Another Southwest Experience

Breakfast at Baja Cafe in Tucson, Arizona

Breakfast entered the charts under the category of “wow” and, for the umpteenth time, triggered the big question: why are we living in Phoenix again? Baja Cafe in Tucson appeared on a number of Best Breakfast” lists. We thought Five Points Market & Restaurant was brilliant, and it was, but Baja Cafe ups the ante with some uniquely inspired creations, such as their variations on eggs benedict. From their menu, I’ll just share their exact description of the dish pictured:

Brisket Caramelo – Grilled crisp Caramelos stuffed with shredded brisket, tomatoes, chorizo, cheddar, and Jack cheese. Topped with two strips of corn husk smoked bacon, fire-roasted diced green chile, and two poached eggs. Finished with a combination of New Mexican red chile sauce and a smoked gouda cheese sauce, pico de gallo, cotija cheese, and pickled onions.

Last night at El Charro, upon hearing us talk about breakfast options in Tucson, our server recommended Baja Cafe and told us that one of his favorites there was the corned beef hash, so Caroline ordered it. We shared both plates and agreed that the corned beef hash was the best we’d ever had, while this play on eggs benedict will hopefully bring us back to try some of the other variations of this otherwise staid dish. After breakfast, it was time to hit the road.

South of Tucson heading to Sonoita, Arizona

Leaving Interstate 10 in Vail in the direction of Sonoita on Highway 83, there were a couple of glimpses of sun, but for the most part, the sky just grew cloudier.

Heading to Sierra Vista, Arizona

Even before leaving Tucson, we were drawn into the snow-covered mountains surrounding the city, with the exception of the west. The mountains in the other three directions had a healthy dusting of snow, which, for us central Arizona desert dwellers, is a sight for dry eyes. I had figured that the snow was going to be unique to Tucson, but I was wrong as seen right here just outside of Sonoita looking at Mount Wrightson.

Sierra Vista, Arizona

Our old friend Mal de Puerco joined us in the car, and under the gray skies with our seat heaters on, we needed a stop in Sierra Vista for coffee lest we find the car driving itself over the tan grasses more suited for grazing cows than napping pigs. The forecast calls for sun in the afternoon, and so before that, we’ll just mosey along with nary a concern about what to do next, except Caroline is nudging me that our 10-minute coffee stop has now stretched into nearly 30 minutes, so off we go on our trip further south. The mountain on the left is Miller Peak in Hereford, flanked by Carr Peak on the right.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

It was almost a coin toss regarding visiting Bisbee or Coronado National Memorial, but Coronado won since we couldn’t remember being there in the past 20 years. It turns out that it’s been almost exactly 20 years since our last visit because my blog showed us that it was back in May 2003 that we were last down here. Two things: back on the left, you can see a hint of blue sky, but the elephant in the room is, why is this sign reading “Smuggle + Flee = Jail” right before the entry to the park?

Caroline Wise at Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

Ten years ago, in a land far, far away stood the imposing figure of Caroline the Warrior donning simulated battle gear at the Frankfurt Historical Museum, but today, we are in the land of Get Real, and you put on an authentic recreation or just get lost. Chain mail armor is heavy-duty stuff with an emphasis on heavy. After getting Caroline into that metal shirt, which felt like it weighed 30 pounds, followed by the mail coif over her head, she opted for the helmet of the Kniggits instead of the more fashionable mohawk style she wore in Germany. Click that link in the top line and scroll down to see what I’m talking about. It turned out that her glasses helped the helmet stay put because after she took them off, the weight of the steel helmet fell onto her nose.

Caroline Wise at Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

But with that, she was now angry enough at what I was putting her through that she was able to channel a fierce rendition of one of the soldiers traveling with Francisco Vazquez de Coronado back in 1540. Anyone else in the visitors center might have thought us drunken fools from our boisterous laughter. We were locked in side-splitting fits of laughing, the kind that starts to take your breath away and pulls tears from your eyes.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

We expected the gray weather to continue, but after indulging in that roaring laugh attack, the weather gods must have recognized that we were ready for joy because when we went back outside, the sun had come out and stayed with us. The view is of Montezuma Peak behind the visitor’s center.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

Armed with a Junior Ranger booklet, we took off to see how far we could get on Joe’s Canyon Trail, how far because when I enquired about steep dropoffs on the trail, I was told there might be a couple of spots.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

Somehow, I managed to get past this constriction, probably because I’d not had enough of the trail yet, and after more than a couple of months without any hiking, I desperately wanted some serious nature time, and with the weather cooperating, we needed to persevere.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

The views up here were spectacular, but after our time on this trail, we would drive up higher towards Coronado Peak and capture even better views of mostly the same sights, so I’m saving what’s out on the horizon until we get there.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

We made it to about 600 feet of the 1000 feet of elevation gain Joe’s Canyon Trail should have delivered when I reached the limit of my ability to handle the narrowing trail, and at about 1.5 miles, we turned around for the hike back to the visitors center.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

After our hike, we drove up to Montezuma’s Pass for what we would have both sworn was our first visit to this particular vantage point, but my blog would prove us wrong.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

I hadn’t planned on taking our new car on dirt roads quite yet, but there we were at the base of the mountain, facing the choice of babying our pristine Kia Niro with only about 500 miles on it or seizing the day and conquering the mountain on a narrow rocky dirt path to Montezuma Pass and the Coronado Overlook just past that.

Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

We were on a race against time as the visitors center down below was going to close at 4:00 and Caroline had to turn in her junior ranger booklet before that.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

Good thing there was still time to take a selfie up here. The majority of the view behind us is looking into Mexico; I think it’s making me look old.

Caroline Wise at Coronado National Memorial in Hereford, Arizona

Caroline made it, meaning not only were we on time, but she possibly answered everything correctly. I say possibly because not a concern was paid about what she scrawled in the booklet which is unfortunate as she really makes an effort to do justice to the questions which, while aimed at children, require a serious bit of work. Her enthusiasm shows how seriously she is taking the honor of being sworn in as a junior ranger, even if it’s her 100th badge.

Miracle Valley, Arizona

This is the Miracle Valley Bible Church and the site of a shootout between church members and law enforcement that occurred over ten years before the much more famous incident in Waco, Texas, involving the followers of David Koresh. Seeing this again today had me wondering what happened to the photos I took of this place a few years prior, and it turns out that I glossed right over them then because I was still deep in working on the blog posts that were detailing the last trip to Europe we had only returned from in the days prior to visiting Bisbee. Back then, in 2019, I had been invited onto the property by a gentleman who walked along with me, explained a few things about the site, and then allowed me to wander around and take photos. It’s about time for me to share those and get working on that post as soon as I’m done with documenting this weekend.

Miracle Valley, Arizona

This is what remains of the Palominas Trading Post in Hereford that at one time hosted a gas station back when gasoline was only $1.42 a gallon, and, according to the bleached sign on the west side of the building, this was also a diner. Google StreetView shows the place still open in 2008, but sometime shortly after that, the sign fell down, the newspaper and ice machine disappeared and it has since remained empty. Coldwell Banker has been trying to unload the 2.3 acres and 2,700 sqft of decrepit buildings out in the middle of nowhere for $219,000. How this is valued at more than $1000 is beyond my imagination.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

We had one more stop to make today before checking into the Gadsden Hotel down in Douglas and thought we should consider making a reservation for dinner just so they knew were desiring a table. We are at Whitewater Draw in McNeal, Arizona, where last year we saw tens of thousands of Sandhill Cranes; today, we see hundreds, but that’s good enough.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

The barn that had been standing near the parking lot on the left last year has since blown down. It was also where the WIFI router for the Crane Cam was housed, so we had no way of looking at the scene prior to our arrival and finding out if the cranes were even on hand. Sadly, the front desk at the Gadsden also didn’t know the status of the birds.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

There were lots of ducks plying the shallow waters but getting a photo of one of them was difficult, near impossible, as they had their heads submerged under the surface the majority of the time.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

The shadows should let you know that it’s now late in the day, while the inability to see a millimeter into the water suggests it might be turning into a mud puddle in the next week.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

Good thing we got a reservation for 7:00 p.m. as we had time to hang out and were rewarded with seeing murmurations of the yellow-headed blackbirds. While we came for the sandhill cranes, it was those little yellow-headed birds that stole the show today.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

There’s a speck on the left that is one of the few remaining cranes flying away from the lake today, but that’s not what we were focused on; it was the sky and the reflections on the surface of the water.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

With sunset happening at about 6:20 p.m., I thought we’d have enough time to reach Douglas since it was only about 30 minutes away, but as we made our way towards the parking area, we saw and heard that a very large party of those Yellow-headed Blackbirds were making a commotion to the south of where we’d been. There were thousands of them jostling for branch space on a section of the lake in the late-day shadows.

Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area in McNeal, Arizona

Only a tripod and an F/1.2 aperture lens would have possibly delivered a decent photo of those quick-moving little birds that were darting here and there before the thrush of hundreds of them would lift off simultaneously and readjust the position in ways we cannot begin to understand. Time to go south to our accommodation on the Mexican border.

Once we got to dinner, we were surprised to find that Cesar, who served us breakfast last year nearly to the day, was to be our server for dinner. When I saw him walk up, I remembered him immediately; it took him a solid 15 seconds to rebuild the memory. Cesar lives in Mexico and is still studying to be a nurse, just as he was last year. He’s since purchased a mirrorless camera and is getting deeper into photography.

Our room is a suite, and it’s spectacular. While my eyes are growing heavy as I try to get the more important impressions and details written down, Caroline has been luxuriating in the whirlpool in our room, and though I wish I could have been more prolific with the words, my eyes are falling shut as I push the computer to the side.

Happy McKiteface Over Oregon- Day 9

A Stellar Jay at Umpqua Lighthouse in Reedsport, Oregon

Good morning, Steller’s jay! I hope you enjoy your morning meal courtesy of the vanlife guttersnipes that squatted here overnight. Caroline and I have been visiting the Oregon coast for about 20 years now, and I can say with certainty we’ve never seen so many roadside freeloaders who don’t have the respect to pay attention to the “No Overnight Camping Allowed” signs. I can only surmise that their sense of being free to roam America’s roads allows them to feel a sense of entitlement that arrives with their chosen form of homelessness for the sake of social media status. Regarding the homeless situation, it has spilled out of the bigger cities and now shows up on the coast in ways we’d not seen before. From more people living in cars (not in the aforementioned vanlife configuration) to people struggling with loads of stuff being moved through town and those who will join the ranks in the coming year due to the problem of rising rents, the situation is one of ugly proportions. Back to the vanlifers, Caroline and I used to pull into overlook parking lots where we might be the only people, but when we pull in, and there are people just waking, finishing their ablutions, or putting away the cooking gear, I try to imagine what our experiences would have been like if people in motorhomes had exercised the same liberties, especially considering two large vehicles could fill up a pullout and stop anyone else from stopping for a moment. Just because we didn’t park at an ocean overlook doesn’t mean our waking experiences are any less valid or someone else’s even greater because they flaunt convention. Enough of that, I look forward to the day that vanlife is no longer a thing or I’m dead and gone, no longer able to witness the arrogance.

