants.

This is the La Santísima Church or Church and Hospital of the Most Holy Trinity; it’s been standing here since 1783.

Trying to move away from the crowded streets, it was easy to find what we were looking for, though the fear level goes up in the fear that the media stories we hear in the United States will come true, “Two Caucasians walking in a deserted area show up dead in an alleyway, victims of their own stupidity.”

Yep, nobody else out here but us.

Occupied or not? We couldn’t tell.

We were minutes too late to enter the Church Of Santo Domingo; maybe next time. Not that luck wasn’t on our side; across from the church was a hopping food stand with no less than a dozen people sitting on small chairs and overturned buckets eating what we, too, were about to have for lunch. Heeding the admonitions to avoid street food was just thrown out the window. The verdict was a resounding wow.

I had to get back to Phoenix, Arizona, before I learned that Okupa Cuba is a Black Block group of feminists supporting women and children who are victims of violence. Could anyone imagine a squat happening in the United States for an extended period of time?

Earlier in the day, I tried to take a photo of the Palace of Fine Arts, but with the barrier around it, I figured that it was the best I’d be able to get today. Well, here we are on the grounds, but our feet are tired after walking more than a dozen miles today already and a few more to go before getting back to our hotel. We’ll put it on the list of the many places we need to come back to here in Mexico City.

Band practice in the park, we couldn’t have been the only ones enjoying the free entertainment.

Monumento a la Revolución, or Monument to the Revolution, celebrates exactly that: the Revolution for Independence from Spain fought between Sep 16, 1810 – Sep 27, 1821.

Believe it or not, we didn’t see it until we were nearly upon it, and then all of our wishes moved to hoping it would still be open long enough for us to ride the elevator up the center of the monument.

The view from up here is amazing and should be witnessed for not only the sunset but the sunrise too.

There’s a small museum under the monument, but not a lot of information for us English speakers. Most likely, visitors are well familiar with their own history here.

Looking straight up into the monument, the blue frame glass thing is where the elevator takes visitors.

Vendors selling trinkets celebrating the revolution line one of the walkways, but we are hesitant to buy anything at all, considering the textile side of our journey in Mexico that starts soon down in Chiapas.

Remembering to take photos of ourselves in this environment is tough as we’d rather everything reflect where we’ve been, but having a photo or two to prove we were actually here isn’t a bad thing.

Attention readers: it’s nearing 11:00 pm, and I’ve selected and prepped 71 of nearly 500 photos. I’m posting all 71 here, mostly without text, for you to see my process, as this is a work in progress. My goal of finishing a blog a day while we are in Mexico is already off to a bad start; who knew there would be so much to see here on a Sunday?

I’m leaving the paragraph above, though, as I move to finish this post here on March 26. It’s a bit superfluous, but it is a note in our history of how things play out. Our incredibly inexpensive dinner that had to be noted was for bowls of posole from La Casa de Toño. What was so special about this meal? That bowl of pork posole was under $4.00, and Caroline, who had a small bowl with chicken, was barely over $3.00. We ran into this place by pure chance. Coming around a corner, we saw a long line of people waiting in front of a small restaurant. Assuming they knew something we didn’t, we got in line, only to find out that the Peruvian family in front of us spoke a little English, and between that and our minuscule Spanish, we were able to have a great conversation during our wait.

Like I said with the title, Mexico City is Estupdendo!

International Travel

At Sky Harbor Airport Phoenix, Arizona

It’s Friday, the day before we leave for Mexico City down south in Mexico. I’m sitting in Starbucks having a coffee while Caroline is at her office enjoying happy hour with her co-workers. I couldn’t check in with our flight, which was likely due to needing to present our passports to the ticketing window. I bought pesos earlier in the week and scheduled our Uber to the airport an hour ago.

Things are mostly packed but more importantly, the deep cleaning of everything is done. From the shelves of the refrigerator to under the stove, baseboards in the bathroom, and every surface that could be cleaned in that room is super tidy. All laundry is done, as is our bedding, so when we get back home, nothing needs to be tended to aside from possibly turning on the A/C, depending on what the weather looks like when we return. This ritual of housekeeping takes on greater importance the longer we’re away, as when vacation extends beyond a few days, I want to come home knowing that aside from fetching some fresh food and doing our stinking travel laundry, I’m free to bask in the glow of another wonderful vacation.

