Trip 10 is Here!

Caroline Wise and John Wise leaving Phoenix, Arizona

It all seemed so easy six months ago when I opened that spreadsheet and entered a column of dates on its left side. Those dates were calculated at approximately two weeks apart, other than where I knew we’d be away for longer stretches such as the Mexico vacation and around holidays where we might be able to be gone for 4 to 6 days. Today, we are venturing into one of those 6-day affairs because it is Memorial Day Weekend and the beginning of summer. We know better than to travel on Friday or Monday, so we leave on Thursday afternoon and return Tuesday night.

While I’m excited as always to be going out on the road, I’d be remiss to not admit some laziness nipping at the heels saying, “Take a break and just chill out at home.” We are now in the 100s (38c+) here in Phoenix, Arizona, and the heat suggests that lethargy isn’t a bad thing; my brain says something different.

So, where’s this big adventure taking us here at the end of May? The core of this journey will have us between Monument Valley, Mexican Hat, Valley of the Gods, Bears Ears National Monument, Canyonlands with a return to Horseshoe Canyon, and finally, Flagstaff for some long-neglected sights.

But for now, my time in the coffee shop is coming to an end, and all those prep things I need to finish before hitting the road are yet to be done, as I simply let everything go until the last second. Those things are the tedious chores that, once done over a hundred other times, become a quick jam so Caroline and I can get down the road with most everything we need without worrying too much about anything left neglected at home.

Finished all the things requiring finishing. There was so much running around that I was able to go from a measly 3,500 steps as I dropped Caroline at her office this morning to my requisite minimum of 10,000 steps when I returned to get her. It was 4:00 pm when I arrived and surprise of surprises, she was ready.

Four Peaks off the Beeline Highway in Arizona

Up the Beeline Highway for the 2nd time this month but instead of going east to New Mexico as we did two weeks ago, we’ll head north up to Holbrook before continuing on to Utah tomorrow. Considering the size of tonight’s small town and that it’s Thursday, we checked out our dinner options and fixed on stopping in Payson as it looks like Holbrook rolls up the sidewalks at 8:00 pm. Well, before arriving in Payson, we stopped along the highway at the Mogollon Rim Visitor Center to grab this photo of the desert with Four Peaks in the background.

Near Woods Canyon Lake in Payson, Arizona

Dinner was effectively American diner fare, nothing great, nothing horrible. On these trips into big nature and small towns, it’s a rare day we stumble into a culinary delight as my daughter and I did last year at Piccola Cucina Ox Pasture in Red Lodge, Montana, or as Caroline and I did just two weeks ago at Ancient Ways in Ramah, New Mexico. There have been other little treasures found along the road, but they are few and far between. This doesn’t imply any kind of disappointment, as fine dining and gourmet meals are not what we are searching for when visiting places with grand vistas that act as the greatest food for the eyes. Zoom in to this photo, and to the right, you’ll see some jagged peaks in the far distance; you are looking at the Four Peaks from about 80 miles away (128km).

Near Heber, Arizona on Highway 377

It’s about 8:00 pm when we turn left off of Highway 277 and join Highway 377 which will bring us right into Holbrook in about half an hour. Like so many drives out of Phoenix intended to position us somewhere further up the road, it not only shortens our drive the following day, we hope to miss the majority of traffic that is escaping our sprawling city. With only 3.5 hours left in drive time, if we were to head directly to our destination of Mexican Hat, Utah, we’d have plenty of time to wander over the Hopi and Navajo Lands.

Extra tidbits: Caroline was knitting the second sock of a new pair she’s making me, and just before sunset, I asked her to read some Proust to us in our ongoing efforts to tackle In Search of Lost Time. We are currently about 480,000 into the 1.2 million words that comprise this French novel.

Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona

It’s dark, and most of the lights are off here at the Wigwam Motel after we checked in, so this was the best photo I was able to capture, though I shot about 20 others. We’re now set up in our tiny room, with a tiny toilet, tiny desk, and too fat of pillows but that’s all great as we are once again sleeping in a wigwam on old Route 66.

Inside our room at the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona

They are not fancy, but they are a cultural luxury, and as one of only three of the original Wigwam Villages still in existence, it’s an experience that is absolutely worth repeating. Come to think of it, maybe it’s time for us to stay in Village #7 over in Rialto/San Bernardino, California, during our upcoming July visit. This location in Arizona was known as Village #6, and the other remaining property is in Cave City, Kentucky.

Squeezing Everything Out of Sunday

Wake, shower, pack, eat breakfast (including blue corn pancakes), and get moving down the road. If we timed things correctly, we’d arrive at the El Malpais National Monument visitor center just as they were opening at 9:00. This sounds a bit rushed, and maybe it was a little, but we were moving further away from Arizona on the day we’d be heading home.

