New Years in California – Day 3

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

Do you see the happiness in these faces? We were just getting going at Disneyland and would spend 14 hours here, not leaving until so late that we’d not get back home before 5:00 in the morning. A roadside nap along the way helped, and the next way was grueling, but hey, we’re still kind of young, right?

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

It’s the holiday season, and Disneyland is a perfect place to visit while the festivities are going on. Add to this that we simply LOVE Disneyland, and there couldn’t be a greater way to ring in the New Year than with a visit to the ocean and The Greatest Place on Earth.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

The Tiki Room is now as old as I am, as we were born in the same year, but unlike me, it still looks exactly the same as ever.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

Starting about a month before Halloween, the Haunted House is turned into a Nightmare Before Christmas-themed haunted house. It is amazing and usually warrants at least two visits while we’re in the park.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Disneyland in Anaheim, California

The Jungle Cruise is another favorite. Oh, what the heck? Everything at Disneyland is a favorite, including the woman on my right.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

One can never get enough of It’s A Small World, though I think I enjoy it more at night.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

It’s a world of laughter
A world of tears
It’s a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There’s so much that we share
That it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

There’s absolute magic in the eyes of a child who gazes upon these spectacular, otherworldly sights for the first time in their life. They’ve likely never seen anything comparable in their upbringing, and the idea that we are here to play, explore, eat, laugh, and find enchantment without any responsibility is a recipe for creating perfection and indelible memories that last a lifetime, even in many adults.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

The contrast of places, the bright colors, and all of our senses being stimulated in multiple different ways truly is the realization of our dreams coming true. Disney was an American genius who allowed children to grow up with hope and adults to remember the joy of being a child.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

As I said, there is never enough of It’s a Small World, even if the lines are long.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

I suppose twice in one day will have to suffice.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

It’s almost sad that so many parents leave as it starts to get dark for dinner or maybe to get their kids to bed on “time.” On the one hand, it is good for us because there’s a noticeable shrinking of crowds and wait times for rides, but then so many children miss the incredible lighting.

Disneyland in Anaheim, California

More importantly, they miss the fireworks, which are often some of the best displays ever. And who cares how late it is or if the kids are tired? It was about 10:00 p.m. as we left and checked in with our friend Mark Shimer about a place to crash for the night so we could drive home in the morning refreshed; he was obliging and us thankful. What a great New Year’s celebration this has been.

New Years in California – Day 2

Elephant Seals near San Simeon, California

Happy sausages are what this looks like, but the reality is that these are recovering celebrants after having partied too hard during New Year’s Eve. We know this for a fact because we hung out with them last night, and they all sang Auld Lang Syne as the clock struck midnight. While they didn’t invite us to any of their “seriously” pickled herring, we were content with our midnight concert of the colony.

Elephant Seals near San Simeon, California

A relatively young male, all alone as they often are since it’s unlikely they’ve attracted their own harem yet. His battle scars are few, and he will need to put on some extra weight to show dominance, but he’s young.

Elephant Seals near San Simeon, California

We could watch the ladies sleep, itch, and shift into ever cozier positions all day. From enjoying their beautiful colors to their tails that seem to work while they sleep to flick sand on themselves, these creatures are amazing to watch lounging in their natural habitat instead of performing tricks in captivity.

Elephant Seals near San Simeon, California

Battle practice in the surf turned out to be short-lived and not very serious. Big old elephant seals vying for supremacy and a large harem will get vicious as the bloodletting will continue until one is forced to flee.

Caroline Wise at Piedras Blancas Motel in California

Talking to her mom, Jutta, in Germany, who, on another trip, has enjoyed a coffee with us here at the motel’s cafe called Cappuccino Cove. As a matter of fact, it was a lady here at the counter who first asked us years before if we’d stopped to visit the Elephant Seals as back then, nothing was drawing a driver’s attention to the fact that there could be 100s of the seals on the beach.

Near Piedras Blancas Motel in California

It’s kind of stormy here on the coast, and as we were leaving Piedras Blancas (on the other side of this crashing wave, we’re traveling north), we were impressed that one of the waves reached into the street. So, of course, I had to stop to get a picture or two of the action.