Hmm, this is mostly true; I’m out of granola and will have to deal with that the day after our return; we are also out of pickled ginger for our Burmese ginger salads, so after buying 10 pounds of fresh ginger, I’ll be occupied with that chore for a solid 5 or 6 hours. Our taxes haven’t been filed yet, and I need to find a new doctor soon after our return as I don’t trust my current one after two appointments where he proved too anxious to prescribe meds with crazy potential side effects when my conditions are relatively well maintained.

On the blogging front, I anticipate that I’ll shoot between 3,600 and 5,000 photos; if I were smart, I’d take less. Prepping the photos while in situ isn’t a problem, but staying current with writing about the day can be a challenge. Should I fall behind and need to work on things after our return, I’ll do that to the exclusion of everything else as I obsess about finishing before we leave for trip number 6 of the 25 planned for this year.

You think you are done preparing, and then after dinner, you realize there are still a dozen things you need to get done before you call it a night. That’s exactly what happened, but now it’s 10:00 pm, and my eyes are heavy. The computer is updated, the phone rebooted, Fitbit is fully charged, pesos are divided between us, documents photocopied, credit card numbers and their phone numbers are noted, plans for breakfast are made, nothing left to do but hope for a good night of sleep instead of a restless one like we’ll have tomorrow night in another strange bed.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Sky Harbor Airport Phoenix, Arizona

Good morning, Saturday, and the butterflies of going to a new place far away. Breakfast was out of the way, a mile walk was able to be fit in, and we had 10 minutes before our ride arrived. Time to power this stuff at home down, take out the trash, lock the door, and go. Next stop: Phoenix Sky Harbor airport.

Got some walking in at Terminal 4, verified that we’d get lunch on our flight, and now we’re sitting down near our gate where there are very few seats. We’ll start boarding in 15 minutes, though our flight isn’t leaving for another hour. By the way, I have a KTN or Known Traveler Number, but Caroline doesn’t; we need to rectify that as it sure is convenient to zip through security. This leg of the trip, I went to that line as with a CPAP, computer, camera, belt, phone, and shoes, it feels like a hassle to go through the regular line if I can avoid it. Next up, we are flying business class for the better part of this trip; this did allow Caroline to move through the Preferred Boarding security line; we board first, so there will be no issue of getting overhead bin space; we get that lunch I spoke of, and we’ll be at the front of the line for passport control when we land in Mexico.

Flying over Mexico

I was certain I’d see the border scar across the desert as we flew south but my vigilance wasn’t good enough. I did see a lot of desert and, on occasion, some canyon areas.

Flying over Mexico

Our three hours and some minutes turned into something less than three hours, allowing us to arrive early, but with immigration nearly a mile away from where we landed and the need to wait forever for a taxi, we were at the airport a good hour although we had no bags to claim. The great thing about our taxi ride was that it was a fixed price deal where you buy a coupon in the airport for your destination, so there’s no ambiguity, and at $14 or 280 Pesos, it was a terrific bargain.

Caroline Wise in Mexico City, Mexico

Ciudad de México or Mexico City to us foriegners, we are here. We lost an hour as we shifted timezones, lost that hour at the airport, and needed some time at the hotel to get checked in and figure out which way we wanted to go. The place for dinner I thought we’d go to closes at 6:00 for some strange reason, so instead of getting there 30 minutes before they shut the doors, we decided to go for a walk before grabbing our final meal of the day not too far from our hotel.

Mexico City, Mexico

We are in Bosque de Chapultepec Park, where the Museo Nacional de Antropología is also located. This corner of the park dedicated to the friendship between Mexico and Azerbaijan didn’t arrive without speedbumps, but the specifics are of little contemporary interest, so I’ll just leave this here without much comment.

Mexico City, Mexico

Hundreds of vendors line the wide paths through the park, and though the sun came and went as it was replaced with very occasional rain and cloud cover, the festive sense of a beautiful Saturday afternoon is in full effect. From furry monkeys on kids’ heads that squirt water from their tails to Lucha Libre masks celebrating Mexico’s renowned history of wrestlers, it seemed nothing cost much for than a dollar out here. Sadly, we are reluctant to try the various colorful snacks and fast food items along the way as too many Americans have squawked about the dangers to us visitors that will fall afoul of an intestinal bug if we aren’t careful. Somehow, I know they are full of BS, but their poisonous words and fears have infiltrated both of our brains.

Caroline Wise and John Wise in Mexico City, Mexico

There’s something I find peaceful about being somewhere I don’t speak the language, and that’s probably the fact that I can’t tell when people are talking from their butts. I want to assume they are all talking quantum physics, philosophy, or politics using a filter of high intellect. While I can be sure that if someone were translating the nearby conversations, I’d be aghast at the same level of stupidity I find elsewhere, that’s not the case now, and I can easily delude myself, thus making me happier. Happier makes for better smiles, so I gain that, too.

