A few days ago my daughter Jessica called while approaching Texas on a drive across America and reminded me that she was soon to arrive in Phoenix. Funny how these little things slip the mind. Really, tomorrow? Uh, aren’t you going to visit your mom first? I’ll stop there on the way back to Florida, ok. After nearly four years my progeny was stopping in. I know it seems like a long time not visiting one’s child but she’d been busy with the Navy, getting out of the Navy, getting married, working, and generally trying to find her own person while living in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Her husband had some training in San Diego to tend to along with about six weeks of vacation before reporting to his new duty station in Florida, so Jessica hopped into the Hyundai with Sparky the Dog and tried driving non-stop across the United States. She nearly made it, too, but sleep overtook her in Texas.
As the hours of her arrival shortened, my nerves began to fray. Oh my god, what should I expect? Does she have facial tattoos, piercings, brands, does she smoke, drink, do drugs du jour? Nope, none of the above. OK, an occasional drink but other than that she could almost be considered old-fashioned normal. Pride arose in me. Maybe I wouldn’t have to work to make her uncomfortable so she’d leave before she got situated. Instead, we began enjoying the conversation and catching up with what transpired over the intervening years. We got along so well it looked like she might even stay two days in Phoenix.
The second day gave way to a third, a fourth, and a fifth. We visited Rinku and Yagnesh who were soon to be married and had dinner with them. We visited Tonopah Rob’s farm and had lunch with Rob and Jerry. Jessica requested we have pani puri on one of the nights of her visit, an Indian snack she’d enjoyed on a previous visit. We looked at our travel photos, talked about some of the books she was going to borrow from my library, and she listened to a lot of the music Caroline and I have in our collection. Before she left I drew up an itinerary for her and Caleb, her husband, to take as they finished up in San Diego.
The plan called for them to drive up the California coast to Monterey, passing through San Francisco, visit the Muir Woods, continue north through Pt. Reyes on to the Redwoods before going to Oregon and taking a jet boat up the Rogue River. After visiting Oregon they would spend time with Caleb’s family in Montana and then drop into Yellowstone before staying one night in a tent cabin in the Grand Teton National Park. Their road trip would continue south through Utah into Mexican Hat, Monument Valley, across Four Corners into New Mexico, and then Texas for a visit with Jessica’s mother – Sheila.
It was so nice visiting with her, playing with Sparky, and talking with Caleb on the phone. Unfortunately, I’ve not had the chance to meet him yet, but from those who have it seems I’ll be honored to meet the guy, he made a terrific impression on my great aunt and uncle in Santa Barbara who they dropped in on as they drove north in California. Caroline and I are hoping to visit Jessica and meet the son-in-law over Thanksgiving this year as we are planning on being in Georgia over the holiday. I dare say, my daughter has the potential to do well, my fingers are crossed.