Alsek – Day 2

On the banks of the Dezadeash River in Yukon, Canada at sunrise

Caroline first wakes me due to a call of nature, quickly followed by someone walking near our tent as if they were looking for the unit (toilet) as well. Maybe an hour later, Frank is earning his nickname by calling out over camp, “FIRST LIGHT!” meaning the sun has struck a nearby peak. Time to put the mobile hotel room away. I’m still in the tent when Caroline brings me my first cup of coffee and reports that Thirsty is in the kitchen making blueberry pancakes and bacon. The sleeping bags and pads are quickly put back into dry bags and are being shoved out of the tent so we can start taking them down.

Caroline Wise on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

It’s a bit cold out here this morning, enough so that we can see each other’s breath. Before long, we are back on the water, and the sky is clearing.

The confluence of the Kaskawulsh and the Dezadeash rivers is right in front of us in Yukon, Canada

Up ahead is the confluence of the Kaskawulsh and Dezadeash rivers, where their combined flows become the Alsek. At the center of the horizon at the water level is a tan patch of ground that we are aiming to stop at for a short break. I should point out that the water level is a lot higher than when Caroline and I came down this river five years ago, not that this matters for what happens next. We should always be paying attention when on remote adventures and when on high water, which means that currents are moving faster, we have to be incredibly alert. Apparently, I could have been more attuned to the situation because as we approached the landing and I prepared to step off the raft with the tie-up rope, the current rotated us about a quarter of an inch or just enough that instead of landing on solid ground I slipped down the submerged cut-bank and I found myself sinking quickly into 34-degree water. Looking for a hand to help me get out of the ice bath I was undertaking, I was able to grab hold of the raft before the water level reached my bottom, and with the help of others, I was quickly back in the boat. All I could do was empty my boots, wring out my socks and liners,  and accept the feeling of sheepishness that such a dumb mistake happened.

The beginning of the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada as we leave the Kaskawulsh and Dezadeash rivers behind.

The view may look similar to the previous photo, but we are now officially on the Alsek River, which is truly big today. Along the way, we found some shallow water, so shallow that we scraped the bottom, and our raft pivoted around the spot that was caught. One always hopes that the raft will simply let go and resume traveling, as getting out of the raft in the water is never desirable. It remained cold out on this braided river right up to the point we landed for lunch.

Our lunch stop off the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

With our stop came a bit more sun which helped to warm the breeze. We were here about an hour and a half before taking off again down the river. While here, in addition to lunch, we explored the area; some went for a short hike, and others took a nap. Lunch was sandwiches of turkey or roast beef, chips, cookies, and orange slices.

Cliff side detail next to the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

This may not be a great scenic view for anyone other than geologists, but it is one of the many less-than-photogenic details we find ourselves staring at while going down the river. The earth here is far more active than in the cities we live in, which is easily witnessed by the many rock slides, fading and surging glaciers, changing river beds, and this torn-apart cliffside. There’s a story in those layers of rock that tells of the materials that were laid down and what kind of events were going on over the course of their development, but that will remain a secret today as that geologist who could decipher this was not on the river with us on this day nor with me as I write this.

Looking south on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

On the left of this image is the cliffside I posted above; as you can see, as a part of the larger view, it can be a spectacular part of the landscape. From here, we’ll find a shore that looks conducive to collecting wood for tonight’s fire. Once we have enough, we wrap up three bundles and mount them on the rafts as a kind of river hood ornament and hope they don’t fall off. Sure, they are tied down, but they bounce a lot, and I often find myself wondering just when one will fall into the river. The clouds remain all around us with scattered blue patches, but where the sun burns through, it goes far to warm the day and make us cozy as we meander downstream.

