Santa Barbara, California – Day 3

Cold Spring Tavern in Santa Barbara, California

We got an early start for a drive up to San Marcos Pass Road to the Cold Spring Tavern, which serves a pretty good breakfast.

Anne and Woody Burns at Cold Spring Tavern in Santa Barbara, California

But it’s the old-fashioned ambiance of the place that makes it perfect. Well, that and hanging out with these two.

Looking out over Santa Barbara, California

Late fall or early winter is a great time to visit Santa Barbara. Many of the summer visitors are gone, as is the morning fog that hangs on at times well into the day during the summer months.

View from 288 Placer Drive in Goleta, California

Here we are at 288 Placer Drive, where it intersects with Cathedral Oaks Road. On my right (out of sight) is the house my great-aunt and uncle bought in the late 1960s. Like with all of our brief weekend visits, we were typically gone by around mid-day as we had an 8-hour drive ahead of us. That’s if we don’t make any stops.

On the beach near Ventura, California

But of course, we could never just drive home, especially on such a beautiful day during low tide.

On the beach near Ventura, California

Yep, I said low tide, meaning exposed tide pools.

On the beach near Ventura, California

Sea life at the shore or in the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which we visited just last month, is all perfect.

On the beach near Ventura, California

In the rave community, this is known as a cuddle-puddle.

On the beach near Ventura, California

There’s no ignoring the sun that will set today, and as we likely don’t want to get home after midnight, we’ll have to say goodbye.

Caroline Wise and John Wise on the beach near Ventura California

Right after we take this selfie, proving it was us here once again at the ocean.

Standard disclaimer that this post was not written on or near the date it shows up on my blog. This particular sequence of days wasn’t written about until September 2022 as I was trying to better catalog our travel images on this site.

Santa Barbara, California – Day 2

Woody Burns in Santa Barbara, California

Nice orange shirt, Uncle Woody! Orange is one of my favorite colors when it comes to shirts. Here we are in Goleta, very near to Santa Barbara, with my great-aunt and -uncle while Tata (Annie) is getting her hair done. Afterward, it was time for breakfast, and my guess would be that we likely ate over at Cajun Kitchen, as that’s our regular morning place during these visits.

Santa Barbara, California

Over the course of the day, we likely visited Costco for pizza, a roast chicken that Tata will share with Sophie (the German Shepherd above), and who knows what else as we scoured the store, and she tried talking us into taking stuff back to Arizona.

Caroline Wise in Santa Barbara, California

Spending time with family is always good for more than a few laughs, but taking some John-and-Caroline time to walk along the beach just makes our efforts to get out here all the better.

Fishing at sunset in Santa Barbara California

I likely have shared this elsewhere, but I don’t think my great-aunt and uncle really ever cared about seeing these beautiful sunsets or visiting the beach that was just a couple of miles from their front door. Caroline and I, on the other hand find non-stop romance while out walking in this light.

Standard disclaimer that this post was not written on or near the date it shows up on my blog. This particular sequence of days wasn’t written about until September 2022 as I was trying to better catalog our travel images on this site.

Santa Barbara, California – Day 1

Driving west on Interstate 10

We are literally driving into the sunset as we head west on Interstate 10 from Phoenix to Southern California towards our destination, Santa Barbara, over on the coast.

Standard disclaimer that this post was not written on or near the date it shows up on my blog. This particular sequence of days wasn’t written about until September 2022 as I was trying to better catalog our travel images on this site.

Tucson, Arizona

Sophia Silva losing her teeth in Tucson, Arizona

This was a surprise trip down to Tucson, as Arturito, who had been gone a couple of months for his first year in college up in Flagstaff, Arizona, was able to get a ride as far south as Phoenix. I took him the rest of the way to see his parents. Guadalupe, in particular, was missing her son quite badly, so this seemed like the right thing to do. His sisters were happy to see him, and so was his father. Sophia, his youngest sister, pictured left, was losing teeth rapidly but scoring just as quickly with the Tooth Fairy. Our visit was short but long enough to get fed and fed well. I received plenty of hugs of appreciation, although not as many as Arturito, it was a brave parting.

Monterey, California – Day 3

Sunrise over the bay in Monterey, California

I’d guess we stayed up in Seaside last night as that’s what usually met our budget requirements. Before we got over here by Fisherman’s Wharf, we’d have stopped for the first meal of the day.

Sunrise over the bay in Monterey, California

The Old Monterey Cafe opens early just for us, no kidding. On a previous visit, we met the guy who opened the cafe and prepared the place for its 6:45 opening. He invited us to stop at any time after 6:00 if we were short on time, and he’d get us an early breakfast; he has done so on two or three occasions already. Not only do we like the Cafe, but it has also been voted numerous times as “the” place for breakfast on the Monterey peninsula. After breakfast, everything else in Monterey is still closed, so I drive us over to the north side of Cannery Row near Fisherman’s Wharf for a walk along the beach. Kayakers, joggers, fishermen, a few people walking their dogs, the seagulls, and barking sea lions are our morning company.

Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

It’s still early when we arrive at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for another Aquarium Adventure.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

We’re on a Morning Rounds: Behind-the-Scenes Tour that starts at 8:15 on most Sundays; our reservations were made two months ago. Upon arrival, we were handed official Monterey Bay Aquarium aprons just for the occasion. If only we could have kept them. We are mostly old fogeys with only one little girl representing youth. Not to worry, though, we elbow her out of the way to hog all the fun stuff.

Caroline Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

Following a brief orientation and the donning of our safety gear disguised as those blue cotton aprons I just mentioned, we were assigned some backbreaking chores doing the dirty work. Here, you see Caroline grimacing under pressure while our guide chides her to put more elbow grease into cleaning these fishy displays.

Caroline Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

The next stop was preparing fish by stuffing rather large PILLS into their gills for feeding to unsuspecting penguins. We were told they were vitamins, but those penguins were acting just a wee bit too happy for this to be mere vitamins. Through the labyrinth of the maze known as the-area-behind-the-tanks, we collect more fish to feed other fish witnessing fishnabilism and then look in on how those displays work where the fish swim by in one direction so consistently  – it’s magic! The lady behind Caroline told us that she and her husband (also in the group) were soon to embark on a cruise to Antarctica to see the local penguins and complete her life goal to see penguins wherever they live in the world. Inspirational, to say the least!

Caroline Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

Caroline will learn over time that it’s important to be quick on the volunteering thing so she gets the opportunity to feed whatever it was she was offering food to. While my memory says it was a shark, hers says it was a different fish, a detail lost to time. [The whole point of this exercise was to feed critters that stay near the bottom of the exhibit as we are pushing the pole with a basket of fish down to their level. – Caroline]

Caroline Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

The smile never left her face.

Mackerel at Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

We were offering the mackerel their breakfast this morning, which did not include eggs as ours did.

John Wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

Before we are finished with the tour, I am forced to shove my hand into the tank of a man-eating abalone that tears off my right hand above the shoulder. Fortunately, this penguin lover on her way to see Emperor penguins in the Antarctic has her doctor husband along, who grafts my hand back on using the remains of some jellyfish, which is sticky enough to take hold of my hand, allowing it to reattach and I’m happy to say, I have thoroughly healed from my ordeal or something like that. This behind-the-scenes tour was awesome; the staff was informative, friendly, and encouraging of each and every one of us to participate. We look forward to doing it again, except for the part where I was eaten whole by a shark. The tour is a brief two hours long, but we could have stayed all day…except the cold slap of reality, also known as a 700-mile drive home, takes me away from demonstrating otter wrestling, and we leave the Aquarium – unescorted.

Caroline Wise in Monterey, California

The Grotto Fish Market at Fisherman’s Wharf beckons us to have one more clam chowder in a bread bowl and then start our way south.

Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

Nope, we did not take the smart option of driving over Highway 1o1, which is in no way this scenic.

Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

That bump to the right is Point Sur, and on the north end of it is the Point Sur Lighthouse; someday, we’ll make it out there for a tour, but not on this trip.

An Art Car at the Elephant Seal Viewpoint near San Simeon, California

This is the Brother One Feather art van parked at the Elephant Seal Viewpoint, trippy. Its owner is Jameson Godlove, and can be seen sporting a righteous beard on the right.

Looking at the Pacific Ocean from Highway 46 out of Cambria, California

Looking at the Pacific Ocean from Highway 46 out of Cambria. From here forward, it was just drive, drive, drive. We arrive back home around 11:00 p.m., and although most anyone who knows us thinks it crazy to drive 1,400 miles for a weekend, we have such extraordinary times doing these kinds of jaunts that we wouldn’t trade a weekend like this for anything in the world.

Disclaimer: This post was not written on or near the date it shows up on my blog. This particular sequence of days wasn’t written about until September 2022 as I was trying to better catalog our travel images on this site.

Additional info: In November 2022, I found a composite post of the three days I wrote four months after our trip on February 26, 2005. I grabbed what was there, merged it into this post, and deleted the other.

Monterey, California – Day 2

Foggy Highway 1 going north near San Simeon, California

Our 9th trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium (our 2nd one this year!) is well underway. As we leave the cheapest motel I could find in San Simeon the place is covered in morning fog. Not living on the coast, we don’t really have a good read on this, and for all we know, the fog is hiding rain clouds just above it. No matter, it’s always an amazing time out here on Highway 1.

Highway 1 going north near San Simeon, California

Smile and the whole world smiles with you, and maybe those smiles might have the world smiling at you with beautiful blue skies.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the Elephant Seal Viewpoint near San Simeon, California

Yeah, smiles.

