Phoenix Synth Fest

Chris Meyer's Eurorack Performance Case at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

This was my first synth fest here in Phoenix, Arizona, where I live. Nearly four years ago Caroline and I attended Moogfest in Durham, North Carolina, and then last year I went to Synthplex in Los Angeles, California, and Superbooth in Berlin, Germany. Phoenix doesn’t have a large community but I came to appreciate that we do have a rather healthy scene here in the desert. While I didn’t count the actual number of visitors here at the Phoenix Synth Fest I’m guessing that between 60 and 80 people from around the valley and even as far away as Tucson showed up for the event.

Chris Meyer demoing his Eurorack Performance Case at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

Meeting Chris Meyer of Learning Modular for the third time was great but watching him demo his performance case was certainly a highlight of the past three days. I first learned of Chris and his wife Trish over a dozen years ago when I wanted to dig deeper into learning Adobe’s After Effects: they were the go-to team for all things compositing software at the time.

Then a few years ago I started watching everything I could about Eurorack Synths and there was Chris. He influenced my case choice, taught me a lot through his online tutorials, and still does, he even asked me for a photo of the Synthtech E370 VCO which got me a credit in the book that he and Kim Bjørn co-authored. That book titled Patch & Tweak is on the table below Chris’s case, which happens to have been built by the inimitable Ross Lamond.

Steve Roach demoing his setup at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

On hand for a second day was Steve Roach who left his gear setup from the night before so he could demo it to the attendees of the Synth Fest. Turns out that this Grammy-nominated artist doesn’t have far to go this afternoon as he lives just about 100 miles south of us in Tucson.

Marci.dh performing at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

After the day’s presentations and visiting with the various people who brought synthesizers with them to the meetup side of the fest it was time for the evening’s entertainment program. I was late getting out of the facility at Paradise Valley Community College to go fetch dinner and so I got back with Caroline in tow to watch and listen to a few of the artists presenting. The first person we caught was Marci.dh who performed what seemed like a stochastic melange of sounds that tipped into the atonal.

Tony Obr performing at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

Tony Obr, the organizer of this Synth Fest, performed with collaborator Dr. Seth Dominicus Thorn who played violin to Tony’s synth foundation. While there were a good 60-80 people attending the first half of the festivities there were hardly 30 people who stuck around for the live performances. I note this as a constant lament regarding the city I live in and the apathy here for things fringe, cultural, or more than 10 miles away from where people live.

Eurorack Synthesizer at Phoenix Synth Fest in Arizona

Today I learned that Justin Olson, Tony Obr, me, and Garth Paine who also performed tonight and owns the synth pictured are all owners of the Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer. I would have never guessed that there are no less than four of these relatively rare synths right here in Arizona. The module I’m referencing sits on the far left of the second row from the top.

I now wonder: if Arizona and the Phoenix area were to be able to organize a larger electronic music festival featuring everything from Bitwig and Ableton to VSTs and hardware synths, might it be able to draw in a few hundred or more people from across the state? Or maybe electronic arts in general where graphic design, video, audio, and 3D stuff were all part of a program to help educate those interested but then again I remember a small conference held by years ago that might have drawn in about 100 people so on second thought, probably not.

I still believe that if this were properly funded and promoted by schools, government, and local media it would pull people in just like those groups working to draw people to professional sports; our community gets great attendance at those events. Why not the same efforts for those things cultural where billion-dollar franchises don’t exist yet?

Steve Roach Live in Phoenix

Steve Roach playing live in Phoenix, Arizona

Steve Roach is in town for not only a performance of Electronic/Ambient music tonight but he will also be visiting the Phoenix Synth Meetup going on at Paradise Valley Community College tomorrow. The small Performing Arts Theater on the campus meant that our general admission seats were going to be reasonable no matter where we sat and although we arrived 5 minutes before the start of the performance we were still in the second row. This is not the first time I’ve wondered why when something is free or general admission that many people don’t want to be upfront but if they have to pay for a seat they want front row center?

Last night we were here at the same location for jazz group Union32 that was performing with TSONE who was playing a Eurorack synthesizer for the set.

Not only is the Synth Meet going on Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00 but then at 7:30 there’ll be nearly half a dozen local synth groups and players taking us into the night with their bleeps and bloops.

