During the past few weeks, my site has seen visitors from Singapore, Bangkok, New Delhi, Bombay, Hyderabad, Cape Town, and Hanoi, Vietnam. Lesser-known places where visitors have come from include Esfahan, Iran, and Arusha in Tanzania, along with Boliden, Sweden, Kapasigan in the Philippines, and Rabat, Morocco. Other visitors came in from Perth, Adelaide, and Sunshine, Australia, along with someone from Haifa, Isreal, and Santiago, Chile.
I love looking at the logs and seeing people stumbling upon my Photo of the Day blog, where they might get a look at some of the details of a couple of people living in Phoenix, Arizona. I only wish there were many other people out on the globe doing the same type of Photo of the Day blog for the communities they come from. What is daily life like in Sunshine, Australia, or Esfahan, Iran? Where do people go for dinner in Arusha, Tanzania? Have any good movies been shown recently in Hanoi? How was the drive to work for people in Johor Bahru, Malaysia – another one of my visitors came from there.
Do me a favor; if you have stopped by my site, maybe you were looking for something else, but here you are; tell me something about yourself and the place you are from. Take a second to look at some of my photos, or click on travels on the right and take a look at where my wife and I travel to before telling me of somewhere near where you live that would be a great place to visit or give me a recipe of one of your favorite dishes popular in your town.
If you’d like to start a website like this one, maybe we can help you out.