Auntie and Grandpa Going to Florida – Day 4


As is our routine, we have an early morning wake-up except that today the sky is blue, although we are surrounded by fog, heavy fog. North out of Lafayette to Opelousas and then right. Turning east on the 190 goes smoothly. After that, I blame poor signage in the American South for my morning repeat of the lost path, just as I’ve experienced the last couple of evenings.

The sign for Highway 105 is either too small to see or is non-existent. I have to drive for what seems like 10 miles before being able to make a U-turn and head back. There it is, a sign no bigger than a pack of matches where I turn right to drive north on the 105.

Driving next to the levy of the Atchafalaya River from Krotz Springs to Melville, we see more blue skies with only minor spots of fog. Oh no, not again, not another detour! Why couldn’t they print on the map that the ferry crossing the Atchafalaya runs between 5:00 and 8:00 a.m. and then again from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.? Just why do we have to arrive when it’s not during those hours?


Should we go north or south? We could turn around and go back over the road we came on, or I choose the new road. I opt for new sights and drive the really long twisting detour north and then, in Simmesport, turn south to meet up with the road we should have been on.


An hour and twenty minutes of detour later, we got to where we needed to be. On the way, we took a slow drive through Simmesport, which Auntie swooned over as being a replica of her beloved Angola outside of Buffalo, New York. The family used to own a vacation cottage there next to the lake. Only my mom was missing from the picture; Auntie dearly wanted Mom to see how uncannily similar the two towns were to each other.

Lettsworth, Louisiana

Ghost towns of the Southwest are not that different from ghost towns here in the South except for the mold and the way the plantlife devours things that people built. Wood is wet and rotting, concrete is now green, and rusty brown roofs fall into crumbling walls. The trash from people who have squatted in these broken homes litters the grounds with beer bottles, empty cans, and an occasional splash of graffiti scrawled on disintegrating interior walls. This is what was left of Lettsworth, Louisiana.

Lettsworth, Louisiana

How long have these tattered curtains fluttered in the breeze as they seek disappearance? Whose hands sewed the once fresh, clean fabric that helped lend a sense of hominess to this dwelling that now lies empty? I try stopping at as many abandoned homes as time allows in my secret hopes of stumbling upon old memories forgotten and neglected along the road.

The town of New Roads is a nondescript, poor place on the way to the ferry taking us to St. Francisville. We are fourth in line, waiting to cross this river. The ferry is nearly visible out on the water, so we must have at least a few minutes out here. I get out to stretch my legs, scouting a location for a good photo.

It is a little too foggy again so I satisfy myself with a photo of some withered trees in the water.

Walking back to the car, the driver of a catfish delivery truck asks if I got a good photo. Not really, I tell him, though I’m unsure of exactly what I got. He says, too bad; I agree. I shared with him how amazing it was down at the water level seeing how fast the river was moving, to which he responded with: “Yep, that Mississippi gets a-moving.” Oh, I hadn’t realized that this was the Mississippi we were crossing. Well, that makes this ferry ride all the better, then.

After a few minutes, the ferry blows its horn on the opposite bank and is on its way back over here. Maybe 20 vehicles are driven on, a few more minutes pass, and we are on our way. Last year, Caroline walked across the headwaters of the Mississippi and then stood knee-deep a quarter-mile downstream; today, Auntie, Grandpa, and I cross this mighty muddy river not far from its terminus, where it spills into the Gulf of Mexico.

Into the lap of luxury is the contrast from the last town with St. Francisville here basking in the sun. This small town is a vacationer’s dream. Beautiful historic buildings with well-maintained homes, churches, and a vibrant business area all come together, working to scream at me to bring my wife back here at the first opportunity.

This is the Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site. Pressed for time due to our detours, we can’t visit the home or the gardens, and for the small entry fee, it doesn’t make sense for us to pay for a 10-minute view of the grounds. Surprise of surprises, the kindly lady at the front booth must have sensed this and allowed us to pass for free. She directed us to drive to the second driveway, where we would be able to sneak a peek at the plantation’s main home.

What a beautiful sight it was. The grounds are maintained with a focus on perfection. Flowers were in bloom, and the trees were freshly green. The original entryway to the home is a fenced-off tree-lined and -covered pathway with the house centered at the path’s end. Auntie and I fawn over its majesty while Grandpa, more in touch with his manliness, remains in quiet respect.

