FMD – Day 1

ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet

*** FULL DISCLOSURE and WARNING: This diet is NOT recommended for people with Type 2 Diabetes. When purchasing the ProLon Meal Program, there is a warning telling the purchaser of this fact. You must consult your doctor before attempting to do the Fasting Mimicking Diet.

Out the door by 5:30 this morning for a 40-minute walk of 4,300 steps that measures in at exactly 2 miles. Before leaving, I had a glass of water with a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, which some people believe helps lower blood glucose levels. My weight was again 226.8 and my glucose reading was 115mg/dl. The “Fasting Mimicking Diet” – FMD is supposed to help reduce belly fat, so on that side of things, my measurement came in at 48.5 inches around my midsection. My ketones were measured at 0.5.

Breakfast of 1.6oz (46g) L-Bar made of nuts with a cup of Lemon-Spearmint tea was taken at 7:15 along with the 2-gel caps of Alga Oil which supplies Omega-3’s. The L-Bar is a great start to the diet and not too sweet at all. I’d read from someone else that they thought it was on the sweet side; I’d disagree. Trying my best to push having a coffee out as long as possible, and while the guidelines allow for one, it is recommended to try and stay away from caffeine, so I’ll see what I can do.

ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet

It’s two hours after breakfast, and my glucose reading is an unfriendly 128, which I kind of expected, considering that the L-Bar is loaded with honey. As I said, it’s not too sweet, but it is the second ingredient. At 9:30 here, I’ve already gotten 6,170 steps in 2.87 miles or 4.6km.

Shortly before noon, I went out for another short walk, bringing my step count to 8,100 or 3.8 miles/6.1km. My glucose reading was at a more normal 99 mg/dl. Time to make lunch, which consists of butternut squash soup, kale crackers, a small package of olives, and a couple of multivitamins. I felt the soup needed a bit of salt and pepper to bring it around, but the crackers and olives rounded things out so that I felt I was offered a mini-feast before starvation starts tomorrow.

ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet

The top photo is the box the diet is delivered in, with everything except water included for the five days. In the next photo, you can see each day’s menu plan is isolated by a package clearly labeled so you can follow the diet without any ambiguity. And right here in this photo, you can see what an entire day’s worth of food looks like.

As I’m writing this, it’s approaching an hour after lunch, and I’m very satisfied, but then again, I’ve already been eating a calorie-reduced diet for the past few weeks, averaging about 1,400 calories per day. So, at 1,100 calories, this isn’t having a big impact yet; tomorrow is the precipitous drop to 800 calories, which, at little more than half of what I’m accustomed to, I’m thinking might make the adjustment a bit of a challenge.

It’s two hours after lunch, and my glucose is a worrisome 132mg/dl. The spike was enough that I contacted the makers of ProLon FMD, where I was told that the diet is not recommended for people on diabetes medications. Of course, I didn’t know that as I didn’t place the order, nor had I seen anything on the site nor heard anyone such as Dr. Longo speak about this caveat. I’m waiting for a call back from one of their advisors, but I feel confident that I’ll push forward as I’ve certainly had higher glucose levels, and I’m 100% certain I can pull them back down should they remain elevated while I’m on this diet that is skewed towards higher carbs than my normal heavy protein-centric diet. Time to go walk and help bring down my blood sugars.

Now, at 10,000 steps so far and an hour after I last checked my glucose level, I’m at 100mg/dl. So, of the five readings taken so far today, I’m averaging about 115mg/dl, which is still okay. I’ll have another couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with the hope it might help nudge my levels lower as I move into the end of the day.

After my elevated glucose readings, I did a little more research and learned that after clicking purchase on the ProLon website, the buyer was warned that this diet is NOT recommended for people with diabetes. My friend who bought the three boxes didn’t share that information with me before I decided that I wanted to try FMD. The warning on the L-Nutra website, which is the company that makes the ProLon package, is unequivocal in their warning (now that I’ve checked out their site, too) that you SHOULD NOT do this diet without the supervision of your doctor and that “THE COMBINATION OF THE FMD AND INSULIN BUT ALSO OTHER DRUGS COULD CAUSE SEVERE PROBLEMS AND EVEN DEATH.

While I appreciate the abundance of caution, I’m still determined to follow through with the fast. I was already familiar with fasting prior to starting this “experiment” today. From family history, I know firsthand the implications brought on by diabetes that can debilitate and kill people. As I evaluate my blood glucose levels my energy levels, listen to my body, and recognize the nutrient and calorie implications of what I’m eating, I cannot see as of the time that I’m writing that I’m introducing anything into my body chemistry that is contrary to what led to my diabetes in the first place. I’m familiar with the effect of too many carbs on my blood glucose and am taking Metformin for that. I’m not on insulin. Should I feel sense or measure anything out of the ordinary, I will cease the FMD immediately, eat a normal meal, and, if need be, visit my doctor immediately.

