Los Angeles – Day 0

Caroline Wise and John Wise driving to California

Yet another trip to Los Angeles, driving across the sunny desert of the southwest on Interstate 10. Regarding the toothy grin, I don’t know where that came from either, as they just slip out from time to time.

We left after Caroline was done with work and made great time getting out of Arizona. Based on our notes, we brought a laptop, and Caroline used the drive time to get some website work done. We arrived in Ontario at the California Inn around 10:30 p.m. but could not resist driving over to Mix Bowl for a late dinner. It was really busy, too, as usual, and the food was delicious.

Winkleman, Arizona

Caroline Wise in Scottsdale, Arizona

It was time to stock up on Maria’s tortillas again. These are handmade flour tortillas from a small shop in Mammoth, Arizona, and we love them. They are simply made of water, flour, shortening, baking soda, and salt; they are perfect. We found them a few months ago in the Giorsetti general store in Winkelman, which is south of Superior. Since our friend Arturo and his family recently moved to Tucson, we decided to drop by and say hello today.

We left around 11:30 in blazing sunshine. The temperature was about 108 degrees even though the radio gleefully announced it was merely 99 degrees. Apparently, they measure the temperature for the entire valley in some shady spot with a lawn instead of the usual sun-beaten concrete that makes up most of Phoenix. We slipped into Boyce-Thompson Arboretum as they were having a “Leafy Plant Sale – 50% off” sign on the road and picked up a jojoba plant. Caroline had wanted one for some time; she even tried to grow one from seeds, unsuccessfully. The friendly person at the ticket office informed us that our next stop, Ed’s La Casita restaurant in Superior, had been sold. No more spicy avocado salsa! For a moment, we contemplated driving on through Miami to Globe for a visit to the main Ed’s La Casita there, but that would have been a good detour, so we made do with a frozen lime bar for Caroline and Dairy Queen for me. Yes, folks, the Dairy Queen is open, even if it doesn’t look like it.

Mine in Ray, Arizona

We turned off the 60 in Superior and drove south on Highway 177. Talk about a scenic back road! The desert vistas are spectacular. Highway 177 leads past the Ray Mines (sorry, we missed the overlook into the mines – more pictures next time, but that is a small corner of it in the photo above) and several tiny towns like Kelvin, Riverside, Kearny, and Hayden before reaching Winkelman. We stopped in Kearny to take a closer look at that town. There is a large school complex and a main-street-style road with shops and a motel close to the highway and nice-looking homes down the hill towards the Gila River. On “Main Street,” a plaque commemorates Stephen Watts Kearny, Brevet Major General of the US Army and the town’s namesake. He camped in the area with his troops in 1846. There is also a nifty engine that was used in the underground mine until it was retired in 1955. It was powered by compressed air. I snapped a couple of pictures and then jumped back in the car.

We arrived in Winkelman shortly before 2:00 p.m. and left with seven dozen still-warm tortillas. Yum! We broke into the first bag while we were still in the store!

Tom Mix Memorial near Florence, Arizona

We blew through Mammoth and Oracle to Oro Valley to meet with the Silvas, who turned out to still be unpacking and moving into their new house. Our visit was short, and before we knew it, we were back on the road traveling the Pinal Pioneer Parkway.

About halfway between Oracle Junction and Florence, which is the most beautiful part of this Highway in our opinion, is a picnic area next to the Tom Mix Memorial. Even though we’ve driven past the memorial at least one other time, we never stopped. Caroline had asked before, “So, who is this guy?” Today, we stop to learn more. Tom Mix was a star of silent films, westerns to be exact. He appeared in over 300 of them in the 1920s but fell out of the limelight when talkies appeared. Tom died right here on the highway to Florence in 1940 – apparently, he ignored warnings about some road damage and, during a rather bumpy stretch (a bridge had been washed away), a suitcase flung itself from the back of his car and crushed his head. After reading this description I began to wonder how there is no movie about this guy. The killer suitcase can be found in Dewey, OK, in the Tom Mix Museum. There is also the Tom Mix Comes Home Museum near Driftwood, PA, where they have a celebrity outhouse. Only in America. Need I say more?

Florence, Arizona

Next, we stopped in Florence for a closer look. At first glance, this town seems dwarfed by several prison complexes right by the highway. There is a state prison and a detention center – and a Prison Outlet store! It has to be seen to be believed… Unfortunately, we got there after closing time, so we were unable to indulge in some binge shopping. You can buy hay, jewelry, clothing, and a load of other goods manufactured by inmates. Why they would call it “Outlet” is a mystery to us. Doesn’t that imply that some of these things are sold at a premium somewhere else? Can you imagine “Arizona Prison Stores” at your local shopping mall?

Florence, Arizona

But the town of Florence itself is very nice and larger than it appears from the highway. There is a nice visitor center, a large county building (unfortunately in a state of disrepair), and a cute Main Street with brick buildings, a grocery, antique and hardware stores, and a couple of bars and restaurants. One of them (unfortunately I forgot to jot down its name) is open to 1:00 A.M.! Talk about nightlife in small-town America!

