
Dosakai also known as Indian cucumber

At my friend Sonal’s Indo-Euro grocery store today, she had this exotic-looking veggie that one of her customers told her was used in south Indian cooking. The name is supposed to be Dosakai but I have also found it described as Dosakaya, Kani Vellarikka, and Nakka Dosakai. According to the internet, it is widely grown in South Canara and is used in Konkani cooking, while another post told that it is widely available in Kerala. Dosakai is an Indian cucumber but is said to be more apple-like with a tart taste. I have not cut mine open yet as I’m still looking for the right recipe to use for such a beautiful veggie. I am looking for where to buy seeds for this cucumber, does anyone know of a good seed supplier for South Asian vegetables?

One Reply to “Dosakai”

  1. Did you ever find the dosakai seeds? I found some of the fruit this weekend growing wild for some reason and I’m drying some seeds. If you want some, send me your address and I’ll be happy to drop some in the mail once they’re dry enough to ship. They may contain fragments of paper towel…

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