
Watching the surf come in this seagull eyes me to ensure I don't get too close.

This is a cheat and has been taken on one of the days I could get out to take some photos, but what the heck, it’s about the coast, and that’s where I’m at. Only, I don’t see the ocean on a daily basis, and do you really want to see the open-heart zipper scar my uncle has running down the middle of his chest? Yep, I’m still in Santa Barbara and will remain through Christmas.

Woody and Ann Burns Get Married

Woodrow Burns, Anna Mary Burns, and Woody's father Isaac Burnstein on my aunt and uncle's wedding day

Woody and my aunt Ann are joined by Woody’s father, Isaac, in this photo taken on my aunt and uncle’s wedding day back on August 3rd, 1946. Woody survived being hit by a train when he was 12, survived landing on Omaha beach during the Normandy invasion during World War II, and marched to the Battle of the Bulge, paving the way for him to survive 59 years of marriage.

Woodrow Burns, Anna Mary Burns, and Woody's father Isaac Burnstein on my aunt and uncle's wedding day

Update: In 2023 I ran this photo through Photoshops restoration and colorization filter.