Now in need of a shortcut to make up for the lost time, I turn left on Louisiana 19 toward Mississippi in the hopes of getting on the 24/48 to the 98, which all looks bigger and faster than the winding roads I am currently navigating. That’s right; it happens again. I am about to detour us so we can lose even more time because this is becoming the primary means of getting to our destinations.

Outside of Wilson and just before Norwood, where we could have taken a right, we come upon two dozen cars stopped with a policeman ahead blocking traffic. Considering the traffic we have seen on these roads, this is a humongous traffic jam for this neighborhood.

Trying to be patient, we use the time for lunch. I make us each a sandwich from the food we packed just to be able to picnic along the road. Sandwiches made and nearly gone, some people have turned around and have given up on waiting. We do the same. We turn back on Louisiana 10 towards Clinton, but before we get there, it’s road construction time again.

Herbert Kurchoff at Camp Shelby Mississippi

Not too bad, just a single narrow bumpy lane for a few miles, and then it’s on to Road 67 into Mississippi. Sadly, no neat “Welcome to Mississippi” sign is seen at this tiny crossing. The first town we come to is Liberty, how fitting as we are now free to make tracks at 65 miles per hour in a nearly straight line to Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Just as we enter town, we turn right, following the 98 to the 49 South, where Camp Shelby is situated. As I was told on the phone prior to our visit, we are not supposed to enter through the north gate. Well, the sign said this way to the museum; maybe I misunderstood the lady speaking with a heavy Southern accent over the phone. I didn’t misunderstand: we were told to turn around and go down to the southern entrance.

Camp Shelby is where Grandpa did his basic training 63 years ago before shipping out for World War II. At the time, this camp in the forest was the world’s largest tent city. Grandpa was prepared to go fight the war and ultimately shipped off to New Guinea making his way to the Philippines before coming home.

Herbert Kurchoff and Eleanor Burke at Camp Shelby Mississippi

Grandpa was with the 155th Infantry Headquarters Company part of the DD (Dixie Division). He had originally come down for his first encounter with the South via a four-day train ride that delivered him here. Freshly married, my grandmother Hazel took leave of her job with Curtis Aircraft, where Grandpa also worked prior to his time in the Army, to join him until he shipped out.

Herbert Kurchoff at Camp Shelby Mississippi

The museum here houses a wonderful display of artifacts, equipment, and their environment that the soldiers back in those days would have been using. Not only World War II is featured but also how the camp contributed to World War I and its function in training troops for Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Desert Storm, and the current War on Terrorism.

Herbert Kurchoff at Camp Shelby Mississippi

An Army baseball cap with Camp Shelby embroidered on it, along with a book about the history of this place was bought by Auntie and me to give to Grandpa as souvenirs from his trip back in time.

We need to make tracks, and without further ado, we are moving south again. Highway 90 brings us to dinner midway between Gulfport and Biloxi. Aunt Jenny’s “On the Beach” Catfish Restaurant serves up the same thing we had for dinner last night. We all love catfish, so a second time around is a natural fit. This all-you-can-eat catfish dinner might have been a bad idea because, after nine pieces, I’m feeling a bit weighed down.

We check into Days Inn after having missed the exit off the I-10, road construction, and an accident obscured the ramp so I HAVE TO DETOUR YET AGAIN!!! This tragedy is becoming a comedy of absurdity regarding how frequently it is happening to us. Why does this so rarely or maybe even never happen with Caroline as my navigator?

In the morning, we will pick up my daughter Jessica from the Corry Station Naval Training Area in Pensacola, Florida. I can’t wait for her to talk our heads off with her 195 miles per hour 140-decibel, indecipherable onslaught of mouth sounds she probably believes are words. Auntie will likely have to turn down the hearing aids while Grandpa ratchets down the pacemaker after being bombarded and adrenalized by my progeny.

One last item for the day is a big thanks going to Caroline “Onstar” Wise for the righteous restaurant, weather, and road help she is providing from her secret location in the Desert Southwest.

