New Mexico – Day 1

J. Fred Blake General Merchandise in Solomon, Arizona

Ruins of any sort, and I’ve got to stop. Someday, these decaying relics will be gone as will I, but the photos of our history will live on somewhere out there on the Internet. This particular stop was in Solomon, Arizona, on Highway 191 at the J. Fred Blake General Merchandise store. Who was Mr. Blake? The information that I found is a bit sketchy, but it appears that his father was John Blake, born in 1849 in Scotland. His son was J. Fred Blake, who was likely born in Tombstone, Arizona, around 1885. While John was originally a grocer, he’s listed as a miner on his death certificate of 1918. Back when the store was in business, the town was called Solomonville; J. Fred died in 1962.

East of Solomon on Highway 191 in Arizona

Our two-day excursion out and back started this morning, and while we have a few stops planned on our jaunt to fetch dinner and breakfast at the El Camino Family Restaurant in Socorro, New Mexico, we’ll take whatever comes our way and looks interesting. Those snow-capped mountains are welcome for the beauty they add to the photo, but again, I think we have forgotten we are still in winter.

Old Safford Road also known as the Black Hills National Back Country Scenic Byway in Eastern Arizona

This is the Old Safford Road, now also known as the Black Hills National Back Country Scenic Byway. Just past this overlook, we ran into some snow that, while beautiful, had made a muddy mess in a shaded corner that would have been a horrible spot for us to get stuck in with our little Hyundai. Keep in mind that we do not travel with a cell phone, not that one would work out here anyway.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the New Mexico border with Arizona on Highway 78

Crossing from Arizona into New Mexico on Highway 78, should you be interested in tracing our steps on a map.

Donkey at Last Chance Liquor in Buckhorn, New Mexico

The amount of snow out there does give us some concern, but we can always turn around if we find our path forward would be too icy or snow-packed. We met our donkey buddy here at Last Chance Liquor in Buckhorn, New Mexico.

Bill Evans Lake south of Greenwood Canyon, New Mexico

We’re not only heading south because there’s no other way, really, but we are also driving south because there’s a lower chance of driving into the snow. This stop along the way is at a remote little lake called Bill Evans Lake, which is south of Greenwood Canyon, New Mexico.

Butterfield Rest Stop on Highway 180 about 20 miles north of Deming, New Mexico

Had our goal today been to avoid human contact, we’d be winning a door prize because we really feel that we are well off the beaten path. We are coming from the direction of Silver City, stopping for a break at the Butterfield Rest Stop on Highway 180, about 20 miles north of Deming, New Mexico. After passing through Deming, we drove up Highway 26 with a stop in Hatch for a quick bite before joining Interstate 25 North.

Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge south of Socorro, New Mexico

Sunset was spent at the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge, where we didn’t see very many birds at this time of year; maybe they are already flying north as spring is right around the corner.

Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge south of Socorro, New Mexico

Not only the sunset but the moonrise too at the refuge. Dinner was, like I said earlier, at the El Camino Family Restaurant, and as usual, Caroline opted for the chile relleno while I went for the green chile-smothered steak.

Disneyland to Magic Mountain – Day 3

Rinku Shah and John Wise at Magic Mountain in California

So what should we do this Sunday morning? I know; let’s go to Six Flags Magic Mountain and see how truly exhausted we can become. So that’s what we did.

Jay Patel, Rinku Shah and Krupesh Shah at Magic Mountain in California

While I didn’t show you this yesterday, it is, in fact, the way Queen Rinku is moved around. She can walk without issue, but in her village, she is royalty, so Jay and Krupesh are trying to help her adjust to living in America.

Jay Patel, Rinku Shah, Raenu Bhadriraju, Krupesh Shah, and Caroline Wise at Magic Mountain in California

All of us except Krupesh somehow took a bath on this last ride, and it being February, we are quite cold.

Jay Patel, Rinku Shah, Raenu Bhadriraju, Krupesh Shah, and Caroline Wise at Magic Mountain in California

Knowing that we don’t have a lot of time here, we are trying to get to some of the more iconic rides, such as the kind of roller coasters Caroline loathes.

Rinku Shah at Magic Mountain in California

Like a wolf howling at the moon, this is how Rinku talks about her life with her friends back in India….”Just let me tell you about Tapuuuuuuuu and Seemaaaaaaa.”

Caroline Wise and Jay Patel at Magic Mountain in California

Nobody can ever know how much we laughed over these two days, and it’s not over yet.

Jay Patel, Rinku Shah, Raenu Bhadriraju, Krupesh Shah, and Caroline Wise at Little India in Artesia, California

It’s getting late when we arrive in Little India for some dinner at Rasraj and some CDs from Ziba Music. It was agreed that even though this detour to Artesia would guarantee that we wouldn’t be home until about 3:00, everyone would work with me to stay awake for the long drive back to Phoenix. We sang, froze with the windows open, screamed as loud as we could, got out and walked around, danced in our seats to Bollywood favorites at full volume, and laughed; all the way home.