Umpqua Lighthouse in Reedsport, Oregon

Normally, waking near the shadow of a lighthouse is a terrific thing, but driving into someone’s temporary bedroom sure puts a damper on that. Fortunately, they were soon gone after we spoiled their perfect isolation with our intrusion. Oops, I said I was done with all that, but the truth is that I’m never done once something gets jammed in my craw.

When we travel on weekends, it’s often been difficult for Caroline to connect with her mom in Frankfurt for her weekly call, but it just so happens that our brother-in-law Klaus is visiting Jutta as we were packing up the yurt and is going to bring us into a video chat. While my mother-in-law has certainly been here at the lighthouse, we have some skepticism about how much she remembers or whether she simply learned to just go along with things and agree to fond memories rather than admit these things are largely gone from her book of memories. It’s really not a problem, though, as she smiles a lot, and we know she’s still very aware that she’s been to the United States many times, even if many of the details are lost to the passage of time.

Umpqua River in Winchester Bay, Oregon

Do you remember how years ago there was a floating restaurant off in the distant corner here in Winchester Bay? We fondly do and have often wished to visit again, but it’s been closed for years. We first dined there back in 2006; such is the good luck of having blog posts to remind one of something that might have been forgotten otherwise. Today, we sit next to the Umpqua River for breakfast after choosing the place with more cars parked outside, figuring the locals know something.

Umpqua River in Winchester Bay, Oregon

Never believe in 10-day forecasts, or better yet, simply don’t look at them because would they really change your travel plans? This is probably bad advice because at least they offer some idea of how to dress for potential weather conditions. As for the location, we are on the other side of the restaurant for a post-breakfast walk under perfect skies.

Umpqua Lighthouse State Park in Reedsport, Oregon

This isn’t just any old forest; it is the forest that goes back…

Umpqua Lighthouse in Reedsport, Oregon

…back to the Umpqua Lighthouse because without Tillamook Creamery around for breakfast dessert, this will have to do.

Oregon Dunes seen from the David Dewett Veterans Memorial in North Bend, Oregon

We are looking across one small part of Coos Bay from the vantage point of the David Dewett Veterans Memorial in North Bend. It almost never fails that the reflections of the Oregon Dunes catch our eye, and poetically, it makes sense that a place of such great reflection should be the site of a veterans memorial.

McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend, Oregon

In the opposite direction, you’ll find the McCullough Memorial Bridge.

Rail bridge over Coos Bay in North Bend, Oregon

In all the years we’ve been passing through here, we’ve yet to see this rail bridge in any other position or to see trains crossing the bay. We can only guess that this is a relic of the age of forestry as it existed in the past.

McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend, Oregon

From this fascination with bridges, one might think Arizona doesn’t have any, but it turns out that Arizona and Oregon are nearly equal in that department, which suggests that the bridges in Arizona are not remarkable in any way. Before you object: yes, we have the Navajo Bridges over the Colorado River and the London Bridge that was moved from the U.K. to Lake Havasu, along with the Black Bridge down in the Grand Canyon, but other than those, I cannot think of any other memorable crossings in Arizona. [May I suggest Roosevelt Lake Bridge?  Caroline]

McCullough Memorial Bridge in North Bend, Oregon

For 86 years, people have been using this bridge, but has anyone else taken so many photos of it?

Traveling Highway 101 south of Coos Bay, Oregon

I’m always trying to remind myself not only to stop and take photos of the most iconic things but also the mundane ones along the way, as they are just as important a part of the attraction that draws us back year after year.

Old rain shelter on Riverside Drive in Bandon, Oregon

In addition, we try to turn down side roads we might have missed on previous travels, and today, that worked in our favor when we turned onto Riverside Drive. At first glance, this might look like an outhouse to those of us not accustomed to living in rainy places, but upon looking closer, it was obvious that this was a long-neglected bus stop for kids who needed shelter while waiting for their school bus.

Big Foot and child on Riverside Drive in Bandon, Oregon

That, or it was a hiding place from a marauding Big Foot and its daughter.

Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

Also from Riverside Drive, a view of the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge we’ve never seen before.

Caroline Wise at the Wool Company yarn store in Bandon, Oregon

The same cannot be said of the Wool Company yarn store in Bandon, which we’ve visited countless times and must have bought 50 skeins of yarn by now. Yes, there is new sock yarn there, destined for my feet.

The famous Langlois Market in Langlois, Oregon

Another place becoming a regular stop on our journeys is found here at the famous Langlois Market, best known for the more than 1,000,000 hotdogs they’ve sold from their little roadside market in a town of only 370 people.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

Not being able to remember offhand the last time we visited the Cape Blanco Lighthouse in Port Orford, we decided to drive down the road through the state park to have a gander.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

Oooh, it’s windy and cold out here, but the sky demands that we take the short walk in the elements to nab a photo of the lighthouse should it happen that I’ve never taken one in such nice weather.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

Apparently, Neptune has raised his Sword of Damocles against those who live above the surface of his vast ocean, threatening all of us should we not heed our own knowledge that we are ravaging his seas.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

And to our right, as we walk out on the spit of land that is home to the lighthouse, is this view of the deep blue sea that just yesterday was dark green.

