Fort Niagara, New York

Looking into a darkened cell at Fort Niagara in New York

During our first cross-country joy ride, we stopped at Fort Niagara in upstate New York on November 6, 2000, following our visit to Niagara Falls earlier on that beautiful Fall day. For weeks, we meandered on small roads, ending up in Bar Harbor, Maine, before turning southwest to amble back home. I hope you enjoy some old photos over the next week, as circumstances have prevented me from capturing a photo of the day.

In Came Vista

Storm clouds come in to Phoenix following yesterdays dust storm, early signs of the coming monsoon season here in Arizona

The storm clouds above brought rain. They, along with yesterday’s dust storm, are early signs of the coming monsoon season. And what blew in that will knock me out of updating my website for the next week? Microsoft Windows Vista.

Digg dot com made an announcement early in the day that Vista beta 2 would quietly be released this evening. So I rushed out using this as my excuse to buy an extra gigabyte of ram and a 300-gigabyte hard drive. Hey, I was down to my last 11 gigs! At 6:18 p.m. I check the Microsoft site and there it is, I click and in just a second the download has started and it is coming in at 154KB per second – for about 15 minutes. Then the world awoke. By 11:30 p.m., following 40 or 50 broken connections, I have a 3.13 gigabyte BROKEN copy of Windows Vista. Just to make sure it’s broken I jump through a dozen hoops and then I’m certain I’ll be downloading again. Only now it’s not that easy to begin a fresh download.

Ultimately I get a functional version, but my pc is hiccupping with bad capacitors which are causing 3 to 4 blue screen reboots per hour. So before I get to installing Vista, I obviously have to go return yesterday’s purchases and buy new hardware. Armed with a new Intel Dual Core 3.0Ghz D930 CPU, an Abit IF8 motherboard, 2GB DDR2 PC4200 RAM, 2 new 500GB SATA II hard drives, a nice quiet Antec Sonata II case, oh, and a Pioneer 16X DVD burner, well, I’m ready to tackle Vista.

But, Vista tackles me. It won’t recognize my hard drives as valid for install. It finds them, it partitions them, it formats them, it just doesn’t want to install itself. Format the drive for XP with another boot disk and I’m ready to go. Don’t install Kaspersky Anti Virus 5.0, you can’t stop it, it doesn’t function, you can’t even remove it. So I re-install Vista with Kaspersky 6.0, which works for a while, but then the entire Vista security center turns off. Within minutes I’m overrun with encroaching hordes of malicious crap. The sound won’t work correctly, but I need to use Skype, so here I come beta drivers for my Realtek sound chip – yeah like that’s gonna work. Did I tell you about my blue screen of death after trying the Aurora screensaver? Upon reboot the auto-check disk utility runs and finds a dozen corrupted files, did they get repaired? Is my installation gonna hold up? I haven’t mentioned that it is now Saturday the 11th of June – heck, it’s time to pull the plug and get back to business.

If you are reading this on or about the 15th and see there have been no Photo of the Day updates, it’s because I’ve been putting together this new pc and organizing, cleaning, purging, updating, and otherwise putting in great working order, my new Windows XP computer that is working fantastically.

Dust of Satan

A large dust storm blew into Phoenix, Arizona today. In this photo you can see the giant wall of sand contrasted against the blue cloudy sky

Our worst dreams have come true on this day of evil known as 6-6-6. Late in the afternoon, Satan made his – or her – appearance, kicking up all of the sands and dust to be found from Mexico to Phoenix and blanketing Arizona with a cloud so thick and hot that if you weren’t sure before, you were certain now that you are living in hell. The sun was blotted out, our lungs seared by scorching heat and dirt, and my fellow man was wiped from the face of the earth. Jesus had come and taken away nearly everyone but me – too bad, they returned as the dust settled. Wouldn’t you know it, turns out it was your common everyday old dust storm.

Motor Vehicle Department

The lobby of the Scottsdale Motor Vehicle Department

I had to exchange the license plate the Motor Vehicle Department sent me for the new Hyundai so we could keep our current vanity plate. I know a little secret though about avoiding anger at this renowned place of frustration – go visit the Scottsdale branch near Kierland where you will never wait more than 10 minutes and on any given day there can’t be more than 35 people in the place. So what does our vanity plate read, for those of you who don’t like me, it is “Eye H8 U2” and for those of you who like me, well, you know what it is because you see me all the time.

The Green Monster

The Green Monster wiener delivery van ready to roll

This is the Green Monster hot dog delivery van serving up Fenway Park dogs, heck the real monster is up on top of this thing ready to scare children and adults away. Click the photo to open the larger image and you’ll see that Mr. Dog in a Bun is applying ketchup to his head, need I mention that thing between his two feet, not that hot dogs are supposed to have feet, but this wiener is all man where it counts. Heck, is that really ketchup or might it be lube? Just what is this truck really about?

It’s Getting Melty ‘Round Here

A local home owner tries a large banner on the side of the house to draw attention to the fact it is on sale - in a market where selling a home is becoming more difficult by the day

Ok, so it’s hot outside, but the market for selling your home is getting downright cold. Drive around Phoenix and you will see two or three “for sale” signs on each block. On weekends you can easily see dozens and dozens of open house signs begging someone to come in and take a home off the market. This guy apparently fired his real estate agent and figures a giant wall side banner announcing his noisy main thoroughfare location on an acre lot will bring buyers in droves with the super low price of three-quarters of a million dollars or 360 easy payments of only $3000 per month.