America – Day 1

Caroline Wise and John Wise on their first cross country road trip to see America

Early in the day, at 10:00 a.m., in our little turbo VW Beetle, Caroline and I were venturing out intending to drive to the East Coast. We had a very loose agenda of where we were going, with the main objective being that we would avoid main highways. This first day out was meant to put as much distance as possible between us and Arizona. This photo was snapped near 64th Street and Bell Road next to the canal on our way from Scottsdale to the I-17 in Phoenix, where we’ll head north toward Flagstaff.

Caroline Wise and John Wise on their first cross country road trip to see America

In Flagstaff, we turned right and started our trek east on Interstate 40. Midday we crossed into New Mexico and Mountain Standard Time. Stopped in Albuquerque at Little Anita’s Mexican Restaurant and kept on going. After nearly 12 hours and over 730 miles of non-stop driving, we were pulling into Amarillo, Texas. The real adventure begins tomorrow.

Four Corners with Jutta – Day 6

Vermillion Cliffs in Northern Arizona

Our road trip to the Four Corners area is coming to an end, as is Jutta’s journey through the United States. We leave Page, Arizona, under billowy clouds, which take us past the Vermilion Cliffs. As we descend the plateau, Jutta starts to cry in the backseat, and I nudge Caroline to reach out to her, which brings Jutta to even more tears. I stop at the only pullout on this stretch of road. We were listening to “That’s Ohio” from the movie “Beloved,” which only added to the dramatic moment delivered by the expansive landscape. The sense of being overwhelmed by incredible beauty is a well-known feeling for Caroline and me, but to see the emotion pour out of my stoic German mother-in-law, exposing her giant romantic heart, was a moment that should never be forgotten.

In the eleven years I’ve known Jutta, and in her previous visits to America, I’d never seen her shed a tear or show an emotion that let anyone know she was vulnerable. Even writing about this brings a sting to my eye as her tears brought Caroline and me to a similar state of emotion.

Grand Falls on the Little Colorado River in Northern Arizona

A detour out of Flagstaff has us heading east again and then north toward Leupp, Arizona. On a primitive dirt road, we are looking for Wolf Crossing, which will lead us to the Grand Falls Campground next to this spectacular sight: Grand Falls. Believe it or not, the falls here on the Little Colorado River are taller than the more famous Niagara Falls in New York.

Jutta Engelhardt, Caroline Wise, and John Wise under the rainbow in Northern Arizona

Taking selfies looking into the sun is not the brightest of ideas, but that was the only way we were going to punctuate this trip with a rainbow shot!

Four Corners with Jutta – Day 5

Lake Powell in Page, Arizona

It had to go and be a perfect day, and we’ll be able to do all that we planned on which is mostly a good thing but then can also allow me to take too many photos. Now, that wouldn’t be a problem if the majority are headed to the trash bin, but if I have more than a few I want to post, then either I have a blog entry heavy on photos without much narrative, or I have to get creative on how I’ll work in some text on each image. With fifteen photos in this post, this will be tricky.

Jutta Engelhardt and Caroline Wise at Lake Powell in Page, Arizona

Our morning started with a bit of casual sightseeing as we headed over to the shoreline of Lake Powell and took a walk to spend some time waiting for our first scheduled adventure of the day. The reservation we had for the three of us almost didn’t happen due to some rains that left the tour company reluctant to take us out if we were the only ones going. Fortunately, a few others showed up, and they too, wanted the company to honor their reservations, so our adventure was on.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt on the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

A short van ride over to the Glen Canyon Dam took us down to river level, where at the foot of the dam, we boarded this big pontoon boat for a leisurely “float” down the Colorado River to Lees Ferry, where the real white water adventures into the Grand Canyon begin. These more manageable few hours on the river without white water are more our speed today with the mother-in-law in tow. As this is our first encounter with the Colorado River from this perspective, we are all pretty excited.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

The canyon walls tower over us and impose their enormity downward, making us feel especially small. It only takes seconds down here to convince us that if someone only had half a day to visit northern Arizona, this is one of the greatest excursions that could be had.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

It wasn’t long after we launched that we pulled over to explore a few things next to shore. Proof that rain had recently fallen here was evident, but not so much that pools, mud, rushing flood channels, or waterfalls were encumbering our short river visit.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt on the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

Two of the women in this photo were a delight to be with, the other two behind my wife and mother-in-law were intolerable, and more than a couple of times today, I half wished the trip had been canceled. Here we were in a place with no electricity, no phone service, and effectively no external noise, and yet these two women could NOT stop talking. Any time there were moments of silence, it was as if a panic button went off, triggering them to have to fill the air with cackles of nonsense. Just as they made tension for me, I’m sure I made some serious tension for them when I asked them rather curtly if they could curb the concert and allow the quiet not available elsewhere to exist for more than 10 seconds.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

