
A freeway underpass support column covered with goobers of snot and spit from people, probably men, waiting at a stop light in Phoenix, Arizona

This is the grossest ugliest photo of the day I have ever posted on my blog. You are looking at a freeway underpass support column that is covered with goobers. I can only imagine that this is the work of men, sitting at the stoplight with nothing better to do than clear their throat, suck some snot outta their noses and unleash this torrent of phlegm. Maybe women putting on makeup in their cars aren’t so bad after all.

Put Down The Knife!

Phoenix police stopping a young man outside our window after asking him to drop the knives he was carrying

Outside my window, I hear a voice of authority telling someone to ‘put down the knife, and the other one’. For a moment I was certain this young man was going to meet the Tazer as he challenged the officers with the classic ‘what’d I do?’ The officers had to request multiple times that he drop the weapon. Without further incidence and no one getting hurt, the guy is handcuffed, searched, and ultimately let go.