TIMEFIRE – What it means

TimefireVR Eyeball Logo

The complicated but short answer is we are Temporal Immersive Multidimensional Enlightenment For Intraspecific Rebirth Emergence.

Let’s tease this apart:

TEMPORAL is understood as things relating to worldly affairs to material existence; it is secular as it relates to time as opposed to eternity.

IMMERSIVE is where we generate a three-dimensional image that appears to surround the user. This comes from the word “Immerse,” which means to be fully involved in an activity or interest.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL involves several dimensions or aspects. For example, while existing in the real world, we can now experience a multitude of virtual worlds, too.

ENLIGHTENMENT can be seen as finding insight and understanding. It is awareness, wisdom, education, learning, and the acquisition of knowledge.

FOR – conjunction bringing these ideas together

INTRASPECIFIC occurring within a species or between individuals of a single species; between us.

REBIRTH – the action of starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival.

EMERGENCE is the process of coming into view or being, of becoming important or prominent, being exposed after being concealed.

Our goals are that lofty; they must be as we are exploring a new language of communication using Virtual Reality. Not only might our name appear pretentious once you understand its meaning, but the engineers who are a part of this collaborative effort are referred to as Geometric Ontological Designers. They are a new class of scientists/artists that, as the description suggests, are trying to make sense of this visual paradigm that has no precedence in the history of humanity. As such, they are creating new worlds, cities, and creatures in a digital cosmos that is about to enter the consciousness of all of us. This age of TIMEFIRE is the beginning of witnessing the infinity of our minds.

System of Wisdom – TimefireVR


There will be no slack intellectual conformity here. We are engaged and evolving; we are on a trajectory forward. An age of disconformity is being born; it’s called Virtual Reality.

Should you decide to take residence in Hypatia, you will be held to the highest expectations, for our citizens transcend the banalities of late 20th-century laziness and enter the sublime future where complexity and social engagement are measured by mindful participation.

“Smart” is not based upon archaic measures designed in the early industrial days of the 19th century; we are auto-didactic; we teach ourselves. There is no more secret knowledge; there is only temporary ignorance. The path to enlightenment is now a gesture and investment in one’s own time away. We must teach one another the joy of being hungry for learning. Language, music, art, and other creative endeavors are our currency. Wealth is measured by the creative output and experiences displayed by the mind.

One cannot join this revolution without the full engagement of the 100 billion neurons sitting in their head. We do not often reflect on the idea that our brains are capable of storing the equivalent of between 20 million and possibly more than 2 billion books of information. Maybe David Deutsch, in his book, “The Beginning of Infinity,” is correct that we are on the cusp of the discovery of the infinite due in large part to our exploration of information and the assignment of meaning to all things, which is leading us to an intellectual landscape undreamt of until now.

Then, I posit that knowledge will bring us to a system of wisdom and that VR is the mechanism that, through its immersive nature, will become a teaching tool that exceeds all previous methods of book-transferred information.

In the earliest days of humanity, knowledge was transferred orally between us, and we were slow to advance. With the onset of the enlightenment and, subsequently, the Industrial Revolution, we started making leaping bounds forward in our ability to comprehend the world around us. This was facilitated by books, greater communication, film, and ultimately our smartphones. Some may believe we have reached a pinnacle with these advancements, but the rapid evolution of our scientific minds is not finished.

What will the merger of all media into a virtual universe bring us? One day the entirety of reality may exist for someone to simply ask for any idea or process to be brought forward in an immersive display, the request satisfied instantly, on-demand.

I suggest that these moments will come to be known as the Great Disconformity, the point where humanity separated from its industrial roots to take the quantum leap forward, becoming the people who started altering the very universe.

This is an enlightenment of a new generation, and as a young person, you have an option; participate and evolve or go extinct, and for those unable to adapt, you may be bound to share the fate of the Neanderthals.

Quantum Foam in the VR – TimefireVR

Quantum Foam of VR

Where exactly does Hypatia exist? It lives in the place in-between, beyond the three-dimensional Euclidean space we currently know.

This city is not in the organic world of matter that we know; it “grows” in the quantum foam, where we find the very foundation of the fabric of the universe. It is sandwiched between the technology that humanity has brought forward and our own existence as sentient beings. We are introducing a reality that may someday compete with our ideas of what’s real.

