Holbrook, Arizona to Santa Fe, New Mexico

Interstate 40 exit for Thoreau, New Mexico

We had a sound plan for the day, which started in Holbrook, Arizona: Find breakfast, get on Interstate 40 to Albuquerque, transition to Interstate 25 north, arrive in Santa Fe, New Mexico, around noon. Breakfast was the first thing that took a left turn. Switching things up, we drove to the 66 Restaurant and walked in to find an empty, somewhat stenchous, liminal space that was creeping out both of us. Without anyone up front, there was no shame or awkwardness in turning around and walking out. Just across the street is the Camaleon Cafe, a Mexican-influenced joint we’ve eaten at before. Pulling up, we saw two cars with people waiting for the place to open at 7:00. As the “open” sign was turned on, we paused, waiting for the others who arrived before us to make their way towards the door. The guy we parked next to stepped out of his 30 or 40-year-old pickup wearing blue jeans that were held together over the knee with bright yellow gaffer tape. His belt was adorned with about 25 rounds of .45 caliber bullets for the Colt 45 revolver on his hip. The man’s accent was thick with a drawl, which triggered Caroline to lean in towards me once we’d sat down to suggest that this must have been the man Pixar modeled the character Mater after in their film Cars.

Caroline Wise in Thoreau, New Mexico

After breakfast, we weren’t on the freeway long before I started bristling at being on one of America’s Most Ugly Highway Ever. With two options, one that detoured way up north to Shiprock and Farmington, New Mexico, and the other that would swing us through Crownpoint, New Mexico, we opted for the latter choice as it promised to add only one hour to our journey, and we could still reach Santa Fe early enough to visit what some call the oldest church in the United States. So, just past the Continental Divide, at the Thoreau exit, following the sign with the shotgun blast and four bullet holes, we began our detour. Gas is cheap in New Mexico, but it comes with a price. While pumping gas, Caroline was attacked by a rat that burrowed into her neck and turned her into a zombie. Right, like Caroline knows how to pump gas, she can’t even drive a vacuum or adequately operate a broom. Anyway, you can see from her weak grip on the rat that she wasn’t going to dislodge this rodent who was neck deep in her neck, so I had to stop taking photos, grab the rat, resulting in the breaking off its head, and like a tick’s disembodied head holding fast to a body part, it had to be removed. Obviously, I had to apply suction, except Caroline shrieked at me, “No HICKEY,” leaving me no choice but to splash her with gasoline, ignite it, and cauterize the wound while inadvertently sealing the rat head into her neck. We’ve decided not to seek medical attention at this time, hoping we can pop it out later like an overloaded zit ripe for plucking.

Near Smith Lake, New Mexico

I’m sure that had the weather not been so idyllic, we might have still arrived in Santa Fe before 1:00, but then we would have also needed to take into account that we had entered the Mountain Daylight Savings timezone and had lost an hour leaving Arizona. I’ll just cut to the chase: this one-hour addition to our drive time ended up eating an extra six hours of distraction. There, it’s in the open: we are idiots, and that bottle of Smart Water I inadvertently bought instead of the Dasani I thought I’d grabbed did nothing to contribute to our intelligence. However, I’d argue that getting off a major interstate is seriously smart because when do you see these kinds of sights from a freeway?

Near Crown Point, New Mexico

As I drive along, I’m listening to Caroline’s instructions, who, when she has signal, is busy studying maps and zooming in, trying to determine the viability of routes that may or may not be paved. It wasn’t only the contrast in colors that drew my attention to these cliff faces. I was on the lookout for petroglyphs but didn’t see one.

Horse in White Horse, New Mexico

Hello, pinto stallion, hanging out in the desert near White Horse. We were surprised that he approached Caroline, gave her a sniff, and decided he wasn’t interested. Most times, these horses move away from us the moment we step out of our car.

Approaching Pueblo Pintado, New Mexico

We’re on Indian Service Route 9, approaching Pueblo Pintado, somewhere out there.

Ruin off Indian Service Route 9 approaching Torreon, New Mexico

While economic opportunities are rather grim on the majority of western Indian reservations, there is no denying that, even in ruin, these places are profoundly beautiful. But visual aesthetics on gorgeous days do not feed families, pay to maintain homes, repair cars, or bring the inhabitants into contact with healthcare or advanced education. I know that I tend to over-romanticize what could be made of these lands, but the reality is that tourists, and even the majority of travelers, want convenience, luxury, and iconic locations that serve egos and not unique experiences. There’s a reason why financially successful Native Americans who are on the Rez are most frequently connected to a casino and not a location where we can stay a few nights in an indigenous dwelling, wake up to learn how to make the local bread and explore the flora and fauna of significance in the community.