Turbulence in the Alsek River in Yukon, Alaska

The boatmen remain vigilant, looking for the right channel to take us downriver. With enough flow, the current does much of the work and makes the rowing easier. This can be foiled by a strong headwind. If you’ve been on a couple of river trips, you’ve heard the stories of rafters needing hours to make progress when rowing into fierce headwinds just to make a mile before giving up and getting off the river. I’m hesitant to mention my sciatica because acknowledging it may only make it worse. I can’t blame it on the dip into the river earlier in the day because I was feeling it flare up a couple of days before, but now it’s starting to make itself known. There’s a level of discomfort in standing and walking; nothing to do out here but grin and bear it.

Meandering through the landscape in Yukon, Canada on the Alsek River

I’ve looked over at Caroline a hundred times today and caught a smile from her an equal number of times. Her smile inspires me to send her one in return. There must be something about a woman in green rubber that is especially appealing to me. The silty water glistens behind her, and the wind whips her hair about her face; she looks especially cute at these moments. She helps row with one of the small paddles and occasionally appears to get lost, staring deep into the water. I can’t help but appreciate how Caroline helps shoulder my load, making every effort to make my trip all the better; such is life with the occasional bad back. Time for me to help paddle into the wind.

Steve Alt aka Sarge on the Alsek in Yukon, Canada

This is Steve Alt, a.k.a. Sarge. He’s the reason this particular group of travelers has made this journey. About a year before, he contacted a bunch of people and asked if we’d like to join him in celebration of his 70th birthday out on the Alsek. Caroline and I met Sarge the day before we put in on the Colorado River back in 2010 he was the first person from that trip we met. He introduced himself and said we looked like people who were about to raft the mighty Colorado through the Grand Canyon; he was right about that. Sarge gets his nickname from the time served in Vietnam as a Marine. We also rafted the Yampa River in Utah with him. Sarge has a river buddy in Frank, a.k.a. First Light. These two seem inseparable when it comes to rivers, and it probably also has something to do with both having been Marines. We were nervous Sarge might not make this trip as he was having some serious knee issues earlier in the year, but here he is, big grin and all.

The Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

When you are out here traveling only a little faster than the current, this all speeds by too fast. While Caroline and I will take some years off from looking at these images, when we do return to them on some random occasion, they will be welcome reminders of an adventure we took. Although we find ourselves in the pictures, we are incredulous that we have been so lucky to have done something so extraordinary. These notes I take on the river add to the narrative’s details that photos alone cannot capture: how incredible our lives are that we can leave ourselves these breadcrumbs to spark our memories of the amazing moments we’ve been able to share.

Nearly submerged trees along the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

This is the south end of a beach that is fully submerged and where we would be parked for the night. The last time Caroline and I were here, Bruce, who was on that trip too, had to fix a leaky raft at this very spot. Having already stayed at this location on that previous trip, it is perfectly okay with us that we find a new campsite, and so we paddle on; plus, who wants to sleep in the water?

A cut-bank on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

A great example of a cut bank and likely very similar to what was hidden by the water yesterday when I stepped out of the boat and couldn’t find the ground.

Our campsite at Lat: 60.471250 Lon: -137.814066 off the Alsek in Yukon, Canada

Tonight’s campsite is at latitude: 60.471250 and longitude: -137.814066 – thanks, Jill, for those exact location details. With the elevation at 1758 feet above sea level, we are 138 feet lower than we were the night before; by the end of the trip, we’ll be a mere 16 feet above sea level. The raft configuration you see in this photo is the “just emptied the rafts, and the boatmen are taking a pow-wow” kind of thing. This happens almost every night and is often accompanied by libations in honor of the river. The rest of us are off setting up our tent, taking a bath in ice water, reading, or having a drink ourselves.

Pauly Borichevsky on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

Shadows drift across the mountain peaks, moving almost as slowly as the landscape changes. The sun glistens in a blinding glare on the fast-flowing river that is nearly silent save for the wind-driven ripples creating small waves that make gentle crashing sounds. It’s summer, and it feels like it with wildflowers in abundance, along with the flies, mosquitos, and the ants that call this camp their permanent home. Occasionally, someone walks by the bright, sparkling water, and only their silhouette can be seen. Everything is wrapped in beauty here during the golden hour.

