Jessica in Santa Barbara and Hollywood

288 Placer Drive in Goleta, California

It was well after midnight when we knocked on the door here at 288 Placer Drive in Goleta, California. There’s never been a year that my Uncle Woody didn’t hang Christmas lights for the holidays. There’s such a reassuring feeling every time I pull into the driveway; I think it’s because they’ve lived in a single house longer than anyone else I know. We chatted a bit and then headed to sleep because no matter when we laid down, we were going to be getting up for breakfast around 7:00. My aunt and uncle have their routines and no one is going to interfere with them.

Jessica Wise and Ann Burns in Santa Barbara, California

This was the first time Jessica met my favorite great aunt and great uncle. As always, they put family on a pedestal and were thrilled to meet her. While Jessica never had the opportunity to meet any of her paternal grandparents on my side of the family, amazingly, she’s spending the first part of the day with her great-great-aunt and uncle.

Ann Burns, Caroline Wise, Woody Burns, Jessica Wise, and John Wise in Santa Barbara, California

After breakfast, it was off to the dog park and then some chatting before, all of a sudden it was lunchtime and time for us to start back down the coast before leaving California for Arizona.

Jessica Wise and Caroline Wise near Summerland, California

As we were passing the Summerland area, it was obvious a low-tide event was occurring, so no matter that we had to move in the general direction of home, we were going to explore tide pools, and that was that.

Seeing an anemone or starfish is like admiring a sunrise over mountains or a sunset at the ocean. If you don’t stop to take in these sights, you are missing out on life.

Jessica Wise, Caroline Wise, and John Wise near Summerland, California

Okay, that’s enough of the Pacific; we’ve got to get going.

Jessica Wise in Hollywood, California

Until we got to Hollywood for the briefest of stops to snap a photo of Jessica on Hollywood Boulevard and Gower Street, it didn’t matter whose star was on the sidewalk; what was important was that it was a star, and we could see the Hollywood sign behind my daughter. Maybe on a subsequent visit, we can spend more time exploring Los Angeles. BTW, if you think her gesture should be interpreted as, “What, do you just want me to stand right here?” that is exactly what she’s asking.

Jessica at Disneyland

Jessica Wise and Amanda Goff at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

We are spending the better part of the day into the night right here in Disneyland. One of the first rides we went on knowing that the line is one of the longest later in the day, is the Matterhorn.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

It being Christmas time, we can always count on a great parade during the holiday.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

We stuck around for the fireworks and then made our way over to Downtown Disney.

Jessica Wise, Amanda Goff, Caroline Wise, Shari Wise, and John Wise at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

My other sister, Shari Weismann, joined us at the end of the day so she could meet Jessica. Amanda was leaving with Shari to stay the night with her, and so after a goodnight to them we were finally on the way to Santa Barbara to stay the night with my Aunt Ann and Uncle Woody.

Jessica Arrives in Phoenix

Caroline Wise, Jessica Wise, and John Wise in Phoenix, Arizona

Jessica Wise is my daughter and recently turned 17. and had asked if she could come to spend winter break with us. She lives in Florence, Texas, with her mom, who is still nice, Barry, her deranged stepfather, and three siblings who are a bit peculiar, as I’ve come to understand them; of course, that’s just my interpretation. You might notice a scar on my daughter’s cheek that was from a family dog that attacked her in the kitchen one night and subsequently had its head blown off by Barry with a shotgun right there in the kitchen; I’d probably have done the same thing if I had a shotgun and one of our cats opened up someone’s face. Jessica will be with us for ten days. With no time to spare, we needed to get busy.

Jessica Wise at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona

After dropping Caroline at her office Jessica and I  headed over to the Heard Museum so I could wash some of the Texan bumpkin off her, but it didn’t work. The next stop was over at Sonal’s shop, where she met Rinku, who threaded her eyebrows; this was a first for her. After we picked up Caroline from her short day in the office, we scooped up Amanda and drove to Anaheim, California.

Oregon Coast – Day 5

Monterey Bay California at sunrise

A vacation for Caroline and I can never be reduced to a single day, hour, or moment. It is the collection of all moments of every hour and each day seen as a tapestry of experience that helps define the journey. Maybe because I focus on the nicer photos I’ve captured of the trip, it’s easier to remember the brilliant times out in America instead of the random ugly moments that have certainly occurred. Other than the travel book industry focusing on hard times out on the road and the evening news that requires tragedy to be the center of attention, we do not and hopefully never will focus on the small and slightly aggravating instances when weirdness happens. Instead, we focus on the sunrise and pinch ourselves that even though we might race around on these jaunts into far away places, often we seem to be at the right place at the right moment and are rewarded with scenes such as this sunrise over Monterey Bay, California.

Cannery Row in Monterey Bay, California

By this time, we’ve lost count of how many times we’ve visited Monterey Bay, but what I do know is that it was back in January 1992 that Caroline Engelhardt (we were just dating then) made her first visit to America with me and it was right near here that she took her first good look at the Pacific Ocean.

Monarch Butterfly at Pacific Grove, California

Finally timed our visit correctly with the migration of the monarch butterflies wintering over in Pacific Grove.

