This is Gabino of Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant; behind him is Tello, the cook. These guys make great Huevos Rancheros for breakfast, and for the past couple of years have fed me on many occasions, although not as much as I wish they would. Not only is the food good, but the guys are great, too; Mi Pueblo is a favorite.
Tuscany Home
A model of a custom home being built by Tuscany Homes owned by friends Mark and Dave of Cabo Pool and Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Out for Lunch
Jutta and I went for lunch this afternoon to the Tonto Bar & Grill in Carefree, Arizona. On the way in, we ran into Lani Randall of RockingHorse Jewelry, who laid heavy praise on Jutta’s daughter for all the great work and help she has been with Lani’s websites.
We had been on our way north for a drive somewhere or other, but jetlag still had the better of Jutta, so it was lunch followed by a nap.
Arathi School of India Dance
Today, we took my mother-in-law, Jutta, to a local high school for a recital from Asha Gopal’s students at the Arathi School of India-Dance. Featured above on the right is Hemu, the daughter of our friend Sonal. The performance of dozens of girls, young ladies, and a couple of moms lasted a few hours and was just stunning, entertaining, and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Dancing Street Adverts
Maybe the furry characters weren’t working as well, pulling in the customers and so on the streets of Phoenix, Arizona, so we are seeing more and more ‘normal’ guys holding advertisements. Almost frantically, they are getting downright funky, busting the mean groove. What happened to the happy chicken waving serenely?
After a very long flight from Frankfurt, Germany, that included a three-hour stop-over in Los Angeles, Jutta, my mother-in-law, is greeted by Caroline. It has been two years since she last visited. This will be her longest visit to America; she will be with us for six weeks.