More important to me than some minor elevation in glucose levels is that I lose weight, especially around my midsection. Eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) is no longer an option for me with my diabetes. My obesity makes me incompatible with any convenience of eating a restaurant meal that is portioned for a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding sugars, flour, rice, and potatoes while dining out is nearly impossible. Unless I lose weight and reverse my diabetes, I will forever be susceptible to the life-threatening effects of my malady. Every day I remain obese, I’m shortening my lifespan.

So, while there may be an inherent risk in going forward with this diet, I could simply do what so many other Americans do and disregard all medical advice and go ahead and eat cake, ice cream, and bread (all in moderation, of course) and end up on insulin and sooner or later lose my legs, eyesight, and then my life. I don’t mean to be careless or disregard the abundance of caution rightfully being exercised by those involved with the FMD, but at 56 years old and likely not being invited to participate in a clinical study, I have to make the decision to my best right now to combat my ailment. Anybody else considering this Fasting Mimicking Diet who has diabetes, please heed the warnings and do NOT take lightly the warnings to NOT try this diet without doctor supervision.

Spent part of this afternoon learning why FMD is not recommended for people with diabetes, and it has a lot to do with those on insulin. The major problem appears to be hypoglycemia, which is the condition where blood glucose goes too low, which can lead to death. To date, I’ve never experienced hypoglycemia to the best of my knowledge, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Going into this diet it was always my plan to test my glucose levels at least seven times a day in order to know my levels after I wake up, before and after I eat, and what it is before going to bed.

ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet

Dinner time. It’s 6:00 p.m., and my pre-meal glucose level is at a healthy 80mg/dl. My resting heart rate is at a calm 56. I have 86 active minutes clocked so far, and things feel great. I’m hungry but not starving. My ketones level is measuring 1.0 and will be measured one more time today before I go to bed.

The minestrone soup took 15 minutes to prepare and, like lunch, required some salt and pepper for my taste. I had been considering skipping the L-Bar to avoid the sugar spike, but once I got to eating, momentum took over my brain, and I didn’t so much as leave a crumb. I’m considering two walks here after dinner, with one shortly after I finish and another mile 20 minutes before I check my blood glucose again. I’ll be back to report my final numbers of the day before calling it a night.

It’s now a couple of hours after dinner and my vitals are as follows: blood glucose is 83mg/dl. Ketones have pushed up to 1.5 so I’m feeling better that I should be gathering some good fat-burning momentum. My step count for the day is roughly 15,500, which is 7.18 miles or 11.55km, and it racked up 136 active minutes. If my glucose goes any lower when I check before bed, I’ll be setting an alarm for about 1:30 in the morning so I can check my levels in the middle of the night. With the stern warning I learned about earlier in the day, I can’t take any chances that I could fall into a hypoglycemic zone. I don’t want to worry too much, though, as I look back over the previous ten days and see that my running average has been 104mg/dl while today’s average comes out to 103mg/dl. With the first day done, I’m feeling great about the overall impact and look forward to Day 2.

Fasting Mimicking Diet – Day 0

Fasting Mimicking Diet

Tomorrow is the day I start the Fasting Mimicking Diet, or FMD, as pioneered by Dr. Valter Longo. Five days of a seriously calorie-restricted diet that is meant to trick the body into reacting as though it were fasting. Science seems to be in agreement that skipping meals and going hungry occasionally does the body a world of good. With things like autophagy, reducing inflammation, helping to normalize blood glucose, and even producing stem cells, this five-day fast is intended to reboot the immune system.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve already practiced a few days of fasting and realized it was easier than I thought to go 24 hours without eating. While I hadn’t anticipated doing this FMD this soon as it is rather expensive, I talked about it with a friend who is going on vacation soon and who took an interest. This other person was adamant that she wasn’t likely to ever delve into fasting in any form but then she read more about it and how it might help with her aches and pains that have developed while leading an extremely active life. Within a day of telling her of my dieting and fasting results and the loss of nearly 10 pounds in two weeks, she did her own research, and while not interested in water-only fasting, she found the FMD plan intriguing.

After reading the available information, she called me asking if I’d be interested in going in on a “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” deal that was expiring in a couple of days. Which was great in that it dropped the price for my one box from $249 to $166, so I said sure. Next, she volunteered that she was going to get to the diet the Monday following our shipment; I suggested that I start it at the same time. Now we have someone else to commiserate with should this prove difficult.