NM Route 279 near San Luis, New Mexico

Just look at all this intense landscape and dramatic clouds. Not another vehicle for as far as the eye can see, and never a semi truck drifting in and out of the lane. It’s just the occasional bird, animal, or tumbleweed too close to the road.

NM Route 279 east of San Luis, New Mexico

Out of sight in the distance at the foot of those mountains is New Mexico Route 550, two lanes in each direction. While it’s not a freeway, it’s too damn big, and as quickly as possible, we’ll be aiming for another of these smaller roads.

NM-550 on the Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico

Okay, so NM Route 550’s views aren’t all bad. Regardless, a few minutes later we turned east on Route 4.

Frybread for sale on NM-4 in San Isidro, New Mexico

Here in San Ysidro, sandwiched between the Zia and Jemez Pueblos, we found a couple selling red posole, green chili stew, and frybread, so we bought one of each, pulled up a couple of chairs and enjoyed a most awesome lunch.

NM-4 south of Jemez Springs, New Mexico

As the weather is apt to do during monsoon season in the southwest, a blustery storm can just show up out of nowhere. A bit farther up NM Route 4, we drove right into that storm, and ten minutes later, were already on the other side of it.

Valles Caldera National Preserve in Jemez Springs, New Mexico

While we didn’t realize it initially, we’d driven this road before. It dawned on us when we saw the ruins of the Jemez National Historic Landmark. We drove by under the foul weather but decided to keep going. What we really couldn’t remember was this vast open area that turned out to be the Valles Caldera National Preserve. It only became a part of the national park system back in 2015, well after we last passed through in 2003. Back then, this was a ranch. It may be difficult to see, but there are about 30 elk in the foreground. That was until a motorcyclist with a stupidly loud engine scared them, and they bolted for the forest.

Valles Caldera National Preserve in Jemez Springs, New Mexico

We turned into the preserve, believing we’d only be here momentarily to see what was what.

Valles Caldera National Preserve in Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Well, it sure is pretty out here.

Caroline Wise at Valles Caldera National Preserve in Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Had a great conversation with the ranger, bought the illustrated version of The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, and learned that they have a Junior Ranger program here, which Caroline is being sworn in for. There’s far more to see and visit here at Valles Caldera, but learning about it all firsthand will have to wait for a future visit.

Apricots from Robert Oppenheimer's home in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Look, we found these apricots just hanging around on a local tree, and instead of letting them fall to the ground and go to waste, we collected a bunch after sampling them, finding them worthy, and hoping we weren’t violating any rules.

Robert Oppenheimer's home in Los Alamos, New Mexico

Okay, the truth is more like there’s this apricot tree on the left of Robert Oppenheimer’s old house in Los Alamos, and seeing neither he nor his family is here to enjoy them anymore, we took it upon ourselves to taste the sweet fruit found at the Father of the Atomic Bomb’s former abode.

Replica of front gate at Los Alamos, New Mexico

Thought we were going to visit more history here, where the first nuclear bombs were first built, but this was insulting. What you are looking at is a plywood facade in front of a couple of public toilets; maybe the real guard shack is still a national secret and is kept in a secure location, away from prying eyes.

Last minute addition: on our way through town, Caroline’s eagle eye (actually a snail feeler) caught sight of Close-Knit Yarn Cooperative, which somehow was opened well past 6:00, an anomaly for a town of this size. It turned out that there were about seven women in the shop knitting, which was the real reason they were still open. Why were they all masked up like it was the summer of 2020? We weren’t inquisitive enough to ask, nor was Caroline impertinent enough to correct the owner that the knitting pattern designer Stephanie van der Linden is not, in fact, Dutch but certainly German.

Leaving Los Alamos, New Mexico

We were still nearly an hour away from Santa Fe, but this was to be our last photograph as we were descending the Pajarito Plateau, home of the Manhattan Project seventy-eight years ago, and were finished being entertained for the day. After checking into our room, we headed to the Pantry (the OG location on Cerillos Road), knowing full well that we would be eating breakfast there in less than 12 hours, but we’d never visited for dinner, and one can never have too much green chili when visiting New Mexico.

The People’s Wigwam

Jim Jones Shooting Range in Payson, Arizona

For countless years, I’ve wanted to stop and snap a photo of this sign pointing visitors/victims to the Jim Jones Shooting Range here in Guyana, Arizona. Oops, I meant Payson, Arizona. I was 15 angry years old when I learned of the People’s Temple and their White Nights event in a South American jungle where Jim Jones led over 900 people to commit mass suicide/murder. The following year, I found the audio recording from the last hour of the camp. It was called The Last Supper and was the grimmest thing I’d ever heard. Forty-six years later, I can’t see the name Jim Jones without thinking of the sounds of those dying and the pictures of dead people bloating in a jungle, hoodwinked by a charismatic cult leader under the guise of religious devotion for economic salvation.