We rehash our lives, explain who we are, and try to find some common ground. We start with our careers, move to sports or television, and turn to our kids or grandchildren. We seem to have a poverty of language to discuss where we are and describe what we are witnessing. Maybe it’s that the experience is too far beyond what is in our normal reality and that the ability to codify these infinite moments cannot be expected of people who live such diametrically different lives than the one being lived on a river. Ailments and politics are the next subjects of the conversation du jour; in this environment, they are as banal as the previous subjects.

Camping on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

What about exploring the quiet? Or exploring our sense of what nature means to us and this relationship with the spectacular feeling like a symbiosis that demands we return again and again? Or is the gravity of our time here too heavy to look within because, in comparison, we are too insignificant?

Frank Kozyn and Steve Alt washing dishes on the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

Dinner came and went, but before everyone could drift off to sleep, the dishes must be done. Before leaving our home states and countries, Frank and Sarge had made it clear that they would be doing the dishes and that there would be no arguing that point. So here they are doing just that, like they did the night before, and will do so for the next ten days. With that out of the way, it was time to sit around the fire once more.

Night time on the Alsek in July in the Yukon, Canada

Today was timeless. The world as we know it happened, and up until a few minutes ago things were occurring because they were supposed to as ordained by nature. Now it’s getting late; I only know that because someone felt compelled to share what time it was, although some of us came out here not wanting to know such details. The sun is just below the horizon; this could be interpreted as a sunset. Some people have started heading off to sleep. Caroline is chatting with Keith while knitting my next pair of socks. Willie, Frank, and Sarge are also chatting, but Frank departs the group, and the other two will follow shortly. Stephen is packing up his luxury chair; more about that later. Echo and Bruce head to their tent, and Pauly is nowhere to be found. I hate to admit it, but I’m tired too. Time to give in to time.

Alsek – Day 1

Mountain Travel Sobek vehicles delivering a bunch of adventurers to the put in of the Alsek River in Yukon, Canada

Before getting to this curve in the road, the lot of us who were embarking on this 12-day journey down the Alsek River woke early this morning and were ready to go by 8:00 a.m. Electronic gear such as Fitbits, phones, and computers was left behind and would rejoin us once we landed in Juneau, Alaska in nearly two weeks. While we leave civilization behind, we are effectively dragging elements of luxury down the river with us: shelter, fire, food, great companionship, and toilets. We will also be treated to some of the best water, most beautiful scenery, and adventure found on a grand scale. Before we could get to all of that, though, we had to move through two border stations for the American and Canadian governments and then a lunch stop at the Kluane National Park and Preserve Visitor Center in Haines Junction, Yukon, Canada. Off the road, a few miles from the visitors center, we drive as far as our large van can travel due to the depth of Bear Creek (seen above) and then have to transfer to our high-profile all-terrain vehicle that’s able to pass through and start ferrying our gear to Serpentine Creek where the rafts have been being set up for the past couple of hours.

The Alsek Valley Trail in Kluane National Park Yukon, Canada

We have two options: wait with the van for the return of the SUV or start walking. We chose walking. The Alsek Valley Trail will take us to Serpentine Creek, but it’s an 8km trek or about 5 miles. We couldn’t have asked for better weather on our put-in day; it’s so warm it could almost be called hot out here. While Caroline and I had nice weather in the Alaskan interior, the same couldn’t be said for the days preceding our departure out this side of the country. So, with the need to break out the sunblock and slather it on now done, we get our hiking boots on and start walking.