Elephant Seal Viewpoint near San Simeon, California

Bellowing and getting in each other’s faces, Elephant Seals are not known to smile. No matter the time of year we stop here, we have seen at least a few dozen of these giants. Just a couple of years ago, we spent New Year’s Eve here, and as the Elephant Seals’ only human visitors brought in the New Year with them. That night, in total darkness, not being able to see 10 feet in front of us, we heard an unfamiliar sound. The next morning, we saw that the females had become mothers during the previous week. Pups were scattered across the beach and were squawking like a gaggle of geese. The herd on this visit is small, mostly juveniles, a few females, and only a handful of males. We spend a few minutes watching two young males squaring off in practice for the battles that will someday give them their own harem.

Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

A rare photo of me looking landward instead of seaward out here along the Pacific Ocean.

Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

The fog, slow to lift in places along the California coast, is welcomed by us desert dwellers. It adds to romanticism. Highway 1 is a twisting, windy road not built for the faint at heart. At moments, we are not much above sea level, and then seconds later ride high above the beach, tracing along the steep mountainsides. From fog, the road emerges into the sunlight, and the waters in the cove below become a clear turquoise invitation to pull over off the narrow road to gaze at the beauty stretching before you. It’s a dramatic place to be every time.

Pampas grass on Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

Something about pampas grass brings yet more happiness into this car crawling up the coast.

Highway 1 on the Pacific Coast of California

Some things never change, such as our need to stop far too often to admire the view.

Caroline Wise sitting next to Highway 1 on the way io Big Sur, California

Famous bridges greet us in images seen a hundred times before. Even on rainy days, these vistas are spectacular. From Winter and Spring to Summer and Fall, we have traveled this highway through all types of weather, but never have we been less than awestruck at the sights this genius of a well-placed road delivers to those of us willing to traverse its serpentine route. On this particular drive up to Monterey, we are not without purpose and try earnestly to curtail our stops in order to arrive in Monterey on time for a scheduled reservation.

Big Sur Bakery in Big Sur, California

We could be stuffed to the proverbial gills and still, we’d have to stop at the Big Sur Bakery on our quest to try every pastry they make.

Caroline Wise at Garrapata Beach in Big Sur, California

At the time, we weren’t quite familiar with Garrapata Beach and how vicious it could be. Knowing what we know now at the time of this writing (see below), we’d never think this was a good idea to have one of us dash over to some rocks that had just been surrounded by churning waters for a quick photo, but here it is today.

Monterey Bay, California

We’ve arrived at the Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey instead of the aquarium because we have a date with Derek M Baylis.

Caroline Wise sailing on Monterey Bay in California

Derek is a thing, actually, as in a 65-foot sailboat. Caroline and I have booked a couple of places for the Science Under Sail program hosted by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Members could sign up for a journey on a research sailing vessel to learn about the Monterey Bay ecosystem while out in the bay. Luck would have it that the captain asked for a volunteer to pilot this craft, and I pushed Caroline to volunteer faster than that smile would show up on her face, but it turns out that once she took the helm, that smile arrived at lightspeed. I don’t know if I’ll ever see a deeper look of wow on her face for the rest of our lives. Okay, so there was that whale that showed up between us and the shore at some point that the staff told us was a baby humpback.

While out on the sailboat, we looked at water samples under a microscope. The ROV that was to offer us a look below didn’t work out as the conditions of the bay were too murky to be viable, and so instead, we took a wonderful trip out on the bay (a National Marine Sanctuary) and learned about what was out here under the surface. The entire expedition lasts about 4 hours and is well worth the price of admission. It is only about 4:00 when we return to shore, and with 2 hours until the Aquarium closes, we drive to Cannery Row, find parking, and pop in.

Caroline wise at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

Last year, we were members of the Aquarium, which allowed entry for one year, along with the benefits of receiving discounts on whale-watching tours and the Science Under Sail program, as well as early entry and evening visits on select days for members only. We took advantage of as many of these offerings as we could, considering we had to drive across two states to visit. The Monterey Bay Aquarium was one of our first stops on Caroline’s first visit to the United States back in 1992. We try to visit at least twice a year, sometimes we get lucky and might find ourselves here three times in one year. We dine on Fisherman’s Wharf and check into our hotel for an early morning wake-up call.

Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California

There will never be a time we don’t spend an inordinate amount of a visit entranced by the Kelp Forest. It was getting late by now, and it turned out that some of the fish had already gone to sleep. Yep, that’s the way they sleep.

Disclaimer: This post was not written on or near the date it shows up on my blog. This particular sequence of days wasn’t written about until September 2022 as I was trying to better catalog our travel images on this site.

Additional info: In November 2022, I found a composite post of the three days I wrote four months after our trip on February 26, 2005. I grabbed what was there, merged it into this post, and deleted the other.