Stephanie and Grandfather Christian Engelhardt

Christian Engelhardt and Stephanie Engelhardt in Germany around 1967

This is Christian Engelhardt holding his granddaughter Stephanie Engelhardt at some time around 1967 or maybe even 1966, but we’re not sure. Christian is Hanns’s father (father of Caroline and Stephanie) and lived in Höchst just outside of Frankfurt for the majority of his life. Christian’s professional life was that of a teacher and was the encouragement behind Hanns becoming a lawyer.

The church in the background is from the year 830 A.D. and is the oldest building in the Frankfurt area.

Easter Sunday

Karen Kurchoff, John Wise, John Jr., anonymous Easter Bunny, Shari Lea Wise, Hazel Kurchoff, and Herbert Kurchoff on Easter Sunday at Jafco Marina & Restaurant, Buffalo, New York - April 10, 1966

My mom, Karen Marie Kurchoff, is in the pink hat on the left while my father, John Michael Wise, sits next to her at the head of the table. My sister Shari Lea Wise sits in front of the Easter Bunny with my grandmother Hazel Kurchoff and grandfather Herbert Kurchoff to the right. I’m in my mother’s lap. We are having brunch at the Jafco Marina & Restaurant on the Niagara River in Buffalo, New York. Today is Easter Sunday; I just turned three years old last Monday, and my sister will turn two years old on June 4th.