Honeymoon in the Grand Canyon

Caroline Wise in the Grand Canyon National Park 1994

Caroline Engelhardt of Frankfurt, Germany, became Caroline Wise just 72 hours before taking this photo on a hike into the Grand Canyon National Park. This could be considered our honeymoon, though we were feeling that the entire trip to America with Uwe Schmidt, Connie, Klaus Singer, and Jo Lincke was a kind of party honeymoon with friends.

Klaus Singer, John Wise, and Jo Lincke at the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

We were supposed to return to Germany two days after this, but the Northridge earthquake on the 17th at 4:30 in the morning, just hours before our flights to L.A., changed our plans, and we ended up staying in America for a few more days until things calmed down and got caught up in Los Angeles.

Getting Married in Vegas

Caroline Engelhardt, John Wise, Klaus Singer, and Jo Lincke in Las Vegas, Nevada

It’s just hours before Caroline Engelhardt and John Wise are about to be married but first up, dinner at Excalibur with jousting in Las Vegas. So, this would be the very last photo of Caroline before she became Caroline Wise. Why there are no photos of us getting married is not a mystery; we were operating on fumes after going non-stop for weeks leading up to this day. Add to that, my mother was being difficult as the witching hour for our exchange of vows was approaching at 12:12 on January 12, she was tired and cranky. While likely mentioned elsewhere, this created a state of chaos, and the mess of that drama is better left in the past. That’s Klaus Singer with the beard and Jo Lincke on his left. As for Connie and Uwe, who were with us, they did everything they could to avoid being in any of our photos.

Lots of Love at Euro Disney

Caroline Engelhardt at Euro Disney in Paris, France

You only turn 25 once, so why not do something spectacular, like head to Euro Disney in Paris, France? That’s what we did back on the weekend of December 12, 1992. While Caroline had been to the United States and even to Southern California the year before, we didn’t have time to visit Disneyland. So we went all out and bought a couple of plane tickets from Frankfurt, Germany, to Charles de Gaulle Airport and caught the shuttle bus to the park. Our hotel was one of the pueblo-themed units, which was exciting all by itself.

John Wise at Euro Disney in Paris, France

The day we arrived, we wandered around the facilities outside the Magic Kingdom, visiting the ice rink and gift shops before stopping in a classic American diner for dinner. In the morning, when we entered the park itself, we were as excited as any child visiting one of these amazing treasures. As for me, while I’d visited Disneyland a dozen or more times at that point, I’d never been to Disneyworld or the park in Tokyo, Japan.

Euro Disney in Paris, France

There’d been much controversy leading up to the opening of Euro Disney, as valuable farmland was being used for American Trash Culture (according to French media). Then there was the question if high-minded Europeans would even go and which of the snooty French would visit such a déclassé blight on their historic Paris? The park was constantly maligned in the press, and its early demise was frequently predicted. In was a chance meeting while Caroline and I were attending CEBIT back in March 1992; an American tech engineer shared his photos of the park with us, which to us looked amazing. We were incredibly jealous as not only had he already visited and taken photos, but he had been able to do so more than a month before Euro Disney officially opened on April 12th, 1992. With the constant negative chatter about the place, we decided we’d need to see it with our own eyes before the bulldozers moved in and turned the grounds back into farms.

Caroline Engelhardt at Euro Disney in Paris, France

Euro Disney was far from packed, but it wasn’t empty either. Then again, it was mid-December, and anyone who’s been to Paris in the winter can tell you that nice weather isn’t guaranteed. What seemingly was guaranteed were smiles. Not only smiles from Caroline and me but, to our surprise, from the many French people in the park. We entered Disney with the expectation we’d see very few French and mostly visitors from other countries; we were wrong.

Caroline Engelhardt at Euro Disney in Paris, France

The park was pristine, and the presentation was flawless. It was a great destination for any birthday.

Euro Disney in Paris, France

While technically in Paris, you couldn’t see the city from any vantage point out this way. In the park, you were immersed in the fantasy of being transported to a happy place. The contrast between playful Disney and serious and old Europe made for a spectacular opportunity to wander into the imagination that Disney has mastery over. Our dreams were coming true.

