The Race is on…Or is it?

Caroline Wise in the surf in Santa Monica, California

Back on the weekend of January 7th Caroline and I drove from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles, California as we embarked on the monumental personal challenge of attempting to travel somewhere away from home no less than 25 times this year. This was our first trip that included museums, a botanical garden, the ocean, and dinner on the ocean in San Pedro among other things.

Caroline Wise at Teakettle Junction on the Road to Racetrack Playa in Death Valley National Park, California

On January 21st we returned to California, except this time we were aiming for Death Valley well north of Los Angeles. Caroline is seen here posing at Tea Kettle Junction on our way to Racetrack Playa to see with our own eyes the rocks that sail across a dry lakebed. Now, while this second trip of the year qualified as just that, I’d like to point out that was actually our third consecutive trip following the idea of going somewhere every other week. Over Christmas, we were over in New Mexico at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge for some birdwatching, 10’s of thousands of birds.

Caroline Wise at the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

February 4th seemed to come on fast but this time we were staying right here in our own state of Arizona. I’d booked us a couple of nights at Bright Angel Lodge and hoped that we wouldn’t encounter snowy roads on the way up. As you can see, we had great weather, great views, and consequently a great time here at the Grand Canyon.

Caroline Wise at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise Country, Arizona

Maintaining the theme of trying to avoid snow in the wintertime, our travel plans had us going south on the weekend of February 18. We came down this way to revisit a hiking trail we’d visited nearly 17 years prior. Well, we didn’t make it there because we were distracted by news of a mass of sandhill cranes nearby, and even on the way there we got sidetracked by a quick visit and hike to the Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge. So you can better understand just where we were on the map, Douglas, Arizona, is about 250 miles southeast of us right on the border of Mexico and about 20 miles west of New Mexico.

For the 5th trip away from home this year, which is coming up very soon, I’m now scrambling to finish a ton of details that I put off until the last minute. Because we are so familiar with traveling I need not worry too much about getting things perfect too far in advance. I believe Caroline and I have confidence that the flow of our travels, no matter how they unfold, always seem to have been well-planned and fortunate regardless of the situation once we’re there.

So maybe this shouldn’t be considered a race at all but more a marathon because with 21 trips still ahead of us we need to pace nearly everything we do so we don’t burn out by feeling like we’re always on the run. This is where my preparations which occur in the background while Caroline is at the office should allow her a seamless move from working to being transported someplace where a real adventure in exploration, beauty, and fun can be woven together, allowing the high frequency of so many trips to remain exciting and not slip into feeling like chores. Oh yeah, the last thing, where are we going next? Ha, check back soon.

Lack Of Vision…


When the old men of the past trying to survive today have lost hope and vision of how to propel society forward, they resort to the ultimate economic stimulation: war. The biggest problem with this idea today is that we are noting that here on February 28th, 2022, it seems to be becoming a real possibility that someone desperate to be a large figure in history might be considering nuclear war as his entry into the annals of those who are impossible to forget. Great wealth, commanding power, and squashing lives are routine shit for despots, but annihilation is the stuff of legends. As cliched a saying as it is, Lord Acton back in 1887 was quoted in a letter saying, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.

Putler wants to be a great man, just as our last president delusionally already knows he’s a great man. Lucky for us, our former president believes that while Putin needs to prove himself on the global stage he himself is already worthy of occupying the history books in ways that will bring him immortality. Sadly, the faction of humanity that loves this kind of strong man posturing doesn’t understand history and the pain these epochs bring, so for them, this is a festival of positive revolution.

When people of wisdom and vision need to tackle the fallout of war and pestilence, we occasionally stumble into moments in history where things like a renaissance, enlightenment, or social revolution occur, but too often, this is the late response to catastrophe after people have grown tired of suffering. Have we suffered enough? We here in the West haven’t suffered at all, though to listen to the collective whine; you’d think aliens (Hillary Clinton) landed and took away our televisions, phones, cars, homes, husbands, wives, children, pets, weed, guns, and any possibility of ever seeing another sunrise. We are spoiled and petulant with a focus on the most profoundly stupid of all things.