Florence, Arizona

After our visit to Prisonville, we started on the last leg back to the Valley. Arturo and Guadalupe had recommended earlier that we stop at the El Rancho Mexican grocery store on Southern and Central, and so we did. Neither of us recalls ever seeing a grocery store that busy! Most impressive were the stuffed deli and bakery counters. Happy music blasted over the speakers while shoppers took a break and had a bite to eat on benches in the cheerfully decorated area near the produce section. Fresh salsas and desserts are also available, as well as homemade lemonades, horchata, jamaica, you name it. Further in the store are fresh cheese counters and the carniceria, where Caroline saw her first cow head sans skin but still including the eyes looking out, or maybe not doing that. It held an ear of corn on the cob between its teeth – decoration is key here when selling the entire head! Whole pig heads are also available, but not on display like the cow’s head. I like the fact that these folks don’t buy into the theory that the only edible meat is faceless steak! We picked up a couple of items, but unfortunately, they did not have cajeta envinada or the chilorio that we were looking for.

Death Valley to L.A. – Day 2

Woodrow Burns and John Wise in Ontario, California

My uncle Woody and I, as he and my great aunt Ann, make their monthly visit to my dad’s place in Ontario to help replenish his supplies. They had brought my dad their old TV because they’d bought a new one, and since their old one was larger than my dad’s, they donated, and I installed it. From there, we all piled into two cars and headed to the Guasti Homestyle Cafe, not far from my dad’s place, for breakfast.

Caroline Wise and John Wise Sr. in Ontario, California

This would be the last photo I would ever take of my father again. It was a look I hadn’t known for a long time as he’d started growing out his beard and let his hair grow long in a way that was reminiscent of how Howard Hughes looked towards the end of his life. Just before our arrival, his wife Diane helped him clean up by cutting his hair and beard before taking the razor to his face, leaving his face raw. Growing up, I never knew him to have more than one day of hair growth on his face, and he was diligent in keeping his hair well-kempt at all times.

After visiting with family, Caroline and I drove back into Los Angeles, stopping on the way at the San Gabriel Nursery for some curry plants she’d called for. In downtown Los Angeles, we met up with our friend Mark Shimer and his friend Cephas in Little Tokyo and visited Kinokuniya Bookstore, where we picked up books about the movie Spirited Away before grabbing dinner at a local Shabu Shabu place. We also left L.A. with some “An pan” (soft rolls filled with sweet bean paste) and Baumkuchen. Sadly, no more photos were taken after leaving my dad’s place. One explanation might be that we ran out of space on our memory cards and without a notebook, there was nowhere to transfer the pictures to.

Death Valley to L.A. – Day 1

Caroline Wise and John Wise in Death Valley National Park in California

I have no idea what Caroline was doing or thinking as I was taking this selfie of us visiting Death Valley National Park but this is one of the cuter photos of her in my book. It seemed like a good weekend to dip our toe into the hottest National Park in America, and so here we are on June 1st and thinking, “Well, maybe January would have been cooler?”

The way things started, though, was different, and while maybe we should have left Friday night, it was 7:00 a.m. this morning and as good a time as any to head west. We were only going to Los Angeles when we’d left, but then, in Quartzsite, I had the bright idea we should deviate from that plan and go to Death Valley. So here we are.

On our way, we drove up the 95, which parallels the Colorado River, for a while before entering the deep desert. In Needles, we merge onto Interstate 40 for a short while until we reach Kelbaker Road, going north through the Mojave Preserve. In the small town of Baker, we have one of those moments where you slap your head and ask, “What the hell is this?” The thing that triggered it was a sign saying, “Welcome to Bun Boy Territory.” Too bad it’s not late enough to check in otherwise, it would be party night at the Bun Boy Restaurant and Motel!

Death Valley National Park in California

Bare naked rocks look like a geological marvel while just sitting here, having all the life baked out of them in the driest place of all North America.

Death Valley National Park in California

Where are the other visitors? It’s summer vacation, and we seem to be the only ones here.

Death Valley National Park in California

We can’t even find something cold to drink; all there is here is this Badwater and salt. Getting serious, I have to say, “Wow!” to being here 282 feet below sea level while it’s 118 degrees (48 c). This place is as exotic and intriguing as anything we might see in Yellowstone, just a lot dryer and, at times, nearly as stinky.

Death Valley National Park in California

I wonder how many people and desert-dwelling creatures have looked up and seen clouds forming overhead and were hoping for a respite in the form of a light shower, only to witness the clouds burn off or drift over the horizon.

Death Valley National Park in California

We entered from the southeast and headed to the exit in the northwest as we were trying to get a general feel for what Death Valley is like. Should this ever be our only visit to this National Park, at least we’ll have some impressions.

Death Valley National Park in California

Boiling hot temperatures, bad water, baked mountains, bleached salt, stark skies, and now cracked earth where water once was. All the iconic stuff coming together to make this a true albeit brief Death Valley experience.

Death Valley National Park in California

Wow, and now we even get sand dunes. Just past here, we will turn left onto Emigrant Canyon Road before turning right on Wildrose Road as we head for the exit. We had stopped at the visitor center to inquire about relatively accessible scenic roads we could also visit in the park, and the ranger told us about a back road that is well maintained so that we could travel it, and that’s what we’re going to do.

