Disney World – Day 5

Caroline Wise on the Gulf Coast of Florida

You couldn’t have thought we’d come all the way to Florida and not spend at least some time visiting the ocean, did you?

Atlantic Coast in Florida

Our last day in Florida started with a drive down the Atlantic coast and some shell collecting along the way.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the Atlantic Coast in Florida

Not exactly beach attire but we didn’t come to Florida to hang out at the ocean. This part of our trip is just a fringe benefit of having some extra time because we decided we didn’t need another day at Disney World or visit Universal Studios.

Near Okeechobee, Florida

Cutting inland to see Lake Okeechobee, it was this sign for the Pahokee Church of God of Prophecy that caught our attention. I wonder when David Lynch will make a movie here.

Ochopee, Florida and the smallest Post Office in the United States

Further south, we turned west to pass over Alligator Alley through the Big Cypress National Preserve. On the way, we passed the smallest Post Office in America, roadside in Ochopee.

Caroline Wise on the Gulf Coast of Florida

The road took us through Naples on the Gulf Coast and our first encounter with the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We’re just 72 hours into Caroline’s 32nd year, and she’s already stepped into two major bodies of water. What surprises and great adventures await us in the new year? That is, of course, if we survive Y2K.

Disney World – Day 4

Kennedy Space Center in Florida

“Houston, this is ground control at Kennedy Space Center. We have a couple of alien weirdos that have landed, and we are looking for guidance on getting them sent back to the southwestern United States, where you guys are more accustomed to dealing with their type. Can you lend us a hand, please?” Yep, that’s right, the weirdos are us, and seeing we are in Orlando and just down the road from Kennedy, why not pay a visit?

Kennedy Space Center in Florida

Holy wow, our luck is in superabundance. We are getting the opportunity to see the nearly finished Destiny Module, which is the science lab that will soon be joining the International Space Station that just launched last year. This integral part of that mission is scheduled to go to space via one of the Space Shuttles when it’s ready. Now if we could just get back here to Florida to witness one of those launches.

Caroline Wise at Kennedy Space Center in Florida

I don’t know if you can see her under this giant Saturn V rocket, but that’s Caroline being dwarfed by this stupendously large engine.

An everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

Seeing we still had quite a bit of free time today, I decided to feed Caroline to the gators.

Caroline Wise on an everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

Not really, but we did go out on a nearby Everglade on a fan boat to gain a different perspective of the Florida landscape. Turns out that fan boats are LOUD !!! They are also exhilarating.

An everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

This is the first bald eagle we have ever seen in the Wild. Seconds after I snapped this photo, that eagle dropped out of the tree and snatched that gator I shot in that other photo, and it flew away with it wriggling in its talons. It was an amazing sight I don’t believe we’ll ever see again or that we really saw this time either.

John Wise on an everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

Because my wife likes photos of me as much as I like photos of her, I feel obliged to post some of me from time to time. It is her birthday trip, after all.

Caroline Wise on an everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

We were able to spend a good long time out here going far and wide over these wetlands that had all sorts of wildlife and hermits hidden away in corners and places people don’t often go. Our guide was a great storyteller who shared a ton of info about Nascar, swamps, hunting, and how tasty turtle stew can be.

An everglade outside of Orlando, Florida

Nothing like seeing a bald cypress with your own eyes to get that feeling you’ve been to a swamp. The dark, mysterious waters, what they hide, and who travels them is an amazing place for our imaginations to travel to.

Caroline Wise stepping into the Atlantic Ocean in Florida

Before we drove back to Orlando, we needed to have a romantic walk along the ocean in the early evening, plus Caroline had to doff her shoes for her first walk in the waters of the Atlantic.

Disney World – Day 3

John Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

The Animal Kingdom is where we started the day, and Hollywood Studios is where we headed afterward.

Disney World in Orlando, Florida

The owl. These special birds hold a place in my heart and identity. Back when I was a small boy of about six years old, I’d seen an advertisement for Tootsie Roll Pops featuring Mr. Oliver Owl, who was portrayed as a scholarly Wise Old Owl. Well, Wise is my last name and I learned then that my last name means smart and full of wisdom, and so I would aspire to be that. This was my first encounter with wanting to be a lifelong nerd.

Caroline Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Again, here we are with the t-shirts, and this time, it is Caroline wearing a shirt of the Kodama from the movie Princess Mononoke that just came out about a month ago. It, like Disney, our relationship, and so many other things are part of the romance in our lives that are great reminders of how beautiful life can be.

Disney World in Orlando, Florida

More parades and great characters, but the truly special, super special part of the day was to be had after dark when we witnessed the most spectacular fireworks and laser show we’ve ever seen. This Year 2000 celebration show brought both of us to tears; it was so amazing and profoundly romantic.

Disney World – Day 2

Caroline Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Epcot made up for any disappointment we might have felt yesterday in the Magic Kingdom. Caroline here is enjoying a cup of spiced wine which is also known as Glühwein back in Germany, which is also the theme of the area we are visiting right now in Epcot.

Notice the Euro Disney t-shirt she’s wearing? We bought that shirt back in 1992 for her 25th birthday at Euro Disney. Today is the anniversary of that day, meaning it’s her birthday. Caroline is turning 32. One other thing, the shirt worn around her waist was also bought that day seven years ago and then was subsequently worn on the day we were married back on January 12, 1994.

Disney World in Orlando, Florida

The parades and cast of characters are far different in this part of the Disney World complex of parks than we expected. Epcot alone is proving to be worth the price entry.

Caroline Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

I don’t think I’ve ever taken a photo of this face and seen more freckles on it, must be the way the sun reflects off the Gulf of Mexico and the nearby Atlantic Ocean. Looking at her eyes, I don’t feel like she’s aged a year in the more than ten years we’ve been sharing in these adventures.

Caroline Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

So I was going to end this blog post on the last photo, but there’s something special about this particular photo, and it has to do with what Caroline is holding in her left hand. She’s holding our photographs which we are saving to a floppy disk. After years of shooting rolls of film and often developing them ourselves, it is such a strange idea that our photos can be seen instantly and that they are on a floppy disk; crazy times.

Disney World – Day 1

Caroline Wise at Disney World in Orlando, Florida

History is kind of repeating itself, but more of that with tomorrow’s post. Here we are in Florida on the only cloudy day of the year they had in all of 1999, well, except for Hurricane Irene back in October, which attacked Florida with a lot of clouds, wind, and rain, so there was that. But otherwise, sunny Florida had to go and cloud up our arrival here in Orlando, Florida.

Disney World in Orlando, Florida

Our first partial day here in Disney World was kind of dismal, and while the Disney parks usually rank high with us, the Magic Kingdom here in Florida, compared to Euro Disney outside Paris and Disneyland in California, just didn’t measure up. No big deal, as we are just thrilled to be here in Florida, and there’s so much more to come.

Thanksgiving to Roswell – Day 4

We spent the night in the pines near Luna Lake in Alpine, Arizona. Nice place, but not enough time in the area, like so many other trips where we race from place to place.

St. Johns, Arizona

There are some pretty plants worth checking out.

St. Johns, Arizona

And plants in a multitude of colors that make one think of fall. Oh yeah, it is fall, though this can be difficult to remember in the somber desert of eternal browns.

Caroline Wise and John Wise in St. Johns, Arizona

Our buried jar of various things on our 40-acre plot of land in St. Johns, Arizona. When Y2K goes down later this year, we’ll be ready to grab our toilet paper and head for the hills to get away from the approaching apocalypse that is almost certain to go down. Do you have your year’s supply of dried food to survive the chaos our computer-dependent culture has created?