Skull and Loaves

Cat Skull found in Phoenix, Arizona

The whiskers and canines should be the giveaway that Caroline harvested this cat’s head from its rotting corpse that for the past six months has been baking next to the road where we walk every day. The first few days, we were certain the poor cat was going to be picked up by some sort of animal control service, but that never happened. A concerned citizen moved its body from near the street to the other side of the sidewalk and that’s where it stayed. For some weeks, the smell of dead kitty was a wretched one and the sight of the ants followed by maggots devouring it while leaving its fur intact was an interesting process. A month after it died the fur still looked like you could pet it and then it rained.

Matted and disintegrating it just laid around all day and night. Occasionally a dog or maybe some kids with a stick would disturb its resting place but for the most part, it just became more and more desiccated in the hot desert sun. Yesterday was different though as Caroline fell behind a second while I was ahead picking up trash with my bucket and grabber so I thought nothing of things until I turned around and saw her squatting over the open grave with her hand at ground level extracting the skull of the cat from the broken and twisted pelt with bones that had been a living creature half a year ago. No, I can’t believe it either that she just reached down and collected her cat skull trophy. That though is not the worst part. As I approached her with the obvious intent of taking a photo of her grave-robbing prowess, she fished out whatever it was that was still filling its eye socket so it would look more skull-like instead of rotting animal-like. She was about to de-beard it when I stopped her, saying the whiskers made it look more natural. She brought it home with plans to finish cleaning it and then I have no idea what she’ll do with it, maybe it’ll become a candle holder?

Caroline Wise and a braided loaf of bread in Phoenix, Arizona

This ginormous twisted braid of bread fresh out of the oven is a whole wheat egg loaf that almost resembles real challah except this one is industrial size. Next time she’ll halve the recipe. Well, that was my wife’s weekend, what did yours do?

Racing into Madness


Photo credit: unknown from a streaming video clip.

A counter-protest in Los Angeles brought out two idiots who thought themselves brave enough to dive into the sea of protesters to stand tall for MAGA. The look of fear of the man in the Trump 2020 hat and the officer who understands that this situation might go somewhere horrific shows me they are in a place I wouldn’t want to be. The other man seemed oblivious and almost carefree at times as he was being shoved around, as though a “Caped Super-Trumpman” was going to fly in to save the brethren. There were a number of black and white protesters who were doing their best to shield these two rubes, and then the camera cut, and I can’t find the outcome of how this played out. The bigger point that should be made is that this is the face of MAGA, scared white people thinking they need to fear the foreign horde. But the horde they fear is simply other Americans and people who don’t look like them. The face of racism is the face of cowardice to confront one’s own fears and biases they’ve CHOSEN and adopted!

With Trump and Barr calling protesters “Antifa and Far-Left Criminals,” they will only fuel the situation as it demonstrates to reasonable people the total disregard and lack of understanding of how tired black Americans are of being targets of social, legal, and economic injustice. Our national leadership, as it is, continues to perpetuate the idiocy of labeling and sorting in the effort to polarize a country where the only real interest is the accumulation of wealth. I don’t mean to imply that I eschew financial security, but I’m aware that most of everyone around me is living in catastrophic financial insecurity with a crippled education without the means to do anything to fix it. Empathy from the right would be a good starting point, except that human emotions are not found in the definition of a sociopath who strictly believes in the survival of the fittest.


Photo credit: Slate.

Dr. Jena Barchas-Lichtenstein wrote the following on Twitter about the headline above:

“This headline a) attributes agency for the violence and b) attributes it correctly, to police. Agency: violence is, by definition, intentional. We rarely describe certain things that are destructive on a wide scale (e.g., wildfires, earthquakes, epidemics) as “violent” — we generally understand that those kinds of things don’t have agency & can’t be held responsible. Police responsibility: power differentials tend to mean that police, *not* protesters, really set the tone of protests. Especially important to highlight the role police are playing in escalating violence right now since the protests are in response to police violence. That is – police violence is the ultimate cause in any case. Obligatory bad headline example: the AP’s top headline right now: “‘We’re sick of it’: Anger over police killings shatters U.S.” In this take, the ANGER is to blame — not the violence that led to the anger. Imagine, instead: “‘We’re sick of it’: Police killings shatter U.S.”