Caroline had finished the junior ranger booklet last night so we could pass through Grants, New Mexico, on the north side of the park, eliminating the need to double back later in the day to return it. Sworn in once more, this probably brings her close to 1,000 such badges she earned over the years.

These are the sandstone cliffs we were seeing in the distance yesterday while hiking on the cinder cone over at the El Calderon trail, it turns out that these are technically not a part of the park here at El Malpais. I suppose when one considers that El Malpais translates from Spanish to the bad country or badlands, it makes sense as the fossilized lava fields that make up the majority of the national monument are jagged, sharp, treacherous, and simply not very hospitable.

Just how angry that environment of nearly raw lava is will be experienced firsthand as we venture out on the Acoma-Zuni Trail. Prior to our arrival, we’ve read multiple times about the importance while hiking this 8-mile trail to always keep sight of the next cairn that will direct us through the maze that awaits us. Water, sunscreen, and a couple of snacks are in the bag, and we are ready to tackle what we can, which, by the way, is not the entirety as we are not fooling ourselves that we can hike 8 miles across and then turn around and hike back.

It’s called the common collared lizard, but, come on, with a blue-green body, yellow head, and yellow speckles down its back, I’d say this is anything but common. Also uncommon, it sat there making eye contact as I slowly approached to take its photo. I did not use a telephoto lens; I just walked up, pushed my camera closer, and snapped off a few shots.

Somewhere nearby, another hiker, a solo woman hiker, went by in a bit of a blur, she was on a mission. That mission has to do with the Continental Divide Trail that slices through here, using the Acoma-Zuni Trail. Her direction suggests she was on a southerly trek, which would also imply that this is not a thru-hike but working on another segment of a multi-year hike, likely the last bit of the 3,100-mile trail. A badass in the badlands.

At 59 years old, you might think I’ve learned a lesson or two about expectation, but every time we venture out on a new trail, I’m of the opinion that this one will be somehow easier than those we’ve traveled before. What happens is that reality intrudes on my fantasy, and I learn that new challenges are being presented. Steep-sloping rocks were not part of what was in my imagination, nor were chasms opened up by the ancient lava. The advice I’d read that hikers on this trail would benefit from hiking poles and gloves should have been heeded, but know-it-all John isn’t comfortable with being weighed down with unnecessary things like poles, an extra lens, water, food, or any of that other junk, it’s just me and my camera. So how is it that I’ve not died of exposure, dehydration, or starvation out in these environments? I have a wife who doesn’t see the world quite the same way I do and drags all that stuff and more along with us on her back, well, everything but the hiking poles that we are reconsidering the need for.

Thorns and beautiful flowers were the least of our worries out here. Come to think about it, I don’t think Caroline really had any worries at all.

It was me who had worries, fears, and anxiety as things grew steeper, chasms became deeper, and the angles sharper. All this, and we weren’t even 2,000 feet across the 7 miles of fossilized lave that was still ahead of us. Sadly, it was paralyzing enough that I had to turn back, and obviously, Caroline would be doing the same. Just as I run into debilitating emotions that stop me from getting further at times, one of my greater disappointments is that it also stymies Caroline’s opportunity to see more. Sure, she does her best to assure me that at least we were able to see and experience the things we’d never have already seen had we stayed at home, but this is still small consolation for the parts of the journey denied her.

So, with the Acoma-Zuni Trail now behind us, we are on to the next part of the day’s activities as we continue south.

We pulled into the parking lot at La Ventana Natural Arch and met another person hiking the CDT (Continental Divide Trail). A Lithuanian, though he calls Poland home, he’s on a 6-month visa in order to have enough time to complete the entirety of the hike from Mexico to Canada. Tom is his name, and he’d just descended that area in front of us, probably to the left. On a previous visit to the United States, he completed the Pacific Crest Trail. We left Tom with an ice-cold refill of one of his water bottles before taking off for our short walk to view the arch

There’s a massive arch in the center of this image, though it’s not exactly easy to see. I even went beyond the barrier to scramble up the well-used unofficial path of those who break the rules trying to get a better photo, only to learn that there isn’t a better photo to be had from here. Maybe at different times of the day, the light hits things just right so that the scale of things can be appreciated better, but today at mid-day, it just wasn’t happening.

We are heading up there somewhere next.

Just below this point, we parked the car near some picnic tables and walked through a lot of sand up here on the Narrow Rim Trail, that’s a 7.3-mile out-and-back hike.

In no time, we’re atop the cliff and walking in wow.

Cairns identify the way when the trail becomes difficult to see.

How it is that we are the only ones up here is astonishing as although the trail is considered moderate in difficulty, these old people think it’s pretty easy and seriously pretty on the eyes. As a matter of fact, we are bowled over and maybe a little bit disappointed that we didn’t head directly to this part of the park because we are well aware that we’ll not be able to make it to the overlook of the arch due to the time constraints that now exist if we want to get home before 10:00 pm. We won’t turn into pumpkins or stones should we not get home prior to that, but driving at night comes with growing uncertainty the older I get, or maybe I’m no longer able to deal with fatigue the same way as I could 20 years ago.