ProLon is the name of a meal plan and is an elegant box with all five days of nutrition conveniently measured and packaged by what is supposed to be consumed by meal and day. This pricey box of foods meets the strict guidelines that Dr. Longo discovered in his research, where the first day of the diet has the caloric parameters of 34% carbs, 10% protein, 56% fat, and subsequent days change to a formulation that breaks down into 47% carbs, 9% protein, and 44% fat calories.

With calories tightly restricted with the above formulation, we will eat approximately 1,100 calories on the first day and about 800 calories each of the next four days.

As I go into this, my weight is 226.8. Back on September 13th, I weighed in at 242 pounds, so I’ve lost 15 pounds (about 7kg) in a little more than three weeks. With a BMI of 31.6, I’m obese, but hopefully, within the week, I’ll simply be overweight. My blood glucose in early September was exceptionally high, with an estimate that my average for the week prior to my doctor’s visit was about 270mg/dl, which was verified when I found out that my A1C was an unhealthy 9.5%. During the past week, my blood glucose has averaged just 103mg/dl; keep in mind that I’ve done a few fasting days in the past 24 days to get here. My resting heart rate back in early September was about 62, now it’s averaging 55 for the past week. On September 13th, I’d been averaging under 2 miles walked per day, while for the past few weeks, I’ve been walking between 5 and 7 miles per day.

Over the next five days, I’ll be weighing in each day within a couple of minutes of waking. After that and a glass of water, I’ll head out for a 1 to 2-mile walk. Time to check my blood glucose level and then eat my meager breakfast. Two hours after eating, I’ll check my blood glucose levels again to measure my postprandial levels (after eating). Before lunch, I’ll be walking another mile or two, and after eating, I’ll be checking my blood glucose along with measuring my ketones. Following dinner, it will be time to take my final mile or two walks around the block and then measure the glucose yet again.

The Fall

Fall Leaves in Phoenix, Arizona

Heading out this morning, I saw my first sign of fall with the leaves turning yellow and brown. It’s a bit confusing, therefore, that in the late afternoon, we can hear the buzz of cicadas, which is a sure sign that summer is still here. Yet the mornings are starting to cool and are in stark contrast to the daily highs that were in the 100s just a week or two ago. Up in Flagstaff, Arizona, they saw snow a week ago, and in Montana just yesterday, they had 4 feet of snow or 122 centimeters of the freezing stuff.

The summer is fading fast with the passing of the equinox as autumn starts to make itself known. Somehow, this is reflected in my headspace as I’ve been taking a pause from writing and playing with making music. I shouldn’t be too surprised by my creative desert as my modus operandi has typically been one of intense focus at the expense of all else. With my current diet and weight loss urgency, I’ve had all of my senses tuned to working on extending the summer of my life instead of giving into the fall.

Being consumed by novel tasks is one of the drugs that have always consumed me, but here, at this later stage of life, I see the imperative to work towards the habituation of healthy practices. Hopefully, the old maxim about being better late than never can still be realized by this man of oft bad habits. Trying to find a balance, I have to remember not to neglect my attempts at practicing the creativity I’m able to express, as losing that would be as dire as losing a limb.

Maybe it was the yellowing leaves on the sidewalk acting as a reminder of time passing that inspired me to jot down some thoughts today. Or maybe there’s a quiet urgency within me that’s afraid of allowing the creative embers to go cold. So, I force myself to write as a method of throwing kindling into the mind so the fire might roar back to life. Whatever it was, I cannot sit idly by as fall portends winter and that season is a forlorn space with a pallor that threatens to chill the sparks I need to stay warm.

Progress Continues

My Shadow

For the foreseeable future, my diet must follow some strict guidelines. I cannot wake and sit down at my computer; I must go outside and walk a mile to wake my muscles and excite my cells. I should be aware of sleeping a proper amount, not eating too much, reconcile that fasting should be part of my routine, and finally accept that the American healthcare system is not here to keep me healthy but instead deal with me once I’m a lucrative body in need of desperate repair.

Nobody in the healthcare profession has informed me about fasting. As a matter of fact, I’ve been told I can nearly eat what I want, though in moderation. I would like to get a continuous blood glucose monitoring system, but there’s no certainty that my insurance will cover it. The luxury of knowing just how food is affecting me at any given moment is incredibly valuable for me and would help me regulate my diet. Meanwhile, the traditional glucose test strips are a cash cow for manufacturers, hence why you see on street corners across from pharmacies people ready to buy diabetes treatment supplies from those who would rather sell them and buy other necessities instead of monitoring their disease.

