The Kurchoff Way

John Wise helping paint a house in Scottsdale, Arizona

For 100 years following the immigration of the Kurchoffs to America, my ancestors, up to my Grandfather Kurchoff, were painters. Today, I picked up the mantel and continued that tradition when a friend asked for help painting a house.

A helper who had failed to show up for a few days necessitated that Brad find someone else who could paint trim; that was me. A novice for sure, but I knew the basics, so before the day was finished, I had painted the trim in five rooms and completely painted three bathrooms. Looks as though I might be helping again next week.

Cold Fusion User Group

Screen Capture from Arizona Cold Fusion Users Group web page

Today’s image is a screen capture of the Arizona Cold Fusion Users Group, which Caroline attends on a monthly basis. Not only does Caroline attend the meetings, but we also supplied the images used on the current site. On the left column of the screen, you will see a figure seated on a horse, that is from the Tom Mix Monument. The monument is on the side of State Road 79 between Phoenix and Tucson. Click Here to see our original image.


Heavy monsoon rains and high winds strike Phoenix, Arizona

The elusive monsoon strikes Phoenix, Arizona, with force this afternoon in what is becoming a rare appearance on these lands. Creating near white-out conditions, a strong wind from the north pushed sheets of water so fast that visibility was reduced to about 130 feet. The thunder and lightning that normally accompany the monsoon were fairly weak tonight, with only a few far-off strikes heard.


Recovering from the road trip that took me 7,230 miles from Arizona to New York and back, I need tylenol for a headache and water for dehydration

Leaving the humid northeast and midwest, I entered the southwest and seemingly forgot to keep drinking. Hydration in the arid desert is vital, and normally, I know this but exhausted from driving 7,230 miles (11.712 km), I forgot this to my own detriment, and the pain reliever only went so far to alleviate the pounding in my head brought on by lack of water. Lots of water and sleep finally revitalized me, for the most part.

Mother and Son Going to Buffalo, NY – Day 16


No repeat of the stench-filled feedlots found in the other corner of Texas that Mom and I drove through. Just a grain silo and a bunch of not much else. Time to hit the gas and haul ass to Arizona. I need a hug.

New Mexico

It was only about 30 miles to New Mexico. Feels like we’re almost home.

New Mexico

Remember those back roads we tried to stay on for the previous two weeks? Well, that preoccupation has been tossed out the window as we hunt for the cactus that will tell us we’re home.

New Mexico

This photo of monsoon clouds was taken at 80 mph (130 kph) through the windshield of the van traveling west on Interstate 40 in New Mexico. Yes, it was from the driver’s seat; I was driving – duh!


Woohoo, it’s Arizona, and again, with no time to stop for a photo, it must be taken as we drive by. The next stop is home, as this trip is now more or less over.