Sunset north of Heber-Overgaard, Arizona

Now, here I am, 45 years, seven months, three weeks, and one day (or 16,671 days in total) later, having watched countless sunsets in between, celebrating life. Cults of various types have become the norm, and many people are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the megalomaniacal musings of captivating and persuasive sociopaths inspiring devotees through twisted ideas of what freedom, god, guns, and evil mean. While some have an unhealthy preoccupation with influencing others or being followers, Caroline and I take our passion for self-discovery on the road and interpret what life means to the best of our ability when gazing upon whales, looking into the sunset, and basking in the beauty of what others are creating in the various arts.

Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona

Mind you, this is not always the easiest of journeys. Not only do we grow older and maybe a bit tired, but society would prefer us to comport ourselves with the symbols, cultural icons, zeitgeist, and conformity afflicting the masses. That won’t do, as here, at 61 years old, the anger of the 15-year-old still seethes against the machine of subservient consumerism and commercial religious zealotry that drives insecurities and uncertainties. Having only returned home 72 hours earlier following our month in Oregon, we must remain relentless in our push to experience life on the terms we brought to the game ten, twenty, thirty, and forty years ago. So, tonight, we pulled into the Wigwam Motel once again. We’ve lost track of how many times these ancient concrete bungalows have welcomed us.

Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona

What’s the occasion, you might ask? We are on our way to the 20th anniversary of the International Folk Art Market that welcomes artists, creators, and celebrants of world culture to the semi-arid mountain desert city of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

End of Oregon Summer Trip

Tonopah, Nevada

After nearly 40,000 words, 573 photos, about 200 miles of walking and hiking, 18 days of remote work, and 12 weekend days (including a holiday), our month away from Arizona ends today. Our only goal is to get home as quickly as possible, and it is with dread that we leave Tonopah, Nevada, because we are anticipating a crush of traffic passing Vegas and Kingman before encountering the impatience of idiots trying to race through Wickenburg to Phoenix, making for dangerous driving.

Somewhere in Nevada

But those worries were for naught as it was smooth sailing. Sure, Las Vegas was its usual zone of drug-fueled stupidhead drivers, and there was a backup trying to merge on Interstate 40 in Kingman, where we pulled over at Popeye’s for some spicy chicken sandwiches, but other than that, it all went well, allowing us to cover the 509 miles home pretty quickly, getting home before 4:00 p.m. Seventy-two hours later, we’d be leaving again, this time for Santa Fe, New Mexico, but only for a long weekend.

A Small Slice of California

Clear Lake near Lucerne, California

This is Clear Lake, as seen from Lucerne, California. We’d already passed Lake Mendocino, but I need to make haste in getting this post finished because the reality is, I’m sitting down to write this post on July 10th at 8:30 p.m. after arriving at the Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona, on our way to Santa Fe, New Mexico, because our travel schedule is rather relentless this summer. So, the fewer photos I have to write to, the better I can expedite this missive and get into the trip we started only three days after we returned home from our stay in Oregon.

California Route 20 going east in the Central Valley

We drove out of the Coastal Range as our route took us east before our hard turn south to finish our drive home. The golden grasses of this state never fail to impress us. They’re also beautiful when they are green, though that doesn’t seem to happen frequently.

California Route 20 going east in the Central Valley

Not too far along, we enter the vast, flat middle of California, where 25% of America’s food supply is grown, with fully 40% of all fruits and nuts.

California Route 20 going east in the Central Valley

I can’t say we’ve ever seen fields of sunflowers out here before, but there is the fact that it’s a rare day that we find ourselves out and about during summer.

U.S. Route 50 in the Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada Mountains in California

Due to needing to drive over 500 miles (805km) today to reach this evening’s hotel, we were trying to be judicious with the number of stops we were making. Obviously, we are no longer in the Central Valley; we have started climbing up the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Yosemite National Park is still well south of us.

U.S. Route 50 in the Eldorado National Forest, Sierra Nevada Mountains in California

Only after passing the turnoff in the Meyers area to South Lake Tahoe did the heavy traffic abate, allowing us the opportunity for a break to stretch our legs, find a discrete spot for taking care of some particular business, and when inspired, take another photo. Usually, we try to incorporate all those things in a single stop.

West Fork Carson River in Markleeville, California

Crossing the West Fork of the Carson River in Markleeville.

