I’ll be out traveling this week for business, so I figured it would be a good idea to get some decent clothes. It was hard for me to find anything! I just don’t like what is around and "fashionable" these days. I am tired of seeing the same 4 colors (brown, blue, white, orange) in all these chiffony tops that look like underwear… It took me hours to pick out one shirt – and some undies.
Home Alone Day 12 – Sweet, Sweet Guavas
A friendly customer at Indo Euro brought a bag full of guavas from the trees in her yard and Sonal let me have a couple. The large ones are Hawaiian, the small ones are an Asian variety. They smelled so sweet, it put a smile on my face all afternoon. And they tasted great, too!
Home Alone Day 11 – That’s Entertainment!
I found this poster a couple of doors down from Indo Euro. I love that this strip mall is so diverse! With a little more effort I could probably decipher this young man’s name in the Cyrillic writing and thus possibly find out somewhere online why he is so fond of heavy make-up.
Home Alone Day 10 – After The Storm
Last night’s thunderstorm was so loud it woke me up a few times while it was hovering over our house for an hour or so. A couple of times the thunder and lightning set off some people’s car alarms. In the morning, which was refreshingly cool (in the lower 80s), I stopped on the way out of the apartment complex to snap this picture of our “new pool”.
Home Alone Day 9 – Late Shopping Fix
After a long day at work, I whisked by Target on Frank Lloyd Wright and the 101 to pick up a couple of greeting cards. One for a co-worker recovering from surgery, and another one for my sorely missed spouse. The card pictured above is a birthday card, which I’ll eventually send my mother. It will be late of course, in true snail fashion.
Home Alone Day 8 – School Night
I’ve thought I’d stop at the public golf course next to my school, Paradise Valley Community College for a photo because they have a pretty fountain. I can see it from the road when I drive to work in the morning. I figured it would look nice in the setting sun. However, I never noticed before that it is turned off in the evening when the course closes. So here is the Paradise Valley Park Golf Course, sans fountain. Maybe I’ll be early enough one day to stop on my way to the office.