Caroline Wise and John Wise posing for a selfie in front the Kluane National Park sign in Yukon, Canada

It was a wise choice deciding to walk because there was no way we would have convinced the group to stop at this Kluane National Park sign so we could indulge ourselves with a selfie. You might notice this ragged blue shirt I’m wearing. This shirt was worn down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, on the Yampa from Colorado to Utah, and on a previous trip down the Alsek five years ago. On our way down the trail, we are aware that we are walking through land that bears call home, so we stay alert and try to make enough noise to frighten bears into going the opposite direction.

Alsek River Valley in Kluane National Park Yukon, Canada

By this time, we’d probably been walking about an hour to ninety minutes or about three miles. Initially, when we left the van, there was a slight unease that we wouldn’t be at the put-in shortly and that, somehow, our journey was supposed to start where our rafts were. After spending this part of the day walking through the Alsek Valley it became apparent that our journey got underway at Bear Creek. From this vantage point, I was thrilled that we were able to soak in the environment and let it sear itself into our memories.

Don and Caroline walking ahead of me on the Alsek Valley Trail in Kluane National Park Yukon, Canada

Caroline and I didn’t walk this trail alone; we had Don from the Midwest with us; he’s a retired railroad man. Behind us but out of our view or hearing range were Sarge, First Light Frank, and Willie. Beyond them, we weren’t sure if anyone else had chosen to walk. At some point, the SUV passed by us on the way to pick up more of our gear and some of our passengers; it was just hot enough that it started to sound appealing to get out of the incessant sun. We walked on.

The put-in at Serpentine Creek in Kluane National Park Yukon, Canada

Just before reaching the end of Serpentine Creek and arriving at the rafts parked on the banks of the Dezadeash, the SUV passes us with hoots and hollers from those who opted to stay at the van for a ride out. Upon our arrival, we are told to jump into our river boots, grab a paddle, and get on board.

Rowing down the Dezadeash River in Kluane National Park Yukon, Canada

Not 10 minutes after getting to the put-in, we were on the water and rowing into the wind. Caroline joined Sarge and First Light on a raft with Pauly at the oars. I jump on Bruce’s raft along with Don, Willie, and Keith. The third raft is piloted by Thirsty, and his passengers are Echo, Jill, Stephen, and Doug.

There will be no rapids on this leg of the trip, just a nice calm float away from the put-in, offering us a sense of moving deeper into the wilderness.

Our time out here is brief, a mere hour or so to travel the 4 miles to where we’d pull ashore to make camp. Everyone on this trip knows the routine, as no one among us is having their first wilderness rafting experience. Once the rafts are tied up, the fire line is formed, and bags, gear, kitchen, toilet, chairs, and everything else we’ll need for the night are moved into camp. While it may not look like it’s getting late, we are getting close to dinner time; you’ve got to remember that we’ll not have a true nighttime this far north in July.

Caroline Wise and John Wise's tent at our first night camp in Kluane National Park on the Dezadeash River in Yukon, Canada

The setup of camp goes fast with the collective experience on hand. Echo gets busy prepping appetizers while Bruce goes shopping for dinner. For those who’d like to know, it is the job of the boatmen to prepare all of our meals. Meanwhile, those who will be indulging in a drink open a bottle of gin, and the bar is officially open for business. Interestingly, these cold-weather trips tend to lean towards hard alcohol, whereas hot desert trips seem to favor beer – and lots of it. Beef stroganoff, green bean almondine, and a fresh salad are on the night’s menu, served with a healthy portion of wind.

Typical of the first night out, the conversation is light, and sleep comes early; this trip starts with the same routine.

On our rocky patch of earth, our sleeping pads offer enough of a soft layer to make things comfy. The flapping tent in the strong wind suggests it might be tough to fall asleep out here with all the noise, but in minutes, we were out.

Alaska – Day 4

We are driving north on Lutak Road, looking for the Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Site, which is about 10 miles away. With nothing else to do today before orientation for the Alsek River journey that starts tomorrow, we are free to take as long as possible on our 20-mile roundtrip adventure.