Caroline at the Movies

Udupi Cafe in Tempe, Arizona serves yummy vegetarian south Indian cuisine

Rinku, Raenu, Gautam, and I went to see Bride and Prejudice tonight. But the evening started with a delicious dinner at Udupi Cafe on Scottsdale Road in Tempe. Krupesh, Rinku’s brother, drove down there with us, and we all got stuffed. I highly recommend the Gobi Manchurian. Krupesh chose not to see the film, so we girls piled into Gautam’s car, and we headed to Camelview Theatre. The film isn’t as bad as reviews had me believe. There were a lot of funny scenes, and we laughed almost through the entire movie.

Auntie and Grandpa Going to Florida – Day 3

Louisiana 2005

Day three, and we are up and out early with a quick breakfast at the nearly infallible Denny’s. As it was for the majority of yesterday, our skies are cloudy, overcast, and looming with the darkness of impending rains. So it goes; we trudge on across the breadth of Texas.

Leaving the 10 Freeway near Winnie, Texas, we are on Highway 73 headed to the 82, which will bring us to coastal Louisiana. A small road turns off to a swampy wetlands area known as a bayou down this way. It was the cypress trees with their unique shapes standing in the water with a glimmer of sun sparkling on the water that had us making the u-turn so we could gain a closer look.

Eleanor Burke formerly Kurchoff in Louisiana 2005

Grandpa and I start walking down the boardwalk over the water, grasses, and other water-loving plants that are lusciously green when Auntie decides she just might miss something and decides to join us. As Auntie and I approach the lookout, Grandpa, feeling the cold from over the water, is already on his way back to the van.

Auntie and I linger in the beauty of the cypress, spy an osprey perched in a nearby tree, and gaze into the dark water for signs of fish or turtles but find nothing.

Herbert Kurchoff and John Wise in Louisiana 2005

Not much further down the road, we cross a bridge tall enough to make Auntie squirm with vertigo. On the other side, we are now on the Intracoastal Waterway. Lunch today will be in a small roadside park. The timing was picture perfect as the sky started giving us our first peeks at blue skies.

Louisiana 2005

I’ll do my best to keep us on the Creole Nature Trail National Scenic Byway as long as possible as we crawl along the road to Lafayette.

Louisiana 2005

The day has come alive. We are away from the ever-present policeman looming in the background of Texas and are greeted by a Louisiana Sheriff who offers a friendly wave. The coast of the Gulf of Mexico and its white sand beaches offer life support, too, lifting my spirit that we are now on the more important part of this trip.

Birds are everywhere, from cormorants and blue herons to egrets and various songbirds. Occasionally, the sun pokes out of the clouds long enough to grab a photo with a more dramatic background than somewhat boring grey. Other wildlife in the stuck-to-the-highway-in-a-pile-of-stink variety is spotted here and there.

Louisiana 2005

At Holly Beach, a rush of warm memories comes over me. Caroline and I spent the longest time walking this beach collecting seashells. This is the greatest beach for shell collecting we have ever been on, and so today, I must pull over to collect a few for her. Approaching the water’s edge, I called her and turned the phone to face the water so she could listen to the crashing surf. I pine away about missing her, wishing she were with us; she tells me she now feels a hint of jealousy.

Louisiana 2005

I didn’t call her when we crossed over from Holly Beach to the Cameron side on a ferry she and I used on our last trip through here. Ferries are also a favorite of Caroline’s, especially those little ones on the Chesapeake Bay. Grandpa and Auntie loved the ferry trip; it was the first time on a ferry for either one of them in decades.

Louisiana 2005

Live oaks with Spanish moss and a cow just hanging out in the field looks like a good life to me.

Louisiana 2005

The nearly empty road is taking us north toward Lafayette for the night.

Louisiana 2005

One more stop to listen to the birds and catch the sun skimming over the water with dark clouds reflecting on the even darker waters.

Louisiana 2005

Before our final approach to Lafayette, I called “Onstar” for directional help. My experience goes sort of like this, “Hi,” “Hi,” “Would you Yahoo ‘best catfish in Lafayette’?” “Okay, you have these options…” “Thank you, Onstar, you are a lifesaver,” Caroline replies with a wry “Whatever, John.”

With the sun long gone, we planned on stopping at the Days Inn at University Avenue and the I-10. Oh God, I’m turning off of University and ending up on the freeway. Holy moly, it’s a repeat of the night before. Everything is under control; I try to reassure myself. I’ll just take the first exit, but that is a transition to Highway 49/167 going south. Okay, the exit after that, I’ll get off. Oh no, it’s the 90 East!

