Mother-in-law Comes to Town!

Jutta Engelhardt standing in front of Memory Lane near Gleeson, Arizona

This is my mother-in-law; her name is Jutta Engelhardt. She lives in Frankfurt, Germany. In the middle of May, if all goes well, Caroline and I will pick her up at the Phoenix Airport. This will be her longest visit yet with us, about six weeks.

Soon after her arrival, we are scheduled to leave on a cross-country road trip. On previous visits, we have visited Yosemite National Park, Monterey, and Carmel, California; Las Vegas; the Grand Canyon twice; Chaco Culture in New Mexico, Monument Valley, and Tombstone, Arizona; hiked in Zion National Park; and made snow angels at White Sands National Monument. More recently, we visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, New Orleans, and the Everglades, snorkeling in the Florida Keys, drove the Blue Ridge Parkway, visited the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, where we hiked a short distance of the Appalachian Trail, been to Graceland, and Hot Springs National Park which is also the childhood home of President Bill Clinton.

This road trip has had more than 100 hours of planning go into the itinerary and looks like this: Drive hard and fast from Phoenix to Albuquerque, New Mexico, next day drive 825 miles to about 100 miles outside of St. Louis, Missouri. On the third day, we drive 846 miles to Ashtabula, Ohio, visiting Hermann, Missouri on the Missouri River, and the St. Louis Arch before passing over old highway 40 through Indianapolis and Cleveland.

On the third day of the trip, our sightseeing really begins as we slow down for the next two weeks. The first stop is Niagara Falls and a night in Buffalo, New York, followed by a visit to Ithaca along the Finger Lakes, then onto Vermont, New Hampshire, and then New Bedford, Massachusetts to visit the Whaling Village. Down the coast to Mystic Seaport before entering New Jersey for a visit to New York City to see Central Park and the Empire State Building.

Next, we take an early morning tour of the Statue of Liberty and visit the Amish area of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, followed by Washington, D.C., over Deleware and the Chesapeake Bay to Chincoteague and south to Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, and Cape Hatteras. We begin our trip back west with tours of the area south of the Great Smokey Mountains, continuing onwards towards Nashville to catch the Natchez Trace Parkway. After a couple of hundred miles on the Trace, we again drive west across Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, into New Mexico, and finally back to Arizona.

Over the remaining weeks, we tentatively plan on visiting Santa Barbara and the Channel Islands, a train ride on the old Cumbres & Toltec steam train from New Mexico into Colorado, and finally, a possible return visit to Las Vegas.

A New Pope

A road side shrine makes for the perfect stop near Miami, Arizona as the new Pope is announced

Driving from Phoenix to Cibecue and Showlow, I begin to enter Miami / Globe as the announcement that the new Pope will be the German Joseph Ratzinger, who took the name Pope Benedict XVI. I stopped at a small roadside shrine shortly after the announcement to capture the moment.

Highway 60 north of Globe, Arizona

Hello, from the summer of 2023, when I returned to this post for a photographic update. While I’ve explained this before, let me share that back in 2005 when I wrote the first brief paragraph and posted the photo, bandwidth limitations at that time made it difficult to offer more than a single image. Such were the days of dial-up modems.

Seneca Lake Recreation Area in San Carlos, Arizona

A single photo hardly represents a day, and so here I am embellishing this post with a number of images that hadn’t made the cut 18 years ago. As for the deer here, I spotted them at the Seneca Lake Recreation Area in San Carlos, Arizona.

Seneca Lake Recreation Area in San Carlos, Arizona

This defunct gas station/trading post and a bunch of buildings that belonged to the Seneca Lake campground have long been abandoned.

Salt River in Whitewater, Arizona

When driving north on Route 60, this is the first view you get of the Salt River.

Salt River in Whitewater, Arizona

The Salt River.

Becker Butte Lookout in Whiteriver, Arizona

This corner of Arizona is part of the Apache Reservation, and the photo is of the Becker Butte Lookout in Whiteriver.