Mexico City, Mexico

We are now on our way to the restaurant we’ll be eating at but first, we’ll have to backtrack a bit.

Mexico City, Mexico

There’s a comedy act going on nearby that has attracted about 100 onlookers who are, as they say, busting a gut, but we understand not a word (well, at least we got “pendejo”) and walk on to check out the spitting frog fountain where a bunch of scouts are standing around doing scout things.

Mexico City, Mexico

This bird of paradise just so happens to look like a flame is burning there or that maybe I over-enhanced the colors; well, it is what it is.

Caroline Wise at Carajillo Restaurant in Mexico City, Mexico

Dinner was Carajillo restaurant I’d learned of before leaving Phoenix and you should be able to see from Caroline’s face that we weren’t disappointed. Prior to getting to this opulent dessert that was nearly as expensive as both of our entrees, Caroline started with a margarita as I ordered a guacamole. We’ve never had a hot guac, but we have now; it even had some ginger in it, not your garden variety version of this popular dip. Our entrees were roast pork for me and encrusted salmon for Caroline.

Carajillo Restaurant in Mexico City, Mexico

Having limited Spanish skills comes with its perks; what Caroline thought she understood we were having for dessert was slightly off. We thought that the many tables receiving flaming towers of chocolate and gold leaf-covered strawberries with a small tower of deep-fried ice cream topped with berries and more gold leaf were celebrating birthdays or anniversaries; nope, this was the dessert option we unintentionally got too. Under the burning cone at the center was the fried ice cream. Do I need to mention that this dessert also involved dry ice and several servers clapping while another one provided light effects with his phone?

With the loud thumping music of this trendy hot spot, the boisterous, well-dressed crowd, and the extremely well-trained and good-looking staff, we were surprised at the sense of celebration going on here and how there’s nothing in the Phoenix, Arizona, area that comes close to matching any of it. Without a tip, the meal, including the appetizer, a mixed drink, sparkling water, two entrees, and this dessert, came to 1,500 pesos or $84. Muy elegante and a great start to this Mexican vacation.

The Race is on…Or is it?

Caroline Wise in the surf in Santa Monica, California

Back on the weekend of January 7th Caroline and I drove from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles, California as we embarked on the monumental personal challenge of attempting to travel somewhere away from home no less than 25 times this year. This was our first trip that included museums, a botanical garden, the ocean, and dinner on the ocean in San Pedro among other things.

Caroline Wise at Teakettle Junction on the Road to Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California

On January 21st we returned to California, except this time we were aiming for Death Valley well north of Los Angeles. Caroline is seen here posing at Tea Kettle Junction on our way to Racetrack Playa to see with our own eyes the rocks that sail across a dry lakebed. Now, while this second trip of the year qualified as just that, I’d like to point out that was actually our third consecutive trip following the idea of going somewhere every other week. Over Christmas, we were over in New Mexico at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge for some birdwatching, 10’s of thousands of birds.

Caroline Wise at the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

February 4th seemed to come on fast but this time we were staying right here in our own state of Arizona. I’d booked us a couple of nights at Bright Angel Lodge and hoped that we wouldn’t encounter snowy roads on the way up. As you can see, we had great weather, great views, and consequently a great time here at the Grand Canyon.

Caroline Wise at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Maintaining the theme of trying to avoid snow in the wintertime, our travel plans had us going south on the weekend of February 18. We came down this way to revisit a hiking trail we’d visited nearly 17 years prior. Well, we didn’t make it there because we were distracted by news of a mass of sandhill cranes nearby, and even on the way there we got sidetracked by a quick visit and hike to the Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge. So you can better understand just where we were on the map, Douglas, Arizona, is about 250 miles southeast of us right on the border of Mexico and about 20 miles west of New Mexico.

For the 5th trip away from home this year, which is coming up very soon, I’m now scrambling to finish a ton of details that I put off until the last minute. Because we are so familiar with traveling I need not worry too much about getting things perfect too far in advance. I believe Caroline and I have confidence that the flow of our travels, no matter how they unfold, always seem to have been well-planned and fortunate regardless of the situation once we’re there.

So maybe this shouldn’t be considered a race at all but more a marathon because with 21 trips still ahead of us we need to pace nearly everything we do so we don’t burn out by feeling like we’re always on the run. This is where my preparations which occur in the background while Caroline is at the office should allow her a seamless move from working to being transported someplace where a real adventure in exploration, beauty, and fun can be woven together, allowing the high frequency of so many trips to remain exciting and not slip into feeling like chores. Oh yeah, the last thing, where are we going next? Ha, check back soon.

