You Go Girl

Caroline Wise trying to lasso Mary the goat at Chile Acres in Tonopah, Arizona

It’s Saturday and for a change, it isn’t me that is going into the pen to lasso Mary for milking. Caroline jumps right in and begins the great chase. Round and round they go, Mary leading Caroline around the pen giving her a good workout. Finally, just before Caroline was about to collapse, Mary relented and let Caroline lasso her to lead her to the milking bench. While Mary was being milked I headed over to the chicken coop and changed their water. We filled a quart bottle with Mary’s milk and were on our way. Celia and Jimmie return this evening, my milking chores are finished.

2 Replies to “You Go Girl”

  1. I love reading about your farm adventures. It looks like you and Caroline are having such fun. Hope you both are well.

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