I Am The Toad

Pond in the Arizona Desert

I am the toad sitting upon a lump of coal by the dead tree in the woods; you ignored me as you walked by my pond. The world is turned upside down with her guts strewn about while the bowels of hell poison the atmosphere and threaten the very existence of us toads. How did things get this way? I can tell you most assuredly that it wasn’t from us amphibians; it wasn’t the insects, nor the birds, squirrels, or even the bears, that caused this topsy-turvy reordering of nature. It was humankind; it was your species.

My ancestors and I have croaked on countless evenings long before the appearance of any of the hairy, two-legged mammals. Matter of fact we trace our origins back to ancient wetlands when the earth was a far different place about 370 million years ago, and amphibians ruled. Of course, we didn’t appear then as we do now; while our lineage is from early amphibians, it wouldn’t be until 265 million years ago that the “mother toad” first appeared. We were here before the dinosaurs and survived as they disappeared. It was 55 million years ago that the first apes appeared, and then a mere 6 million years ago, the hominids started trekking over the land with their bipedal gait.

Through this passage of time immemorial, as evening falls, we bellow out a croak, assuring the other creatures that we are on watch over the night, waiting for the sun to return. We are the sentries that allow the rest of life to sleep securely while our star remains out of sight. We transition from our night lullaby to morning song, signaling to the other animals where freshwater has been accumulating. Our existence assures everything else that the water is healthy and that the balance of things is in check. If you no longer hear or see us, you yourself will already be long gone.

Let me explain why I’m here; I’ve been asked to communicate something with you that the toad community isn’t sure you can understand. I am the spokesvoice for the order of Anura in the family of Bufonidae, with a knowledge greater than your primitive thoughts allow. We know that you cannot see or comprehend anything that looks like truth yet, as your species is far too young.

You might ask why, after emerging from our earliest amphibious roots, we never took to further evolution and instead hunkered down and remained frogs and toads. After 13 million years of existence, a cataclysm was happening on Earth where an impact at the Wilkes Land crater caused the antipodal discharge of volcanic material at the Siberian Traps. This was the moment in history when the extinction of nearly 95% of marine life and about 70% of terrestrial life on Earth began. We were witnessing 350 million years of multicellular evolution coming to a screeching halt.

Yes, we survived where others perished. Shortly after this Permian extinction, the dinosaurs rose up to become our neighbors. Although they survived for 179 million years, it was an asteroid impact on Earth that would ruin their day. Again, we were on hand for another mass extinction where, this time, only 75% of life was going away. When the dust settled, the continent of Pangaea was a distant memory and had broken up into many parts. On all of them except Antarctica, the frogs and toads lived on to sing and bellow another day.

It was only 200,000 years ago that your species started walking on our lands. It has only taken you a little more than 200 years to create a situation where the writing scrawled on the wall suggests that you are intent on bringing on another extinction. We know that our kind will survive, but we also know that if you do not mend your ways, you will not be around to see us once again rule the planet that you believe you have divine rights to.

We live at the water’s edge, coming out at night to sing our songs. Our eyes can detect a single photon, and so to us, the night sky is a riot of light emerging out of history; our version of the movies is found in the beauty all around us, emanating from all points in the universe. Our food, air, and water are all free. We live in a symbiotic ecosystem that gives and takes. Some of us can live for many decades and never feel indebted to anyone or anything that allowed for our existence. We are not beholden or frightened by anything as we have known our place here on Earth for 100’s of millions of years. So you should ask yourselves, what really makes you so smart in your servitude and indebtedness?

You are afraid of your own place here. You cannot be sure of your continued survival due to your violent tendencies. You have created mythologies that you hope will help you cope with so much uncertainty, but you are deeply fearful of the unknown and the stranger. You fight one another in war and strive to destroy all that is wild. Instead of working with your skills, you are ignoring that your kind is intentionally despoiling the Earth in much the same way as mindless asteroids that accidentally crashed into our planet did so very long ago.

Your ignorance seems programmed to end your reign after only 200,000 years among us. Your disappearance portends great things for the kingdom of Anura as we will once again have the front row seats to watching what comes next while enjoying the wetlands of our planet’s return to health and our skies clear of the smoke of your fires.

Instant Access

Famous for being famous

There is no more pop culture; there are backdrops for celebrity. Influencers require these props to display products while the event becomes secondary to their own promotion. The musicians might also be influencers but their musicianship becomes almost an afterthought to how they are living on stage. In previous generations, there were frontstage and backstage behaviors; that line is now blurred as “Always On” culture has become a global phenomenon thanks to the internet. Somewhere, someone is waiting for tweets to come in as they start their voyeuristic day of peering into other people’s lives. Back in the day, the gatekeepers and process delays due to printing or television schedules didn’t allow real-time living with others, but now, with instant broadcast abilities using YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, the consumer can have a surrogate experience with their idol as it’s happening.