Big things are all around you, as that’s the nature of being in Alaska. That stuff is easy to see. To stop and check out the small stuff instead of remaining in constant jaw-dropping awe is the hard part.

And so we walk. We pull over and go check out some hundreds of feet of terrain on the off-chance we might find a bone of some sort or be witness to an eagle swooping down to grab a fish before flying off.

We might see the mountains again, and we might gaze upon the sea from the same spot at some time in the future; while those places may look nearly identical, these pieces of driftwood strewn about and the wildflowers will never be seen in just the same configuration ever again. I consider it likely that Caroline and I will have been the only humans ever to see just this spot.

This can’t be the first time I’ve wondered out loud about why it is particularly these scenes that are so captivating; I think it’s because we can share this as a group experience if more than one of us is here looking out at it. We can share our enthusiasm for how spectacular we agree it is as compared to looking at something where we have to direct other people’s interest to some tiny element that may only be obvious to us. The expediency of finding commonalities when we are uncertain about other people’s attention spans might be a factor, too.

I like green moss, and I cannot lie, but it’s the contrast between gray, blue, and the many shades of green that really draws me in.

We have reached the Chilkoot Lake State Recreation Site and will need a boat to go further, except we don’t happen to have a boat with us.

So we will look out from the shore and dream of the day we could set out in a raft and just float around aimlessly, watching the weather change.

Hello belted kingfisher, we worship before you the place you call home. We wish you a long life, finding an abundance of fish and tadpoles within these waters you watch over. I hope that we humans do not foul our environment because without you, the other creatures, the trees, moss, various plants, and elements, we might as well be on Mars.

Imagine immersing yourself in buffets with all of the generic foodstuffs you’ve grown up with, maybe there are slot machines, movies, TV, heated pools, and live entertainment. You are part of a cruise ship ecosystem, and then, in a minute, you and your drinking friends disembark at a random port, and like a herd of 1000 cattle, you wander into town ruminating on your lunch of burgers, fries, and margarita, looking for the perfect token that will prove to everyone back home that you went to Alaska on some wild adventure. From your heated cabin, you’ll have looked out at snow-capped mountains, seen whales swimming by, and maybe caught a glimpse of a bear. I suppose this is good enough as at least you left the comfort of home, or did you?

Tonight, we’ll pack our bags and leave a few things behind that are not needed on a river trip where we have to travel light. We’ll be meeting everyone else who’s on the journey with us and sharing our first meal together. I, for one, will have jittery nerves as getting on fast-moving ice-cold water through a wilderness is still a bit intimidating to me. But that’s exactly what we came for.

Alaska – Day 3

Flight to Haines, Alaska

The first part of today’s travel was on a commercial jet that took us an hour and a half down the coast of Alaska from Anchorage to Juneau. When I booked our connecting flight with Alaska Seaplanes, I was excited that we’d be taking off on the water and making a water landing. Imagine my disappointment when we recognized that they also operate planes that take off and land on good old ground. Oh well, maybe another trip we’ll make certain beforehand that we’ll be doing the plane-on-water-thing, but for now, we crawl into our tiny 8-passenger plane for the short 30-minute flight from Juneau to Haines, Alaska.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

Nothing like a hanging glacier peeking out of the clouds to quickly turn our frowns upside down. Seriously though, you saw the coastline in the photo above; there’s nothing to be disappointed with.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

The milky water is a glacial runoff, joining this arm of the Inside Passage.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

We didn’t spot any whales on our journey north, not that we were expecting to see them in the mountains, but right below us was ocean water, and when we weren’t looking at glaciers and forests, we were frantically scanning the water for cetaceans.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

The nice thing about a single-engine propeller-driven plane is that it flies kind of slowly. When I was looking through our photos at home, I thought for a second that this glacier and the image four photos down were not the same places, but on closer examination, it turns out they are the same.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

Then I had to do a double-take to realize that this and the photo two images up are not in the same place. The waterfalls and glaciers are just that abundant.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

Thin braids of water running over the landscape remind me of what we’ll be running over on the Alsek River soon.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

It’s been a delight lingering over the landscape and flying slow and low, allowing us to appreciate the sights. I am curious what this all looks like on a sunny day, but I’m impressed nonetheless.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

Look closely and you’ll notice the similarities with the image four photos above.