On the Frontier of Luxury

Gadsden Hotel in Douglas, Arizona

Not ziplining, whitewater rafting, or racing ATVs over sand dunes, we’re happy to explore little luxuries such as staying in a small town of only 16,000 at their grand old hotel that is lovingly cared for. Many hotels built in the past 30 years don’t have a fraction of the attraction of the Gadsden here in Douglas. We are less than 1 mile from the Mexican border, yet we were walking around nearly empty streets last night as it grew late, and never did we feel uncomfortable. Today, we’ll venture north, and with certainty, we’ll find 100s of things to dazzle our senses with, though they may be as simple as marveling at the basin of Willcox Playa or admiring birds. These are easy luxuries that take us out of routines at home and leave us with indelible memories of the larger world we’re a tiny part of.

The quote about the best-laid plans of mice and men comes to mind when considering how things worked out regarding our plans to hike in the Chiricahua National Monument today: that didn’t happen, nor did we visit the Willcox Playa. Plans were derailed, although we were still very much on track during breakfast when our conversation with our server, Christian, blossomed. The guy is finding his way in the world, and like many of us, he’s a bit late to the game, but hopefully, with a bit of serious intention and if he can make good on his hope to explore new things, he’ll find a way forward and be able to discover some of the things in life that bring greater happiness.

Haunted Room at the Gadsden Hotel in Douglas, Arizona

From a pep-talk to a tour of the hotel’s 3rd floor and the allegedly haunted room #333. I’d read somewhere that if you photograph the possessed room in reverse, you have a 91.57% chance of capturing an image of the spirit. Look close to where the bed cover meets the red shag carpet, and maybe you can see someone’s ghost peaking out; that, or you will be happy that I didn’t photograph that hideous combination of the floral bedspread and shag carpet that brought on PTSD to those present.

A Church in Douglas, Arizona

A brief meander through town to see what the architecture of Douglas looks like. Sadly, the exterior photo of our hotel I shot this morning left a lot to be desired, but there were some nice churches, this being the most attractive one to me. After a brief ride around a few of the streets, we pointed the car north on A Avenue. The north-south streets in Douglas are lettered; we are lodging on G Avenue.

On Leslie Canyon Road in Cochise County, Arizona

A Avenue turns into Leslie Canyon Road, and this is where the plans really started to deviate. You see, we were going to take the scenic unpaved road over to McNeal to pay a visit to Whitewater Draw, where it was reported there were a ton of Sandhill cranes.

Caroline Wise on Leslie Canyon Road in Cochise County, Arizona

If you see desolation, your senses are not tuned to serenity. It’s divinely quiet out here, and as you might surmise from the electrical lines, there are a few people living out along this unpaved but well-maintained road going straight to the mountains ahead. See woman for scale, that’s not a blue banana.

On Leslie Canyon Road in Cochise County, Arizona

The road forked, but instead of taking the left to McNeal, we opted to go right in the direction of the Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge. Can you hear the silence?

On Leslie Canyon Road in Cochise County, Arizona

Just up the hill, they said. Right over there, they hinted. You’ll find the trail easily.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Yep, right out there at the bend in the road.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Oh, they meant the place with the big signs, a small parking area, and an information kiosk. Transparency moment, there was no “they”; it was just me making drama where there was none because drama is the bedfellow I enjoy employing in my narratives and, well, for that matter, my daily existence.

Caroline Wise at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Did the sign mean the trail is 2 miles out and 2 miles back or 2 miles roundtrip? Obviously, this trail was used at one time by vehicles, but as we walked further, it became apparent that those days were long gone.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

That’s the very dry Leslie Creek, and if I’m interpreting things right, this is all part of the Yaqui River Drainage that plays an important role in the health of the biodiversity found in the region, which even has its own native type of fish, the endangered Yaqui chub. Needless to say, we didn’t see any chubs or other water creatures today.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Further up the trail, we dip into the dry creek bed, and like chickens, we go to the other side.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Caroline was reminded of the book titled Tracks by Australian author Robyn Davidson, and paraphrased the following, “There are all kinds of thorns from big ones that draw blood and puncture everything, to medium ones that pierce dog paws, to small ones that break off in your skin remaining unseen until they are inflamed a day later.”