Lunch in a restaurant is nearly impossible unless I find a list of places that have high-protein or Keto options on the menu. Dinner is a dilemma as no matter where we go; the portions are too large for my wife and me. Here in our 50’s the caloric count of a meal is far too often too high. Should we decide to share a meal, we face the disapproving glare of the server, who believes they just saw their tip reduced by the cheap old people, which is only made worse if we don’t order alcohol. If the look of disdain were all, we’d deal with that, but seeing the adjacent table have four server visits for our single one lets us know quite clearly that we are in the bad seats.

One upside to having the amount of free time I currently have is that I can afford to make a lot of our food at home. This offers us access to incredibly healthy dishes such as the super yummy chicken feet bone broth I recently cooked up. I can take a mile walk before breakfast and then a two-mile walk afterward. Before or after lunch, I can head out for another mile or two, and then after dinner, I’ll try for two more miles. I have time to research viable options for treating diabetes, though without doctors sharing what’s at the cutting edge, I don’t always know what to look for. We can afford books, supplements, doctor appointments, gadgets, foods, and experiments to learn what works to treat my diabetes, which I doubt many can.

So, while there are pros and cons, I at least have options. I’m growing increasingly frustrated that our version of laissez-faire capitalism is perfectly fine with allowing people to become profit centers. This is only possible in a population that is largely under-educated not only about diet but also the long-term implications of the abuse they are suffering due to their own ignorance from industries interested in profits at all costs instead of the general welfare of a country. I think about this in terms of a time such as World War II when the population was supposed to make sacrifices for the betterment of the entire earth, and yet today, corporations are allowed to practice a kind of fascistic exploitation of people for the enrichment of an elite class.

To return to my story, on September 24th, eight days after the phone call that told me my A1C had jumped to 9.5% and that I’d gained 6 pounds since I was last weighed at my doctor’s office, I had to see my doctor. I had been told initially that I was coming in to learn about going on insulin, but that’s not what happened.

I stepped on the scale and was hoping I’d lost a few pounds. Instead, the person taking my stats was as surprised as I was that I’d lost 10 pounds in 8 days. Then I showed my doctor that my glucose level for the past five days was averaging 119, down from around 240 a week before. She reminded me that it was what I maintained over 90 days that mattered but agreed that I didn’t need a change in medications as long as I could maintain my change in behavior. She also saw the importance of me being able to constantly watch my glucose levels and wrote a prescription for a FreeStyle Libre Constant Glucose Monitor though there’s great uncertainty if my insurance will authorize its use.

I’m seriously astonished by my progress, incredulous even. I feel that my motivation for success has been amplified and that the next 22 days, while they’ll certainly be difficult at times and tedious to the point of boredom, will let me see the potential results behind my efforts. I’ll continue to do my best to keep my caloric intake under 1,400 calories, I’ll set my Fitbit minimum goal to 15,000 steps (about 7 miles), and I’ll do a full 24-hour fast once a week and at least one 18/6 fast per week. The 18/6 fast is where one fasts for 18 hours and then eats during 6, so let’s say I eat dinner on Thursday night, I won’t eat again until lunch on Friday, and then dinner before 6:00 p.m.

If I’m below 220 pounds over the next few weeks, I’ll consider this a huge win, and I have no reason to doubt that I can get there. While it has taken me three years to fully integrate the lifestyle changes I’m living with, I feel that quality of life is worth every bit of sacrifice. I only wish I had known all this 40 years ago when I first embarked on a daily food indulgence and abuse regimen attacking the future of my well-being.

My Progress

Charting my diabetes

It was Sunday when I started writing this blog entry, as I wanted to capture some thoughts about my progress. Friday saw my effort at fasting that technically started the evening before when I finished dinner at 6:30 on Thursday. I made it exactly 24 hours before eating again at 6:30 Friday night. This was, in so many ways, a magic day as I woke with a blood glucose level of 160, but by midday and then for the rest of Friday, my blood glucose never went over 120. Keep in mind that this was just seven days after my doctor’s appointment when my 2-hour-after-lunch reading was 239.

In my Wednesday entry, I noted that I was adding a fasting day, but over the course of the next few days, I was learning a ton about the current theories and amazing results that are coming out of the work of Dr. Jason Fung and Dr. Valter Longo. Dr. Fung is a proponent of fasting, and he seems particularly fond of intermittent fasting, now known as IF. Dr. Longo, on the other hand, has been exploring the Fasting Mimicking Diet, of which he is the pioneer. It’s incredible how far my knowledge has grown about the health benefits of allowing the body to do what used to be a normal process, that is, allowing it to go hungry.