Caroline Engelhardt and John Wise at Euro Disney in Paris, France

It was difficult to get photos of Caroline looking at the camera as her eyes darted over every detail, taking in something she’d never seen the likes of. While we’d go to Disneyland years later, this park had the benefit of starting from scratch and improving on things that couldn’t have been accomplished in Anaheim when that park opened back in 1955.

Caroline Engelhardt at Euro Disney 12 December 1992 Paris, France

Let’s return to the gift shop for a moment. In the very first photo, Caroline has a Euro Disney hat on, but that’s not all. This jacket, the shirt under it, and even a red t-shirt below were all bought here at Euro Disney. The striped shirt would be the one she wore 13 months later in Las Vegas, Nevada when we got married at the Little White Chapel. There was also a pair of Mickey Mouse shorts she bought, though it was too cold to wear them outside this weekend. Almost 30 years later, here in 2021 (when I’m writing this), she still owns the shorts, shirt, and t-shirt.

John Wise at Euro Disney in Paris, France

I’d like to point out that I was very thin at one time and prone to fits of silliness.

Caroline Engelhardt at Euro Disney in Paris, France

The two people in this photo in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle were a couple of Bohemian adventure-seeking, occasionally reckless, madly in love, somewhat troubled individuals who had a long and, at times, arduous journey of finding happiness. While we’ve stumbled over many if not all, the speed bumps life can throw at people, we still swoon when walking hand-in-hand with When You Wish Upon A Star echoing through our memories.

Our First Record Cover – The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist - Rainbows In The Sky

Thanks to Laiki Kostis, whom I’d first met back in 1985 at his “Buy or Die” record store in Wiesbaden, Germany, Caroline and I were commissioned to create a digital record cover that Laiki needed for a new “White Label” he had in his possession. The record was from a guy who was a rising star with his project “A Homeboy, A Hippie, and a Funki Dredd,” and it was exploring a different sound. The project was called “The Hypnotist,” and the tracks were titled “Death By Dub” and “Rainbows In The Sky.” It was Death By Dub on the B Side that caught my attention, but I had to explain to Laiki that I had no experience using the computer for making graphics. He explained that I was the only person he knew with a computer and that he didn’t care what we did; he just knew he needed to release this with cover art as he felt he had a hit.

So this is our first record cover, and it opened the door to making even more covers for people all over the place, but I will forever be grateful to Laiki for the opportunity and to Caspar Pound for making such an amazing couple of tracks. Today was the day the record was officially released.

Caroline Engelhardt in America – 1991

Caroline Wise in San Francisco, California 1991

Caroline Engelhardt, four years before we were married on her first trip to America. This photo was taken shortly after landing at the San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco. We picked up a Lincoln Towncar land yacht for some idiotic reason and headed directly for Stockton and Broadway to find parking so we could go to City Lights Bookstore. I had an appointment with the most important location in this city by the bay that played such an important role regarding the poetry and writings of the Beat Generation.

John Wise and Caroline Wise in San Francisco, California 1991

After picking up a few books and a tip of a place to eat, we headed around the corner to have some seriously amazing Chinese food compared to what we knew in Germany. The place was called Brandy Ho’s Hunan Food, and in the years that followed after moving to America, we’d eat there a few more times for the nostalgic value of reliving our first couple of hours in California. After lunch, we explored Chinatown in a jetlagged daze.

John Wise in San Francisco, California 1991

We were in America largely for business as Caroline and I worked for a white box PC manufacturer in Frankfurt, Germany. With family in California, our trip also took us to points south, but that was after wandering around San Francisco, San Jose, and a quick hop down to Monterey, California, where I watched Caroline cry as she gazed upon the Pacific Ocean.

Caroline Wise in San Francisco, California 1991

We only spent a couple of weeks over here, and most of it is lost in the blur of time. If we had taken more photos, they are now lost, but the overall impressions of this visit to California were impactful and began Caroline’s relationship with America as a place beyond the movies she grew up with.

Caroline Engelhardt and John Wise in San Francisco, California

Edit: This wasn’t part of the original post, but I had to add it as this was our second selfie after taking our first in a window in Munich, Germany, back in 1989.