Near Piedras Blancas Motel in California

And with the second image, we decided it was probably a lot safer not to be here on this small outcropping next to a wall of water that could easily pull us in and take us to our deaths. My heart was racing as I reached the car.

Near Piedras Blancas Motel in California

And just as quickly, things are looking brighter.

Big Sur, California

Our favorite stop near Big Sur for watching and listening to the surf is Garrapata Beach.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Big Sur, California

What bad weather? It’s a PERFECT day!

Carmel Mission in Carmel, California

This is the Mission at Carmel and the furthest north we’ll travel today; no time for the Monterey Bay Aquarium, which is just 10 minutes up the road, because we have to be back in Phoenix on the 3rd of January. Stupid us did not plan this trip very well at all, as we had a five-day-long weekend but didn’t decide to get going until Monday. So it goes.

Carmel Mission in Carmel, California

A look into the Mission for a quick visit, and then it was time to turn the car around and head towards L.A. To save time, we opted to drive the 101 as on Highway 1, we only average about 30 miles an hour, even at night.

Andersen's Split Pea Restaurant in Buellton, California

It’s just after 9:00 when we arrive at Andersen’s Restaurant, the home of the “best” split pea soup. It’s a tradition. From here, we aimed the car for Interstate 5, and while on the road about to look for a motel, we decided, “Hey, let’s go to Disneyland in the morning!” We found a dirt-cheap room in Buena Park near Knott’s Berry Farm, the kind of place where you don’t take your socks off because the carpet is so greasy looking.

New Year’s in California – Day 1

Route 66 in Essex, California

We’d traveled somewhere nearly every month this year, and as Christmas rolled by, we were considering just staying home for New Year’s. Matter of fact, while we could have left on Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday, we were still of the opinion that we’d just chill out at home. Then Monday hit this morning, and we just had to do something. “I know; let’s go to the ocean!” We were an hour up the road when Caroline realized that in our haste to pack and leave within 5 minutes, she hadn’t put shoes on and was still wearing her slippers. Well, we were not turning around at this point, and we figured we’d find something along the way. The only problem was that we were heading to the sticks.

Getting familiar with those bits of Route 66 back in August had us wanting to discover more of the old route, and so here we are south of Interstate 40, visiting Essex, with a population of about 80 and not a shoe shop in a long sight. If only the cafe would open on occasion, I’d make the journey back here again.

Route 66 in California

We are still in Essex, but now we’re in front of the Road Runner’s Retreat Restaurant, which was able to operate for about another ten years after Route 66 was retired in 1972. The restaurant itself appears to have opened in 1962 or 63.

Roy's Motel and Cafe in Amboy, California on Route 66

Roy’s Motel and Cafe in Amboy looks like it’s in great shape, alas, it is closed down like most everything else along Route 66 out here.

Train track along Route 66 in California

The trains still run through this remote corner of California while commerce withers. Back on the I-40, we pressed on to Barstow not seeing anything from the freeway that looked like we’d find shoes, and who was worried anyway as we had plenty of time. Then, in Bakersfield, at 5:45 p.m., we find a Sears that closes in 15 minutes, and it dawns on us that it’s New Year’s Eve, and maybe places are closing early. No time to be very picky, so Caroline grabs a pair of sneakers from the sales rack, and we are again on our way.

Elephant Seal colony at night near San Simeon, California

We made it out to San Simeon around 11:00 p.m. and hung out to midnight to ring in the New Year with a bunch of elephant seals. We had to be content with listening to them because it was too dark to see them, even with the full moon. From the grunts from the males and the squawking from the pups, it sounded like they were having a great time; we did, too.

Caroline Wise and John Wise at Piedras Blancas Motel on Highway 1 in California

Our overnight is at the Piedras Blancas Motel on 16420 Cabrillo Highway, also known as Highway 1. The number resonates with us because that’s also the street number of our place in Scottsdale, Arizona, where we live. We’ve dreamed of staying here many a time but thought with it being oceanfront that it would be too expensive, but it turns out to be very reasonable. Notice the flash on the camera? This might be the only photo you ever see of us using that stupid thing. Happy New Year.