Two Guns to Homolovi – Solo

Two Guns, Arizona

Back in the days when Route 66 was the Mother Road, places like Two Guns, Arizona, were the happening stops on the road across America. With Interstate 40 relegating the historic road into the past, many places could not survive the speeding highway that zipped people right by with no need to take a break. Two Guns is now a ghost town.

Two Guns, Arizona

This is a fragment of Route 66 that allowed people to cross Diablo Canyon.

Two Guns, Arizona

Some long-unused gas pumps are shells of their former selves. Nearby is the car lift rusting in the outdoors as the garage that was once surrounded by it is gone.

Two Guns, Arizona

For the longest time, I wondered what “Mountain Lions” referred to, thinking it was the mascot for a nearby high school football team or something. Nope, this was to announce that there was a small zoo at Two Guns, as any old gimmick might work to bring people off the highway. Well, ultimately, it didn’t work because there ain’t nothing left but ruins in this old ghost town.

Interstate 40 in Arizona

I might have better framed this shot, except that I was driving about 70 mph when I saw this bizarre cloud pattern in the sky, and I was thinking that by the time I found a safe spot to pull over, the whole thing might not have the same appearance.

Homolovi State Park in Winslow, Arizona

Stopping in at Homolovi State Park which was the primary objective of this journey north today. We’d driven by and discounted it as it’s a State Park and not a National Park and so the thinking was it was inferior. I was wrong.

Homolovi State Park in Winslow, Arizona

Not only are there ruins of abandoned dwellings, but there is also a wealth of artifacts strewn about, which are allowed to remain where they fell so many hundreds of years ago so that visitors can discover them just as someone else may have who was wondering the landscape. I appreciate the trust and have a deep-seated hope that others can fight the impulse to collect a souvenir, though if how much petrified wood leaves the Petrified Forest National Park further down the road is an indicator, then it’s only a matter of time before these grounds are picked clean.

Homolovi State Park in Winslow, Arizona

A foreboding sky can’t adequately hide the expanse of beauty the eye can extract from gazing out on the horizon. I have to wonder, though, if my infatuation with the breadth of this open space is because I don’t have to live here.

Homolovi State Park in Winslow, Arizona

Sedimentary layers that, over time, become sandstone tell geologists about the natural history of this land, while the artifacts and remnants of the cultures that lived in the area can fill in another part of the historic timeline that preceded our arrival. Just as a simple observation of the Two Guns ghost town more obviously conveys its history.

Interstate 40 in Arizona

As the sun sets in the West, the visual alarm clock reminds me that it’s time to head south to catch up with Caroline and share photos of where my adventure took me today.

Tubac to Tumacácori – Solo

Tubac, Arizona

Arturito has enjoyed his time hanging out with us for some travel and once again asked if he could join me on a visit down south. Today’s destination after my detour through Tucson is Tubac.

Tubac, Arizona

Tubac is looking more and more like an alternative to Sedona and Bisbee as a serious art colony. This is a nice place to visit, though, here in the middle of June; I guess with the snowbirds all having returned to Minnesota and other points back east and the threat of Arizona’s scorching heat, it’s a bit quiet down here right now.

Printing Press in Tubac, Arizona

Wow, this is the printing press that published Arizona’s first-ever newspaper. The Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is a treasure well worth a visit, and it’s where I found the press.

Tumacacori in Tubac, Arizona

Welcome to the Tumacácori National Historical Park which’s just a few miles south of Tubac. This old mission was gutted over time, but it’s still interesting to visit.

Tumacacori in Tubac, Arizona

Not sure what happened to the altar. I’ll need to bring Caroline back so we can investigate this together and learn what is to be known beyond simply taking photos of this spot on the map of history.

Tumacacori in Tubac, Arizona

Nothing is quite as nice as an oasis in the desert for offering a respite from the hostility of the larger desert that surrounds us. No wonder Tubac is an up-and-coming destination.

Santa Barbara, California – Day 2

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in California

While yesterday was all about family, today, after breakfast, the day turned to what Caroline and I were going to do for ourselves after committing to the 1,100-mile round trip to be out here. On our way back east toward Arizona, our first stop was at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in California

When in Santa Barbara, it is easy to forget that at one time the landscape was a diverse one instead of the Spanish-influenced architecture that now dominates the skyline. Old tall trees are not something you see every day here.

Caroline Wise at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in California

This fine specimen of beauty makes everything look better. She certainly and forever has my heart.

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in California

This is one of those moments where I wish I had a proper camera and lens that would allow me to take macros that crawl right into the subject matter.

Mission Santa Barbara in California

Mission Santa Barbara is probably one of the most outstanding examples of the mission system there is, though there are plenty of others we have yet to visit.

Mission Santa Barbara in California

Being in a place where spring blurs into summer in a perpetual world of perfect weather, there are always scenes of natural beauty unfolding. It’s no wonder people are flocking to the area to snag a home near the sea.

Mission Santa Barbara in California

I was only going to post one photo of the mission, but between Caroline and I, we couldn’t choose which was the better one so I’m posting them both.

Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, California

Little Tokyo in downtown Los Angeles was our next stop as we just love stopping in at Kinokuniya for some book shopping, walking over to the deli for some imagawayaki, and browsing the many gift shops. Before starting our drive home in earnest, we had to make a pit stop at Ten Ren’s Tea Time in Rowland Heights for some boba tea. Now, the trip has been all around perfect.

Caroline Wise and John Wise on the road in Arizona

Still using a loaner car from VW as the repairs are taking forever. Well, at least the miles that would have cost us another $385 on lease overage were free.