A little more than a mile into the hike we start discussing if we’ve gone far enough. We agree we have, but it’s so incredibly, perfectly beautiful out here that we’ll just keep on a short bit more, just to the next corner to check out the view, and then we’ll reconsider.

This keeps on like that until we’ve hiked at least 2 miles up the Narrows Rim for this look facing northwest behind us. It cannot be overstated how we are walking in the profound, crushed by the gravity of what is being offered us up here all alone. How can it be possible that we are experiencing this without a thousand others walking with us, confirming to one another that we are the fortunate people of the earth, unable to comprehend why it should be us? With eyes saturated, we agree that this is really as good a spot as any to turn around. Sure, we know we are only about 1.5 miles from the overlook that would offer an overhead view of La Ventana Arch, but if we went that far, what would we have to come back to?

Yesterday, I didn’t think I had anything else to say about lichen, and then I somehow found something, but today, I’m not even going to try other than to ask, isn’t it magnificent?

People may extinct themselves, but as the saying goes, life finds a way, as evidenced by a tree growing out of rock. If you know me, you might be asking, “Hey John, did you just quote Jurrasic Park?” Just remember that I was once young and watched the same pop pap that all of us take in, and as I’ve explained before, I had to stop as those things not only become ingrained in my memories, they become poisons that take a greater place in my head where that damned theme song to Gilligans Island or Arnold telling us, “I’ll be back,” continue to live.

While the Acoma-Zuni trail is further north of here, this is essentially what we were supposed to be hiking upon. It all looks so innocuous from a few hundred feet above, but I swear that down there, I had the feeling that those rocks were the jaws of some t-rex bent on consuming me. I should give this writing exercise a break about right now as once I start drifting into movie references I have a hard time pulling myself back from that ledge.

About to reencounter the flat earth, we’ve already decided to stick around one of the picnic tables to enjoy our lunch right here instead of searching for something hot that would just make us later getting home, seeing that it would have us sitting down for the meal because I prefer not to eat from styrofoam while moving down the road.

This was the smart thing to do as otherwise we’d have brought all this food just to take it home. I now know that I’m a fan of bologna and hardboiled egg sandwiches on multi-grain bread; the only thing missing was potato chips sitting atop the egg slices. Add an apple, some popcorn, and a couple of cashews, and this made for the best lunch we’d ever had on this particular Sunday in May during 2022. If we could do it all over again, we’d rewind the tape and not change a thing.

I thought we were heading home, but the short Lava Falls Trail held enough attraction for Caroline that we turned down the short dirt road for the drive to the trailhead.

The trail is a short 1-mile affair rated as easy, but that doesn’t take into consideration that hikers have to step over what amounts to chasms. I believe something goes haywire in my brain when out in nature, as I’d swear this crack in the earth appeared much larger in person than what I see in my photograph. Maybe I should blame Herr Nietzsche for planting those thoughts regarding the staring into ravines (or something to that effect) for my looking for my inner lusus naturae somewhere down there in the darkened bowels. Would Freud suggest that my fear is of the below and going down while ascending and going higher is my preferred space? Ah yes, thanks to my mother who abandoned me as a child, I’m afraid of what represents her vagina, but on the other hand, I’m afraid of heights; do they represent the large phallus of the father? Good thing I’m no Freudian scholar or any other scholar for that matter, as I’m fairly certain, I’d be in the first order of scatological demon-freaks plumbing the genital metaphors due to my potty mind that on occasion reveals my aged childish imagination.

Yesterday on the El Calderon trail, we learned about why there were black and red cinders in different areas; they stem from different volcanic eruptions. There are also obvious reasons why lava can have color variations, such as we saw there on the trail and here at Lava Falls; the black lava has more magnesium, while the red contains more iron. I thought this was a great example of two flows that sit right next to each other and yet are chemically quite different.

Following the path of the cairns is the advice proffered, but I’ve run out of faith and chosen our return to the safety of anywhere else instead of finishing our loop trail. Maybe by writing about hiking poles once again, I’ll draw closer to finding the religion of using these crutches. With that in mind, I did a quick search for the pros and cons of hiking with poles; steadying yourself in precarious balancing situations is the number one pro, while having your hands free for quick photos is the first con I’m noting.

If you were to glance over our photos of traveling in Europe, you might arrive at the conclusion that we are church snobs. Far from it, we love all churches but especially Catholic ones, as they are mostly open. Here in Quemado, New Mexico, at the intersection of Nothing and Vast Openness, we encountered the Sacred Heart Church. It’s a small affair, and it being Sunday, it just had to be open.