California Route 89 near Markleeville, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

We should have more time to do justice in exploring this area because it feels as though we are unceremoniously racing right through here.

California Route 89 near Markleeville, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Out here, we are feeling very alone, and that’s a good thing.

California Route 89 near Markleeville, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Routes 88, 4, and 108 slice a path roughly east/west, while the 89 travels mostly south, which is the road we are currently on.

Caroline Wise at Monitor Pass near Lake Tahoe, California

The section of California 89 that crosses Monitor Pass is pointed absolutely east at this time. The pass is at an elevation of 8,314 feet or 2,534 meters.

California Route 89 near Topaz, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

We are descending out of the mountains to a wide valley below, where we’ll join U.S. Highway 395, also known as the Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway.

California Route 89 near Topaz, California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Not a mile further down the road, we were struck by this basin and how pretty it was.

U.S. 395 looking south to Mono Lake in California

That’s Mono Lake in the distance, we’ll certainly be stopping as it’s been 20 years to the day since we were last here. What a strange coincidence.

Boardwalk to Mono Lake in Lee Vining, California

This boardwalk, which really goes about nowhere, wasn’t here the last time we visited. The old adage, “Everything changes,” still rings true.

Caroline Wise at Mono Lake Navy Beach Viewpoint in Lee Vining, California

We stopped in Lee Vining at a gas station for ice and to ask if the guys might know where there’s a beach at the lake where people can swim because we didn’t have a recollection of exactly where we were on one of those previous visits when Caroline got in with the brine shrimp and swarming alkali flies that are in wild abundance, nearly creepily so, here at the shore. The younger of the two men recommended Navy Beach, but no sooner did he answer us that the other guy, half-toothless and maybe a bit inebriated, asked if we worshipped Satan. I answered him, “Not recently, how about you?” He offered up a simple “Yeah,” so I threw him the hand gesture for devil horns. We fist-bumped, and Caroline and I walked out, mouthing WTF to each other and holding back a laugh until we were in the car. Seriously, one of the great moments of our day.

Mono Lake Navy Beach Viewpoint in Lee Vining, California

Now, here I am thinking about this encounter, and as I write about this day, I just went to reference our old July 6th, 2004 visit, literally exactly 20 years ago. Back on that day, we had wanted to visit the Devils Postpile National Monument near Mammoth but were dissuaded because I didn’t want to wait on a shuttle. So, we detoured to eat pastries from Schatt’s bakery, with me mocking their product with a pun of the baker’s name. Next up, we drove through Death Valley via Crankshaft Corners on rough dirt backroads when it was hot as hell, as in close to 120 degrees. Where’d we go from there? To the Devils Golf Course, of which I wrote about letting “Satan play through.”

That guy at the gas station somehow understood that we’d made a deal with the devil somewhere in our past, and this was evil’s way of hinting to us that we were living on Satan’s dime.

Mono Lake Navy Beach Viewpoint in Lee Vining, California

Now if the deal with the devil were in any way true, I assure you that I wouldn’t have bargained for the abundance of travel where I could marvel at rainbows, seashores, pretty flowers, dripping mosses, tufas, romantic sunsets, and a wife who marvels at sand dollars, yarns, and music that makes her cry, my deal would have been to have John McAfee’s life of hookers, cocaine, and $100 million to fuel a salacious life of hedonism and absolute irresponsibility.

Granite Mountain near California Route 120, California

Another new road was added to our historic Map of America, where we track the roads we’ve driven. This is California Route 120 from Mono Lake, which is bringing us to Nevada.

Benton Hot Springs, California

There are some mighty remote hot springs in what is nearly a ghost town here at the crossroads near the Nevada-California border. Returning here will take a serious effort, as Benton Hot Springs is truly off the beaten path.

On U.S. Route 6 entering Nevada

While the sun was quite low in the sky when we merged onto the Grand Army of the Republic Highway, we’d covered the majority of Routes 120 and 6 with enough light to feel we had a good idea of what the terrain looked like, so we can properly claim to have experienced this corner of America.

Belvada Hotel in Tonopah, Nevada

It was well after 9:00 p.m. when we pulled into Tonopah, Nevada, where I’d booked a stay at the historic Belvada Hotel. Rare is the day we sleep in accommodations more than a couple of floors high, with such lofty prices of a couple of hundred dollars for the night. Was it worth it? Not really, other than the idea that we are helping support a small town and a historic site. Next time, we’ll stay at the world-famous Clown Motel, also here in Tonopah, though, at $175 a night, it isn’t all that much cheaper. No matter as using Satan’s credit card, we can have anything we want.