Hello Onstar, HELP! “Calm down, sir, and just go straight ahead, turn on the next street. Now, go about a billion miles because you are way off target, and then turn right. You are almost there, goodnight John, try to relax. Oh yeah, and more thing, that Catfish Shack place I recommended? Well, they are only open for lunch, but there is another place. Would you like directions?”

Louisiana 2005

That place was Julien’s Po-Boys, also on University Avenue, just down the road from us. I ordered a half shrimp half catfish po-boy and ordered Grandpa and Auntie the half a catfish platter to go. A nice surprise was that the half order of catfish was two filets, full order was four filets. I get back to our hotel with the food still hot.

My shrimp half of the po-boy is ok, the catfish side is excellent. Grandpa and Auntie are all eyes when they open their containers. Neither one of them could be any happier right now; they ooh and aah on every bite. Auntie offers me some of her dinner insisting it’s too much. I decline, and only two minutes later, her catfish is gone, apparently, she was hungrier than she thought.

The weather forecast for day four looks promising. Auntie’s legs are feeling much better, and she’s confident that we can carry on. We have driven 1,523 miles so far, only 3,000 miles remaining.

Caroline’s Desk Photo

A photo of John Wise and Caroline Wise on Caroline's desk at work in Scottsdale, Arizona

This photo turned out grainier than I’d hoped… It is the picture frame on my desk at work. I am not going to go into details let’s just say I spent quite some time today gazing at the photo. It shows John and me in front of the narrow gauge train in Durango in what I believe is 1998.

Tonight, I spent time at our friend Sonal’s house after stopping at Indo Euro. Sonal’s mom cooked up some Indian favorites of mine, including stuffed Brussels sprouts. Unfortunately, I was enjoying myself so much that I didn’t think of taking a photo. Being a daily blogger isn’t easy and takes practice!

Auntie and Grandpa Going to Florida – Day 2

Texas Sunrise

I sat up and stayed awake until I could hear the unmistakable sound of breathing from someone asleep. It was 4:30 before I was asleep again. It’s 6:30, and everyone is awake. It’s going to be a hard day.

Hard bagel, not really so much a bagel, but a chewy piece of dry bread that cream cheese will try to camouflage. Some fake orange juice water to wash it down, and we’ll call this breakfast. The dessert for this breakfast, or proverbial icing on the cake, is getting pulled over shortly afterward to be questioned if I was the culprit who kept Van Horn awake the evening of March 1st, 2005. No, it wasn’t me; I swear it was the freight train.

That would have been interesting getting pulled over for that, but I have to get pulled over for doing 6 miles an hour over the speed limit. I told the officer, sure, I know I was doing 81, maybe 82 in a 75 zone, but….? “Well, here in Texas, you can get pulled over for doing 1 mile an hour over the limit.”

I was asked to step out of the vehicle so as not to influence what came next. This officer asked my aunt and grandfather if they were being moved across Texas against their will. Are you f’ing kidding me? Does this guy really think I might be involved with human trafficking?

Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on a moped, a mile an hour was all that it would take, and then it’s considered that maybe I’m selling old people on the black market. But it was my lucky day as Eleanor and Herbert covered for me, and I was let off with a warning. I’ll just set the cruise control at 2 miles an hour under the limit for the rest of the day. Wouldn’t you know it, everyone starts passing me by.

How Texas law enforcement gets away with it, I’ll never know. Maybe it’s my out-of-state license plate influencing things? What is up with all these police in Texas anyway? I see them passing me in unmarked pickup trucks with red-blue lights under the cattle pusher mounted over the grill. They cruise by in sedans of various colors, primarily white, black, and grey. Squad cars line the roads next to and behind trees, on the other side of hills, and around corners; all of them with a driver just watching the traffic go by, looking for human traffickers pimping the elderly.

Later in the day, at a gas station, I asked someone filling his tank how he could live in Texas with so many police lying in wait around every corner. He laughed and said, “Good luck; you are up against three agencies vying for your tourism money-lined pocket.” There are state troopers, highway patrolmen, and local police all waiting to mop up some state revenue. I guess it costs a lot of money to fry so many folks on death row here in Texas.