C is for Coincidence

Screencap of Lumière brothers’ 1896 movie “Arrival of a Train At La Ciotat”

Yesterday one of the most bizarre coincidences in the entirety of my life occurred. Mid-afternoon, while scanning my social media, I came to a link about a video and photo upscaling software that is based on AI called Gigapixel AI. The article leads with old film footage from the Lumière brothers’ 1896 movie “Arrival of a Train At La Ciotat.” It then goes on to give other examples of how this software has improved other types of images. I thought nothing more of any of this and continued on with my day.

Later in the evening, I was going through some of my books, looking for what I might take with me on an upcoming extended trip, and was considering Cyclonopedia by Reza Negarestani and Fanged Noumena by Nick Land. The problem was that I couldn’t find the Negarestani book as the title was escaping me, so I went to Amazon to look up my old order as I also hadn’t memorized the author’s name. Along with the book’s information, I saw some of the suggestions that Amazon makes, including The Melancholy of Resistance by Laszlo Krasznahorkai. Reading the description, I knew I was very familiar with the story. The line in the description that talked about a circus putting the stuffed body of a whale on display in a small Hungarian town was the clue. This had to be related to Bela Tarr’s film titled Werckmeister Harmonies.

After checking on Bela Tarr’s career, I got to wondering about what Srđan Spasojević has been up to since making his controversial movie A Serbian Film. Two years after his rise to infamy, he directed a short horror film that was included in a compilation of shorts titled The ABCs of Death. The premise of The ABCs of Death was that 26 directors were assigned a letter of the alphabet each and then made a short film based on their letter assignment. Srđan was given the letter R, and I found that the compilation was up on Amazon Prime for rent, so I grabbed it to watch immediately.

At an hour and fifteen minutes into the film moving alphabetically, we come to “R is for Removed,” and not 15 seconds into this segment, the camera cuts to a TV screen which is displaying an old black & white film clip that looks familiar. OMG, that’s Arrival of a Train At La Ciotat by the Lumière brothers!

Just six hours before, I watched this 124-year-old film clip of the train pulling into the station that had been used to demonstrate some new software, and now, shortly before I’m about to go to bed in some random movie is the footage being used by an obscure director in a b-movie that I just happened to actually pay for. Then you have to consider that I only rent a few films a year these days. So what are the infinitesimally small odds of something like this happening?

I’m genuinely perplexed by this peculiar coincidence and feel like the universe somehow nudged me, but for what reason or how to interpret this, I have no idea.

Don’t Play With My Clock

Early morning in Phoenix, Arizona

I live in Arizona, where we do not observe Daylight Savings Time; the Navajo Nation is the exception. I’ve been living and growing older in this state for the past 25 years. Here, at 56 years old, I can tell how my sense of things changes with the natural rhythm of the clock, even though any obvious seasonal changes are relatively minor here in the desert. Usually, in November, I start to become more acutely aware that the days are getting shorter, and initially, there’s a slight sense of loss that has me asking myself if I did everything I wanted to do during those months when my days were long. Then, only a few months later, I became aware of an afternoon brightness that hinted to my internal clock that the short days of winter were running out.

There’s a melancholy I feel over these lengthening days as it dawns on me again that I’m transitioning through another passing season. I ask myself, did I best utilize my long nights to accomplish those things that are best suited for darkness? As I mourn the long nights fading away, I can’t yet appreciate the longer days that are ahead. I do start becoming more aware of the need to make plans of how we’ll best use those 16 to 18 hours a day of sunlight that will be upon us. If we’re not careful, they’ll pass without our participation and a season will have been lost.

So what happens to someone who abruptly has to change the clock an entire hour forward or back? I can’t imagine how unsettling this is to one’s senses as I rather enjoy my circadian rhythm, having the luxury of transitioning with the seasons, in tune with the spin of the earth that dictates when the sun rises and sets. Take this photo above that I shot at about 5:30 in the morning: two weeks ago, the eastern sky was pitch black, while this morning, it’s a dark blue. In a couple of weeks, I suspect the glow of dawn will start coming on strong, but if it were time to slam the clock forward, I would simply be catapulted from a walk at night one day to walk in daylight the very next day.

Being in rhythm instead of having to suddenly leapfrog forward or back feels right as I’m getting older. When I was younger, I didn’t so much notice it as much as I muscled through the transition, but I was also a much more emotionally volatile, impetuous young man. Today, as I become so fully aware of how I transition with time, I have to say I feel it’s a luxury to allow the senses to subtly move with the natural cycle of time and that humanity will have to realize and change this archaic yet modern collective forcing of a population to abandon what will likely prove to be an important cycle we are supposed to be well-tuned to.

