Today brought a conclusion to the 46th year of my life and the beginning of my 47th year. I mean to say that there are only 365 days to my 47th birthday as I am today 46, just as when we are born we are exactly zero years old.
Before sunrise, Caroline and I got in the car and drove to Superior, Arizona, and then on south on Highway 77.
The Asarco Ray Mine and a number of other mines in the area used to drive the economy out here. The smelter seen in the top photo is slowly being removed and the earth remediated.
What can’t be repaired is the dire situation regarding job opportunities out along Highway 77. This old crumbling relic was found on the Florence-Kelvin Highway.
There will be no renovating this kitchen.
As is our routine when traveling this road, we just have to pass down yet another old street in one of the old towns still hanging on. At times we find very well kept homes such as this one getting into the Easter spirit.
The first time we passed through Hayden, remnants of the old gas station that was once here was still standing.
But like the rest of Hayden, it’s slowly all disappearing.
Lucky for us, Giorsetti’s Superior Grocery is holding on to their place here in Winkelman but our favorite brand of tortillas, Maria’s, was not so lucky. Mi Pueblito has filled the gap and is doing a great job too, but they are no Maria’s.
It wasn’t our sole intent to drive 110 miles just for tortillas, our ultimate destination was Canyon Wren Ranch in Aravaipa Canyon.
Through the desert down the dusty road and across a small creek, we drove and drove until we found the ranch.
Cathy Gorman raises Churro sheep and it is lambing season. Seeing we had never visited this corner of Arizona it seemed that today was as good as any to do so.
You can bet that Caroline wanted ALL the wool.
Heck, I think she might have even enjoyed bringing a little lamby home with us for a few days.
On the other hand, this big old guy should just be left alone as I don’t have horns to butt heads with nor do my balls come close to comparing to that magnificent wooly pair hanging low.
Just a whole lot of awe going on here.
Passing through Winkelman again on our way north, I couldn’t help but check out some old buildings on the west side of town. Beautiful in its own right but highly unlivable. This was my birthday and it was awesome.