Wild Donkey's in Death Valley National Park in California

What the ranger didn’t tell us about were the donkey thugs trying to hide out and blend in as we drove by down this old dusty road. While they tried to look intimidating, threatening even, we knew that while they had guns, with those hooves, they’d never be able to pull the trigger. I yelled at them to go home and get domesticated, which apparently infuriated these asses, and they clambered for their weapons.

Wild Donkey's in Death Valley National Park in California

While they were distracted trying to show us how tough they were, we sped away. Just then, Becky bolted out of a nearby ravine, braying for us to save her from a life of servitude in the hostile confines of not just Death Valley but the uncultured brutes that were holding her prisoner. Caroline, without skipping a beat, jumped into the back seat and threw open the door and then just as quickly was back up front as Becky leaped into the car, and I raced out of the park. The last we saw her, she was frolicking off to the North Haiwee Reservoir near the Coco Range Wilderness Area, looking relieved and free to pursue her dreams. Becky will always be in our hearts as the only donkey ever brave enough to leave her burden behind and have the strength to choose her own path.

Mix Bowl Cafe in Pomona, California

What a busy day with a lot of miles driven. Lucky us Mix Bowl Cafe in Pomona is open late. This is our favorite little Thai joint in the L.A. area. Koo-chai and a shared plate of pad kee mow at 10:30 will always hit the spot. Over at California Inn, they still had a room for us, but to our horror, the rooms were being remodeled, and our satanic floor tile in the bathroom was gone. Oh, the sadness and tragedy brought to an otherwise perfect day. In another post, I’ll share the tile and what I’m referring to.

Monterey to Sequoias – Day 4

Sequoia National Park in California

While the picture is a bit mismatched because I had to stitch two portrait photos together, there was no other way to photograph this giant. The General Sherman Tree is the largest tree on Earth. It stands 275 feet tall, or about 84 meters, and is 36 feet in circumference (11 meters). It is estimated to weigh about 4 million pounds or 1.8 million kg. We are visiting the Sequoia National Park today.

Caroline Wise and Mark Shimer in Sequoia National Park in California

This is not the General Sherman tree but just another random Sequoia with two ant people standing next to it for scale. The oldest known Sequoia is about 3,500 years old, while General Sherman is only in middle age at a spry 2,000 years old. It’s kind of strange standing next to a tree that is still alive after growing here for thousands of years.

Sequoia National Park in California

You can’t stand here and not be impressed by old-growth forest and simultaneously not be saddened that there are so few remaining. These trees are impressive in ways no words can convey, nor can photos help you find a sense of what it is to walk through such ancient and large growing things.

Sequoia National Park in California

Then, right next to those old giants is a fresh sprout of a delicate fern, and at once, you see that without our intrusion, the world and its ecosystem can remain in equilibrium.

Sequoia National Park in California

While many Sequoias and Redwoods can endure some minor fire damage, often carving out a part of the lower trunk, a tree can be destroyed, as is seen here. These hollow shells stand as a life support system for the myriad life forms that are still using its hulk as home. There’s a cycle of life that is happening all around us from the smallest to the largest scale and most of us are oblivious to its reality.

Sequoia National Park in California

This cabin is the interior of a giant Sequoia log that fell a long time ago. This guy Hale O. Tharp came along back in the 19th century and turned it into a part of his cabin where he spent summers until the place was turned into a National Park.

Sequoia National Park in California

I hope you agree that a place like this deserves our protection.

Joshua Trees at Sunset

With our long weekend hanging out with Mark now over, it was time to return to our desert abode and take refuge from the nuclear sky. Hmmm, what if those spiny things on the Joshua trees were actually cilia moving in incredibly slow motion and were surviving mutants of their distant ancestor, the jellyfish?

Monterey to Sequoias – Day 3

There’s a piece of music called “Kelp Forest” from Douglas Morton that plays here in this part of Monterey Bay Aquarium that I can hear when I’m looking at photos from this tank. It’s a short loop of music I’ve heard countless times, and it is yet to sound boring as it fits the vibe perfectly.

If you are wondering why we are not speeding down the road to the next stop, it is because two hours in the aquarium weren’t enough.

Just as we come here to look at sea life, the sea life looks back at us.

Well, I don’t think the jellies really look back at us, but for all we know, their cilia are performing double duty by acting as a kind of quantum antennae used for receiving our thoughts and broadcasting emotional triggers that talk to our sense of wonderment, and that’s why we stare in awe nearly hypnotized when we are looking at jellies.

Comb jellies, on the other hand, are the ocean’s disco, where plankton go to listen to clam music and dance.

I’m fairly certain some astrophysicists stole this design to explain how matter travels through a black hole to emerge on the other side of a parallel universe.

Mark Shimer, Caroline Wise, and John Wise at Monterey Bay Aquarium in California

After spending the majority of the morning in the aquarium, it was time to go hunt for lodging near our next stop, but first, we needed to deal with the four-hour drive to get within range.