Central Valley in California

Out of the coastal range and into Salinas Valley near Soledad.

Route 146 to Pinnacles National Park, California

On the road to visit our next national park.

Caroline Wise at Pinnacles National Park in California

Look way down at the bottom of the photo for tiny little Caroline to better understand the scale of that boulder at Pinnacles National Park in California.

Canyon in Pinnacles National Park, California

The canyons and rock spires are amazing at this national park. Sadly, we will not be able to stay long as we still have 10 hours and 650 miles left to drive before getting home.

Pinnacles National Park, California

On the way back to our car in Pinnacles National Park.

Caroline Wise at Soledad Mission in California

My chicken feeding another chicken at Soledad Mission.

Yellow rose at Soledad Mission in California

A perfect yellow rose at Soledad Mission.

San Miguel Mission in California

Remember what I said about how much time we’d need to drive home? Well, we are still relatively young….a little exhaustion never hurt anyone. We had just arrived at San Miguel Mission and had to stop because it was right there on the way home anyway.

San Miguel Mission in California

That’s an early television on the left prior to the electrified version arriving. Back then, people would place a circular or rectangular frame next to the wall and stare at it while telling stories. To the right of that is a spinning wheel for turning fibers into yarn, and behind that is a broken-down loom for weaving that yarn into cloth. You might also notice the floor is uneven and made of stone, along with a fireplace to warm this area; this is because back in 1797, when the mission was founded, this was the way things were done.

San Miguel Mission in California

Twenty-one days after our visit a 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit the San Simeon area that was strong enough to cause serious damage here at the mission about 30 miles away. The church seen here was closed for the next six years for repairs.

San Miguel Mission in California

Mission bells like these at San Miguel are one of the iconic images of the entire chain of 21 missions across California.

San Miguel Mission in California

Lucky for all of us, California and the Catholic Church have been caring for these historic sites that stretch from San Diego in the south to San Francisco in the north.

Red Cedar Vineyard fountain in Shandon, California

In a landscape of brown, tan, and blue, this fountain at the Red Cedar Vineyard, flowing with purple water, demanded we pull over and snap a picture. This would be the last stop for photos as we still had 580 miles to drive home, and it was already 3:30 p.m., putting us home after midnight.

Oregon Coast – Day 4

Fishing in Elk River north of Port Orford, Oregon

It was still dark when we left this morning, but an hour later, it was looking wonderful to us. Living in the Arizona desert gives us a special appreciation for the clouds, fog, and drizzle that make a day feel romantic and offer one more reason to snuggle and indulge in hot drinks. The landscape here is courtesy of the Elk River just north of Port Orford, Oregon.

South Oregon Coast

Taking time for an overlook at Port Orford Heads State Park, cementing our love of this rugged coast.

Battle Rock Bay at Port Orford, Oregon

Fishing boats in Battle Rock Bay at Port Orford, Oregon.

Near Gold Beach, Oregon

Meyers Beach North near Gold Beach, Oregon.

Caroline Wise and John Wise Dutch Brothers Coffee in Brookings, Oregon

Our very first cup of Dutch Bros. Coffee ever in Brookings, Oregon. Over the coming years, we would stop again and again at various Dutch Bros. along the coast and collect way too many loyalty cards that we would always forget to bring on subsequent trips. Again and again, we would tell the baristas how much we loved their coffee and the funky, happy people who worked these roadside drive-thru coffee shops that were always open in the wee hours until late at night, well after the hour that coffee shops close in Arizona. We also never forgot to mention we were from Arizona, so when Dutch Bros. started opening outside of Oregon and chose Phoenix as one of their markets, we couldn’t help but think we played some small role in that decision.

Battery Point Lighthouse in Crescent City, California

Another sight we will always try to make time for are lighthouses. This one is at Battery Park in Crescent City, California. Take note to visit the Battery Point Lighthouse.

Driftwood on Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California

I took a few photographs of driftwood, but this root ball from a redwood was one of the most amazing natural sculptures I’ve yet seen washed up on a beach. We are at Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California.

Caroline Wise on Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California

Caroline walks along Enderts Beach collecting souvenirs.

Berry's along the trail to Enderts Beach in Crescent City, California

If we find berries along the trail, we eat those berries unless they are poisonous, and then we just admire them, take their picture, and leave them alone.

Fall colors on a random leaf in California

The colors of fall found near the beach in northern California.

Redwoods in California

Redwoods National Park.

Lady Bird Johnson Grove of Redwoods in California

Took some time to stretch our legs in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove at Redwoods National Park.

Black bulgar fungi growing on a tree in Northern California

Black Bulgar fungi are also known as Bachelor’s Buttons growing here on a fallen dead hardwood tree. This was the end of our explorations for the day as the long Thanksgiving day weekend was coming to an end, and we needed to get as far south as possible so we could drive back to Phoenix tomorrow. With a few windy roads, fog, and the traffic around San Francisco, we now had little time to spare. We finally pulled into a motel in Watsonville, California, at 11:00 p.m. We’ll ask for a 6:00 wake-up call.