Built during the 1930s, around the time that Quemado was referred to as the Rodeo Center of New Mexico, this church is a pretty good reflection of the building materials available in the area. Historical information about this area is sparse, though a book titled A History of Highway 60 and the Railroad Towns on the Belen, New Mexico Cutoff by Dixie Boyle seems to have the most data about the area in general that I could find.

Thirty-five miles later, we are back in Arizona with only 236 miles (380km) until we reach home.

We jumped back in time at the Arizona State Line, gaining time and allowing us to live the 16th hour of the day all over again. It’s as though we see the future from the past that was already lived once but is now happening in a new space. Looks good from here.

We’d simply turned around to look into the distance of where we’d come from and were curious if we were, in fact, gleaning two event horizons separated by the quanta of perception as we traveled through the wormhole called Daylight Savings Time. What is found behind is not so ahead, which implies we are moving between dimensions, right?

As if the intra-time portal opened between the geographic regions of Arizona and New Mexico wasn’t enough, we stumbled into a full eclipse of the moon. Not just any eclipse either, as you can easily see, this is a Blood Moon that prophecy suggests will guide Caroline and me into a blissful future paved with great happiness.

Off To New Mexico – Trip 9

Somewhere off AZ Highway 260 west of Payson, Arizona

Binoculars, check. Telephoto lens for wildlife, check. Hats and sunblock, check. Floors mopped, A/C set, toilet clean, dishes put away, okay then, we are ready to go. With the car packed already, we just needed to set the alarm and hit the road. Drats, we forgot to bring soy milk for our cereal, no big deal; we’ll stop at Safeway in Payson to pick something up. Oops, I forgot a knife for spreading mustard for my sandwiches and peanut butter for Caroline’s; still, no big deal as we can get something at a fast food joint or Starbucks. By now, we’re about 15 miles down the road and just a mile from where we’ll turn east to make our way out of town in earnest when something mysterious out of the universe triggers me to ask about Caroline’s boots. From the whip pan of her head towards me, I know that we don’t have them with us. While she could hike in her sandals, I turned around to head home. By the time we are back on the road, it’s apparent we won’t make it to our hotel in Zuni, New Mexico, by the time their front desk closes, in part because it’s an hour later over there. This delay will also cramp our ability to stop for photos or a proper dinner.

Somewhere on AZ Highway 61 direction St. Johns, Arizona

The next admission is loaded with shame. Knowing we’ll be getting in after 9:00 and that our food choices will be from the menu of nothing, we make two stops, first at McDonald’s in Payson for hors d’oeuvres, and then, 90 minutes later in Show Low, we pulled into Sonic for corndogs. Yeah, we did that. And then we drove, kept on driving, and drove some more. Well, we didn’t actually have to drive all that far, as today’s adventure is a mere 275 miles (444km) from home. but still, it took over 4.5 hours.

Witch Well Store at the intersection of AZ Highways 191 and 61 in Northeast Arizona

We’ve passed this intersection likely more times than most Arizonans ever will; we are at the junction of Arizona state routes 191 and 61, where the Witch Well Store and Tavern has stood for at least as long as we’ve been passing through. It’s the only thing out here for over 20 miles in any direction. Fifteen minutes after turning onto the 61, we are passing into New Mexico, and then just 15 minutes after that, we’ll be pulling up to the Halona Plaza and calling the Inn as we can’t find it in the dark. In a few minutes, we’re being shown our small, on the verge of tiny, room. I have to pop open the windows as things are too warm for me. As I sit down to write this brief post with a minimum of photos documenting the day, I’m surprised how chilly the air is outside here while it starts to dip below 50 degrees (9 Celsius), though the dogs barking in the distance don’t seem phased by lowering temps and they continue to chat amongst themselves, or maybe their barks are trying to ask their owners to bring them into the warmth.

Short Hike in Bryce and Go Home

Yesterday’s pain party was worse than I whined about in yesterday’s blog post, so on our way back to our hotel after dinner, we’d decided we’d had enough and that Sunday would be a chill day with some sightseeing, but we’d lay off the hiking. After waking and packing the car, we turned left out of the driveway in the direction of home. We didn’t make it a mile before I suggested that we should at least take a look at the Tropic Trailhead that was just around the corner. Caroline agreed, and we whipped a U-turn. Both of us felt pretty good, and we agreed that at the first sign of knee or hip pain returning, we’d turn around from this trail that was rated as easy.