Lighthouse at Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

At this time of year, nothing is open; the season is over. No matter, as the tower itself is not currently visitable even during the summer.

Caroline Wise at Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

As I said, it’s windy out here, which Caroline thought was as good a time as any to break out the new kite and test how it compares to the one it’s replacing. We’ll just call it love.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

Our car is out there in front of the tree line, and looking at the photo above this one, you might have noticed that Caroline was standing in the old parking lot. Even if the road to the lighthouse was still open, you should be reluctant to drive it as the adjacent cliffside is eroding.

Cape Blanco State Park in Port Orford, Oregon

This is still part of the Cape Blanco State Park, and to the left is the Historic Hughes House built in 1898 that is visitable.

Port Orford, Oregon

There are a lot of places I can say with certainty we’ve visited before, even multiple times, but this pullout looking north towards Port Orford seems to me to be one of the surprisingly many new sites we’ve stopped at during these days.

Looking southwest from the same vantage point offers up a crisp sky and a horizon nearly devoid of any fog. Of all the times we’ve been asked if we’ve been here or there, this country or that, nobody has ever asked if we’d ever had the opportunity to be out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

While our yurt at Bullards Beach State Park in Bandon is now 30 miles behind us, we have a date with a rock 35 miles ahead.

View from Highway 101 north of Gold Beach, Oregon

Persistence paid off in my attempts to figure out where the heck we were on the road, but it is mislabeled on Google Maps and is not identified at all on Bing; the address is roughly 35690 Oregon Coast Highway, identified with Port Orford, and it is NOT Foramen Arch.

View from Highway 101 north of Gold Beach, Oregon

Turn and look south, and this is your view from the photo above. To the left of the image, you can see Euchre Creek spilling into the ocean.

Wedderburn Bridge in Gold Beach, Oregon

Moving down a hill and between the bushes, we were offered this view of Wedderburn Bridge in Gold Beach. I wanted to snap a photo from the road, which gave a much better view; stopping for a photo would have been too dangerous though, so this one will have to do. It’s yet another bridge designed by the famous civil Oregonian engineer with a Hitler mustache named Conde McCullough.

Caroline Wise at Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Meet our southern date here at Meyers Creek Beach, the Shark Fin. This visit, though, now comes with 100% more kite.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

No more disappointment trying to fly the previous pathetic little kite that was reluctant to take to the sky, as this one is a natural.

Caroline Wise at Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Caroline is so happy with this new kite that she’s named it Happy McKiteface. Cute name and all, but I think it actually describes her.

Meyers Creek Beach in Gold Beach, Oregon

Until next time, Shark Fin, it’s been great.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

There we were, driving north as though we were doing so with purpose when, not even two miles away from our last stop, a steep road up a hillside on my left seemingly demanded that I pull a quick U-turn to investigate. Why hadn’t the Cape Sebastian sign caught our attention before?

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

Seeing how we are now up here, we should check out what is down the hill, not this way but the one in front of us.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

Nope, this is the view to the north, but in a second, you’ll know what I’m speaking of.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

This is the trail I wanted to bring your attention to.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

It apparently brings us out to the edge of Cape Sebastian, here between Pistol River and Gold Beach.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

Where exactly it’s going is uncertain as there was no trail map at the parking lot, and at this moment, we’ve not passed anyone else who can tell us anything more about where we are. Checking our phones is not an option as we have no signal.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

If this were as far as we’d been able to go, it would have been worth every moment and more. Around this time, we’d met a couple coming at us on the trail, and we asked how far they went; they’d gone all the way to the beach but warned us it was too late to try that as it would certainly be dark by the time we got back to where we were talking with them. Something to come back to.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

With that, we turned around for our walk back through the forest until we found a slightly different view north.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

In the distance to the south, way out there, that’s Arch Rock.

Cape Sebastian Trail in Gold Beach, Oregon

Back at the Cape Sebastian parking lot and ready to tackle the last 65 miles to the evening’s yurt accommodations.

Visitor Center Beach at Gold Beach, Oregon

We’ll still have 60 miles left after this “last” stop, but who could blame us? We’ve stopped at the Gold Beach Visitors Center, which appears to be the name of the beach, but that can’t be.

Visitor Center Beach at Gold Beach, Oregon

While I busied myself photographing the last moments of the setting sun, Caroline quietly pulled out Happy McKiteface and threw it aloft before I could protest. With that smiling face beaming at her new kite high above the beach in the fading light of day, there was no way I was going to rain on her moment of finding yet more joy.

Accretions, Oregon Style – Day 4

View from the Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

It’s still a murky gray out over the Pacific at 6:30 as I strain to see if our cliffside is still standing high over the ocean. The fishing boat I’d seen on the far horizon to the north a half-hour before deciding to leave bed is now gone, replaced for attention by an invisible barking seal somewhere below us.