What’s important here is that the day after my fast, my blood glucose after eating breakfast was 96; after lunch was 103, and after dinner was an astonishing 89. Mind you, my restricted caloric intake was just under 1,200 calories for the day, with only 23 grams of carbohydrates finding their way in.

Another big win for me this week after learning my diabetes was running out of control was about the health benefits of bone broth. I was looking for tips about fasting when I came across a video titled “Bulletproof Bone Broth: Quick Recipe for After Fasting” by Thomas DeLauer. The rabbit hole opened, and while this bone broth sounded intriguing, I wanted to know more, and that brought me to Dr. Kaayla Daniel and a video titled “Bone Broth and Health: A Look at the Science.” Cell health and anti-inflammation are topics the diabetic should be aware of, and this got me curious enough to head to Whole Foods for some marrow bones to start a pot of bone broth.

While I’ve been counting calories this week, I’ve come to learn that this is frowned upon in some circles and appears to be mostly irrelevant. I needed to count them, though, as a bit of side knowledge while monitoring amounts, which was something I didn’t do back when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. Back then, I was content (not really, but…) to quit products made with flour, sugar, potatoes, and white rice. Then, by splitting meals with my wife and not paying attention to much of anything else, my diabetes started to come under control fast. Being creatures of habit, like I said in my blog post a couple of days ago, I let some of the glucose offenders back into my routine. Seeing the relationship between portion size and calories gave me a better idea about the amount of food I can reasonably eat, remain energized, and hope to pull my glucose level down rapidly. It worked.

So now I’m here trying to sift through a ton of information regarding the continuation of eating healthier, fasting, and wondering why the healthcare and food industries are apparently reluctant to push the 100 million Americans with pre-and full-on type 2 diabetes to start a serious examination of alternatives rather than taking the path of maximum suffering. I can assure you that after witnessing 40 years of fad diets come and go, I’m skeptical of this fasting, calorie reduction, carbohydrate reduction, and exercise regimen. While it seems reasonable to eat healthy meals and less of them, I’ve been conditioned, like so many other Americans, to the idea of prosperity through abundance and happiness through gluttony.

I’m not writing this for anybody else but myself because someday I might need to remind myself where my mind was when I was rational enough to know how to deal with this horrible affliction and, if need be, to Google “Diabetic Gangrene” for images that remind me of what I’m trying to avoid while doing my best to maintain the ability to get out and enjoy life and my time with my wife.

My Disease


Insulin resistance sucks. Refined carbs and sugars suck, too, at this stage of my life. I’ve written here before that my diabetes was under control after making drastic changes to my diet and exercise. Earlier this year, I had an episode where I noticed some high glucose readings, but on a follow-up visit with my doctor and the requisite blood work, I learned my A1C or 90-day average reading of blood glucose level was still in the acceptable range where I didn’t require insulin.

So, knowing how much I’d reintegrated certain foods back into my diet, I pushed things further this summer and made the huge mistake of not checking my blood sugar, not even once a week. Back at my doctor last week and new blood work analyzed, I came to learn this Monday that I’ve skyrocketed my A1C up over 9%. I was diagnosed a few years ago with an 11.3% A1C, so with numbers below 7% being in the normal range, I was halfway back to the incredibly ugly level that shook me and forced a dramatic lifestyle change.

I’m well aware of what works to combat my diabetes and must admit that the convenience of ignoring things will not afford me a free pass in escaping the clutches of this horrible disease. So, an even more drastic approach is needed, so I might finally put this behind me.

My plan went into effect the minute I got my results. I launched into walking. Going out to eat is not going to happen, at least for the next month. Yanking flour, potatoes, rice, and sugar from my diet after my initial diagnosis was sufficient to help me lose weight and drop my blood sugar. This time, my approach is to continue to eliminate those violators of my health but to also drop my caloric intake to roughly 1,300 calories a day. I’m upping my step count from 10,000 a day to a minimum of 15,000 a day. Finally, I’m adding one fasting day a week.

I have less than 40 pounds to lose to get me under 200, and I’m confident that I will get there in the next 18 to 24 months. Okay, that’s my realistic guesstimate, but my gut is screaming at me to make it faster, as dealing with the complications that could arise from my diabetes is a nagging dagger. Complacency is comfortable in ways, but I thus become my own worst enemy, and I’m loathe to let diabetes destroy me.