The elevation change is so subtle that it’s almost like walking on level ground out here; we sigh a relief and confirm that we are both okay and ready to continue. That solo deer walked along on our right for nearly a minute before jumping forward and then cutting right to cross the trail; once more, I’m foiled from getting a better photo as I failed to anticipate needing a zoom lens. Maybe if I write this enough times to myself here, I’ll remember to bring it next time. I’ll also point out that nearly every trailhead has a sign warning people parking there to NOT leave valuables in their car, and there are times we simply don’t want to lug that 3-pound lens in Caroline’s backpack. Oops, I think I wrote “we” in that last sentence when I meant Caroline. I might even feel guilty if I saddled that weight on her shoulders with the water, sweaters, food, sunblock, and the multitude of other things she takes responsibility for carrying as I’m too sensitive to be bothered with anything that detracts from taking perfect photos. Just try to think of it as I’m the deer moving lithely, independently, and free of burden in case I have to respond to capturing something important while my devoted wife remains at a safe distance, ready to support me and react to my beck and call. We call it happiness through structure. She’ll call this last bit BS after reading it, I’ll bet ya. [Eye rolling intensifies – Caroline]

Shenanigans and nonsense are not what we are here for, nor what my writing about the day’s events should be about, but after this weekend’s slog of writing a mega-ton of love stuff, I’m nearly exhausted at even the idea of trying to share meaningful prose here. So, on that note, these are beautiful orange and white rocks that also fall in the category of hoodoos, which have everything to do with our hike into Bryce Canyon from the only way in that doesn’t descend from the rim.

It’s only a 1.8-mile hike to the fork in the trail, and as long as we don’t hit any steep parts along the way, we feel confident we’ll have a good majority of the requisites steps we need for the day or about 8,000 of the 10k we aim for. Considering that we were comfortable with just heading south out of Utah for the trek home, we are thrilled that we didn’t cut bait and go.

Met a Swiss couple crossing our trail as we reached the spot where the Peek-a-boo, Queens, Navajo, and horse trails converge. They went left, and so we went right to not be right on their heels.

Hey, wait, I thought we’d agreed that there would be no up or downhill of any significance. With neither of us finding insurmountable pain in our joints, we decided that it was okay, but just this one to see what’s around the bend. There wasn’t a spectacular view, so after about five more minutes up this horse trail, we were about ready to turn around.

This was as far as I wanted to go while Caroline continued up to the saddle between these hoodoos as her gut said unto her, “A great view is just ahead.” Wrong. Turn your ass around and return from whence you came.

Somewhere down on the forest floor below is where we are heading.

Did I not see this on the way up the trail, or does it just look that different from a change in perspective?

We are on the other side of the branch in the trail heading up Peek-a-boo.

The idea is to go as far as we’re still comfortable after starting on the trail in a counter-clockwise direction.

The Peek-a-boo is only 3 miles long, and we half-considered trying it, seeing our entry into the basin had already afforded us the chance to avoid the seriously difficult part of the trail that descended from Bryce Point and required us to leave that way too had we not hiked in on the Tropic Trail. But here in the curve the trail narrowed while the hillside dropped precipitously, so that’s it, I’m done, no more exposure for me.

Having considered no hiking at all today and now being on the verge of 5 miles, we are happy that we’ve seen as much as we have.

Seeya some other day, Bryce, or at least we can hope to return someday.

We are back in Arizona, where the winds have gathered steam and a considerable amount of dust. Our time out here on the Colorado Plateau is growing short, but our desire to return home before dark is curtailing the throwing that concern out the window so I can photograph every sight that knocks at my sense of sharing what I find intriguing or attractive.

As much as we are moving forward, albeit relatively slowly, others are simply in a hurry. They race up behind us, except I’m now old enough that when I see them a mile behind me, I start looking for pullouts so I can take a short pause, allowing the insane to speed into impatience. This view from a pullout is just one of those moments.

The scale here is lost in the midday sun, where shadows are rare. The amount of dust held aloft by the strong winds also fails to look as foreboding as it did to our naked eyes, but no matter as we’ll hopefully retain a sense of things long after we forget that we were traveling through the Vermillion Cliffs at this point after leaving the North Rim of the Grand Canyon behind us.

Come October, we’ll be right back here in the Marble Canyon area as we take a night before climbing up the road to spend the night at the Grand Canyon, north rim, of course, on the last day of their season. Come to think about it, we will drive through here again at the end of June with a night in Fredonia, Arizona, on our way into the Wasatch Mountains east of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Our worst fears about driving home in the afternoon on a Sunday once Phoenix started hitting the upper 90s are the traffic jams created by everyone else leaving the high country and their weekend in the Flagstaff area. Well, here we are, and there’s nobody out here! Talk of recession, $5 a gallon gas, and the conversation about overpriced hotels must be taking their toll, as this is just not normal. I can only hope that gas hits $8 a gallon over the summer.

North Out of Arizona – Trip 8

Caroline Wise and John Wise driving north in Arizona

It’s already been a fortnight since our last travels that took us south, down to Ajo, Arizona, on the Mexican border; today, we head north. For the trip before that weekend in Ajo, we headed to Los Angeles, and so, as a preview of our next outing two weeks after this, I hope you might already guess that we’ll be going east. Today’s adventure, however, will bring us to Bryce National Park in Utah, about 80 miles north of the Arizona border.