Hello Again, California

Cape Sebastian Scenic Overlook south of Gold Beach, Oregon

Is that California out in the distance? Not yet, but soon. Today’s setup down in Gold Beach was intentional for what would be our next stop today. First though, we made this quick stop at Cape Sebastian, not only for the view, but as a reminder that we want to take the trail from up here all the way down to the ocean.

Meyers Creek Beach north of Pistol River, Oregon

This is the spot we had to visit as our last stop in Oregon on this mighty, amazing coastal adventure we’ve been experiencing. Meyers Creek Beach has long been a favorite.

Meyers Creek Beach north of Pistol River, Oregon

Before we ever knew the proper name of this beach, we called it the Sharkfin Beach for obvious reasons. It is this rock jutting out of the sand and sea that created this affinity and keeps us coming back.

Meyers Creek Beach north of Pistol River, Oregon

We took time to linger in the fading moments that could be allocated to time on the Oregon Coast. While there’s some likelihood we’ll return this November, as I’ve already started making reservations, one never knows what tomorrow brings, so we have to take every second to absorb all we can.

Caroline Wise at Meyers Creek Beach north of Pistol River, Oregon

Note the hands in the pockets instead of holding the reins of Happy McKiteFace; there was no wind here, zero, zilch.

Coastal sand verbena at Meyers Creek Beach north of Pistol River, Oregon

Leaving the beach, we caught a whiff of this flowering plant that is not in bloom during our November visits. It is coastal sand verbena, and it smells brilliant.

Redwoods in Northern California

We’re on Wonder Stump Road just north of Crescent City, which is less than 15 miles from where we crossed from Oregon to California on Highway 101.

Redwoods in Northern California

These trees are today’s first encounter with the redwoods, and while some may think that 5 million of these giants of the more than 100 million that once existed is an adequate number, keep in mind that there are 39 million people living in California and nobody is suggesting the state is running out of habitable land. The tree we are standing below might be about 30 feet in diameter, meaning it could be about 300 to 400 years old. The Lost Monarch tree in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park has a circumference of approximately 84 feet (25.6 meters) while the oldest redwood is estimated to be about 2,200 years old, so even if humanity were to attempt to restore what we’ve ruined, not us, our children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren would be around to see one of these trees reach even this circumference.

Redwoods in Northern California

It’s peculiar to my primitive brain how I can be so impressed standing at the base of one of these trees, and yet there is an entire ecosystem above me that is unvisitable and must remain a big unknown to my senses. The canopy of the redwoods may as well be at the bottom of the sea or on the moon.

Redwoods in Northern California

The Wonder Stump Road might only be two miles long, but we were lost under these trees for nearly as long as it would have taken to walk the road.

Overlook in Klamath, California

Had our goal been to get as far south as fast as we could, our time at the edge of the continent would have been a lot shorter, but that would have brought an unceremonious end to this trip, and so our route was designed to maximize time at the coast and allow us to dawdle.

Wilson Creek Beach in Klamath, California

Wilson Creek Beach was afforded a quick stop, a photo and go.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Orick, California

We’ve turned off Highway 101 at the Newton B. Drury Scenic Byway in the Redwoods National Park on the way to the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park to slow things down even further. To simply drive by and ignore these trees and their lush environment feels like sacrilege.

Tiger Lily at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Orick, California

Caroline spotted tiger lilies next to the road, but often, there was nowhere to easily pull over, so we continued on until we found some near a pullout.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Orick, California

Sadly, there’d be no time for a hike into the woods because while we can take our time, as long as we reach Ukiah, where we have a hotel reservation, I have plans for a side trek off the beaten path to a place on the coast we’ve never visited before.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Orick, California

These forays into forests that stretch far into the sky are difficult places to photograph, at least for me, as there is so much to see and only so much that can be captured adequately in a photo. While standing under these ancient and massive trees inspires us, there is no easy method of sharing just how grand it all is.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in Orick, California

The ancestors of redwoods emerged about 200 million years ago, and then about 50 to 100 million years ago, the species split into the two types we know today, the coastal redwood and the giant sequoia. Maybe that’s what contributes to the sense of otherness, or whatever it is that feels different than other places; there are few living things on earth that we can stand amongst that have been on the planet longer.

Patricks Point Drive in Patricks Point, California

Heed this stop sign, or you will certainly regret your indiscretion. We are on Patricks Point Road.

Luffenholtz Beach in Trinidad, California

This is Luffenholtz Beach south of Trinidad, and while Caroline and I drove at least part of this road back in 2006 (we know we did because there’s a blog post) neither of us has any recollection of that drive. As a matter of fact, in 2020, we thought we were traveling this road for the very first time, stating just that in a post.