Meanwhile, Putin is looking to expand his territory at apparently all costs, including a potentially serious impact on the population of our planet, and America is too busy chanting “Let’s Go, Brandon” to give a damn about the geopolitical shitstorm on the horizon of civilization.

This arrogant, shortsighted inner seething that America is convulsing under is exactly the environment that a would-be dictator requires to take advantage of an otherwise strong adversary. We become weakened when as feeble-minded troglodytes digging out the belly button lint of our midsection is more important than correcting the situation brought on by the pandemic and economic upheaval that has left us in desperate need of re-inventing the way we will survive and how we will shape our world of tomorrow. If we leave this process to warlords, we will reap what we’ve sown, meaning from nothing, we’ll gain nothing. But from war, we gather death.

Christmas Beans

Christmas Lima Beans

Saturday morning I opened a 1 pound bag of Christmas Lima beans and started them soaking and by late evening they found their way into the crockpot to simmer overnight. I’ve been pretty good at making a pot of beans at least every other week this year and as is our routine, we start with dried beans. This will be our first time to eat this type of bean from my quest to track down exotic legumes.

And now it’s dinner time as we are tucking into these giant beans, these yummy, beefy beans of considerable heft. Cooked with chicken stock, an onion, six slices of bacon, a large can of chopped tomatoes, and a smidge of chile flakes, we are yet again afforded the simple luxury of a dish that anyone in America would find impossible to sit down in a restaurant to enjoy. Other than green beans or beans at a Mexican restaurant, where else can we enjoy a hearty bean dish in this country?

Thanks to the people at Rancho Gordo for making our bean dreams come true, along with the people of Peru for cultivating this variety.

Writing Exercise


Go out for a day and take photos of everything that catches your eye. Photograph breakfast, locking your front door, the sign that welcomes you to a highway. Take a selfie, grab an image of your destination, snap a photo of something in extreme closeup, a detail you might have otherwise ignored.

Once you get home, sort them into favorites and toss the ones that need to find their destiny in the trash.

Reduce the image count to between six and ten, and now start writing what you did and what you were feeling when those images were taken. Or, write an imaginary narrative of what those images could represent and make it all up.

You need to write on the same day while the memories are fresh. Now, do this every day for a month as a writing exercise that will get you used to what it’s like to write every day. Having something to fix on that comes out of our routine and trying to find a way to explain things with a slight twist to avoid the same story over the course of that month just might be the thing to show you that a writing habit isn’t all that difficult and starts you thinking differently about each day.

Frosty Desert Morning

Frosty morning in Phoenix, Arizona

This is not just any frost, this is hoar frost, and as much as I seriously want to write it “mistakenly” as being of the whore type, that would just be juvenile. I can already hear Caroline saying, “You idiot, you might as well have just written whore frost because anyone who knows you knows that’s exactly what you wanted to do, Mr. Grandpa Wise humorist.” Well, I can’t agree with this idea that I deserve her derision no matter how she wants to pigeonhole me into categories that could never pertain to me because I’m certainly beyond reproach.

But I’m going off course here as this isn’t about dumb humor (I mean genius) it’s about me taking note of the fact that on February 24th, we experienced such cold that I was able to break out my shell, scarf, and gloves one more time before I have to return to my morning walks wearing a banana hammock in the excruciating heat we must endure in this desert hell we call home. Yeah, I know, this was the perfect setup for talking about how hell has frozen over. I’m telling you, I’m full of these great one-liners, ain’t I, wife?

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Phoenix, Arizona

I was on my way out when I spotted this brown marmorated stink bug on the handrail of our stairs. Last year I found one inside our place and without hesitation I whacked it, and that’s when I learned that these things are stink bugs. I’d taken the photo with my camera phone, my crap camera phone of a now ancient Samsung S9+ with the thought that I’d only look up what kind of bug this is specifically. Little did I know that should have grabbed my Canon DSLR and the macro lens but with my old man’s eyes, I had no idea how beautiful its patterning is. Uh oh, here comes the grandpa humor…this bug reminds me of my wife, nice to look at but occasionally stinky 🙂