Late last year, I took our friend Brinn up to Bryce to get his head out of some difficulties he was dealing with and realized it was likely well over ten years since Caroline last visited. After checking all blog posts, I surmise it might actually be closer to 20 years. It’s unfathomable that it’s been that long as the images of the park are never very far from our memories. Another aspect of this being a shame is that we are a mere 420 miles from the park. On the other hand, we have to avoid the place in summer: too crowded, yet we likely won’t be hiking in the winter because of too much snow. And so we have late April through the end of May and late September to early November to spend quality time there.

While I would love to bring Caroline back to the trail we’ve hiked together before (the same one that Brinn and I were on last year), it’s time for the two of us to capture the park from different perspectives, and to that end, I have a 7.8-mile hike scheduled on Saturday and an 8.7-mile hike for Sunday. While we are prepared for chilly mornings, both days should be mostly sunny with highs in the mid-60s; sunrise won’t be until 6:30, while sunset doesn’t arrive until 8:15.

Well, enough of this small talk; I have a few things to finish before we depart in a short 2 hours, as in lunch…

…That was 10:00, and now it’s noon. We are packed, fed, and about to get on the road. Next stop, Flagstaff for coffee and gasoline.

We are now well north of the big cities and moving deeper into the quiet of a landscape we are in love with. Along the way, we pass dozens of Native American roadside vendor stands that often look as though they’ve been abandoned for years. I’ve likely shared this more than a few times, but we miss the old Chief Yellowhorse stop along the road up here as they really worked the cheesy signs welcoming drivers traveling along this dusty path. Occasionally, there’s a bit of art that adorns these plywood stands that somehow endures the harsh winds and blistering sun that wears down the surrounding mountains. Maybe I’m drawn to them due to a romantic notion of what these stands harken back to from a different age when innocence and naivety allowed people to enjoy simpler things that still felt exotic.

But, like with all things, there is no such thing as permanence. Everything under the sun fades away. With enough time, mountains are turned to dust, and maybe too quickly, people’s dreams turn to dust, too. We’ve passed this fin countless times and while its erosion is imperceptible to us, the erasing of human activity here appears accelerated. There are homes and families that exist right along this road that straddles an invisible Grand Canyon on our left that is just out of view, but opportunities to succeed are rare, and with fewer and fewer travelers interested in souvenirs from the exotic old west and the Indians that scrape by, what’s here that represents humanity, aside from the asphalt, will ultimately also turn to dust. So, you better gather your experiences and live your life out in the real while it still remains.

Just ahead and moving off to the northeast is the rapidly disappearing Colorado River. While the river remains flowing from its catchment basin further upstream, our demands on harnessing and wasting it tax the entire ecosystem so we can feed golf courses, fill swimming pools, water the grass at our homes in the surrounding deserts, and create entertaining fountains over in Las Vegas. In other words, we are idiots failing to understand any sense of balance. Is our disconnect from these environments poisoning our responsibility that we’ve offloaded to weak politicians, celebrities, and those who put financial gain above survival? It would appear that we are driving into an oblivion of nothingness.

A shadow mirror deep below the edge is the lifeblood of all living things; we call it water. A dozen years ago, Caroline and I grew wealthier than many people on earth as we were afforded the luxury of traveling this muddy liquid highway called the Colorado River. From above, we are on an old highway bridge turned pedestrian bridge from which we can look right into the Grand Canyon. It’s not the view everyone is familiar with, but 5 miles north is Lees Ferry and the official beginning of the Grand Canyon, where mile marker zero denotes the launch point for rafting adventure into the canyon containing this mighty river. A singular moment was required to make the decision to travel through the “Big Ditch” which turned into one of the best opportunities we’ve offered ourselves. Any and all sacrifices should be met to afford one’s self these once-in-a-lifetime experiences that change the fabric of who we are and how we see our place on this planet. We can no longer see the Colorado or the lakes that try to contain it and not consider the impacts we inflict upon all of life in the Southwest as society takes water for granted.

I’m well aware that many of my themes by now are well-worn and maybe even tired, but if there is any real connection to the beauty taken from these spectacular landscapes that resonate within me, then there must also be a deeper appreciation and desire to protect and respect these environments in such esteem where important words bear repeating. Speaking of repeating, this road has been driven countless times, not that I couldn’t figure out roughly just how many times, but I don’t want to as I enjoy the idea that I can no longer really know as it’s that familiar.

I know these sights, no I don’t. Well, not having a photographic memory, I can’t say I truly know them, but they must be somewhere in the recesses of my mind as I know for certain we’ve passed through here before. We are fortunate to have these imperfect recollections where if we are inclined to return to a place that brought us wonder, it can be new once again and inspire fresh awe.