Duncan Arizona – Day 3

Next to the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

For the astute, you might be noticing that we are on the north side of the Gila River this morning after sharing the south side the day before. It’s still cold, though maybe not as cold as yesterday; one thing was certain: there are not as many sandhill cranes traveling overhead as yesterday, either. The sound of the river valley and various birds under a crisp blue sky cannot be undersold; what is the price of a perfect place?

Sandhilll Cranes next to the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

I brought the wrong lens to photograph birds, even if they are giant birds. We hadn’t expected these elegant dinosaurs of the sky to be present at all out here, so this has been a nice surprise. Watching them fly, I have to wonder if the wave function that seems to control their formation doesn’t also influence the flap of their wings in relation to the rest of the flock. Then Caroline and I both wonder if there isn’t some quantum force as work that if the birds know they are going to be observed that they change their route to best avoid a direct gaze. Yesterday, the cranes were flying on the north side; today, they are over on the south.

Next to the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

The steam rising off the Gila River is a treasure to behold, and while I don’t feel the photo does it justice, it’s all I’ve got. Our first hour of the day comes and goes and with 2.5 miles under the belt, we needed to head back to the Simpson Hotel for our breakfast arrangements.

Breakfast at the Historic Simpson Hotel in Duncan, Arizona

Met David and Evelyn after we had our exquisite French-inspired breakfast knocked out by Clayton and Deborah. Instead of hitting the road and keeping my mouth shut, we started talking. Two hours later, we know that David and Evelyn, who admitted to being 77 years old, are, in truth, living in sin as a couple of dirty hippies. While this won’t make the news, it did work to give us all a good laugh as they embraced being outed for what they are. The real truth is that this couple, who met fairly recently via a senior dating site, is out traveling the desert southwest from their base in Tucson, which puts them close enough for the four of us to get together and compare travel notes at a future date. It’s great meeting curious people out exploring but especially so when you know first-hand how easy it is to do a lot of nothing.

A Panorama made by Don Carlos at Simpson Hotel in Duncan, Arizona

Also living and not just existing is resident artist Don Carlos, who shared with Caroline and me a collection of art pieces he’s created that’s going on exhibition up in Clifton soon.

Mount Graham and the Haekel Road sign in Eastern Arizona

Our time in Duncan has expired, and we are exiting town. We know we need to return soon, as off to the east, we still need to visit Gila Cliff Dwellings again, and northeast in Western New Mexico is the ghost town of Mogollon and another historic old hotel we’d like to grab bragging rights to. On the way down the highway, we stop at Haekel Road, which is German for crochet and also happens to be a turnoff that leads over to the Hot Well Dunes and further on to Bowie, Arizona. The snow-capped peaks in the background are Mt. Graham, and this trip would have included a visit if it weren’t for the road up the mountain being closed in winter.

Then, out of nowhere, lunch jumps out at us just when it seemed we’d only finished breakfast; funny how talking opens a time-dilation portal, and we lose track of where we are on the spectrum of the evolving day. Well, another stop at La Paloma in Solomon for brunch sounded perfect, so we figured why wait for a McDonald’s further down the road, and so we turned down that little street to this lunch locale.

Creepy doll at Geronimo, Arizona

Out on the eastern edge of the San Carlos Apache Reservation are the remnants of a ghost town called Geronimo that got its start as Camp Thomas back in 1876. Besides, the two signs at either end of the place that aren’t always there (due to theft) are the ruins of the Willis Auto Court gas station and a few rooms that used to be part of a small motel. Behind all of this is the shell of an old two-story mercantile, but all other signs of the town have long been erased from the map. Turns out there used to be a rail station here with service to Globe, a bakery, a couple of saloons, and even two Chinese restaurants that were operating for a while. The post office that opened in April of 1896 closed up shop on May 31, 1956. With the auto court and motel, the last operating businesses, a shooting at the bar halted what was left, and the town of Geronimo faded into history. The aging doll with half its face eaten off was inside one of the buildings; wish I knew its story.

Lizard at Besh-Be-Gowa Archaeological Park in Globe, Arizona

On Friday afternoon, passing through Globe on our way East, we noticed the turn-off for the Besh Ba Gowah Archaeological Park and Museum and talked about how, after all these years, we’ve never stopped. With time to spare on our way home today, we set it as a destination. The museum might be the best part of the facility, with many artifacts directly from the grounds but the buildings are mostly reconstructions that have us wondering how true to what might have originally been here starting some 800 years ago.