Five to eight waves are lining up as they take aim for the land, while in the distance, a silvery blue belt looks calm. Between it and us, there’s a dark patch that offers an ambiguity I can’t read. A shadowy ocean at least appears mysterious, while a perfectly black sea at night is downright terrifying, though it is fascinating to see the reflection of stars on its surface.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Sunrise is still 15 minutes away, just enough time for us to have made it to Tokatee Klootchman a quarter mile south of us, hoping for an easier trail down than the steep descent in front of our cabin, but in the shadowy light before dawn, it looks too precarious, and so we head further south to the uninspiredly (but maybe appropriately) named Ocean Beach.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

I won’t consider this egret to be looking for breakfast because I want to see it searching for the same thing we are, a glimpse of the approaching morning and arrival of sunrise. Like us, it just stands there listening and watching, its head doesn’t dip towards the foamy water swirling around its legs as if it were looking for morsels; it observes. Maybe it enjoys the music of the sea as we do and wants nothing more than a quiet meditation in the surf before the formalities of the day summon it back to its routine.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Time passes slowly, and morning comes in as we let it. The choice is there; we could have just as easily opted to remain in our perch on the cliffside, but the waking world beckoned us so that we might be witnesses for others who’ve forgotten that these things happen with or without them present. Are we then emissaries for cold dark mornings found on distant shores where few care to venture other than us and birds?

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

There are things that can stand out like a sore thumb once you’ve seen them, but until that time, they remain hidden in plain view. On how many other visits to the Oregon coast have we passed such sights and not recognized what we were looking at? At first glance, I understood I was looking at either a tree trunk or a large branch, but what I failed to comprehend was that this chunk of wood was emerging from between solid rock and a rough conglomerate above it. This can really only mean one thing: the tree was knocked down and carried along in what was likely a landslide. For centuries, it lay buried in an oxygen-poor sarcophagus and is now returning to light due to the effects of erosion. Was this from another episode of earthquake activity in the Cascadia Subduction Zone?

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Bird and visitor alike look upon this scene, both interpreting a sight almost incomprehensible, aside from the possibility of both finding it appealing. While I stood before this tranquil image, astonished by the colors transitioning over surfaces, any sense of the magnitude and mechanics of nature were kept at bay by my shallow ability to see, hear, and think outside the grip of senses holding this fluid reality together as something to behold. It is only after bearing witness to such things that we start sorting what it was that challenged us to understand the appeal of what ultimately is infinite to our puny minds.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

In each cubic foot of sand, there are approximately 1 billion grains of those fine particles. In another post, I mentioned the 86 billion neurons in your head; try this thought experiment at home: measure off a space of 4 feet long by 4 feet wide and 5 feet high. The cubic dimensions of that space carved out of your living room would be 80 cubic feet. Now fill it with sand, and you’d have close to 86 billion grains of sand in that cube or the number of neurons packed into your head. What patterns would you make out in the depths of your collection, not in the sand but in those cells that populate your brain? I’d wager most would find a symphony of junk culture streamed into their experience that reflects nothing about who they really are. At least the sand actually represents the mountains, rivers, rocks, sea shells, and other bits and bobs of where it all came from across time.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Accretions, the Oxford dictionary describes them as such; the process of growth or increase, typically by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter. Our foundation, if we are lucky, is built upon love and care. For the less fortunate, they might be a hodgepodge of neglect, violence, and hunger. Even for those with good beginnings, it is not uncommon for the wheels to come off the cart of emotional security as anger, bullying, betrayal, and lies start to accumulate upon good intentions. Now layer in the superficial nature of a consumer society that convinces one and all that one becomes complete through consumption. So you pile on the designer clothes and celebrity-sponsored shoes, you buy the car and home just slightly above your pay grade, you diligently watch the series and seasons of dramas and sports so you own the right language to be popular among your peers, or maybe you become sidetracked by conspiracy, religious fanaticism, hate, and intolerance. For a while, the layers accumulate of hard pretense or of spongy swamp-like mud as you are drawn into someone else’s scheme, their alternative reality.

You never realized that the deeper foundation was no longer able to support a healthy outlook from the toxic topsoil poisoning the surface of who you thought you were. The flowers and happiness that you thought you were cultivating turned out to be sour bitterness that obscures your vision and leaves you feeling that you must plow under everyone else who fails to see the world as you do. Once I learned some 40 years ago that the computer phrase GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) had real-world consequences for not only data but for humans too, I began trying to shift what the accretions of John might look like.

Cellophane Tube Worm casings at Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

It was not easy to determine what these things are or what created them, but I finally learned that they are cellophane tube worm casings. Neither of us remembers ever seeing them before, and maybe for good reason: they typically live in the sand near the low tide line. My understanding was that negative tides weren’t due until Thanksgiving, but (and we’ll see more later in the day) maybe they arrived early. As for the molted shells of crabs, those seem to be unseasonably out of character, with females molting in spring and males during the summer, so why here, near the end of fall, did all these crab casings wash up along millions of worm filaments?

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Maybe this is a tiny part of the earth’s brain. It holds the knowledge that what might appear permanent is potentially volatile and can reconfigure itself in the blink of an eye. With humans, on the other hand, the process of change can be glacially slow to the point of imperceptible. One big storm could hit this shore, and a wave could consume the evidence of this landslide, dragging all that is seen here into the sea. Those who never saw it with their own eyes will not understand the truth of what things looked like before their own arrival. In this sense, wave after wave of knowledge can crash into us humans, and yet we remain impervious to change and unable to understand the vast landscape before our arrival.

Ocean Beach in Florence, Oregon

Water runs back into the sea, humans too often run into self-constructed walls made of their own short-sightedness.

