Today, we tripped into a new light-bending paradigm, secret software with a secret sauce that we have to remain mum about. This is literally the very first thing we painted with it, and we’ve only scratched the surface or etched its Normals if you are of the 3D digital artist persuasion. We’d love to tell you more, but maybe we’ve already shared too much. A new kind of fun will arrive next year, and it will blow plenty of minds, and all without the benefit of drugs.
Education On The Light Plane – TimefireVR
Visions of the new school. Our classroom will only exist within the electronic bits that pulse particles of light into the ether that lies between the flat panel and the optic nerve. We’re taking the instructor and turning him into the digital character of our choice; no one is afraid of computer monsters around here. We’ll materialize the software of our choosing into a virtual reality playground that enters the third dimension, maybe the fourth, if any of you can point us to the right download. You’ll walk between tools, grab the ax size paintbrush and slash brushstrokes onto the canvas, kick virtual buckets of color into space, and you can forget about finger paints as your hands do the fancy-dance frenzy to smear the image into a psychedelic landscape. Learning will become a physical exercise in our new world.
Right now, we’re amateurs, painfully aware of that status, too, but we’re not standing still. The computer industry has given us scissors that have been trained to cut up reality, and we’re running as fast as we can with them. Taking our cue from the many innovators, inventors, and thinkers who have created this digital age, we are using their inspiration as the textbook and video tutorial for what our next steps have to be. We bow down before the countless super-minds who have invented the algorithms that bend the light of the universe to our liking, and we thank each of you.
Hanging Out
Nothing to report from the last days being home with Jutta hanging out with us. We’re trying to keep it simple and my mother-in-law seems adequately entertained just being here. Caroline is working on new pillowcases for us, the fabric is in front of her on the left.
On The Pacific Ocean
We stayed overnight near Camarillo so we’d be near our departure point on the Pacific Ocean.
Caroline, Jutta, and I were on board a boat heading out to the Channel Islands.
It was a perfect day.
With calm oceans, the sun shining, and a slight coolness in the air, but for a late November day, it was perfect weather.
When we arrived at the islands, the step to get off the boat was a bit precarious and left me more nervous than Caroline and her mom. With some cajoling, I convinced them it was better to stay on board. Lucky for us, the Captain of our craft was good with that and took us on a slow tour of the island.
We learned more about the history of the island and efforts to preserve it. Spotted this natural arch and some scuba divers who were close to the mouth of the inlet.
The waters were obviously clear. On a nearby rock outcropping, a bunch of cormorants were sunning their wings, just enjoying the day as we were.
I have to admit that it was often difficult to see the still hurt little girl inside my sometimes brusk mother-in-law. She didn’t really want to have a sense of humor, but she knew how to laugh, and it’s always been a delight when it comes out of her. I never really know if she enjoys everywhere, we take her or if she’s just happy to hang out with us and see our happiness. I’ll miss this smile when it’s gone; I hope it lives on within me for the rest of my life.
I cannot tell you how this smiling woman is gracing me with such a beautiful gaze, but I know I love her dearly. Today was a bit difficult because of me as I really kind of insisted we stay on the boat, and they both knew I was a bit disappointed. They tried reassuring me that we should try to have Jutta step off the boat but my sense was too strong that Jutta’s strength wasn’t there if she were to slip. So, through what likely appeared as gnashed teeth, I told them I was fine. They both knew better. Not to say we didn’t have a great time on the ocean exploring the island from near the shore but they know I can be difficult. It’ll weigh heavily on me that these memories of not always being easy to deal with.
Back on land and down south, we stopped in at the Red Lion Tavern in the Silver Lake district of Los Angeles for some German food. Not only did my mother-in-law finish that big dark beer but she had a couple of shots of Kirschwasser, and I think it was those two drinks that did her in as she was pretty tipsy as we were leaving. The day closed out with us checking into a motel before heading back to Phoenix the next morning.
Jutta in the California Desert
After a good long rest to get over jetlag, we were on our first getaway with a weekend trip to California.
Our first stop was at the Joshua Tree National Park.
We took our time strolling through the desert so Jutta gets a nice close look at the details of what lives here.
From dragonflies to tarantulas, we spotted more than a few signs of wildlife calling this home.
I’ve said it before, but it bears saying again: it might have taken me a long time to get my mother-in-law to show us a natural smile, but she finally got it figured out.
Along the way, Caroline has been doing a workbook so she could earn her Junior Ranger badge. While Jutta is actively participating in helping Caroline, the prize will be Caroline’s alone.
Back at the visitor center, Caroline turned in her research and studied answers and was once again sworn in as a Junior Ranger.
Mother and Daughter
This visit with Jutta will be different than all of her previous vacations to America. This is a slow trip. During the other times in the United States, we always had epic road trips across America in order for her to catch up on a lifetime of never having been here. We wanted her to see as much as possible and so we took her to New York City and the Statue of Liberty, the White House in Washington D.C., the Florida Keys for snorkeling, New Orleans, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Alcatraz, and a thousand points between. With her hip limiting her mobility and her strength not what it used to be, we are taking it easy and just letting her spend time with us in our normal routine. Of course, there will be some short excursions but nothing too taxing.