Christmas on the Ocean 2

Caroline Wise on the shoreline of the Pacific ocean in Santa Barbara, California

A year ago, on this day, Caroline and her mother stood on a beach just a few miles south of here. Shoes off, standing in the water, Christmas day. In less than a month, Caroline’s mom will return but it won’t be until February that she has the opportunity to stand in the Pacific again. So this year, it was just my wife and I wandering along the tide pools looking for starfish, anemones, crabs, and shells. Not a bad way to enjoy Christmas Day.

Santa Barbara, California

Years after posting the above text, I was working on something and decided to add a few more images to this post, as when I was creating this post back in 2007 (it is currently 2022), we couldn’t afford to include so many photos.

Santa Barbara, California

The resolution of our old photos isn’t always very good, but they still managed to capture our time.

Santa Barbara, California

It isn’t always only the sea that grabs our attention but also those things close to shore and often just walked over.

Santa Barbara, California

Besides eating too much on our visits to California, maybe we visit the ocean too often. After all, we have seen thousands of starfish, anemones, and shorebirds. Honestly, though, we never tire of visiting the Pacific. Nor do we tire of visiting Disneyland, which is due for a visit early in January. Tickets are already in hand.

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