New Mexico to Colorado – Ruby & Axel

Ruby Rieke and Caroline Wise in New Mexico

Our first impressions of New Mexico have been terrific. A giant cavern, a whopper of an alien tale, and the delightful taste of New Mexican cuisine all made for a great experience as we cut a diagonal line across the state. The state sign features the claim that this is The Land of Enchantment; I wouldn’t disagree. While difficult to see, Caroline is pointing to the spot on a map where we currently are, which is at one of the boundaries of the Navajo Reservation.

Ruby Rieke and Caroline Wise in Colorado

I searched high and low, trying to find where we were passing through, but I came up empty. I’m fairly certain we are in Colorado, as our next stop was at Mesa Verde National Park. This was an unscheduled detour as we found that with just 100 miles to drive today, we had plenty of free time.

Caroline Wise and Ruby Rieke at Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado

And here we are at Mesa Verde. After we visited this profound site, we had to head south again back into New Mexico as we were staying in a cabin over in Brazos.

When we arrived after dark to check in to the Honeymoon Suite, we couldn’t find anyone at the front desk. The lights were out, and the door was locked. So we just hung out a bit, trying to figure out what to do. After a short wait, someone emerged from the darkened front office and apologized for not opening it. It turns out that in the seconds before we drove up, a black bear was right in front of the door and had been wandering around camp. Needless to say, we were somewhat disappointed not to see any sign of the bear though we were a little nervous as we made our way in the dark to our cabin.

But the story didn’t end there. In the middle of the night, well after we’d all gone to sleep, Axel had to get up to use the bathroom. Having finished taking care of business, he went to leave the toilet and like people are apt to do, he was turning off the light in the instant before he opened the door. In that quickly fading light, he saw his wife Ruby. Axel hit the floor like a bucket of water being dumped out from above, smack. Ruby screamed, thinking Axel had just had a heart attack, and from his gasping for air Caroline and I were seriously frightened by Axel’s condition. He tried to tell us what was going on, but he gasped and couldn’t get whole words out. He stuttered with, “I, I, I…” but that’s all he could say. Finally, he croaks, “I’m okay.” We are all frantic with the situation and demand to know, what do you mean, “you are okay?” With his breath returning, he starts to tell us that when he sleepily opened the door, there was just enough light for him to see the BEAR. He didn’t see Ruby; he registered seeing the bear that was still on his mind and fell absolutely limp with what was likely the biggest adrenaline rush of his life up to this point. We finished our midnight adventure in hysterical laughter and were still laughing about it the next day.

Roswell to Santa Fe – Ruby & Axel

Caroline Wise and John Wise in Roswell, New Mexico

In the scheme of things, I don’t think it ever occurred to me that we’d make it to Roswell, New Mexico, which plays host to America’s most famous alleged alien crash site. There’s not a lot more besides aliens and those trying to make a dollar off the fame of them out this way; well, there is a lot of gas and oil, apparently.

Ruby and Axel Rieke in Roswell, New Mexico

This is when Ruby and Axel submitted to their abduction adventure and willfully left us for some undetermined amount of time, only to rematerialize later this day, telling us of their anal probes. True story.

Caroline Wise in New Mexico

With nothing else going on in Roswell, we headed north to continue our journey across New Mexico.

John Wise, Ruby Rieke, and Axel Rieke in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Our destination today was Santa Fe.

Ruby Rieke, Caroline Wise, and Axel Rieke in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Dinner was at the incredible Cafe Pasqual’s; maybe I should say it was at the incredibly tightly packed and very busy Cafe Pasqual’s. Tonight, we fell in love with New Mexican cuisine.

Carlsbad Caverns – Ruby & Axel

John Wise and Axel Rieke at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico

Spent the day before driving from Phoenix to Superior to take Ruby and Axel through the town U-Turn with Sean Penn was filmed after watching it with them. From there, we continued on the scenic route eschewing Interstate 10 as we headed to Globe and Safford before entering New Mexico near Mule Creek. Down through Silver City, we traveled south to Deming, where the I-10 was unavoidable until we were able to merge on the US 180 outside of El Paso, Texas. We arrived a bit late at the Best Western in Carlsbad, so maybe driving 598 miles of scenic route wasn’t the best idea, but we were adamant that we’d avoid major freeways, so we accomplished that to the best of our ability.

Yes, Axel and I are reaching out for the giant nipple.

Caroline Wise at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico

Early in the morning, we arrived at Carlsbad Caverns National Park and sadly took the elevator in as we didn’t appreciate yet what the natural entrance had to offer as this was our first visit, and we had reservations to visit the Left-Hand Tunnel at 9:00 and didn’t want to be late. These photos were taken in the Big Room if I’m not mistaken. While you can’t see it in this photo, Caroline is wearing cords, and it wasn’t even the ’70s anymore.

Ruby Rieke at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico

In the afternoon, we had reservations to visit the King’s Palace in the cavern, and from there, we needed to get going for Roswell where we were spending the night. This is our friend Ruby Rieke. As for our impressions of the caverns here in the southeast corner of New Mexico, we were so enthusiastically impressed that we would return many more times after this.