Big Creek Bridge in Florence, Oregon

Big Creek Bridge is as far south as we get before turning around, now satisfied we’ve felt the warming rays of the sun and functioning imaginations.

Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

Back to the Nest for breakfast of unintended scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon. We ended up needing to render the bacon fat so we’d have some oil to cook the hashbrowns we’d picked up at the market in Yachats last night after dinner, but as soon as those potatoes hit the grease, it disappeared, leaving nothing for the eggs. With some quick thinking, I chopped the bacon and scrambled the eggs so I could toss it all together and hope for the best. The coffee percolated, and before we knew it, we were serving up a perfect breakfast, at least the part that wasn’t holding past to the frying pan that I’d be scrubbing for days. At least we didn’t have to go to town, and we had the best view ever.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Incredibly, the weather is looking quite favorable this morning, so we’ve decided to gamble that it will hold long enough to take a walk down at Carl G. Washburne State Park and the old familiar China Creek Loop Trail. The sound of the surf across the way is everpresent while the trickle of China Creek lets us know it’s just below us in the ravine. The faint sounds of birds are near, but almost always they remain unseen. That held true while we were still on the Valley Trail but as we reached the small bridge where the loop trail turns off, there were a bunch of chickadees fluttering about. There will be no crossing the obviously broken crossing as the damage is too severe, plus the park service has blocked the passage with a notice posted that the trail is closed. But this is a loop trail, so we made it a bit further on over the Valley Trail and while the China Creek Loop was taped off, that was easy enough to bypass.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

There’s a different kind of tranquility out here, knowing we are alone. On other occasions, people walking through can be loud, boisterous, and simply rude in our estimation. In the exceptional quiet we’re experiencing, we can hear more birds, smell more forest, and see more plants.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Similar to looking at a familiar place through a rearview mirror and seeing it differently, walking the loop trail in reverse changes our perspective. And then there’s the recognition that we’ll be taking all of this in twice since we must return from whence we came.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Trail upkeep has taken a hit because why clean the trail when it’s closed? It’s fascinating how quickly the forest encroaches upon the trail, starting to erase our presence.

Squirrel at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

This was the first squirrel we spotted today, but it wouldn’t be the only one. Before one sees the squirrel in the rainforest, one hears the squirrel. Hearing the squirrel, though, is only one tiny part of the enjoyment as its tail appeared to be part of the apparatus that helped it offer a louder chirp because, with each new chirp, that tail behind it was hard at work pumping back and forth in time with its commanding voice.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Have I ever known that this is beard lichen? Maybe I thought it was moss, but whatever it is, I do know that it adds to the lushness of the environment and helps exemplify the still atmosphere that glows in the radiant light of day wherever the sun spills into the forest.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

We walk with soft steps, not wanting to disturb the majestic awe that inhabits this place. Everything feels delicate requiring that we travel without disturbing the forest that only shows its true tenderness when we arrive with the kind of respect that desires to be here in a symbiotic coexistence.

Mushroom at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

While I was down here on the ground, lying on the damp earth, looking to capture a moment from this mushroom, I could only see the fungi of my photographic desire. I had to breathe lightly lest I move the camera or disturb the fragility of the scene. What I hadn’t seen was the mushroom to the left just breaking out of the earth. What I cannot see no matter how close I dream of looking at this tiny world, is when the spore started becoming mycelium before its branches give rise to mushrooms or the microscopic addition of new cells in the branching mosses that are everywhere.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Why can’t we humans find a way to live in such harmony with our environment as the elements of sun, soil, plants, and creatures do? How is this so wild for our senses that we must denude it and then plant grass over the top of it in order to bring uniformity, sterility, and ultimately a sense of death to the places we inhabit?

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

This visit to the China Creek Loop Trail has probably seen us more unprepared than any previous visit, for had we known just how deserted the forest would be, we would have been well advised to bring a blanket in order to lie here and take it all in for hours undisturbed by anything besides our own biological needs.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

White Worm Coral Mushroom is not to be confused with Ken Russell’s film Lair of the White Worm.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Two old friends find solemnity in a wonderful forest of grace and enchantment.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

I know this curve and believe we are approaching the broken bridge. We’ll soon have to turn around for the indulgence of experiencing the trail a second time in just one day.

Mushroom at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

The pallor of corpse skin draped over this mushroom screams poisonous, but the eye of curiosity says stop and take a memory home with you.

Mushroom at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

What you don’t know about these posts, especially one where there are more than 60 photos, is that I often struggle to write something fresh in the narrative, as it is my task to write at least a little something about each image I post. At this point, I’ve already written 15,000 words that are published in the previous days’ posts and in today’s post so far, while in my handwritten notes, I’d guess there are nearly 7,000 more words waiting to be transcribed. If I follow my pattern, this 11-day post will end up being approximately 35,000 words long. It’s easy to have doubts if I’m using my efforts to the best of the time I have available and if I share anything new at all, but then Caroline reminds me how I never tire of these photos featuring many of the themes we’ve seen countless times before. So, like photography, where I shoot 5,000 images to hopefully have 400 at the end of a trip that I’m in love with, I’ll just keep writing these verbal snapshots, and if from 35,000 words, I might pen I have 2,500 that are tremendous to me, then I’ve won, and this ends up being deeply meaningful.

