Vigilant about what I touch and how close I am to people I’ve taken to strolling the aisles of stores to be a first-hand witness to how this rapidly evolving apocalypse is rolling out. Being a tourist in order to see with my own eyes the behavior and effect all of this COVID-19 business is having on people can be kind of heavy-duty emotionally. Back on Tuesday the 10th, while making my twice daily visit to Costco to investigate the progress, it was the most somber day as older people had gotten the message to stock up on food since they are the most vulnerable. The achingly painful look of grief was writ large on many faces as they stocked up on supplies that were quickly dwindling. If you are over 60 or even approaching that age, staring into the face of your mortality is going to be an incredible weight on most people’s minds.
My new form of tourism has rapidly grown depressing, so I needed to go for a walk and take delight in our Arizona Desert that is stunningly beautiful, following all the rain we’ve had.