From Chris Brann in Atlanta, Georgia

Photo credit: Chris Brann

I was anxious as America started self-isolating due to COVID-19, but the sense of urgency that arrives with the protests over the brutality of what it means to be black in America makes the virus seem a whole lot less threatening and urgent. At least with a virus, there is hope that spending billions of dollars will create the incentive to earn even more if a vaccine can be found. Trying to contain the hatred of white Americans has no financial upside, so why should the country spend billions to take the target off black Americans? It appears that sooner or later, people are going to have to remove the knee from the necks of the oppressed, just as Americans had to do with the British oppressors a couple of hundred years ago.

And then news of spreading curfews, staged pallets of bricks that could facilitate looting, mysteriously parked old police cars in hot zones that can be torched, and possible agent provocateurs working to inflame the entire situation have me thinking we are all becoming the victims of some incredibly strange gas-lighting designed for an outcome that for the moment is beyond my level of comprehension. Are we being consumed by madness?

Protests Nationwide

Protests Nationwide

In the last 72 hours, the tensions of hundreds of years of social inequality and racial injustice finally boiled over, pulling people in from across the country to demonstrate. They are called thugs and rioters by our government and media, while people demonstrating in Libya, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Russia, Egypt, and Tunisia have been referred to as freedom fighters protesting oppressive regimes. Angry Americans reeling from a sudden rise in unemployment (41 million people were laid off or fired over the last eight weeks), along with the continuing blatant murders of black people by white officers, was the spark. Years of harassment, oppression, lack of opportunity, imprisonment, and radical marginalization have created this situation in Minneapolis, New York City, Louisville, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, Des Moines, Phoenix, Oakland, Portland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Dallas cars are burning, windows are being smashed, and the National Guard is starting to respond.

I’m watching between 10 and 12 live streams from across the country at any given moment, and things are continuing to devolve as afternoon gives way to evening. We have a president who is antagonizing his own citizens with tweets claiming, “The shooting will start when the looting starts,” and talking of unleashing the dogs on protestors, which is a direct reference to the dogs being unleashed on black Americans back during the civil rights movement. This is not a localized issue, but the news media, by and large, are showing their local areas only without mentioning that this appears to happen simultaneously in many other cities across the country. Maybe they fear that the greater the coverage the more people will join the mayhem so they can be part of a movement, but this also diminishes how the profound breadth of the current events.

Throughout history, pandemics leave great change in their wake and this one appears to be no different. Over the past years, I’ve often written about our shortcomings and how this will lead us to a moment where we’ll have to rethink how we do things. Instead of the selfish and fortunate few trying to change things for the better, it has been left to the mob, and when change happens at the hands of the mob, chaos is the most likely transition to some kind of new ordering of things. For those in control, they can probably be happy with this situation as there is no national leadership channeling the anger into something productive, they are just sitting back and hoping the crowd will run out of fuel. If this leads to martial law, the problems with self-isolation that were brewing will certainly start to boil over as a certain contingency of Americans will seethe in new hatred for those demonstrators who are threatening the very freedom that some believe is tenuous. Maybe we should ask ourselves if we are stoking the fires of civil unrest that start to push some into contemplating civil war.

I Can’t Breathe

George Cant Breath

On Monday, George Floyd was murdered. The officer who facilitated George’s early exit knelt on his neck for 8 minutes while the man told officers, “I can’t breathe.” When they were done, George was done breathing forever.

Just two or three weeks before this, a bunch of heavily armed white men entered the state capitol building in Michigan without incident. Nobody challenged, nobody dead, nothing but the joy of white privilege.

A few years ago, Native Americans from the Dakotas were forcibly removed from protesting, so economic interests were allowed to go forward unimpeded by the people who had concerns about how their lands were being used. The powers that rule are allowed to bask in their white privilege.

I come from white privilege and cannot begin to understand the sense of what people of color in the United States must live with and fear. Maybe the threat of COVID-19 crashing into our lives gives us the briefest peeks into the tension of what it’s like to be hunted by an invisible enemy. The difference to people of color is that the enemy is hiding amongst all of us white people, is ever-present, and has followed them their entire lives.

America is not ironing out some kinks in the fabric of democracy on the rough road to freedom; we are nuking the highway to happiness with our incredible stupidity regarding the racism that runs deep in the bones of the republic.

Humanity shut down the globe to try to save itself from a virus; I think it’s time for America to shut itself down again until we find the vaccine for racism. This toxic hate is being propagated from the President of our country on down. Just look at the very top left headline on Drudge Report today: Trump retweets a video saying, “The Only Good Democrat is a DEAD Democrat.”