Mushroom at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

At times, it seems that the mushroom cap is effectively the face of these fungi, at least as far as wild mushrooms are concerned.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

I’m well aware of what it means to be sentient, and I hope I remain rational enough not to want to imbue the inanimate with such qualities, but when it comes to trees, plants, and the earth’s creatures, there’s always this creeping sense that I cannot be fully certain that there isn’t something there at a level of os sentience I cannot fathom. Sure, it might just be the idea that I’m projecting myself into the position of thinking, “If I were this tree sitting in the forest, I’d….”

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

As our species has understood so little during our time on this planet, I can’t help but wonder how much more there is yet to know as we try to portray our knowledge as being full of absolutes.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Everything that has preceded our arrival on earth was obviously instrumental in laying the foundation that would usher in humans, and yet each of those key pieces is at risk of extinction, in large part due to the heavy hand we wield without discretion when we feel we need something that improves our brief existence. While I cannot tell you what the exact utility is of a carpet of moss in a coastal rainforest environment, I do know that I find it aesthetically wonderful, and my senses would be crushed if one day I were to arrive for a return visit and this had all been clear cut or burned off the face of our planet. Come to think about it that is exactly what we are doing in countless places.

Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

I understand the need to use lands to cultivate the products or mine the elements we need to sustain us, but we are not treating our planet as we would our home. If this were your toddler’s favorite place to play in your backyard, you’d want to forbid an entity from coming in to scrape all of these fragile details out of existence in order to make a company already worth billions an extra milkshake under the guise that even those poor souls in faraway land “XYZ” should have the opportunity to taste a milkshake too. Maybe we shouldn’t all have a milkshake at the exact moment we want it, and instead of giving in to instant gratification, we should help people understand that if we remove all that is beautiful because Joey doesn’t have a McMansion-size playground in his backyard, we’ll soon have none of the original things earth offered us that started the lessons of what was essential and beautiful.

Squirrel at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

Mr. Squirrel would likely agree with me.

Squirrel at Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park in Florence, Oregon

The bridge we would typically cross at the start of the China Creek Loop Trail turns out to have been impassable going on a year now, and it shows. We’ve never seen squirrels in this forest, nor could we hear as many birds, so the implication is that without us humans, wildlife is returning to the area. Regarding our observation that there were no newts out here at the ranger station, we learned that this was due to the dry weather, which would also explain the relative dearth of mushrooms in comparison to previous visits.

View from the Shags Nest at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

For the astute with a keen sense of spatial awareness, they will notice that we are obviously no longer in the rainforest. As a matter of fact, we have returned to the Shags Nest for some reason or other. As we left Washburne, the idea was that we’d visit the Devil’s Churn and then continue up the road to Luna Sea restaurant for lunch.

Flower at Ocean Haven in Yachats, Oregon

Those plans were fungible with other plans as no matter the direction, we’d still be at the ocean doing things we love, and so instead of a left turn heading north, we went to the right to pay a quick return visit to Tokatee Klootchman should the light of day make the short descent any easier.

Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Our idea here at Tokatee Klootchman, oh how I love that name, was to negotiate the steep trail down and find a way to scramble over the rocks to get over on our side of the beach below Ocean Haven and try our luck at ascending the cliffside access trail back up to the Shags Nest followed by walking down the street back to where we left the car or with my fear then conquered, we could just return the way we came. Nope, couldn’t find a way over the rocky outcropping with the Tokatee Creek running right through it.

Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Might as well see what’s here.

Anemone at Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Oh, it’s a forest of anemones in an aquarium-like setting, except it’s the ocean.

Anemone at Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

Sure, there are more anemones here, but the center of my focus is on the chiton, a.k.a. gumboot, a.k.a. Loricate, which, for some reason, has me thinking about the Lorax from Dr. Seuss.

Anemone at Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

I could simply write that we’d seen an abundance of anemones on our walk through the rocky shore but when a picture speaks a thousand words, this sentence just got a lot longer with the inclusion of yet another image of an anemone.

Chiton at Tokatee Klootchman State Natural Site in Florence, Oregon

One of 940 different recognized types of chitons, how many will you hold in your lifetime?

Stonefield Beach North in Florence, Oregon

Leaving Tokatee, we were now ready for lunch, right up until we saw the sign for Ten Mile Creek and thought, we should make a quick stop here as we’d never visited this place before. With it right next to the ocean, we’ll only be a minute. Well, we were there less than a minute as we didn’t feel like crossing the creek and getting around to the right looked to be a hassle, so we went back to the car and off to Luna Sea for some fish. That was until we saw that Ten Mile Creek’s sign marker specifies this as location 85 while Tokatee Klootchman was number 87, so where is location 86?

Note to Caroline for future reference: we wouldn’t have needed to scramble down the rocks and cross the creek, there’s a small trail sliced through the trees that take visitors to what is the north side of Stonefield Beach.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

About 50 feet south is the small driveway to a parking area for maybe half a dozen cars serving location 86, known as Stonefield Beach.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

There were more than a few people down here, with most everyone congregating near Ten Mile Creek. Feeling they knew something, we joined them, and sure enough, the reflections in the shallow water on the beach were beautiful. While it was obvious that we were here at low tide, we didn’t fully understand just how low it was.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

So we continued to walk along the shore, admiring the glistening water as we strolled to the south with no urgency to reach anything in particular.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

To the best of our recollection, we’ve never visited Stonefield Beach before, so our expectations are zero, and we simply take our time to enjoy our first encounter.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

These wide, flat expanses, or somewhat textured as this one is, are certainly on our list of favorites because when they are wet and reflective, we love seeing the sky mirrored in the surface below.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

Keep changing your perspective; what you gaze upon becomes another essential part of how you’ll interpret reality, but if you only see things for how you think they are at first glance, you’ll miss the nuances that might alter your certainty that you’ve seen and understood all there is to be known.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

If I’m being redundant, it’s only because I want to bring everything home with us.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

So here we are, approaching what might be a good turnaround point to head back to the car as it appears that the sun will soon disappear behind a thick cloud bank, dashing hopes for a spectacular sunset, but who cares? We’ve already had a tremendous day with unexpected great weather. But we’re close to the rocks that failed to attract anyone else’s attention, and Caroline wants to investigate.