Our boatman and guide not only taught us something about the geology of the canyon, but she also showed us some of the petroglyphs that are etched into the tarnished walls by the Native Americans who have used this waterway over the years.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

Sandy shores and green trees are probably the last things we might have thought we’d see down here. From the rim above, it looks like the canyon bottom is a desolate strip of desert with a lot of rocks. From the occasionally darkening sky, it appears we could be in for some weather; we keep our fingers crossed as we do not have rain jackets or umbrellas with us. We did bring a load of optimism, though.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

The color of the river changes depending on where we are on it, how deep it is, and if we are next to a wall or in the center channel. I’m starting to better understand the appeal to those who take multi-week trips down the length of the Colorado that runs through the Grand Canyon proper.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt on the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

Our float turns out to have engines capable of whisking us quickly through the slower lengths of the river that meanders through the canyon. While it’s kind of exhilarating to zip along the river, the noise from the engine distracts from fully enjoying this rare experience, though you wouldn’t guess that from looking at Caroline’s toothy grin. And yes, this is about all the excitement one is allowed to see in my mother-in-law’s face.

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

We only get to travel about 15 miles along this famous waterway before we pull over and leave the canyon, but with views like this, it becomes possible to imagine what the larger experience found downriver might be like. The luxury that instead of leaving the canyon, you get to set up camp, hike, sit by the campfire, and sleep in a tent is about as dreamy as it gets. Then, the reality of what it might cost sends a shiver down my spine. This little 4-hour float was about $250 for the three of us, so how much might a full week or two long trips with three meals a day cost?

On the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

With the sun emerging, the character of the place changes rapidly and the intrigue of a wall of rock blocking our progress brings yet more sense of wow to what we are seeing. The water is deeper here and subsequently darker, too.

Caroline Wise, Jutta Engelhardt, and John Wise on the Colorado River between Lake Powell and Lee's Ferry at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

With only four hours down here, it doesn’t matter that I could stay a week just on this stretch of river; we have to head for the exit. What a profoundly beautiful experience this has been that I’ll dream about for a long time to come.

Rainbow near Page, Arizona

A bus picked us up at Lees Ferry, driving right through the rainbow I’d ordered as an extra for the ride back to Page.

Slot Canyon in Northern Arizona

Back in Page, we picked up a late Jeep tour over to Antelope Canyon. I can tell you that proper camera equipment is required if you want to take some quality photos., but the walk into the canyon, even outside of optimal times when the sun is cutting right into the slot, is worth every penny.

Four Corners with Jutta – Day 4

Hovenweep National Monument in Utah

We are at Hovenweep National Monument this morning, exploring yet more Native American ruins. In the background is the Sleeping Ute Mountain, and in front of it are the sleepy travelers trying to do as much as they can as fast as they can. Lucky us that nature is patient in wearing down the Sleeping Ute and that the passage of time has been kind to these Native American buildings, which have been standing as sentinels to the memories of those who have come and gone before any of us who have gazed upon these scenes for the last hundreds of years.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt at Four Corners

This is the only place in America where four states share a common meeting spot of borders. While Jutta stands in Arizona and Utah, Caroline stands in Colorado and New Mexico, and across state lines, they reach out to hold hands. The symbolism here of people from different lands meeting in a commonplace regardless of borders and sharing a moment is not lost on me. If only we could do a better job of making this happen on a global scale.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt at Four Corners

Fortunately, there was a vendor here at Four Corners selling mutton stew and fry bread, so if you are ever here on the Navajo reservation and see a truck, trailer, or shack where it looks like hot food might be being sold, stop and see if they have mutton stew or roast mutton on the menu. We think the stuff is great!

Jutta Engelhardt and Caroline Wise at an Arizona state line

Exploring native lands is what this trip has been all about.

Navajo Reservation in Arizona

The vistas and skies over these parts never fail to inspire the three of us. You might say we’ve never met a part of the Navajo Nation we didn’t love.

Navajo Reservation in Arizona

Sometimes, photos present themselves, and you have but two seconds to get them. This one of the horses walking down the fence line with rain falling in the background was just such an opportunity. From traveling down the road at about 50 mph, I saw from behind what might be an interesting shot but had to quickly break, stop, jump out, and take my shot. If I could have been a couple of seconds earlier, the horses would have been centered around the falling rain. No matter as I still love this shot.