There can be no mincing those words, there is no apology that can be offered when a person in power makes suggestions for a “Good” American to make dead the bad ones. There’s a ripple effect in this type of messaging that if you are hostile to people you see as invaders such as Black, Hispanic, Asian, Middle-Eastern, and they fit the description of the “Bad” ones, then they become the enemy. American soldiers are taught to kill the enemy using this psychology, and now we have the top leader of our military identifying enemies every day, except they are fellow Americans.

The fake news media is the enemy, Hillary is the enemy, science is the enemy, China is the enemy, social media is the enemy, Amazon is the enemy, our allies in Europe are enemies, and now if you identify as a Democrat, you are the enemy.

We are a killer virus where hate of the other is the molecule that infects our sick minds. Sad, but there is likely no cure, no vaccine, no hope that the rage that is being propagated by the leader of the United States is going to just go away.

There are no hopes and prayers and no apology that will bring George Floyd back to life. All of us white people are complicit in George’s death because we don’t hold anyone accountable. We’d better hope that the people of color on this planet don’t see the need to put their knees on our necks until we are pleading for our lives with, “I can’t breathe.”

Pursuit of Time


Give me all the time I need to find my way to what I’m seeking, and you’ll have to offer me infinity. I barely know my mind since many of the skills I’ve explored came and went as they evolved to grow into something else once I had become acquainted with them. The constraints on my day are not rigid other than the limitations imposed by the mechanics that life demands. I must eat, defecate, and sleep, but besides that, I’m allowed to surf the boundaries of my knowledge. I don’t mean to deny the luxury of living comfortably in the West while being afforded the opportunity to dance with myself. I need not struggle to find food and shelter but draw my own map of where I want to take myself.

Time is the elastic perception of how we relate to a world and its constraints. When we rush into the next best thing, we destroy our ability to gaze patiently into the infinite. To slow down the passage of time, we must master the boring, allowing ourselves to slip into our unfolding reality without the struggle of an adolescent mind demanding certainty and immediate knowledge. That old saying, “Patience is a virtue,” is key to living a long life, even if it might otherwise be considered short.

Then, in a moment, I lose track of time in some form of novelty where the gravity of information breaks time, and my brain must bring its full focus to bear. This typically occurs when I’m dealing with a subject or situation that I wrap my undivided attention around to comprehend what’s what. On the other hand, the familiar panders to our lazy nature, and this is where people see time accelerate. The habituated, redundant, and well-known does not allow the structures of perception to be stretched, and time is simply lost.

I’ll share two examples of time dilation. First, today, I saw the announcement that a bunch of DSP engineers would be streaming a talk about coding plugins focusing on audio effects. One of the speakers was Sean Costello of Valhalla DSP who I’m familiar with as I own a couple of his VSTs for reverb and delay. It was through Sean’s Tweet that I learned of the “Drunk DSP” Zoom talk, but that was about the extent of my knowledge of what might be streamed. This talk was for serious nerds interested in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and the banter between engineers from Eventide, Ableton, Valhalla, Neural DSP, Newfangled Audio, and Edinburgh University. They discussed the merits of learning C++ versus Python. Universities teach Python but that is not used for creating products. The professor from Edinburgh explained they want to teach the physics of sound theory, not how to make products. Environments for prototyping, such as the JULIA high-performance language, which is supposed to be great for visualization and complex coding situations that might also require parallel processing, were spoken of. Another engineer touched on Bayesian inference, which is a statistical theorem looking at learning from experience for machines. And finally a short discussion about Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), where DFTs transform signals from the time domain while FFTs are concerned with the frequency domain.

For my second example, last year, we were on the Tara River in Montenegro, navigating rapids in whitewater. The rain was hammering down with a nearby thunderstorm hitting hard; the sound rippled through the canyon, causing a bit of anxiety. We are in a country in which we do not speak the language, deep in a forested canyon that is beautiful and new to our senses. While we are trying to take in the spectacle of this National Park we are also listening to our local guides who were assisting the Croatian organizer of this adventure as we paddled down the river. Earlier in the day, the sounds of Croatian folk music and a shot of Slivovitz before coffee and breakfast had started the morning. From the flooded muddy river to a shoreside lunch near a natural spring we were inundated with new information at every corner and in every moment of the day and well into the night.