Flight to Haines, Alaska

A view from a plane we don’t often get to see, the runway straight ahead.

Caroline Wise in Haines, Alaska

We are in Haines a couple of days early to allow ourselves time to explore the area. After checking in to our small hotel and picking up the rental car that we’ll have for about 24 hours we headed over to the staging area and warehouse where our boatmen were preparing things for our river trip. The building is falling apart;  we looked into a couple of the abandoned rooms out of curiosity.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

We didn’t need to drive far for our next adventure, and the nearby Chilkat State Park sounded appealing enough for us. While the park was only a couple of miles from our lodging, saving the hour and a half, it would have taken us to walk out and back offered us more time out on the trail.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

We are on the Battery Point trail and moving along pretty slowly.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

While we were in Alaska five years ago, running the Alsek River for the first time, we didn’t have much time to explore the surrounding areas. Being immersed in a glaciated river corridor has a special appeal, but so does the area outside of that.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

No matter that we are in a state park, civilization as it is in Alaska hasn’t been successful in pushing wildlife to an extinction point near its towns like it has down the lower 48 and so I’m always on the alert for bears.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

It’s great to wind down from the stress of normal life out in the middle of nowhere. By the way, it was just two weeks ago that I had to fire everyone in my company. Twenty-some people coming off the 4th of July long weekend were fired en masse because we ran out of money for the last time. This vacation was about the last thing I wanted to do, but we would have lost a ton of money canceling at the last minute as these kinds of adventures require that you cancel at least 90 days in advance. So here we are with my wounds still fresh. Being out here, though, I don’t want to dwell on that carnage and am trying to set my mind on spending time with my wife, friends, and myself. Enough said.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

While we stop to smell the flowers, the butterflies stop to taste the flowers.

Chilkat State Park in Haines, Alaska

Even with overcast skies, it’s pretty out here and a beautiful contrast to the 110-degree temperatures we left behind in Phoenix, Arizona.

Caroline Wise in Haines, Alaska

We know from previous experience that cascades are typically safe to drink from. This one even had a pipe at its base, which suggested the other end was higher up, capturing the water before it got close to the road, so we had to stop and fill our bottle. I’m still astonished by the opportunity to drink “wild” water.

Side of the road in Haines, Alaska

We did not transition from drinking to eating, at least not these.

Side of the road in Haines, Alaska

Our lodging for the night is at the Halsingland Hotel, which had a special rate for everyone in our group; it’s also where we’ll all have dinner and an orientation meeting tomorrow. For now, we have nothing much to do but take in the sights and stand in awe that we are here.

Alaska – Day 2

The Knotty Shop in Salcha, Alaska

This photo shows the extent of the wildlife we would see today, including the head with antlers in the bottom of the photo, wrapped in duct tape. We were perplexed but didn’t ask questions as we didn’t want to suffer the same fate. If you ever find yourself in Salcha, Alaska, you should drop in at the Knotty Shop because it’s one of the few places you can visit.

On the Alaska Highway in Alaska

In any case, we weren’t up here to look at curios; we were here to collect a bit of the Alaska Highway into our bag of experiences. This is Birch Lake is apparently a popular spot to camp and fish.

On the Alaska Highway in Alaska

Driving along the Tanana River, we were stunned by the magnificence of so much open wildland. Where else are rivers allowed to roam free?

On the Alaska Highway in Alaska

Every direction is picture-perfect.

On the Alaska Highway in Alaska

While the scale of things is nearly incomprehensible. It is hard to believe that people live out here, but the occasional mailbox and school bus stop signs betray their existence.