Caroline Wise at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Don’t lose sight of the incredible nature of the time we live in. One moment, we’re racing down a dirt road before reaching a turnout next to wildlands we are about to walk upon. Carrying fresh water, a hat, and a camera, we stride along an overgrown, craggy trail on our way to see an old ruin just because. Later in the day, we’ll dine on a hot meal and sleep in a warm bed, and yet we must endure the echo of rants of the super-wealthy who will never enjoy these luxuries while they tell us that everything is broken so we can wallow in anger and ignorance instead of focusing on finding our moments lost in time.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

That old road on which we started this hike was far too overgrown and washed out at one point for vehicles to ever easily use the trail again, but arriving at an old mining operation, it now made sense why this primitive route was carved into the landscape.

Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

There were some scattered industrial pieces of foundation disappearing under the withering sun just as these ruins of an old home are returning to the earth they sprang from. This was also the end of the trail of thorns.

At this point in the day, we hadn’t come to the conclusion that we weren’t going to visit the Chiricahuas yet because we were going to make a quick stop at our next destination and return to the road for the short 50-mile drive to the national monument.

McNeal, Arizona

With the stories we’ve heard over the years of people being directed down dangerous roads by Google, I’m surprised every time their algorithm takes us down these dusty trails. I wonder if they still recommend them when it’s raining? Anyway, after 1 mile of dirt road, we turned south on the paved Central Highway, and a few miles farther, we found ourselves pulling into Whitewater Draw.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

We are here for Sandhill cranes and are not disappointed. But as beautiful as the sight and sound of this group are here, I couldn’t help but feel that there were also a lot of them to the south of us, though most visitors were on this trail.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

So Caroline and I went south.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

And with an explosion of sound and a sea of cranes that stretched off into the horizon like a giant feedlot in Texas, there were animals as far as we could see.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

The beating of wings, lots of wings from lots of big birds, creates the excitement of whooshing that rumbles in reverberation and drills into the deep pools of emotion lying just below the surface of those watching these spectacles.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

Following take-off and the focused energy required to escape the gravitational clutch of earth and water, the birds break into a chatter that sings to me that they are happy to once again be aloft. Immediately the conversation turns to the discussion of where it is they will set down next.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

And other plans that might have still been possible were being dashed by the hypnosis brought on by the sounds and spectacle of so many cranes. Cranes by the 10’s of thousands were pulling us into their universe and demanding that we ogle them in a form of worship, recognizing their power over us. The collective will of the cranes is impossible to dismiss and so we melt into their landscape and lose all sense of time or need to be anywhere else.

Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

That is until we start to feel like intruders and that our very presence is affecting their behavior. While I felt that we were keeping a respectful distance from the army of cranes, there was a point where no matter how slow we moved, the birds would start moving, too. While we are farther away, they are watching us but are not yet ready to react, but if they are changing what they would otherwise be doing, we are distracting them from bird things. I imagine that the fact that we hunt them right here in this area (as evidenced by spent shotgun shells) has made them leery of us violent humans. Add to that stress that we de-water their migration stops by draining that resource, which in turn squeezes them into ever smaller areas, making them prime targets for people interested in turkey shoots where the sport and skill of hunting have been replaced by not having to wander from the tailgate.

Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

When fear of not finding an ability within ourselves to comprehend our place in the world, we often turn to anger against nature for trapping us in a situation beyond what our senses can tolerate. This is misdirected aggression that would be better turned against those that left the person ill-equipped to celebrate the incredible luxury all around them, but the die is cast, and the politics, economy, the entire world are here to victimize them, and so they need to lash out and victimize what they can to level the playing field. In this sense, these fence posts have more purpose, although they no longer have any function.

Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona

My empathy for birds is greater than my sense of understanding for the stupid among us, those raised by the disaffected who would destroy everything in their path rather than feed their minds. How sad is my reality of awareness that while on vacation, I’m disturbed by those not even present as though they are ever-present? Writing this, I feel as though I’ve inadvertently elevated the troglodytes onto the pedestal of gods.

Gadsden Hotel in Douglas, Arizona

In everything we found today, disappointment wasn’t one of those things. Our loose plan was turned on its head, but even upside down, everything sparkled and was beautiful to us. Lunch had to be sacrificed because there was nothing out our way; good thing we had walnuts, cashews, almonds, and dried apricots along with us, oh, and those Lemon Ups from the Girl Scouts that found their way into Caroline’s backpack.

We weren’t able to share a nice bottle of wine, there were no gourmet meats and cheeses on artisan bread, our off-brand generic drinking water was from a gallon plastic jug bought at a grocery store on the way down, and yet, the way smiles continuously lit on our faces, you’d have thought for a moment we had everything, every luxury anybody could ever wish for, wrapped in all the love that could possibly be shared between two people.