We barge into this alien world known as VR and cannot be certain we will not alter the space-time continuum. Back in 1439, Johannes Gutenberg introduced moveable type; he could have never imagined the electronic moveable type we use today, where photons are emitted through a glass layer powered by a wafer-thin battery you may be reading this with – we call it a smartphone. For him, this magic might have broken his ideas of the space-time continuum and what reality meant to someone in the 15th century.

Here in the early days of the 21st century, we are about to sling the mass of reality into the space between. In the millimeters from our eyes and a new kind of tele/microscope, we will aloft Hypatia into existence. The perception and meaning of it will be yours to discover.

What will exist in those moments of virtual habitation and observation may defy known physics and phenomena; you will be an explorer of the unknown.

We bring discovery, curiosity, and intellectual wandering directly to your imagination. We will challenge your mind to comprehend the untrammeled reality that lives in the in-between, in the quantum foam of potential. Welcome to the new space-time continuum of Hypatia.

Social Networks – TimefireVR


Social Networks. This is not a concept that came to humanity with the emergence of Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter. The Social Network is an essential part of the fabric that defines our very culture, and it stretches back many millennia to the beginnings of our use of symbolism.

In caves, on beads, and on cliff walls, we find markings, images, and other traces of messages left for others. This form of artistic communication transcends space and time and is some of the earliest proof that humanity was building a primitive social network. You see when someone leaves “graffiti” for others to come across at some future point, they have left an implicit message, “I existed, and I leave you this clue to my having been here before you.” This brings the visitor into the social web of having shared the same space with the original poster.

As society has evolved, we strove for better communication that would give more effective insight as to who we were. Using cuneiform symbols and, later on, hieroglyphs, we started leaving exacting details about our history and accomplishments. Sculpting arrived about 2300 years ago, while woodblock printing came to us 1,100 years after that. As technology improved, we witnessed the 15th-century arrival of the printing press using movable type, but still, we would need another few hundred years for the steam engine to help launch mass production and give us the ability to print lots of newspapers and books that would in-turn allow greater sharing and distribution of information.

These accomplishments were essential in allowing us humans to share knowledge as it pertains to history and for the creation of literature that would allow us to dream forward about what the future might look like. We were well on the road to a global social network.

Approaching the 21st century we witnessed an explosion of communication technology. Radio, movies and TV, the phone, the Internet, and, more recently, the smartphone have all been instrumental in networking our globe. The people that we reach out to in far away places, sharing conversation, photos, and cat memes, form our new social network – it is immediate and spontaneous. Often, though, our view is clouded by brand awareness by defining the social network as something that resembles Facebook.

Bruno Latour, in his book, “Reassembling the Social – An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory,” attempts to bring clarity to this complex idea by letting us know that the social network is not simply the closed system of interactions between known actors in a particular location. The network is complex and is now likely impossible to define as the breadth of global inputs from our modern communication and entertainment system is working dynamically and chaotically to connect people independent of systems of association and geographic proximity.

This is an important concept because as we humans start to explore Virtual Reality, we are closing the final gap between information and experience. From early history leading up to today, we have been observing the world and building experiences based on our physical location and access to scarce resources. This required our proximity to or observation of landscapes, artifacts, images, videos, and lectures about the particular subject matter. From this, societies and organizations would arise, allowing like-minded participants to share their particular curiosity.

With the advent of VR, all are welcome to visit the cave of the mysterious image. Every one of us will be invited to interpret newly discovered hieroglyphs from places that only exist in the imaginations of those sharing their art. As experiences are a large part of how people illuminate culture and history, we can project that the form and substance of global communication will need to change as it responds to millions of new vantage points brought on by VR. The shared environment will no longer be locked to a geographic locality or certainty about cultural perspectives. Our written and visual languages used to interpret this new social network will need to evolve as rapidly as the art and tools that are producing this shift.

It is in our nature to leave a mark, be it momentarily in the dirt, like a handprint on a cave wall, maybe with pigments on a canvas, or as little letters printed on the screen before you. What will this all mean when our mark is left upon this new type of reality? What kind of culture and history will we create? Where will our art be found by future generations who explore the places we have been while immersed in Virtual Reality? How will they interpret our social networks that will have continued to reach out across space and time?