Mattole Road near Ferndale, California

We have left Highway 101 again, this time for a road we are absolutely 100% certain we’ve never driven before. The initial stretch of road is California 211, but in Ferndale, the road shrinks as we head out on the Mattole Road for the Lost Coast.

Mattole Road heading towards Cape Town, California

Many sections of the road out here are only a single lane, and they are also in tight curves with big blind spots, so stopping is not an option. Then, we emerge from the dark forest into wide-open vistas that are idyllic, serene landscapes.

Mattole Road heading towards Cape Town, California

Without guardrails, I’m inclined to hug the centerline and drive at barely 20mph, else we risk falling off the road and into the infinity of time.

Cape Town, California

We’ve arrived in Cape Town, as in California, not South Africa.

Mattole Road heading to Black Sand Beach on The Lost Coast of California

After driving for a while, we had some idea of the frequency of other cars traveling this road and felt okay about stopping in the middle of the street and jumping out for a photo.

Adjacent to Black Sand Beach on The Lost Coast of California

You wouldn’t know it from this view, but we’ve arrived at the Black Sand Beach down here on the Lost Coast north of the King Range National Conservation Area. I’ll turn around and show you.

Black Sand Beach on The Lost Coast of California

There’s nothing and almost nobody else down here.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at the Black Sand Beach on The Lost Coast of California

Well, there were these two dorks hanging out looking for the things we’d possibly not seen before.

Gumboot chiton shell at the Black Sand Beach on The Lost Coast of California

Seek, and you shall find. We were on our way back to the car when I spotted something peculiar that turned into the great treasure of this month away from Arizona: the shell of a gumboot chiton.

Point of Cows on Mattole Road at The Lost Coast of California

Somewhere along the road, and not marked, is the Point of Cows. That’s what we are calling this in lieu of finding the exact spot from the map.

Mattole Road near Petrolia, California

This concludes our coastal adventure as we turn inland and start the serious effort to move ourselves closer to home.

Lindley Ranch in Petrolia, California

Much of the landscape for the first 20 miles after leaving our turn inland was similar to what we were driving past on our way out, but still, I felt I should offer at least a peek at what is on this end of Mattole Road as we drive through Petrolia.

Mattole River Bridge in Honeydew, California

Our last photo of the day is from the Mattole River Truss Bridge in Honeydew, population 277, of which we met three of the locals. They were sitting near the bridge and informed us that this old relic from 1920 is going to be torn out and replaced with a modern structure. We learned a few other things from the heavily stoned and friendly people, but what they didn’t tell us was that we should probably have used this bridge and taken the northern route back to Highway 101 because the way we went included some sandy loose gravel sections of road in tight curves on steep mountainsides. More than once, I was given an adrenalin boost from the abject terror I was feeling as we started losing traction, and fear informed me that if I lost momentum, our tires would never grip this stuff well enough to let us finish going up the incline. I was close to panic. Consequently, I didn’t stop one time before reaching Highway 101, and by the time we reached Ukiah for the night, I was exhausted. What an adventure it was.

Happy 4th of July from Oregon

Fogbow at Depoe Bay, Oregon

The exit portal found in this fogbow opened at the rocky shore of Depoe Bay, allowing Caroline and me the chance to begin the process of leaving Oregon. Without the fogbow, we’d have been stuck here on the coast; not a bad thing, mind you, but we do have other places to be, such as Santa Fe, New Mexico, next week. Now I’m getting ahead of myself – more about that trip later. For now, I have to contend with the situation that we are taking the next four days to drive back to Arizona, which also implies that there will be no blogging during those days and I’ll fall behind, but who’s not up for a big challenge?

R2D2 on the side of Highway 101 in Oregon

It’s the 4th of July today, Independence Day for the United States, where we celebrate the birth of our country, and this Star Wars fan sent R2-D2 out to the curb armed with the stars and stripes to remind everyone to give a nod to this special day.

Mindy and Caroline Wise in Yachats, Oregon

The original departure plan called for us not to get out of the car before we were south of Florence, but that couldn’t really be adhered to anyway, as we knew we’d stop in at the Newport Cafe for yet another yummy Pacific Seafood Scramble. Somehow, we managed to skip one more stop at Boiler Bay to look for whales, but reaching Yachats and seeing that the farmer’s market was happening on this holiday, we had to stop, and good thing we did. Not only did we score another loaf of sourdough from Mindy the Baker, but across from her, we met Broom Chick. Twenty years or more ago, Caroline and I bought a handmade gnarled corn broom at the Renaissance Festival in Arizona. While it’s well worn, we use it to this day. Well, that might not be true much longer as Caroline thought it was high time to replace it, and Samantha the Broom Chick herself, was selling her brooms at the market, and it turns out that it was her company that made our old broom, too. Sadly, we learned that we wouldn’t be able to have our relic given a makeover, so it’ll become our outside broom, and the new one will take its place in our kitchen. [We also stopped one more time at the Green Salmon for more herbal tea of the Crater Lake variety and a couple of mushroom-themed souvenirs. – Caroline]