Sea stars at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

Whoa, the tide is so low that the entirety of life in the ocean is being exposed, all of it! Why oh why were those people near the creek, and nobody was down here? This is like the beginning of an entirely new day of experience.

Barnacles at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

A negative tide has exposed a huge swath of ocean floor, and we’re down in the middle of it. Astonishing is a weak description of what we are ogling; nothing in our previous experiences of low tides comes close.

Anemone at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

I’m going to make my life here easier, and instead of trying to find something profound to share about anemones, these two are husband and wife, and after having moved here back in the early 1950s, they are now in retirement, having spawned thousands of little anemones over the past 77 years. Now, in their sunset years, they just kick back, swaying in the waves, happy to have lived such wonderful lives on the Oregon shore where the waters were always cold, and people stepping on them were kept to a minimum.

Caroline Wise at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

There’s no way of knowing how many gazillions of bivalves, anemones, barnacles, and sea stars we are seeing. Maybe we could have counted the sea stars, but we’d have ultimately been drowned by the return of the ocean to take back what belongs to it; this does not include my wife.

Sea stars at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

When we see sea stars, they are typically firmly attached to something, just like this giant orange star holding fast to the rock and mussels that are temporarily hanging out above the world they normally live in, that being the ocean. Returning to subjects captured in my photos time and again, I need to stretch in finding something worthwhile to say about what I feel compelled to share and so it is with this beautiful specimen. A simple search for interesting facts about sea stars taught me that not only can sea stars reproduce sexually, but they can also reproduce asexually. While a sea star can regenerate a lost limb (this I knew), that broken-off wayward limb, if detached close to the body, will have all of the essential organs to regenerate an entirely new sea star thus, the species is able to reproduce itself.

Anemone at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

Just when I think I’ve taken too many photos of anemones, there’s that one photo that spurs me into asking questions about the anatomy of this sea creature, and it’s there that I learn that the main part of the body is called the column, but that’s not exactly what I was curious about. We’ve seen this before: the column appears to be covered with debris. This would make sense when the anemone is out of the ocean during low tide, and I’m left thinking that the receding waters distributed the shells and small stones on its body and will simply rinse away when the tide returns.

This anemone is in the water, and it was while looking at this that I finally realized that it was not the first time I had seen this kind of patterning. Sure enough, this type of anemone has sticky tubercles (a small rounded projection or protuberance) that it uses for intentionally attaching shells, sand, and other small debris. Reading the article I linked to also informed me that this anemone has fighting tentacles (usually retracted), but the truly mind-blowing lesson for the day is that in the phylum of cnidarian, there are two forms, polyps and medusae, with anemones being of the polyp type, and jellyfish belonging to the medusae type. The fact that jellies and anemones both belong to the same phylum isn’t a big deal as my knowledge of biology is nearly nil, but when the author pointed out that jellyfish are essentially untethered upside-down anemones, well, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Hmm, imagine that eyes popping out of our skulls was the way humans reproduced.

Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

Do you see the sadness out on the horizon? That’s the face of nature wearing a wistful expression that this human who should have been able to do better has reached what is likely the final quarter of its life and only now finds the awareness that it took the creatures living near the seashore for granted. The backward idea that it was all just stuff that, while beautiful, was simply the things that were there.

Anemone at Stonefield Beach in Florence, Oregon

Then it strikes me: these anemones are essentially like the majority of people around me; they arrive in different colors, shapes, and ages, but for the most part, they lack intentionality, and so, while pleasant to look at, they are easy to take for granted. Their flourishes might be attractive and their forms seductive, but at the end of the day, they are attached to routines that allow them to exist, but they rarely affect outcomes. Among us humans, there’s a tiny fraction that attempts to harness deliberate consciousness to action, believing they can loosen the binds that tie them to doing things the way they were always done. Lucky us that anemones, jellyfish, and sea stars haven’t evolved intention. Then again, unlucky us that the same holds true for so many around us.

Devils Churn at Cape Perpetua in Yachats, Oregon

Finally made it to the Devil’s Churn, but as you can see in the waning light, the churn is calm, so we didn’t finish the walk down and instead opted to finally fetch a very late lunch / early dinner back at Ona Restaurant for our second visit. Yes, last night’s meal was extraordinary enough that we are returning for a repeat performance. Tonight’s menu must be mentioned as a reminder to Caroline and me to come back to Yachats and eat at Ona once again if we are so fortunate. Our first course was smoked local maitake mushroom pâté followed by clams in vermouth and then another beet salad, as we enjoyed the one last night so enthusiastically. For the main dish, Caroline opted for miso ramen while I took on the stuffed sole. What perfect punctuation for an exquisite day.