Try as I might to discover where I saw this old church; I’m coming up empty-handed.

Possibly Route 260 east of Payson, Arizona

The original bit of text offered me the clue that this trip’s terminus was Show Low, but from these last two images; I have to assume that I drove home via Payson, as this is nothing I can remember from the Show Low area.

Possibly Route 260 east of Payson, Arizona

With this final photo, I’m done updating this post and hope it offers a better visual representation of the locations I visited over the course of the day.

Biggy Smalls is still dead

Sometimes, the dreams arrive in rapid-fire, and then months go by where I vaguely remember fragments. This morning, though, I’m pushed out of bed by a persistent high-tension drama. The dream started with me on an assignment to do a photoshoot. The guide to the location appears to be a national park ranger; he takes me to a run-down industrial area. After maneuvering through the empty buildings, neglected railroad tracks, and through broken fences, we enter a very large warehouse. The floor to the east, west, and south walls is covered in sand. The north of the interior is a large standing wave surging with more and less water that changes the height of the wave. Watching the water flow, it is confounding how, as it gushes with more water, the break at the shore stays at nearly the exact same spot. Looking for a place to start shooting, from the west wall, I make my way east when, on the crest of the wave, I spot two sets of large antlers. They are mating marine elk. They bob and dip in the rising and falling waters as they and other marine elk attempt their lovemaking in what looks like the most precarious position to do so. As I walk the beach, I try to avoid stepping on crabs, it turns out they are crab-like beetles. Except these don’t run away as people approach; they run for you. Caroline warns me of them on my back, and I try to show no concern, hoping that if I don’t think of them, they won’t bother me. Wrong approach; they are soon on my back, going down the back of my pants. I holler to Caroline to help. She picks them off me, and soon another 4 of them are crawling up my pants leg; I think one is under the front of my shirt; check my hair. I’m starting to get very uncomfortable and head for a door paralleling the wave on the north wall and enter a steep stairwell made of red brick. This is one of the two columns on either end of the structure where this 1000-foot-wide wave is crashing into the warehouse floor.

In the stairwell heading up over slippery bricks, the environment here could be from Escher with its large corners, misplaced windows, and openings going nowhere. Areas are lit with pastel colors, with corners lit with a gradient of light that begins in pink and gradually becomes blue. This looks like a perfect location for some dramatic photographs, but I am told this is not where the photos are supposed to be taken. I am not going back out into beetle land to fight with those pesky and sometimes painful creatures, so I quit and am soon back outside.

Coming down the hill is an SUV carrying a passenger who turns out to be the man I’ve been contracted by for this photoshoot. Biggy Smalls is in the backseat; I’m instructed to get in and drive. As we drive forward, menacing men approach the car, and unseen men sitting with Biggy in the dark of the backseat encourage him to shoot the man who approaches. There’s a constant undertone of voices telling him to shoot people as he and I try to discuss the logistics of finishing this difficult photoshoot. Biggy is reasonable but a bit one-track-minded regarding wanting these photos. As we approach the building with the wave inside, a large police vehicle arrives, and Biggy instructs me to throw the car in reverse and begin to make my way out of there.

Bullets are flying, and Biggy’s gang moves forward, firing as we back out, trying to make our way to safety. All of a sudden, the beetles don’t seem such a big deal compared to being in the crossfire. We drive north, but Biggy insists we dump the car as the police would have identified it at the scene we just left. So, on foot, Biggy and I walk with a light step through a rundown neighborhood of what appears to be squatters having taken over. Biggy peers into windows, cracks in facades, past doors falling off hinges; he is looking for a potential ally where we can take cover. Wrong door and it will be another enemy who will shoot Biggy dead again. I’ve known the entire time that this is Biggy in the afterlife. We continue to creep silently up the street until we both see cops a couple of hundred yards across the street, we try to slip to the left. Biggy tells me how, even dead, he’s a magnet for white hatred and law enforcement. Now we are being chased by the police, but we are on foot; this is surely going to end badly….I can no longer handle the tension and wake up.