Texas roadside

Oops, now anyone reading this will know I am a liberal. Nah, I’m just an American with a view. The guy at the gas station leaves me with a description of his favorite new t-shirt, “One Nation Under Surveillance.” And I thought all the kooks lived in Arizona, New Mexico, California, Oregon, and the other 45 states; now I know that Texas is kooky too.

We left the 10 Freeway at exit number 307 to see another side of Texas and also to avoid seeing so many law enforcement agencies on the prowl. The 190 going east through Iraan, Menard, and Mason is a great introduction to the hills of the Pecos region and the beginning of Texas Hill Country.

Texas roadside

Badgers, wild turkeys, owls, sheep, goats, cattle, and oil pumps are some of the wildlife we see on either side of the car. Dead wildlife populates this rural stretch of road, too. Skunk, raccoon, deer, feathers in clumps, and random fur make up the deceased roadside buffet, a veritable smorgasbord.

Texas roadside

The drive today ran into its first snag: Auntie’s legs weren’t feeling well. She props them up, covers them, and tries to do some minor exercises but has warned us that if they don’t feel better soon, we may be turning around early.

Texas roadside

The marquee at the old Odeon Theatre in Mason, Texas, couldn’t have been more appropriate with the title, Are We There Yet showing. With my fellow travelers getting a bit grumpy at the long rural drive, we head south here on the 87 to find the 290 so we can get to Austin as soon as possible and check into our motel for the night.

Texas roadside

The weather is dour which is okay as it fits the mood in the car. We just keep driving because Texas, being the giant state that it is, requires us to just keep going.

Texas roadside

A rest stop beckons, which, I should point out, features a star. Everything in Texas has a star on it, the symbol that represents the entire idea behind the Lone Star State.

After arriving in Austin, I checked in with a Gujarati guy who I quickly learned will someday soon be releasing his first music CD. Without time for small talk, I unload the car, bring Auntie to her room, and then do the same with my room. Yep, my room; Grandpa needs sleep, which he is certain he wouldn’t get any if he were to continue sharing a room with me. So, he and Auntie are sharing a room that, if I am not mistaken, will be 114 degrees before they fall asleep – if they fall asleep.

Before indulging in their hotel sauna/sweat lodge, we attempted to get some Chinese food delivered. They only deliver before 1:00. Okay, but it’s only 7:00 now. That’s 1:00 in the afternoon. Oh My God, Texas, let me guess, the police are on a late afternoon patrol for illegal Mexican Chinese food delivery people who are doing 40.5 in the 40 zones, so restaurants only deliver until the police wander out of the doughnut shops?

Bad thoughts make for bad times: this is a new proverb for Texas, I’m coining. I drive 3 miles south past a large freeway construction zone, make a U-turn, and follow the frontage road looking for ‘the’ street with the Chinese restaurant. Somehow, I miss it and am soon north of downtown Austin, approaching the airport, certainly an omen.

I call Caroline to be my eyes on the internet. I learned that I was on the wrong side of town. I make a U-turn and get back on the freeway to go back across town. I get off the freeway a mile from our hotel to fetch our aging dinner. That fast-food idea required an hour to order, drive to, wait, and drive back before we sat down to eat.

In the hour I was gone, Auntie and Grandpa managed to heat the room to a point where the nylon fibers in the cheap curtains were dripping into pools of plastic on the floor. I was able to endure the inferno long enough to wolf down my dinner. My beef and scallops had originally been a spicy dish, by the last fork fulls, it became Twice Cooked Beef and Rubber.

Out of their door, I stood looking like the Old Faithful geyser from Yellowstone due to the steam rising out of my clothes. Naked with white rice clinging to my beard, I return to my room in order to practice snoring loud enough that I’ll keep Grandpa awake, even if he is eight doors away around the corner. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t change a thing. If you could have seen my aunt’s face smelling the wildflowers, anyone would have changed places with me in an instant. I look forward to the coming days and wish my aunt good health so that we may be able to continue my first cross-country road trip with these two great relatives of mine.

Caroline goes Solo

The Snail mobile at work in Scottsdale, Arizona

This is Caroline, filling in for John while he is en route to and from the Sunny State. I managed to drive myself today quite nicely which was an enormous mental hurdle for me. The coming two weeks are a huge change for me, of course, and finding new stuff to post every day is going to be quite the challenge as well. If nothing else, you will find out a bit about the life of “the woman behind the man,” so stay tuned…