Guayo's El Ray Mexican Restaurant in Miami, Arizona

As we were about to pass through Miami, we were still far away from hungry after our lunch only four hours ago, but the same tipster that brought our attention to La Paloma over in Solomon also told us of the need to visit Guayo’s El Rey at 716 W Sullivan Street here in Miami. Also on the list was Mi Casa down in Benson, Arizona, but that is 165 miles south of us right now. So, would we go back to Guayo’s El Rey? In a second. I had one of the best carne asada’s ever.

Magma Hotel in Superior, Arizona

Hotel Magma is open again after being closed for decades, but I already wrote about that back in October; it bears repeating as I need the constant reminder that we need to book a room here before it closes again. Just then it dawns on me that I should check out how much it costs to stay a night or two. A quick phone call convinces me that we won’t be staying any time soon as the rates start at $198 a night.

West of Superior, Arizona

That’s the Valley of the Sun out there and the place we call home. From here forward, we reenter the heavy traffic, generic conformity, endless franchises, and routines we know so well. Our getaway to Duncan was more than we might have hoped for, and it easily became a place we’d consider returning to.

Duncan Arizona – Day 2

Along the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

Up at the crack of dawn because who says clichés shouldn’t be lived by on occasion? Looking out the front door at the frozen cars gave me pause, but not so much to stop our momentum to catch the sunrise and see if the bird trail lived up to its name.

Along the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

The grasses are alive as early birds flutter undercover of the brush. Overhead, we can hear the approach of the sandhill cranes long before we see them. Cranes turn out to be quite common here in the area at this time of year. Last night, we learned of the Wings Over Willcox festival that celebrates the cranes. It is held each January, and we will try to place a permanent note in our heads to visit next year.

Along the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona

Our walk along the Gila River this morning took us on a mile-and-a-half long loop trail under a clear, frosty 34-degree blue sky here near the Arizona and New Mexico state line. The bird trail ended up being well worth the minor effort to bundle up and get a little exercise in before breakfast, and with the eight o’clock hour approaching (the time we told our hosts that we’d like to eat), we had to head back.

Cat at the Simpson Hotel in Duncan, Arizona

Maliki the Cat enjoying the warm sun and a snuggle in front of the big window at the Simpson Hotel. As much as the Simpson acts as a hotel, it has a dual role as Bed & Breakfast. Deborah and Clayton, the proprietors of this historic building, made us a terrific homemade, gourmet breakfast, allowing us to move at a slower pace than would be typical when we are anxious to get out and start exploring the area.

Joyce and Juliette came down to join us after a bit, which slowed us down yet again. Talk of sandhill cranes, ghosts, hotel lore, and an interesting trail out by Virden, New Mexico.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the Arizona and New Mexico state line near Virden, New Mexico

The interesting trail wasn’t found, but the state line was. Mea culpa time, as I’ve bragged countless times that Caroline has already passed over every state line crossing that Arizona has. Well, we’ve never been over this one. Now, before I go blowing my horn again, I think I’ll pore over a map and see which others I might have missed. Hmm, maybe I could blame this on the fact that paper maps never took us down to a close enough resolution, so this could have been an honest mistake.

Abandoned ranch house in western New Mexico

The outside turned out to be more interesting than the inside of this abandoned ranch house with its multitude of textures, all of them in different states of wear.

Gila River near Virden, New Mexico

I don’t think we drove much more than 20mph on our short loop out the Virden Highway and back up Franklin Road. Along the way, we stopped to admire a small flock of sandhill cranes in a farmer’s field, and then next door, Caroline pilfered a bunch of pecans that were still on the trees. She’d call it gleaning; I just hung my head in shame.

The muddy water racing by is the Gila River. It gets its start near the Continental Divide in some mountains east of us and then collects the waters of almost half a dozen other rivers as it passes through Phoenix until reaching the Colorado River down near Yuma, Arizona. After traveling a length of the river today and having watched the patterns of the sandhill cranes this morning, it is obvious that they stay very close to the river while out looking for food.

Caroline Wise at Hilda's Mexican Cafe in Duncan, Arizona

After a meander over the countryside listening to Westlin’ Winds by Robert Burns, we are back in Duncan at Hilda’s for some Mexican food though I wimped on trying the Meat Daddy, which now seems more appropriate while listening to At Seventeen by Janis Ian.

The Rugged and Obese could be the tagline for many of these out-of-the-way outposts that were once something and are now, more often than not, on their way to oblivion. From the amount of tossed-off beer cans, shooters, and broken glass the drinking problems that are supposed to relieve loneliness are hard at work here where little else is found.