On the Alaska Highway in Alaska

We’d like to know which mountain this is but have no easy way of finding out, so it’s just one more of those majestic giant snow-covered mountains that are found everywhere up here.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

While the Alaskan Pipeline is interesting as an engineering feat this is a bit of an eyesore dragged across the landscape. I suppose we should be happy that it’s navigable by animals.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

I believe we are now on the Richardson Highway heading towards Anchorage, and that’s the Delta River.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

There’s one thing missing out here: enough time to take it all in. With our need to be in Anchorage tonight to make a flight to Juneau before continuing to Haines tomorrow morning, we don’t have a lot of time to linger.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

Alaska is a place that demands one go slow, and with a heavy heart, we had to break those rules.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

But there’s always time for one more photo.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

And a glacier certainly demands the respect that we stop and admire its sleek lines slithering out of the mountains.

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

It is summer, right?

On the Richardson Highway in Alaska

From here, we’ll make tracks for Anchorage, as it was getting late. Our dinner at Club Paris was not chosen with any culinary sensibility, but it was the cheesiest-looking eatery in a place where there are not many options. Another crap hotel, but that’s what you get when you’re being cheap and not wanting to spend more than $200 a night for a room.

Alaska – Day 1

Roads and rivers we've traveled in Alaska

Anchorage leaves a lot to be desired, and so does Fairbanks, but there’s big nature between the two, so those less-than-ideal realities will have to be endured. To be fair, their lackluster impression probably has more to do with our budget than with a totality of blanket statements that cast aspersions upon the aesthetics and services either of these cities have on offer. We did, after all, have an amazing dinner riverside in Fairbanks that will stand out as an enduring memory, but the lodgings offered for under $200 a night are deplorable. So, let’s move past these temporary stopovers and get on with why we are here.

We came up this far north for several reasons: one was because of Alaska, two, Denali, and three, to add to our map of America, more specifically, the map where we track which roads we’ve traveled throughout the United States. While we’d had a brief stay in Anchorage on our previous trip to Alaska, all we did was grab a rental car for a few hours to head in the general direction of Seward; we didn’t have time to see anything else. That trip was at the tail end of a rafting adventure that saw us rafting the Alsek River between Haines Junction and Yakutat, Alaska. This time, we are once again here to raft the Alsek, but we left Phoenix early to get a couple of days in some unexplored territory before we hit the river.

Caroline and John Wise at Denali National Park in Alaska

Because Anchorage is right on the coast, it turns out they get their fair share of cloud coverage. As we came in under clouds, so shall we go. Our drive out of town led us north on Highway 1 towards Denali National Park and Preserve, and with gray skies, there wasn’t much on the horizon for the first few hours of the drive.

Sometimes, the legends and myths surrounding a thing can make that thing much larger than it truly is, and with that magic of the unknown, dreams cascade in ways that no reality will ever compare to. Then again, reality sets into motion an entirely new sense of knowledge that replaces the fantasy with the experience that often has the effect of drawing us back in for return visits and creating the fertile ground for new dreams.

Denali National Park is one of those places whose scale and reputation come with some big expectations. First of all, it’s not as remote as our imaginations have already plotted on the map. From Anchorage, where we landed the day before, it’s a mere 237 miles to the park. Next, based on anecdotal stories, we approached this place with the idea that the crowds would be on par with Disneyland on Thanksgiving; fortunately for us, that was hardly the situation.

On the Roadside Trail in Danali National Park

Our first stop had to be at the visitor center, as a trip to a National Park wouldn’t be complete without Caroline working to get her Junior Ranger badge. While kids can get by doing an activity or two from the workbook, Caroline tries to answer every question and complete as many tasks as possible to at least show some serious effort. Seeing we didn’t have all day to spend in the park, she’d have to limit herself and chose the Sled Dog Demo. I didn’t come to Alaska to spend even one minute on a bus that could take us there, so we got on the Roadside Trail for the nearly two-mile hike to the kennels.