Thor's Well at Cape Perpetua in Yachats, Oregon

Nope, this is not Florence. We have pulled over near Cape Perpetua south of Yachats for one more look at Thor’s Well hoping that since it is shortly after low tide, we might get a better look into the well. That didn’t quite happen, as you can see for yourself the fountain of water splashing out of this amazing natural feature. Being too close could be life-threatening.

Heceta Head Lighthouse in Florence, Oregon

Here at Heceta Head Lighthouse, we are closer to Florence, but still 13 miles north means we were stopping again.

Sea Gypsy Cottage Gallery in Florence, Oregon

Incorrigible could be our middle name while traveling because here we are, just a few more miles south, and a pond across from Woahink Lake captured our attention. As soon as we were out of the car, something else caught our eyes. This Sea Gypsy inviting people into a gallery was on duty, but I was resilient to Caroline’s pleading and held fast to the idea that we didn’t have the time for a visit.

Water lilies across from Woahink Lake in Florence, Oregon

Of course, we did have time to take photos of the lily pads and their blossoms, as we’d never seen this pond blooming before. Or maybe we had, but neither of us had a memory of such.

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Waxmyrtle Campground in Dunes City, Oregon

We made it past Florence and were able to skip another stop at the Happy Kamper Yarn Barn, made easier as it was closed. We also drove right by the Darlingtonia site, but did pull over here at the Waxmyrtle Campground at Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area in Dunes City.

Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Carter Lake Campground in Dunes City, Oregon

We didn’t get far before taking yet another right turn off Highway 101 into the Carter Lake Campground, also part of the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

Tahkenitch Lake in Gardiner, Oregon

For more than 20 years, we’ve wanted a photograph of Tahkenitch Lake in Gardiner, but getting to a place with a good, clear view was never easy, nor was it today. The “official” overlook one might hope to catch is overgrown, but today’s weather was so perfect we just had to finally figure this out. We located glimpses of the lake through the trees driving back to the north, then parked as far off the road and walked along a narrow piece of the highway to where we could see the lake. Caroline felt she could navigate our way through the dense undergrowth and brambles over the steep terrain, and sure enough, she got us to a small clearing that offered us the greatest view ever of this wild landscape.

Caroline Wise at Driftwood Farms Yarn shop in Reedsport, Oregon

For her terrific pathfinding effort, I rewarded her with a visit to the Driftwood Farms Yarn shop in Reedsport, which, being open, helped in this special gift of mine. Heck, I even offered her a small budget for yarn and roving from my personal bank account that may or may not actually be a shared account that her paycheck is deposited into, but that’s of no real concern. What’s important is my incredible generosity letting her spend her own money.

This stop was a twofer, as we finally learned about My Yarn Shop, which used to be located in Coos Bay, further south of us. That shop in Coos Bay has been closed for a long time. It turns out that its owner, Judy Mogan, heiress to a lumber company, had passed away, and the family working to settle that part of her estate worked out a deal with the owner of Driftwood Farms for her to take on the extensive, seriously absurd, collection of yarn that Judy had amassed. I cannot emphasize enough just how large a collection of yarn was stuffed into her retail space on South Broadway in Coos Bay. It was literally tons of yarn that is now in the possession of Kim and her daughter and business partner, Jessica. Anyone interested in buying random 100-skein boxes of mystery yarn should reach out to the ladies for a real yarn bargain.

Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

Here we are at Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, and because I can’t bring you here myself, I’m including plenty of photos so you can get some small sense of how perspective and position on the bluffs or on the beach can greatly alter the view and make this one of the great stops on the coast. Today the weather was great, but the winds quite strong, making it a bit difficult to stand near the cliff edge.

Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

The same place zoomed in. Pretty, isn’t it?

Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

Looking to our right from the overlook. We never tire of this view. Off to my right is Cosmo, the Tufted Puffin statue, whose photo (under cloudier conditions) I shared on a previous visit.

Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

Down here on the beach below the Coquille Point, there was no escaping the heavy winds either, nor could we escape the intense beauty of it all.

Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge in Bandon, Oregon

The third and final view south down the coast.

Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint in Bandon, Oregon

While Face Rock is just a short drive south of where we just were, this is not looking to the south but is more northwest.