In a sense, we’ve transitioned from participation at a distance to a more intimate proximity, with those at the center of our attention being nearly instantly accessible. The need then to craft moments that can play out live on the stage of Instagram becomes the around-the-clock performance of those who are commanding our attention. Maybe the good thing for them is that these types of famous-for-being-famous careers don’t last a long time, and they are allowed to return to normal life at some point.

For those drunk on this life in the limelight, the fickle audiences that quickly move between personalities living in the hype cycle will do away with the stale as they jump to what’s fresh, and that flash-in-the-pan moment that was their domain will quickly be extinguished. We are yet to fully grasp what the impact will be on these sudden celebrities when their internet shine dulls, but I’d imagine we’ll see some spectacular flame-outs that will end up catapulting another personality who is busy capturing the carnage of the star they are replacing.

Muff Wigglers

Muffwiggler Cats

On May 19th, 2016, I bought my first Eurorack module. Five days later, I signed up for Muffwiggler.com. This all-things-synthesizer forum was started back in late 2006 by Mike McGrath and is a global phenomenon that created the largest online synth forum and repository of knowledge for the field that has yet existed. Two years after starting the site, Mike spoke of his 10,000th post in reverence; now, more than ten years later, the forum hosts over 2 million posts.

Yesterday, it was announced that Mike had passed away. There are no other details; there’s not even a confirmation if it happened yesterday, a week ago, or last month.

The strange thing about his passing for me is that it created a new type of void. Sure, I’ve known of plenty of people dying during my lifetime, including people who have made tremendous impacts, but this is the first death in the internet age of someone who created a global community that I was part of where the main objective was people helping other people. Never before in the history of humanity were diverse people from around our Earth able to communicate as a kind of guild to help one another in near real-time before the internet made this possible. While it is obvious there were many other forums prior to this one, this is the first I was a member of whose founder has passed away.

Muffwiggler generated a minor controversy during the past few years due to its colorful name (influenced by the Big Muff and the Wiggler guitar pedals);  it would also drive many a user away due to some of the juvenile hostility of users. Through it all, though it has been the place to learn about some arcane concepts and discover ideas and methods shared by more than 45,000 users from around the globe. To that end, it has been an incredible resource that I hope continues to evolve and that its vast library of knowledge is pulled forward. Rest in power, Mr. Muff Wiggler.

Earth Day?


I’m not happy that today is Earth Day. The idea that only one day a year should be singled out as being special for recognition that the Earth deserves acknowledgment. We do that for dead deities, magic creatures, mythical entities, celebrations of conquering idiots, and our pointless birthdays. The people of Earth spend over $1 trillion on Christmas to celebrate giving gifts for some vague tradition represented by some creeper fuck in a red suit. Earth Day will see humanity simply consume away with all of the abandon of a swarm of locust clearing a field of the last remaining morsels on some random summer day. I wonder if they call that Earth Day too?

Let’s get real, Greta Thunberg cares more and has done more than 500 million people in my age group. How is it a 16-year-old Swedish girl is able to shoulder a greater responsibility to Earth than billions of us stupid locusts who are scouring the globe for every last morsel in our quest to be so unsustainable that we are the most likely cause of the 6th Great Extinction?

We are a collective of populist troglodytes oblivious to our potential and the wonderment this planet delivers to us every day. Every day should be Earth Day, but that would require an education where compassion and empathy are hallmarks of greatness instead of putting on a pedestal the destroyers of life and environment known as corporate titans, who through their earnings are considered gods and kings. Give me a break. We are a species that shows amazing potential, but on the whole, we are the scourge of the Earth. If I were an animal, insect, or plant I’d be celebrating Rid The Earth of Humans Day.


HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

This is how Kenny Lorenz, the owner of HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona, starts his day.

This is a BBQ joint and so some things only happen when they do, such as arriving to start prepping. Once the ball gets rolling the situation of what’s dealt with is fluid, though there’s an urgency to everything. The black cabinet of greasy horrors where things get smoked has to be fired up and the wood that will be part of the process is selected.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Oak and pecan are what’s on hand right now. If apple is around it will find its way into the mix too. With the wood now burning and the propane warming the main box to about 250 degrees, it’s time to start prepping the meat that will enter the smoker.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Somewhere prior to today the spice rub was mixed up, pounds of the stuff. Starting with a five-gallon bucket large measures of spice are joining the mix. While in India this might be just one more masala, here in BBQ land the rub is part of the secret that imparts some of the unique characteristics of the finished grub. While I won’t be sharing the exact blend, I can share with you that Kenny throws in brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, paprika, and chili powder.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

In between Kenny has to make the rounds as half of everyone who comes to the restaurant knows him. Being an owner with front-of-the-house skills creates a dilemma for the operation as things may not always run as smoothly as everyone would like. With Kenny sitting down with customers, friends, and extended family it’s inevitable that the task he was working on will end up suffering in neglect until the conversations wrap up.