It was just starting to rain as we approached Tuba City, Arizona. On the eastern outskirts of town, there was a bit of a traffic jam with more than a few cars turning into a dirt lot. Turns out that we’ve arrived while the Western Navajo Nation Fair Pow Wow is happening. Good thing we turned in too, and parked when we did because the rain was about to come down hard. Funny how just the month before, Caroline and I were on hand for the Navajo Nation Fair in Window Rock, and now, just by chance, we are here for Tuba City’s version. This was the perfect close to a beautiful day while staying dry, listening to the pow-wow drums and singers, and watching the dancers.

Four Corners with Jutta – Day 3

Jutta Engelhardt, Caroline Wise and John Wise at Kokopelli's Cave in Farmington, New Mexico

We are taking this photo of us in Kokopelli’s Cave in Farmington, New Mexico, as proof that we stayed here. We can’t believe our luck in that we only had one night in the area, while Kokopelli’s has a two-night minimum. We got the cave due to a cancellation and now we have bragging rights that we’ve stayed in one of the most unique places to spend a night in all of America. Our shower had a waterfall, the kitchen features about everything you’d need to stay a week here, on the front balcony is a gas BBQ, and the place is about 68 degrees year-round.

Aztec Ruins National Monument in Aztec, New Mexico

Aztec Ruins National Monument is just up the road in Aztec, New Mexico. I’m not 100% sure if the rafters are the original as placed here by the builders about 900 years ago or if maybe they were scooped up and put back into place by people maintaining the monument, but I’d like to imagine this is the handiwork of the Native Americans who once lived here.

Aztec Ruins National Monument in Aztec, New Mexico

While this location doesn’t feature the ornate work we saw at Chaco Culture, it is still impressive and worthy of a visit.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt at a Colorado State sign

At midday, we were crossing into Colorado, where for the next nearly four hours, we’ll get lost in time exploring a tiny corner of the state before heading to Utah.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt at a Utah State sign

We crossed into Utah on State Road 262, as you can see (changed to State Road UT 162 at some point) on our way to this evening’s lodging and dining option.

Jutta Engelhardt, Caroline Wise and John Wise in Bluff, Utah

So here we are with me being blurry all day. What’s up with my selfie-taking ability and all these blurry images of just me? We are in Bluff, Utah, again, a little more than a month after Caroline and I were here for the first time, and just as before, we are staying at Calf Canyon Bed & Breakfast. Knowing that the Cow Canyon Trading Post and Restaurant serve up a great meal with an amazing view, we’ll opt to revisit it too. I should point out that on our first visit to Bluff, a roadside vendor was selling cantaloupe which we bought a couple of and swear they were the best we’d ever had. Six weeks later there is no sign of the roadside fruit seller. I guess we’ll have to make do with the fond memories.

2018 update: Calf Canyon B&B is long gone, and from a recent call to Cow Canyon, I learned that the restaurant is no longer operational.

Four Corners with Jutta – Day 2

Franciscan Lodge in Grants, New Mexico

Maybe not the coolest of signs, but somehow a nice one all the same, or am I being blinded by the incredibly low price? When you are going to be traveling 18 of 31 days in a month, you need to save as much money as you can where you can. The Franciscan Lodge here in Grants, New Mexico, was just perfect for us; then again, we have a mixed bag of what perfection is, so don’t trust that this is going to be a luxury suite. We got an early start as we were heading south before turning around to go north and our main destination for the day. Our first stop, though, was at El Morro National Monument.

Jay's Liquors near Grants, New Mexico

We were too early at El Morro and couldn’t find a park map or any indication of what the main attraction was, so we got underway. Okay, so this roadside little shack with “Jay’s Liquors – Welcomes You to Uranium Country” painted on it makes our detour all worth it. How many times in your life will you see yourself in a place that takes pride in its uranium mining operations?

Navajo Service Route 14 aka Road 57 going to Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

We’re on a primitive back road numbered 57, also known as Navajo Service Route 14, and the sign at the intersection of it and Navajo Route 9 warns the traveler to be aware that the road is not recommended for RVs and that it can be dangerous. Well, there’s always turning around, so, as is usual, we go for it since the idea of approaching our next stop from out of the wilds of the desert seems more appealing than the paved “official” entry road towards the east of our destination.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

Caroline and I had just been here for the first time about five weeks ago, but like Yellowstone earlier in the year, Chaco Culture National Historical Park was beckoning for our return. We thought this was just the kind of place Jutta could appreciate, and so here we are. Wow, I’m impressed as I just realized that Caroline and I managed to get nine travel days last month, too, which took us to Northern Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Los Angeles, California.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

This time, I’m determined to get an adequate number of photos to serve our memory banks should this be the last time we visit this remote outpost. We are looking into one of the many kivas here, and this one is HUGE. Whatever the purpose of this mysterious place was, the ceremonial aspects of the early Puebloans at Chaco must have been of an extraordinary scale. At the Great House of Pueblo Bonito alone, there are 40 smaller kivas, and there are 12 Great Houses at Chaco in total that all have large and small kivas.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

It has been pointed out by historians that these buildings are unique in pre-Columbian Native American architecture because not only were some of the buildings four stories tall, but these were well planned instead of the more typical organic construction method of adding on living space as required. As I pointed out in my previous post these were the largest human-made structures in North America right up into the 19th century.