The forested trail is a nice introduction to the flora of the area, though the fauna was either in hiding or had already suffered the sixth great extinction. We made it to the kennel minutes before the demo with enough time to get a quick pull of water from the hose nearest to the dogs. As I was drinking from it I was wondering, did any of the dogs lift a leg on this thing?

Alaskan Huskies in Danali National Park during a demonstration of sledding, summer style.

These Alaskan Huskies are a beautiful, spirited breed of dogs with the pack instinct fully intact. They appear to love moving as a unit and dragging the wheeled training cart around the track that has been set up just for this purpose. The skilled handlers take pride in showing us visitors the working life of these dogs that we learn are most comfortable when chilling on a ten-degree-below-zero winter day.

Caroline snuggling up with one of the huskies in Danali National Park

With a ranger autograph in hand that proves Caroline attended a ranger-led program, we take the Rock Creek trail back to the visitor center, and at 2.9 miles long, we relish the idea of our creekside return. Turns out that the Rock Creek trail is not aptly named as there is no sight of the creek, though we do hear it twice on our hike back to the visitors center. Regarding that aforementioned extinction, we do learn it’s not complete yet as we pass a couple of squirrels and the shiny berry-infused scat of a bear.

Squirrel in the wilds of Alaska

Back at the Visitor Center, Caroline is ready for swearing-in, though we are reminded that it is a pledge to maintain a code of behavior and provide a good example of being a steward while visiting our public lands. Win of wins for being here today as Caroline is leaving with a commemorative centennial wood badge that sadly would be lost by the time we got back to Arizona.

Caroline Wise earning her Junior Ranger badge at Danali National Park in Alaska

One more thing to do before leaving is head up the road to Savage River, which, for this trip to Denali, will be the end of the road for us. Going beyond this point requires the visitor to sign up for a bus trip to one of several points along the 83-mile-long gravel road. The longest journey into the park takes 13 hours or about 12 hours we don’t have right now. Reaching the bridge over the not-so-Savage River, we have not yet gleaned a view of the mountain formerly known as Mt. McKinley, now known by its native name, Denali, and have every reason to come back at a future date to see more of this enormous park and preserve.

Savage River at Danali National Park in Alaska

Somewhere out there in the distance beyond the Savage River is the namesake of this park that we’ll hope to catch a glimpse of on a subsequent trip.

On the way to Fairbanks, Alaska

By the time we reach Fairbanks, we are hungry and head directly to the Pump House, which seems to be the most popular place in the area. Rightfully so, as it’s in a national historically registered building right on the Chena River, and the food is perfect, from the fresh seafood appetizer to the rhubarb cobbler. It is so perfect we will talk of the meal from the Pump House months from our fantastic meal.

Seafood tower at the Pump House in Fairbanks, Alaska

At 10:30 p.m., the sun is shining bright as though it were maybe 5:00 p.m. back home in Arizona; this is unsettling. It’s not even sunset, and everything is closed. Some people say it is the endless night of January that is disturbing, but for me here right now this, seemingly still early, part of the day demands that people should still be active doing normal daytime stuff. I think I might have the opposite issue with this long day if I were living here, as the long night would be perfect for long runs at making music, crafting, reading, and doing all the other stuff that requires hours of mindful focus for extended periods.

Sadly, our hotel is an abomination and lends a pallor to the entire idea of what Fairbanks is. The state of Alaska would be well served to create a board of standards of how quality and service are managed when a typical visitor, spending a couple of hundred dollars for a room, probably has an expectation that exceeds the type of room on offer that would cost $10 a night at a flophouse on Skid Row or anywhere else. I have to remind myself that we are not in Alaska for the accommodations but for the expansive nature and beauty that surrounds us outside of the city limits.