Lunch is solid, but hopefully, not so much that it leads us to a siesta. While coffee might be in order about now to ward off drowsiness, we know in a place like this, it’ll be something along the lines of Folgers or Yuban, and after years of strong coffee, that stuff seems like water dolled up to look like coffee, but it’s not fooling us.

With nothing else needing our attention, the thought of just sitting here sipping coffee and smoking while talking about nothing sounds appealing if it weren’t for the fact we neither enjoy smoking nor is it allowed in restaurants anymore. Funny that we grew up in an age where smoking at the table was the norm. To compensate, Caroline has fetched her knitting while I swipe notes into my smartphone, allowing us to skip the chatting part, too; at least we have “coffee.”

Ruth just came in. Strangely enough, this is the third time running into her in less than 24 hours. Last night in Safford at Walgreens, we stopped and picked up Girl Scout cookies from her and the troop. Then, this morning, heading out of Duncan, we pull up to get gas, and there’s Ruth chaperoning some other girls, so we buy even more cookies we don’t need.

Drive-in Theater in Three Way, Arizona

We are way out in the middle of nowhere. The junction is called Three Way, and over 60 years ago, when this giant movie screen was erected, it must have drawn people in from far and wide. I can still hear the echoes of excitement as the car got into position and the tinny speaker was pulled into the car as maybe Cary Grant in To Catch A Thief or James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause flickered onto the screen back in 1955. Walking over to the refreshment counter for a fountain drink and the smell of fresh popcorn would round out the treat of visiting this window to the world that may as well have been a million miles away from those who worked on the ranches and in the mines of rural Arizona and New Mexico.

Looking out the Morenci Mine near Clifton, Arizona

While we miss the paper maps of yore, the in-dash panel of our Kia Niro hybrid features maps that are seriously accurate for letting us find alternate routes to places. A small side road took us out for some nice views towards Morenci and its mining operations (left side of the photo) and past the Clifton Cemetery.

Clifton, Arizona Cemetery

Masin Greenlee may be the most famous person buried at the Clifton Cemetery as one of the 15 counties in Arizona, Greenlee County is named after him. But there are 1098 other people buried in these rugged and rocky mountains, including a number of children such as Baby Goss here, who died December 30, 1924, on the same day this infant was born. There were a number of graves from back in that time where babies didn’t make it or lived only a few days before passing on.

Clifton, Arizona

Clifton, Arizona, is as close to being a ghost town as it can get. If the local mining operation were to cease, this town would blow away. Turns out that it’s almost washed away a number of times due to storms that created catastrophic flooding of the nearby San Francisco River.

This is not our first visit to Clifton, but it is one of the saddest. We’ve enjoyed peeking into derelict old buildings on previous visits, but today, they are mostly boarded up. We can only figure it’s due to vandalism. We’d ask someone, but nobody is around to ask. Most of the few shops that are here are closed on Saturday, which baffles us. There was one small shop open towards the end of Chase Creek Street where a young woman shared some of the pleasures and struggles of living in a town with such difficult living conditions regarding work and the availability of simple things like credit and loans to buy houses and such.

Speaking of Chase Creek Street, that catastrophic flooding I spoke of was exacerbated by the fact that the main road that slices through this part of Clifton and this historic district is part of the creek that, while small or non-existent in dry years, has been known to achieve flows of water that rival the Colorado river when reaching flood stages. We learned about this as we finally Googled why this town has giant steel doors at the south end of the place that are reminiscent of flood gates used in Japan, where tsunamis occur: those doors are part of Clifton’s flood control.

1941 Cadillac Flying Lady Hood Ornament seen in Clifton, Arizona

I think this is the Flying Lady from a 1941 Cadillac, but I’m only about 95% certain. I wonder if the owner knows these hood ornaments can sell for about $750, and if he did, would it still just be sitting out next to the street? A few doors down was another intriguing hood ornament on what might have been a 1950s Cadillac.

Big Horn Sheep in Clifton, Arizona

Getting ready to leave town, we ran into this team of bighorn sheep with that ram over there giving me stink eye more than once.

San Francisco River in Clifton, Arizona

This is the San Francisco River that in 1983, was moving 56,000 cubic feet per second of floodwater through its channel. Today during our visit, it’s only about 520 cubic feet per second. With fading light, we pointed the car south to return to Duncan and get some dinner at the Ranch House before settling in at our cozy hotel. As we head into being tired and seriously satisfied with the day, we are at a loss for what we might do tomorrow. Having that kind of flexibility is not a bad thing.