Did we miss this monument on previous excursions through the area, or is this dedication to the Dominquez-Escalante Expedition of 1776-1777 been placed here recently? Who cares, we needed to stop to even figure out who he was. So, it wasn’t a he but them. They were Franciscan friars Atanasio Dominguez and Silvestre Velez de Escalante, who ventured into the wilderness to document what they found on their 2,000-mile 6-month exploration to California. They never made it to that territory due to the approach of winter, but their journal served to help Lewis & Clark with their expedition in 1803, and so, as you might guess, I’ll head over to Amazon to grab a copy of their document of what they found nearly 250 years ago before the indigenous cultures were forced to cede their identities to the wave of invaders that were at their doorstep.

While back on the Navajo Bridge, a man who’d taken his chair out on the bridge to watch condors told us of a rookery out near House Rock and that there were now over 100 condors in the area. To be honest, I was skeptical, but a sign for the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument with a map showed a condor viewing area up the road in House Rock Valley. Still, we were incredulous and didn’t believe there was any real chance we’d see condors if we made the detour. The turn-off is not well marked and requires a turnaround, but we thought, what does it matter if we get into Tropic, Utah, later than planned?

We might have been 4 miles up the gravel road before we spotted a pickup truck near a covered picnic table and two women, one with an antenna in her hands when we realized we were at the right spot. Caroline looked through a scope that is mounted here and immediately saw one of these giant California condors flying right above what turned out to be streaks of bird poop. While it may be difficult to spot in this lower-resolution photo, there are ten condors in the image above. Once again this year, we wonder out loud about these travels into nature, why we are failing to bring our binoculars and my 70-200mm lens?

We saw more than 4% of the entire population of surviving wild California condors that exist on Earth today. This giant scavenger nearly went extinct with only 22 birds still alive back in 1982, and they are still under threat due to states like Arizona that won’t ban hunters from using lead in the bullets they use for hunting. This then begs the question: I thought hunters were not doing this for sport as much as they were shooting animals for food. If condors are scavenging carcasses that are full of lead, then it can only be due to hunters shooting whatever the fuck they want and leaving the rotting corpse to be claimed by whatever comes along to dispose of the spoils of our war against wild animals.

Then, on the other hand, there are those of us who see our tax dollars at work maintaining these trails into our wildlands where average people can drive up to see things never seeable in our cities. Driving up to a view equipped with shade, seats, a toilet, and even a scope so the curious are offered this kind of experience that is nothing but luxury. Along the way, we’ll find food, gas, lodging, and random surprises that are only accessible due to the constant support of an infrastructure that allows these types of forays, even for the hunters, off-roaders, and those happy to inflict damage to an environment I’d prefer remained pristine. But we live in a world where compromise is supposed to be the rule, and I’m good with that, though we can still try to exist within parameters that best preserve things that are beneficial to people, land, and the various species with whom we share this world.

Do you see that? Can you feel what I’m trying to share? Have you seen the moments I captured over the course of our afternoon? All of this is love, love between the two of us experiencing our world, love of the opportunity to be present, love of the sights, and those who lend massive effort to our ability to have such times of life. Without the entirety of all things working in concert to allow these two people to be here in this precise instant, life might otherwise be a total chaos of randomness where order never finds an equilibrium. We must stop and harness our powers of observation and consideration to see that in the sunset, the condor, the river flowing through the canyon, and the two people tracing a path over our earth are all bringing the potential to recognize unraveling beauty, discover new love, reaffirm an engaging relationship to this brief moment in time where life happens on the most profound terms.

Our source of inner light shines for such a short time once you fall in love with all of this, but if you fail to see the horizon closing in on you, you will waste this precious resource called happiness. The phenomenon where our hearts are allowed to fill with awe, joy, surprise, and magnanimity towards ourselves and the world around us is a fleeting flash of potential that is only illuminated for the briefest of times with a prominence that will be witnessed by very few. Share this opportunity for love with yourself and get out of your way, out of your fear, out of your routine. Escape your cynicism and look for the profound in the tiniest of things, in your heart, mind, and soul.

Not Much in Ajo nor Why

John Wise wearing new socks in Ajo, Arizona

The great luxury of new handmade socks inspires a wonderful sense of appreciation that these were made just for me, for my feet alone. As if such a gift could be graded, these have a special story that catapults them into their own category of impression. You see, this yarn from West Yorkshire Spinners in Britain was sent to Caroline just before Christmas by her friend Claudia, who lives in Germany. The first bit of yarn was cast on back in January, and I noted that she was working on them while we were at the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades, California. The knitting continued on our subsequent trips to Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, Douglas, Arizona, Mexico City, and San Cristóbal, once again in Los Angeles, and now here in Ajo, Arizona, where they are being declared finished.

Arizona Route 85 leaving Ajo, Arizona

Indecision is the key to flexibility was the adage we learned from boatman Bruce Keller while rafting the Colorado River a dozen years ago, and as this trip south was packed with a lot of indecision, we are now practicing our flexibility by pointing the car northwards early in the morning instead of doing anything more down in a part of the state where there’s little to do, not in Ajo and not in Why.