Devils Kitchen in Bandon, Oregon

This being a trip of zooming into the map for any hint of places that might offer us beach access, we discovered this new-to-us location known as Devils Kitchen, also in Bandon.

Devils Kitchen in Bandon, Oregon

The previous view was looking north. This is the view to the south, our direction of travel today.

Hotdog from Langlois Market in Langlois, Oregon

Once again, our entire trip has been centered around the idea that we had to make another pilgrimage to the Langlois Market in, you guessed it, Langlois, Oregon. This small town carries big heft as this little shop has sold over 1,519,845 of their world-famous hot dogs served with their secret mustard and great pickles, though we skipped the onions that should be there, too.

Iris at Floras Lake and the Boice-Cope Park in Langlois, Oregon

As I said, we are zooming into maps, and this find, also in Langlois, is at Floras Lake and the Boice-Cope Park.

Kiteboarding on Floras Lake in Langlois, Oregon

Neither Caroline nor I had any idea that watching a bunch of people kitesurfing would be so exhilarating. These talented weavers, who use massive sails to drag them across the calm waters of Floras Lake, are seriously talented athletes who fly at high speed over the surface of the lake.

Beach next to Floras Lake in Langlois, Oregon

While we could have stayed at the lake for hours, the nearby beach beckoned, but only for a few minutes.

Kiteboarding on Floras Lake in Langlois, Oregon

And then we were right back at the lake watching people flying into the sky, then landing again before the wind recaptured their kite, caught hold after they turned around, and had them speeding away from us.

Garrison Lake in Port Orford, Oregon

As much as I could have stayed there forever, mesmerized by the potential that someone was going to fly off into the ocean, Caroline reminded me that we would probably want to check into our motel before midnight. But then, approaching Port Orford, she spotted Garrison Lake on the map and told me to make a turn and go this way and that. While I might have had a differing opinion about this situation, she, being the navigator, effectively tricked me into not only breaking the spell kiteboarding was having on me but she had me going somewhere that wasn’t our cheap-ass motel.

Fawn at Garrison Lake in Port Orford, Oregon

“But John, I know how much you enjoy seeing fawns because you once told me it was the first movie you remember seeing at the drive-in movie theater in Buffalo, New York, when you were only four or five…and how you cried when Bambi’s mom was shot. I thought you’d like coming out here to see fawns. Google’s mapping service showed me that there were three young deer frolicking by the shore.” What? Excuse me? Then Caroline tried convincing me that just as they show Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks on maps, they added wildlife sightings, too. I think she’s pulling that roving she bought earlier over my eyes.

Garrison Lake in Port Orford, Oregon

Strange how a dozen miles north, the wind was nearly howling and here at Garrison Lake, things were as calm as could be, tranquil even.

Sweet Pea at Tseriadun State Recreation Site in Port Orford, Oregon

You have no idea how many times Caroline and I have shared between us that we feel like we’ve seen everything there is to see on the Oregon coast, but this trip has turned out to be an eye-opener. We have arrived at Tseriadun State Recreation Site, also in Port Orford, late in the day, as in after 8:00 p.m. These flowers are sweet peas, a toxic plant if eaten, but perfectly delightful to be gazed upon.

Caroline Wise at Tseriadun State Recreation Site in Port Orford, Oregon

So much to see, so little time, though our opportunities are greater than most others. We are grateful.

Tseriadun State Recreation Site in Port Orford, Oregon

We are also incredibly fortunate. To have started the day with a fogbow and now to be greeted by a sun dog, effectively a sun rainbow.

Tseriadun State Recreation Site in Port Orford, Oregon

A funny thing happened on the way to the sunset on the other side of a giant rock separating the two halves of the beach here: my camera battery malfunctioned. I took a spectacular photo of this very location with my phone, but the colors are hysterically out of sync with the tones I achieve with my DSLR. I liked the image enough to share it on Facebook – click here to see it. Having never heard of this beach, our expectations were low, but after visiting, we’ll make a note to return again one day.

Tseriadun State Recreation Site in Port Orford, Oregon

This final photo south of Port Orford, just before the sunset, will have to stand in for our fireworks shot because, at 10:00 from the balcony at Motel 6 in Gold Beach, our photos turned out horribly. We didn’t try very hard, and I only used my phone as I was too lazy to set up for shooting under poor lighting conditions. It was after all already a 17-hour day of impressions, and it was so nice to simply watch the beautiful show and listen to the crazy echoes bouncing off the adjacent mountain across the Rogue River. Wow, we’ve stumbled into another perfect 4th of July. Happy birthday, America! We hope you can survive this existential crisis you are suffering through.