Around this time the BBQ sauces are probably being introduced to someone in the dining room. Kenny makes his own sauces in-house and recently has been giving serious consideration to bringing them out for shoppers in the Phoenix area. Right now though it’s only available right here at HEK Yeah. What’s in the sauce you might ask? It’s a mix of tomato puree, salt, black and white pepper, cayenne pepper (though not in the sweet sauce while ghost chili is added to the Ghost sauce) cumin, paprika, chili powder, celery seed, onion powder, dark brown sugar, molasses, Worcestershire sauce, butter, green chili, cider vinegar, Franks Red Hot sauce, and lemon juice. Cook it up and you have some BBQ sauce whose exact recipe is only known to Kenny.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

The smoking box is quickly filling with sausages and ribs before he adds pork shoulder butts. Then it’s time to get serious about the meat that brings people back and again and again, including Caroline and I for our weekly indulgence: the Mighty Brisket.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Trimming the brisket is essential. He starts by removing the deckle which is a hard and dense piece of fat that will never cook or add any value to the final product. Next up is trimming the fat cap to about half an inch. On the fatty end of the brisket is where you’ll find the “point,” this gets sliced off for making burnt ends. Once trimmed, he coats and massages the meat with olive oil which helps the spice mix adhere to the brisket.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

For these 20-pound slabs of prime brisket the rub changes. Previous experiments proved unsuccessful and his BBQ rub just didn’t produce what Kenny was looking for and so now the spice mix is a much more simple coating of salt, pepper, and garlic. Into the smoker they go for 15-18 hours, dependent upon the weight of the brisket. When the meats don’t find their way out of the kitchen quick enough, Kenny can find himself here well after midnight checking on the internal temperature of the brisket. Good thing he lives nearby.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

At 185 degrees at the center of the brisket, it’s time to remove it from the smoker. Slice into it and start serving it up. If only we could coordinate all of our visits to when he’s pulling a brisket out we’d be in perpetual meat heaven.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

This is the pork shoulder butt I mentioned above being generously dusted with Kenny’s BBQ rub.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

After coming out of the smoker there’s still some baking that is required that will draw off an incredible amount of liquid. Prior to going into the oven, the shoulder is covered in brown sugar that contributes to the drippings so after the pork is pulled not only will be smokey but will also have a good hint of sweetness.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Back at the smoker, the pork ribs are starting to develop a crust and the fat will continue to render off the ribs until that moment when Kenny brings them into the kitchen for serving to us customers. HEK Yeah also serves up pulled chicken and a number of sides, but you get the idea of the process and what meats are served here.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

The front of the house is a subdued low-budget place in a nondescript strip mall on the edge of a sketchy part of town. While it would fit in anywhere in Los Angeles and be the place people line up for, HEK Yeah is not a franchise, doesn’t look like one, and the fact is that many people in Phoenix seems averse to driving more than half-a-dozen miles to get food so as of this writing it’s still incredibly easy to get a table. Now if Kenny has everything on hand that’s another question.

There are times where for some strange quirk of the universe there are runs on brisket or a catering that was simply too profitable creates the situation that you might not get what you want here. I’ve made it a habit to call first and ask for exactly what I want. Matter of fact this particular evening Kenny is indulging Caroline and me with a smoked prime rib after I asked for something special. Probably due to the neighborhood, many customers here are sensitive to the price of things and on the rare occasion there are beef ribs on the menu, they somehow and sadly DON’T sell out. This is beyond my imagination as they are perfect, but at $20 a pound including the bone I’ve heard customers ask if they could buy a portion without the bone.

HEK Yeah BBQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Mom & Pop restaurants become rarer and rarer in our city with the majority desiring bland conformity over diversity and flavors they aren’t accustomed to from factory-made foods. HEK Yeah BBQ can at times seem a bit random and chaotic, they won’t have a Michelin Star on the door any time soon, but when it comes to tasty honest to goodness BBQ Kenny is right up there with places only found in Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia.

Finally, the last image above was tonight’s dinner of prime rib with asparagus. I honestly do not know of one other restaurant in all of Arizona that truly smokes a prime rib bringing it to a perfect 135 degrees. Served up with garlicky asparagus and all the Atomic horseradish we wanted. This was the perfect close to a day hanging out with Kenny on 4/20 at HEK Yeah BBQ. You can find him Tuesday through Sunday at 15044 N. Cave Creek Rd in Phoenix, Arizona, and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HekYeahBbq/.

Under The Stairwell

Homeless Kid

Woke up to the sound of water running in our place. It’s a sound that we are familiar enough with that indicates water is running through our pipes and it is most likely the outdoor spigot situated below the stairs. Upon looking into it I find a kid packing up the rest of his sleep pack down there. Well this is problematic as Caroline three days a week leaves our apartment at 5:00 a.m. by herself for a walk over to the gym to workout or to head out on a run. Upon showing Caroline the photo of the guy she recognizes that she’s seen him before near the gas station across the street before daybreak. So how long do we have to be on the lookout for him before Caroline can feel safe heading downstairs? Fortunately, he didn’t take a dump under our stairs so there’s that, but if this kid is looking for places where he’s watching the coming and going of people so he knows where he can stay undisturbed, then going away for a weekend or for vacation becomes problematic.