
Baby goat also known as a kid walking around the goat pen at Chile Acres in Tonopah, Arizona

Yesterday I watched a kid being born, as in a baby goat. There I was, milking Godiva when a strange sound caught my ear. I looked over and saw a goat in the process of giving birth. I went to get a towel and came back to sit near mom and her new baby to see if any assistance was in order when another goat meandered over and let out a goat sound I had never heard before, kind of a “Uuuaaaaaaah” sound, but really low and deep. A look at her backside and it was obvious that the first birth inspired her that it was as good to join the birthing party. The first baby was born in seconds, but this second mom was taking her time, and then taking more time. Better call Pam and get her over to help as I have no clue why this isn’t going like mom number one. We wait patiently but mom number two is obviously having problems. We entered the pen, held her steady, and during the next contraction found that her baby was in the “Position-Knee Front Knee Bent” and was requiring some help. A few minutes passed and the decision to grab the leg that was beginning to show was made and so the pulling began. Yeah, I know now that you are supposed to reach in and adjust the leg but in that intense moment, friendly old Google wasn’t in the pen with us. Fortunately, it all went fine and another baby goat joined the herd. Today’s photo of the day is not of that baby, those pictures might gross some of you out.

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