Caroline Wise and Jutta Engelhardt at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

When we consider that Chetro Ketl was made of some 50 million stones, it starts to boggle the mind how all of these structures were built by hand and that these early Puebloans had to drag some 200,000 conifer trees from up to 70 miles away for the roofs.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

By the time modern humans are old enough to be aware of their environment, they have already seen spaceships, pyramids, 100-story tall glass buildings, images from two miles deep on the ocean floor, and pictures of their own planet from the moon. A thousand years ago, it wasn’t that easy to see the extraordinary, and so I can only imagine what a 20-year-old person would have thought wandering out of the Great Plains to come upon this metropolis of gargantuan proportions. If, as some theories suggest, this was a central gathering point for indigenous peoples from all corners of the region, how would the items for trade and displayed here by the varied people have been marveled at with incredulous eyes?

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

As a child, I was taught through various messages from the media and directly from my formal education that Native Americans had a primitive culture and needed conquering to bring them into modernity. Aside from learning they played a role at our first Thanksgiving, they were otherwise battling the European settlers as they fought the encroachment of the inevitable, being dragged into the customs and religions of the invaders. Then you see this intention, or listen to their languages, or try to understand their symbiotic relationship to the lands they were stewards of, and I realize that the negative stereotypes needed for cultural hegemony are just as alive today as they were more than 400 years ago.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

How many of us stop and think that European settlers first went to war with Native Americans back in 1540, keeping up the aggression right through 1924? That’s nearly 400 years of near-constant battles. Even after the American Indian Wars in the 1920s, these peoples were relegated to impoverished, hardscrabble lands, and when treaties were negotiated for land usage rights, many times, those financial agreements were ignored, and native peoples were cheated. But a thousand years ago, while much of Europe was emerging from the Dark Ages, hopeful Native Americans were peering out this window, marveling at the skills and resources their people were able to bring together as they tried to build their future.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

The doors are still largely shut to our Native American population, their cultural history is nearly extinct, and references to them still disappearing after our ancestors started a program to rid America of “savages.” What a sad legacy we are leaving on our incredibly beautiful planet while laying waste to the extraordinary abilities that all people imbue.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico

While we’ve spent the better part of the day here, we’re leaving still feeling like we’ve not seen or learned a thing. How could I ever walk in the footprints of the early people who traveled hundreds of miles on foot to visit Chaco? What about the Anasazi Sun Dagger up on Fajada Butte that we can’t visit? Who brought the macaws and their feathers to the desert from Central America? Did visitors from present-day California travel nearly 800 miles across deserts, the Colorado River, and through mountains and forests to reach Chaco for trade? These walls have a rich history and tell a story that we can only imagine, and yet we still fail to celebrate the people who led such complex lives in often harsh environments. The more I think about it, the more I am in respect of those I can never really know.

We are spending the night in a place like no other in North America. It is not a hotel, motel, bed & breakfast, or even a private home. We are enjoying the view from our balcony in this photo, and we do not have a neighbor for miles around us. While almost impossible to see in this photo, there is Shiprock off in the distance. Tonight we sleep in a cave. It is a man-made cave carved out of a sandstone cliff, and we were lucky enough to be able to grab it for one night due to someone else canceling a reservation at the last minute.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d come face-to-face with a ringtail, but here it is, walking right up to me, lying down on the balcony of our cave as it came up, looking for cat food in a well-practiced routine. Matter of fact we were told we might have visitors and that the bag of food next to the sliding door was there for our guests.

If that wasn’t enough, it was just minutes until this skunk showed up. Initially, we were quite nervous as the three of us were lying still at the open sliding door, debating quietly if we should slide it shut before this cute little stinker threw some of its odoriferous secretions into our faces. Instead, we decided to remain calm and hope that our black and white visitor was more interested in a free meal from the non-aggressive giant heads staring at it. The ringtail and skunk danced around each other with some uncertainty about the other’s intentions, but they were able to keep the peace, and I’m sure our noses are happier for it. Tomorrow, I’ll share what it was like to spend the night in a luxury cave.