Gila Bend, Arizona

Arizona Road 85 mostly passes through the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge and the Barry M. Goldwater Range used for bombing practice, with very little opportunity to take in the sites on the way to Gila Bend.

Gila Bend, Arizona

We were okay with that straight drive-through as we were on our way to getting a greasy breakfast, the kind we could only get on the way through the lesser populated areas of America. Sure, we could go to Denny’s, IHOP, or Waffle House in Phoenix and other big cities, but those options would kill us if they were part of our routine. We’ve passed the Space Age Lodge and Restaurant many a time but have never stopped; that all changed this morning. Breakfast was every bit of greasy we could have hoped for, with two weak-looking eggs, a small mound of hash brown potatoes, toast, and a side of bacon for me. Flavorless coffee rounded everything out, adding all the happiness to a day we needed.

Gila Bend, Arizona

Out behind the restaurant are train lines, and on one of the tracks, a bunch of cars are traveling west. In the distance, I could see another train traveling east right at me; this obviously demanded that we hang out and watch these giants pass.

Old U.S. Highway 80 north of Gila Bend, Arizona

This road was one of two options I’d entertained traveling on prior to our departure on Friday. One direction out of Ajo would take us west and then north for a visit to the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, and then there was Old Highway 80 out of Gila Bend, which was made nearly redundant after AZ-85 (mostly parallel to this old road) was opened in 1977.

Iron Cross Blister Beatle in Arizona off AZ-80

As we were out here looking at owls, hawks, and various other birds, we came across this mean-looking ant-like thing that Caroline thought was a crazy-looking ant, but on further examination, I was able to determine that this beast was an iron cross blister beetle. My wife got lucky regarding this encounter as she skipped picking it up (she, in fact, picks up a lot of creepy crawlies to get a closer look or better photo) because this particular insect will hurt people. It’s not only toxic to animals, but it’s toxic to us too, not that Caroline snacks on the bugs she picks up, but in this case, there’s a substance on their legs that causes our skin to blister…hence the blister beetle reference.

Old U.S. Highway 80 north of Gila Bend, Arizona

We don’t get a lot of rain in AZ, but apparently, we can pump enough groundwater that for one hundred years, we’ve been irrigating desert lands to grow corn, cotton, citrus, melons, and a bunch of other foodstuffs that allow for these beautiful contrasts between dark greens, the desert, and deep blue sky.

Fire near Gillespie Dam in Arlington, Arizona

What we thought was a wildfire turned out to be a controlled burn, a stinking, eye-irritating, scorching of some earth that is understood by some and lost on us…

Historic Gillespie Dam Bridge in Arlington, Arizona

Lost on us until we reach this Gillespie Dam Bridge and realize that the burnoff of surrounding brush works to protect this 95-year-old truss spanning the Gila River.

Gillespie Dam in Arlington, Arizona

“River” seems relative as the Gila kind of just stops here over on my right. I suppose that when monsoon season arrives, the waters likely move beyond the remnants of the broken Gillespie Dam and find their way to the spillway still remaining here at the section of the dam pictured below. As for the pooling waters, they are actively being pumped out and sent to irrigation canals.

Gillespie Dam in Arlington, Arizona

The ground behind Caroline on the left is still smoking from the fires that obviously burned earlier in the day. Not only is there water in front of us, but behind the wall and in those small coves is even deeper water, and it is back there that we are listening to fish splash about, as are a couple of nearby fishermen trying to entice them to join the party in their ice-chest sitting nearby.

Historic Gillespie Dam Bridge in Arlington, Arizona

While the dam failed back in January 1993 due to an extreme flooding event occurring in Arizona that year, the bridge, while damaged, survived and was subsequently repaired. Well, our day is turning out to be quite interesting.

Hassayampa River in Buckeye, Arizona

Strike another positive impression into our scorecard as here at a Hassayampa River crossing we are seeing water running over the desert. In our 27 years in Arizona, we can’t remember seeing water in the Hassayampa, though as I write this, I have this vague notion that we once saw water running through a broad expanse of the river bed where it passes underneath Interstate 10 west of Phoenix. [Note: The Hassayampa mostly flows underground. There are a few areas that have perennial surface flows, but they are upstream near Wickenburg. Water in this part of the riverbed is a seasonal occurrence. – Caroline]

Glossy Ibis roadside in Arlington, Arizona

As we passed a cattle farm near Arlington, there was a field being flooded, and at first glance, it looked like common blackbirds poking around for food in the water.

Glossy Ibis roadside in Arlington, Arizona

Of course, I failed to bring the long lens once again as we ventured into nature, and now I’m suffering by not being able to capture a close-up image of these birds. It turns out that they are Glossy Ibis. Look closely; they have a rainbow of hues shining off their feathers. They were first seen in Arizona just 19 years ago, so they are not common at all. Also seemingly not common within our own species is this ability to be easily entertained by such ventures into places of relative nothingness.