What I’m trying to point out here is that both experiences, one a 2-hour long video stream and the other being 18 hours of an epic two-week journey, were both deep learning moments of relatively equal merit. The focus required to make sense of them doesn’t allow you to pay attention with half an ear. In the latter example, not paying attention risks losing your life, while in the first example, nothing may be at risk, but in a sense, there is. You see, to not look into the mystery of the unknown, you relinquish your right to peer into the infinite. Passive nonsense is the sweet we treat ourselves with after a hard day, except that we have somehow equated simple existence as difficult and always requiring the same old pablum to alleviate the pain of being alive.

In that sense, we have become a sad species addicted to our creature comforts, enslaved by the reliance on video games, TV, movies, weed, bad food, snacks, drugs, alcohol, religion, and the host of other crutches we believe we deserve due to what was just endured.

The things I experience and what I choose to entertain myself and learn from are not anyone else’s tools that will make their lives better, but neither are other’s groupthink coping mechanisms. We are programmed to find satisfaction and accomplishment in life when we are challenged at the edge of what we know. It is here on the frontier of our ignorance and our feeble attempts to conquer that darkness that time opens up, and life is no longer fleeting as though it’s in a race to find the finish line. In the struggle to find the unknown, time becomes expansive and slow but arrives with the risk of boredom. This boredom must be embraced by examining in great detail the intricacies of existence, information, life, knowledge, and maybe someday wisdom. Else, in a second, life will be over, and you’ll wonder, “Why didn’t I take the time to see the world as it is instead of through the filter of routine?”

Working In The Past

Caroline Wise at the Wartburg in Eisenach, Germany

I’m here, but I’ve been busy working in the past. Getting caught up with long-neglected projects is everyone’s dream for a staycation, right? Living in an apartment, there’s little to nothing we need or want to do, but our hobbies need constant care. So what exactly is it that I’m doing? I’m back in April 2013, dealing with five days out of nearly 30 that we spent in Europe. Somehow, those five days never made it into the blog. I was going through stuff and saw that I left notes that these were works in progress. Three of them are now done, starting with April 21st when we were in Eisenach and Weimar, Germany. The photo above is Caroline standing in the room where Martin Luther translated the bible into German back in 1521. From the Wartburg and Bach House, we headed up the road to Weimar, home to Goethe, Schiller, Nietzsche for the end of his life, and Gropius, who gave us the Bauhaus.

Dresden, Germany

Over to Dresden on April 22nd for a visit to the Frauenkirche, the Zwinger, and a couple of other stops for this brief moment in town. From this rebuilt city, we went on to Bautzen on our drive east. This wasn’t an intended stop, but we had left on a spontaneous getaway the day before with no other intention than to drive northeast. We stopped in Bautzen because the view from the road dragged us in for a brief stop there and then onward to Görlitz. This blog entry took me nearly 10 hours to write and finish prepping photos. I can tell you that writing from memories that are seven years old is no easy feat. Oh yeah, we spent a good part of the afternoon this day sitting next to a river in Poland with Germany on the other side while Caroline did some work for her company back in America.

Prague, Czechia

Then, on the next day, April 23rd, we were in Prague, Czech Republic, running through Europe’s 13th biggest city. I can tell you that at least three days are needed to do justice to this historical location. Also, at this point, I’m already starting to burn out on finishing these blog posts with over 100 photos between them, not counting that I still have another 100 photos for the last two days, plus the required text. I’d like a break. But that last break seven years ago is why these were never finished and so I’ll continue after this intermission of just saying blah blah. One more thing: when I started writing these posts, I wondered what I might have to say as there were no notes to work from, but it turned out that between Caroline and me, there were a ton of memories to draw from. So many memories, as a matter of fact, that the three finished posts feature 8,591 words about the 30 Years War, Martin Luther, Bach, the Habsburgs, Wes Anderson, Black Ass Beer, and Chimney Cake.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

Now it’s time to turn my attention back to writing about Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and although I thought I’d post this earlier, I was making good enough time writing that I waited until I was finished so I could include the link to the complete post. Just click this link above or any of the others, and you’ll magically travel back in time with us to some memories of John and Caroline.

Strasbourg, France

I only have Strasbourg, France, left to write about, and everything I can ever say about this month-long trip to Europe will have been said. I’m guessing that most people who read this post will be clicking on it well after I finish the last day, which will be within 24 hours if I can drag more memories out of my weary brain.